Nuestras Historias (Issue 1, Vol 1)

Nuestras Historias was written by Latine underclassmen at the Univerisity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to tell our History and not the whitewashed history taught to each and every one of us in a U.S. school. This is our retelling of the events that have defined our community, both in the U.S. and on the Urbana-Champaign campus.

Nuestras Historias was written by Latine underclassmen at the Univerisity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to tell our History and not the whitewashed history taught to each and every one of us in a U.S. school. This is our retelling of the events that have defined our community, both in the U.S. and on the Urbana-Champaign campus.

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The Zoot Suit Riots

By Gabriela Arribas

Taken from the name of the fashionable

suits Latinx and other minority groups wore at

the time, the Zoot Suit riots were a series of

clashes between uniformed officers at the naval

base and Latinx youth in Los Angeles. Zoot

suits were essentially just really baggy suits that

youth would wear to go out dancing during the

30s and 40s.

While the Great Depression period of

inflation, homelessness, and joblessness raged

on, people found ways to keep hope and love

alive through these dance halls. There were

heightened racial tensions as

the US signed a deal with

Mexico to fill job positions

that had been vacated during

WWII. Many white

Americans were angered by

this increased immigration.

Zoot suits were also difficult

to make in a time where wool was being

rationed for the war, so they became a symbol of

being "un-American" to some white Americans

which also increased racial tensions. Still, this

did not stop the zoot suiters in growing cities as

zoot suits became a way for Latinx youth to

distinguish themselves from not only American

culture but also Mexican culture.

Popular figures of the time like Malcolm

X could even be seen wearing a zoot suit as

pictured here to the right in the Malcolm X

movie. At the height of the racial tensions, zoot

suits became a symbol of delinquency when

many white Americans associated those who

wore them with gangs. This was especially true

after the Sleepy Lagoon murder in August led to

the death of a Mexican American teen. Under

the orders of the California governor, the Los

Angeles police department rounded up more

than 600 people, mostly Mexican American, and

some were tried and convicted for murder.

Although their convictions were reversed, many

white Americans associated zoot suiters with

gangs after this.

The riots began on June 3 when a clash

between Naval officers and Mexican American

youth ended with a beat-up sailor. A few days

later, the Naval officers came back to beat up

anybody they saw on the streets that wore a zoot

suit. As the days went on, more naval officers

joined in along with citizens and off duty

policemen who all helped to find and beat

anybody they saw wearing a zoot suit. Biased

local media that went against the zoot suiters

fueled this conflict even further. This extended

to racial violence against anybody Black, Asian,

or Latinx youth- even those not wearing the zoot

suits. Police officers watched the violence on the

side and arrested the victims, demonstrating

their support for the naval officers. The riots

continued for 8 days until the military barracks

were closed and the naval officers could not


These riots were not only characteristic to

Los Angeles as similar racially motivated rioting

55 56

began in other cities across the US. ◻

55 Coroian, George. “Zoot Suit Riots.” ​Encyclopædia Britannica​,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 27 May 2020,


56 History.com Editors. “Zoot Suit Riots.”​ History​, A&E Television Networks,

27 Sept. 2017, www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/zoot-suit-riots.


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