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Gum disease and links to other serious medical conditions

Coronavirus patients with severe gum disease are almost nine times

more likely to die, warns a new study highlighted by Drayton Dental

Care hygienist, Bala Choudhary.

The study also found that Covid-19 patients with periodontitis were

3.5 times more likely to be admitted to intensive care and 4.5 times

more likely to need a ventilator compared to those without gum


Keeping your gums strong and healthy

While these statistics are alarming, we would like to reassure you

that severe gum disease does not happen overnight. There are lots of

ways you can keep your gums healthy, such as brushing your teeth

twice a day for two minutes concentrating on your gum line, using

inter-dental brushes or floss to clean the areas between your teeth,

and visiting a dentist and dental hygienist regularly.

Concerned about the health of your gums?

If you have any concerns about the health of your gums, contact us

to book a dental hygiene appointment to set your mind at rest. Gum

disease is common but can be prevented, controlled and treated with

expert help from our meticulous hygiene team.

“Hospital staff should identify Covid-19 patients with


Information was collected on gum disease and other factors that

might be associated with the Covid-19 complications, including

body mass index (BMI), smoking, asthma, heart disease, diabetes,

and high blood pressure. The paper was published in the Journal of

Clinical Periodontology.

Mariano Sanz of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, one

of the study’s authors, noted that oral bacteria in patients with

periodontitis can be inhaled and infect the lungs, particularly in

those using a ventilator.

“This may contribute to the deterioration of patients with Covid-19

and raise the risk of death,” he said. “Hospital staff should identify

Covid-19 patients with periodontitis and use oral antiseptics to

reduce transmission of bacteria.”

Around half the world's population over 30 suffer from

periodontitis, which causes swelling in and around the gums. If not

treated properly, the inflammation can spread throughout the body

and infect the lungs.

The tell-tale signs of gum disease include gums that feel swollen

or tender, that bleed, and bad breath. If in doubt, please see your

dentist or hygienist at your earliest convenience.

Drayton Dental, 10 School Road, Drayton, NR8 6DN www.draytondental.co.uk



Caring for your

dental wellbeing

New patients welcome!

“My visit was professional & protective

- I felt utterly safe.” P. Johnson

* Brand new ground floor surgery *


Putting health first

Open and safe

Families welcome

Healthy teeth - healthy body!

Regular visits are vital

Investment in extra anti-virus

protection to keep you safe

Dental examinations are free

for under 18s (T&Cs apply)

10 School Road, Drayton,

Norwich, Norfolk NR8 6DN





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