Poetrama Magazine Issue 2 April 2021 (2)

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by Mazvita Mukanda

Though in black and white; the truth is a lie.

Possibly for the world however for our souls, it's an obstinate reality!

We live a lie,

A lie so devouring like the warmth of pit,

It's consuming us inside yet we can't concede,

Our mouths consistently lie.

Well, we realize somewhere deep inside we are dying,

Still, we decide to live in a mask.

We prefer pretense,

Concealing up our feelings,

We need the world to think everything is great,

So we battle to move with the patterns.

Trending fashions, trending styles,

Our profile pictures and statuses are lit,

So lit they can burn hearts.

In a moral sense, regularly our hearts develop super cold,

We've become spirits without a structure,

Beings without a form,

At the point when daybreak comes, we snicker the most intense,

At the point when nightfall falls we cry the most.

We have surrendered to the companion pressing factors of the day,

We believe it's not cool to mind,

We think it’s insanely hilarious to care.

We call others names,

Heartcuffed by poisonous musings,

Presently we are deceitful sex stars,

Eager, obscene, desirous,

We inhale scorn without a reason,

We permitted to love and faith to disappear,

Dimness has daze collapsed us.

All good we buried 6 feet under the grounds because we are scared of not being cool.

We overlook our neighbors‘ love

But deep inside we crave consideration from outsiders,

We want them to follow us, to like us.

What a dumbfounding age brimming with poisonous narcissists.

A people who commend outsiders and savage family,

A people contending on who shows fewer feelings,

Though every dusk our hearts drain.

We feel how void and hollow we are.

We are a wrecked age,

In any case, we decide to negate that,

Even though we realize somewhere inside we are an iceberg of torment and pain,

We are in an incomprehensible age although we say the truth is a lie.

A paradoxical generation who cry when they lose celebrities yet can’t celebrate love,

A toxic people who tell their families they love them on social media where only the world sees it,

We are a broken generation.

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