Thiotepa Injection Price

Available thiotepa 15 mg injection in India at lowest Price. Thiotepa injection injection is recommended for the treatment of this cancer. In order to know more about Thiotepa 15 mg injection including side effects, class of drug.

Available thiotepa 15 mg injection in India at lowest Price. Thiotepa injection injection is recommended for the treatment of this cancer. In order to know more about Thiotepa 15 mg injection including side effects, class of drug.


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Ovarian Cancer and Thiotepa Injection

What is Ovarian cancer?

The cancer of the ovarian basically occurs when the cells in one or both ovaries become abnormal,

grow in an uncontrolled way and develop a lump named a tumour.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer: When the cancer of the ovarian starts to grow, it isn't always

responsible for causing symptoms. But the cancer can cause the following symptoms:

● Bloating

● Pelvic or abdominal pain

● Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly

● Needing to urinate frequently

Less common ovarian cancer symptoms may include:

● Fatigue

● Indigestion

● Back pain

● Pain with intercourse

● Constipation

● Changes in the menstrual cycle

Of course, above mentioned are very general symptoms. Many females have some of these

symptoms from time to time, but that does not mean they have ovarian cancer. Only in case the

symptoms are new, appear almost daily, and last for over 2 to 3 weeks might they suggest

something serious, such as ovarian cancer.

How do you get Ovarian Cancer: The following may be responsible for raising the risk of getting the

most common types of ovarian cancer:

● Older age (age 63 and older)

● Obesity

● Use of estrogen replacement therapy after menopause.

● Having a blood relative who had ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer.

● Inherited genetic factors (but data suggests that the most ovarian cancer occurs in people

who have no family history of the disease as well as no genetic risk).

● Having a personal history of breast cancer.

Stages of Ovarian Cancer: Staging determines how advanced the cancer is and whether it has spread

to other parts of the body. The ovarian cancer stages are defined by the FIGO system.

Stage I: Tumour confined to ovaries.

Stage II: Tumour involving one or both ovaries and extending into the tissues in the pelvic region.

Stage III: In this stage, the tumour involves one or both ovaries and evidence of spread to the

abdominal lining outside of the pelvic region.

Stage IV: Highly advanced stage when the cancer has reached to more distant organs e.g. liver,


What are the symptoms of stage 1 ovarian cancer: At stage 1, the cancer exists only in the ovaries

i.e. it has not reached any other organs. Signs and symptoms at stage 1 may include

● Mass felt in the abdomen

● Distension or swelling of abdomen

● Pain in the lower abdomen

● Back pain

● Bloating.

● Feeling full even with small portions of food

● Loss of appetite

● Comparatively more frequent or urgent need in order to urinate or constipation.

● Abnormal vaginal bleeding (between menstrual periods or following menopause).

Method of Diagnosis: Methods of diagnosis may vary from nation to nation but typically when a

woman goes to her healthcare practitioner with symptoms, she will be recommended for a physical

examination. In case this raises any kind of concerns, a few additional tests can be performed:

● A blood test in order to check for raised levels of a protein in the blood named CA-125.

● CT scan or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

● Ultrasound

How deadly is ovarian cancer?

Epithelial form of ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest of the gynecologic cancers. About 80% of

patients will eventually die of the disease.

Although, the survival in the short term is absolutely quite healthy, meaning multiple years.

Existence of IP chemotherapy, ovarian cancer survival has been extended.

Treatment: The options of ovarian cancer treatment may vary on behalf of stage of the cancer, and

are assessed considering into the account the below listed variables:

● Tumour size

● Tumour position

● Degree of spread

● Patient’s physical condition

Although, in this article, we're covering thiotepa, which is a widely used agent for the treatment of

ovarian cancer.

Thiotepa (Tepadina): It is an alkylating agent and widely used for the treatment of ovarian cancer as

well as certain other cancers. It is a clear liquid, which should be administered by vein (IV).

In patients taking this medication may have some side effects, which may include:

● Rash

● Abnormal bleeding

● Soreness of the mouth

● Feeling tired, or weak

● Headache

● Stomach pain

● Diarrhea

● Throwing up

● Upset stomach

● Feeling less hungry

● Injection site irritation

Certain Other Things Need to Know About Thiotepa Injection:

● Women with child bearing potential should inform their healthcare team before receiving

this drug.

● Patients are advised to avoid breastfeeding while receiving thiotepa 15 mg injection.

● Patients must be counsel on the signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity.

● Vials need to be stored and transported refrigerated at 2°-8°C (36°-46°F). Freeze is not


● The thiotepa injection brands in India are available at WHO-GDP & ISO certified

pharmaceutical wholesaler company.

Can you be fully cured of ovarian cancer?

According to data, approximately 2 out of 10 women with advanced stage ovarian cancer are

effectively cured and survive at least 12 years following the treatment. Your response to the cancer

therapy and probability for a cure basically depend on the type and stage of ovarian cancer during


NOTE: The piece of information provided about Ovarian Cancer and Thiotepa Injection in this article

is just for informational purposes and is not served as a substitute for the medical treatment,

consultation, diagnosis of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Source - https://theindianpharma.blogspot.com/2021/03/ovarian-cancer-and-thiotepainjection.html

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