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children tales

children tales

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The dwarves

The winter was already hot, and the snow was melting. And in this

cold weather, which will take the heat away from everyone, only the

little dwarves worked as fast as a rocket, that Christmas was

approaching now, and they were making presents for all the children.

The dwarves knew neither rest nor peace, because they were chasing a

schedule and the work could not stop so that the children could enjoy

presents under the beautiful Christmas tree early in the morning. Santa

had given them a task, what gifts to make them to make every child's

face happy. But he had a diary of Santa Claus, and it contained all the

children, big and small, and he put a good Christmas bell on every

good child to remind him of that child that he would bring him a big

present. And he put a tiny star under the names of the naughty

children and he knew that this child did not listen, but he would still

receive a smaller gift, and he wrote him a note on how only the child

could correct his mistakes next year. And so it went on year after year,

but if you see one year Santa Claus took that he had a cold now, he

said to himself on Christmas Eve morning: - Who will distribute the

gifts by tomorrow? Who will bring joy smiles and praise? - and

suddenly the good old man remembered his little dwarves. They could

help him with the difficult task of delivering the children's gifts and

bringing the joy in their faces again. The little dwarves coped with this

difficult task and knew neither a stop nor a rest, but carried countless

gifts. And all the children received presents under the beautiful

Christmas tree and their little hearts were warmed. But children, it is

important to remember, be kind and listen to your parents, even help

them with some tasks, that sometimes it is difficult for them to cope

with all things and they will benefit from your children's help.

Snow White

The beauty was still asleep, and what time was it? Time for meetings

with all the children, time to put presents under the sparkling

Christmas tree. And on this important day, Santa Claus, although

already tired, woke up this unearthly beauty, who was supposed to

take a little nap. And Snow White prepared herself in an instant and

shone all her beauty with a cheerful smile and a good soul would

make all the children happy. Then all the dwarves lined up one by one

by the green Christmas tree and waited for Santa and Snow White in

the night. They loaded their holiday sleigh and all went in the evening

to deliver the presents expensive and fresh and flew through a lot of

snow. And they reached every little child, and in the morning his face

would glow when he saw his gift under the Christmas tree, wonderful,

reaching him even though the road was difficult. And so our Snow

White made all the children happy and with her smile and good soul

warmed the little children's hearts. And the white snow, whether it

was raining again, turned the cold earth into a gorgeous little picture

of beauty. The cheerful children skated on it too, and they knew one

thing, that every living thing witnessed in the morning all these

miracles. And Snow White, Santa Claus and these dwarves again for

each Christmas managed to make all the children happy and brought a

new flame and beautiful blue in life. So every kid will always be

laughed at and his faith in the holiday strengthens and the little hands

tremble again. And with that, both adults and children continue to

believe in these miracles that Santa Claus, the dwarves and Snow

White do and open their hearts to a whole world.

Deer Rudolph

Of all the deer, there is one that is not only the best, but guides all the

deer that fly the holiday sleigh year and year again laugh. But it

happened once that it was pouring rain, and as he walked alone in the

woods, Rudolph assumed that he had crossed the river and moved

away from his bright home, and could not find a good shelter. Then

Santa immediately got worried and organized a group of dwarves, as

he befits, began to look for the main deer, where he was and hopefully

not captured, someone thought the old man happy, no matter that his

day was a little crooked. At that time, our hero found neither rest nor

peace, but he sought shelter again, and his tiny hooves were wet. And

suddenly that torrential rain stopped and the weather brightened

immediately and Rudolf found his way as it should be. There he was

met by the industrious dwarves, he was greeted by their heroic

detachment. And they returned to their home and their beautiful and

crossed the river, even though the road was a little dangerous. So he

ended the incident successfully, and Rudolph learned not to run to the

woods alone again, because the plague could be found again. He

harnessed again and stood at the head of the sleigh, and the reindeer

rode in the sleigh with Santa Claus again at a late hour to reach the

children and us.

The woodpecker

In Our merry forest there was always a trace of fairy tales, and it is

known that this great trace is applied to whom - the best narrator - the

woodpecker. And as it should be every Sunday, all the animals

gathered around his tree and waited impatiently for a new tale, a new

command. But the narrator was also wise, and through his tales, in

addition to delighting the other animals, he wanted them to listen

carefully and learn a lesson from his magic words, so as not to make

the characters in my tales any trouble for him. And this week he had

openly noticed, even a little covertly, that Granny Metz, the cricket,

and the wolf were arguing over a division of the bear, and he told

them most of all now. I will tell you a story about two wonderful

princesses from one kingdom and how one, no matter how good, the

other was so bad. And our narrator, the woodpecker, began his story.

In one kingdom of the king two daughters were born, and they were

beautiful and beautiful, and as they grew up they wanted them as

wives, all of the king's sons from neighboring kingdoms. One of the

sisters was called Bianca and she was a good shy and quiet girl and

she even sat with the ordinary girls in a sitting room to talk and laugh,

sometimes to dance and go a little wild. The other sister's name was

Laura, but no one could argue with her, let alone talk to her, she was

arrogant and insidious and even stole her combs and hairpins from her

sister, took them like that without even asking her, but nevertheless,

Bianca gave everything, she was also a sister. And the time came to

tell the woodpecker - the king organized a ball and invited future

grooms - royal sons from neighboring kingdoms who wanted to marry

his daughters and brought them gifts of silk, gold, chests of money for

his bride's dowry. Bianca was quiet and shy and decided that she

would marry not such a rich prince, but a good and honest man who

would appreciate and respect her and rule his kingdom well. She liked

the groom, one of the princes appeared at the ball, and although her

father thought he was poorer, this young man agreed to the royal

engagement. But this young man, in addition to being beautiful and

quiet, ruled his country with faith, love and kindness, and Our

Princess Bianca, who in her new kingdom also reunited with the girls

and sat down, lacked nothing. Laura, on the other hand, did not value

love so much, she wanted gold, skins and silk, she was insatiable, but

there was only one of all many, who was so rich, but also had the

worst temper, for him always for everything he was right. And he

asked her father the king for her hand, and she, as soon as she saw

these treasures and said to him - Yes. And so the king arranged the

wedding for his second daughter. But Laura's choice would come to

mind, because in her new kingdom, apart from audacity, malice, and

cunning, she saw nothing of her husband, whom all the courtiers,

peasants, and people hated, forcing them to work to the point of

exhaustion. One day, if he was killed by malice, the king fell ill and

the kingdom of Laura remained, who did not know how to rule and

what to do and continued to torment all people to work for her to the

point of exhaustion. But a month or two passed, and a huge crowd of

courtiers and peasants arose and expelled Laura and the sick king

from the palace, and they chose for themselves a wise and good ruler

to be their honest mentor. Thus this second daughter lived her royal

life in her kingdom in poverty and misery. And now the woodpecker

turned - the best narrator, did you understand what the lesson is, you

better be good and look at Grandma the bear, the cricket and the wolf

and tell them in an instant to divide your bear so that there is the best

for everyone. well even if it's less, because if you don't stay for one it

will be very unfortunate. And for us humans, whatever I say, I can tell

a lot, but let me be brief and say a single word, if we can, let's all help

each other.


There lived a girl in a distant country who is no more beautiful in the

world. With gold hair braided sparkling, eyes blue from the sea, hair

infinitely long as the sky. And this princess was somehow unearthly,

however, with a very terrible temper and did not admit a dispute in the

court, even if someone else was right. And she tormented her subjects

all with her habits with various difficult tasks impossible, and who

could not fulfill his task, threw him into a stream, the bottom of which

was unknown and no one could even say how deep it is. Year after

year passed, but this girl did not marry anyone, and many wanted her

hand, but she always laughed at them, as if it were a joke for her to

become someone's wife and allow another to rule and reign alongside

her. The whole and noble royal servants were afraid of her. And over

the years it got worse, because the beautiful beauty was always

figuring out how to make things worse in her kingdom. Once she

ordered a master shoemaker to make a strange gift - shoes made of

gold and silk, and there should be no one in the world, and only she

should have them. And the old master shoemaker worked hard around

the clock, and although he did not have enough silk, he asked his

brethren and gave him many to complete the royal whim and make

this wonderful gift, which was for him the most cruel burden in his

life. He finished the shoes on time and took them to his mistress, who

was beautiful, and hoped at least now that she would be a little happy,

but even with this wonderful gift the girl was not happy again, and

even though everything was done on her orders, she angrily gave the

guards were instructed to throw this servant of hers, who was the best

shoemaker in the whole country in the cold, dark and bottomless

stream. And she had no pity, no drop of sadness for this next and cruel

act of hers, and she only wondered what her next step would be, with

which she would throw someone into this pool again or make a royal

feast again. But the shoemaker was the father of one of the guards,

and he could not fulfill this command, and his heart was filled with

pity and sorrow, he could not destroy his father, if he wanted to, and

for that he was doomed to lose his head. Then he suddenly

remembered that after the end of the forest on top of the mountain

lived a sorceress, people said good and could work miracles. And he

set out on the steep paths, which seemed to be forever until he reached

this cave and met the sorceress, who was capable of great miracles. He

reached her and told the king's order with tears in his eyes that he had

hidden his father and that he could not carry out the order so terrible

and sinister and wanted to tire him. And this sorceress was good, she

really worked miracles for many, because she had a good heart, and

she heard from all - peasants, courtiers, servants and secret other

voices that this queen, ruled as an evil empress and peasants, courtiers

and servants, no one could yes and please. Then she decided to go to

the palace and see with her own eyes the beautiful but evil girl, who

had no pity for anything and no one had ever stopped. She met the

noble queen and told her that even if she was an empress and ruled

over her entire kingdom, she should feel sorry for all people, that she

should be good and see in life not only malice but also beautiful

things. But the already beautiful queen of the sorceress, old and

without pity or corruption, laughed, ordered the guards to throw her

into the deep stream, and she thought that paying a sorceress was no

vice. But just at that hour the sorceress called out with her strong

voice and spell she uttered a terrible and the fate of the beautiful queen

she doomed. She turned her into a white and magical spirit who had

an extraordinary ear, and in every trouble, illness or misfortune he

extended a hand to the people. So this spirit was called by the

sorceress and she was doomed to be called Nadezhda and she should

always look at everyone when someone needed help, support and

courage. Nadezhda came to him and came down like some magical

and lovely mirage and made all his dreams come true. and warmed

human souls. And I just want to add something to the end of this

wonderful tale, not to forget to mention that although there are people

in the world - who say - Hope dies, this is not the case, because it

again becomes a beautiful ghost and nothing it does not stop helping

then and now and warms people's hearts. Because, even if sometimes

we are unhappy, gloomy or unhappy for something, if we believe in it

we will always be happy!

The naughty squirrel

In the old forest lived a squirrel, which, although small and jumpy

among all the animals, it was the wildest. Her mother did not listen to

what she was saying, and she only showed her mischief in front of

everyone. He collected acorns and hazelnuts, but he did not secretly

sneak into Grandma Metz's house and steal some of the honey. Once,

when it was raining heavily, it had taken all of Zayo Bayo's shoes, so

that Zayo Bayo had become a pool of water. And always in such cases

each of the animals knew where to look for his thing and where to go -

to the big squirrel, which was the mother of the little shrew. And her

mother always said this - Don't be such a child, even the forest squirrel

sings a song about your mischief, she will become white once and

someone will ask you for the heavy retribution. Our playful robber

was still driving it and she was happy, and whether she broke Kuma

Lisa's pan or stole the cheese of the big and black forest crow, it didn't

matter to her squirrel and she took everything for fun. But one day,

when she went to the forest to play again, she would find herself in

trouble, because a huge eagle was looking in the forest for something

to catch to feed his children. And the eagle was quite brave, and no

one of the animals dared to stand against him, because he knew that

once the eagle caught him with its sharp claws, it would be for dinner

for the little eagles, who were waiting impatiently for hungry good

ones, for their father to return. he fed them with his catch, who caught

wings without problems or fights. So this day, a day, though unusual,

descending heavily over a tree of food with its sharp claws eagle this

little squirrel, who did not even understand when she was abducted by

the big and scary bird. But Grandma Metza saw everything and took a

stone cut from a piece of rock and threw it with all her might, hit the

stone eagle and he dropped the playful squirrel and just turned and

turned from the blow and flew away again quickly. And only then did

the naughty squirrel realize that with the help of Grandma Metz, from

whom she was stealing the bear, she managed to escape and she

would not boil in the eagle's cauldron and become a dinner for the

little eagles, and since then the squirrel has recovered and all its she

corrected her mistakes and became obedient and good and played

calmly in the old forest. And here, children, the lesson is to listen to

what your parents tell you, even if you don't like it, know that they are

right and so you can only avoid getting into trouble, like the naughty

squirrel from the old Forest.

The magic rug

The Magic Rug There lived a girl in a distant land immeasurable to

anyone else in tenderness and beauty, but she was a poor and modest

girl who even watched as a snowdrop did not set foot in the spring.

The girl worked well and weaved on her loom, the most wonderful

and beautiful carpets, so beautiful that everyone stopped to look at

them who passed by. And this beauty of ours weaved and fought with

life around the clock, like a real lioness, so that she could save coins

and buy medicine for her sick mother at home, and not return emptyhanded.

She worked for a month, a year and managed to collect coins,

and many people bought carpets made with love by her hands. But

unfortunately and sadness she failed to take medicine for her sick

mother in time and this did not give her peace and she started crying

and wailing. And she prayed to the famous doctor, who was stingy

and quite arrogant to cure her sick mother, and she would repay him,

give him all her hard-earned money and run out a beautiful and large

carpet suitable for his condition. But while sometimes Hope helps us,

things don't always work out. And after losing her good mother, the

girl escaped to a dark cave, where she was weaving carpets again, but

only less than many knew that. And in this cave lived a wonderful

sorceress, good and knew the hard fate of the beautiful girl, who

worked tirelessly, and in her work with her heart she wove every little

thread, every color and pattern on a carpet, a carpet that was

unforgettable. So she told the young girl that she would give her a

magic yarn with which to make a single unusual rug with which she

could fly and visit some countries. And in all these countries she

would give an order, and if she carried out every recommendation of

hers, she would perform magic and bring her mother back from the

underworld. The beautiful girl cried and started working on the

wonderful carpet, unusual and unbreakable. And in the past month or

two, the carpet has become embroidered as if by unseen stars, moons

and thousands of suns. Then the sorceress told about the first order to

go with the rug magically to a distant country and carried out her

important recommendation. And this recommendation was only one -

as soon as he saw a poor man crying and sobbing, he gave him a tiny

bag of coins and amazed him that he could live again and, even

though he was poor, live well. A month or two passed and the

beautiful girl fulfilled this order full of miracles and returned to her

cave. The old sorceress was pleased now and told her second order to

go with the rug to another country, and as soon as she saw somewhere

sickness and sorrow in the poor peasants, she gave them a bag of

wonderful herbs, and they would immediately bring health to their

family and guide them. in the right way. She fulfilled the second order

of the sorceress, the beautiful girl, and only one last recommendation

remained. And it was quite simple and good for the girl who flew with

her carpet and poured joy everywhere and beauty. Do you remember

the doctor in your village who failed to save your mother, said the old

woman, is now he is seriously ill and for years of his life is

dissatisfied that an incurable disease has befallen him and he can not

even walk, but despite there is only one cure that can help him heal

and live again, but only if he promises to be a new person. And Our

beauty was startled by this last order what to do, but she decided to

fulfill this recommendation of the old woman as well. You will fly

with the carpet magically through three mountains and there you will

see a nest of a fiery bird - Phoenix - said the old sorceress, asked the

bird to give you a tiny unseen level of gold and decorated with

diamond dust feather, this is my last order to you recommendation,

but here be careful in what this bird tells you remember it and when

you return to our cave then go immediately to this doctor in your

village and tell him first the words of the bird and then give him the

magic pen that will help him get out of his hospital bed. So did the

wonderful girl who flew through three mountains, crossed the carpet

through many valleys and reached the nest of this hot bird - Phoenix.

The bird saw the wonderful girl and asked her - What does she want? ,

With What to help her, then the girl spoiled all the orders and

important recommendations of the sorceress good and asked the bird

to give her a feather, that the last order was. The magic bird agreed

well, I see that you gave her the golden feather with a good heart, but

she told her the following legend, which was stronger than a spell - If

the one you heal with the feather does not help others to get rid of the

disease, then it will turn into a stone statue immediately and life will

not fit him. She hurried to fly with the wonderful rug and get back to

her cave, from there she returned to her village and went to the doctor,

where the rug had brought her.

"The magic spring."

A poor peasant lived in the world. He worked hard in his garden and

sold the best vegetables and fruits on the market to many. People

respected him for being a man, helping everyone, even though he

didn't have much, but as each of us knows, there is goodness, malice,

pain and misery in the world. And one fine day he met a girl with an

extraordinary hour, but this strange girl came from the devil's palace

and not for another, because she, like many of his other servants,

made sure that there was equality in the world when she saw it. That

kindness prevails, they immediately set about correcting this mistake

and inflicting some pain on people. This is what happened and now

the girl named Poverty has bitten the whole crop, she has frozen the

whole land of the poor man. So she thought, not only would he stop

selling his nice vegetables and fruits, but he would also stop this

kindness, giving to the one who doesn't have the little one. Yes, but

this hero of Ours, even a poor one, was smart and skilful and had

hidden seeds, so he again planted in another part of his wonderful

garden his vegetables and fruits, which his mother earth gave him.

And when they grew up again, he again had, in addition to his

livelihood, twice as much effort to help more poor people as he

distributed fruits and vegetables. But as they say, another evil witch

learned about this, she came again caused by the power of the devil,

and Pain was her name. She appeared before the good boy and

defeated him with all her might, and he fell ill, and she thought that he

had already been defeated. But he kept herbs for a long time with his

half-empty bag of coins and ate two or three leaves of them and a

miracle happened again, he got up stronger and stronger than before

and there was no pain to conquer him. He started working three times

and even planted mushrooms, apple, cherry and raspberry bushes in

the forest of mushrooms, he had even more livelihood. And if he saw

a poor man begging for food and shelter, he would go to him and

bring him everything, even distribute his money, earnings from the

market from the unearthly goods, which he managed to sell. And so

the time passed and a month and two, but another servant of the devil

understood this news that not only the boy is not broken, but on the

contrary, he is even more cheerful and spirited and the name of this

evil woman - Evil was and knew all over the globe. She went to the

happy boy, uprooted all the vegetables he planted, broke the branches

of all the trees and bushes, set fire to even his hut, and poisoned even

the little remaining land that was still alive and on which something

could sprout or grow. She left him healthy and loves him, not for

another, but to watch her suffer in her misery. But the boy was

healthy, brave and he led his struggle for goodness again, he built in a

new place a humble hut to live in and the land around it like a bull

with a loud and powerful cry began to cultivate again and enjoys a

good harvest. He planted twice as many apple trees, had three times as

many vegetables and fruits, and also built another hut next to his, for

poor travelers looking for food and shelter, and again he distributed to

them the hard-earned coins on his forehead. This was the case year

after year, and the boy was known to many, and everyone who passed

by his already large house was happy to be his guest, and the boy did

not ask anyone to return anything in return. Yes, well, but as it has

been said and I will repeat, there are always evil eyes to see how

happiness can be reborn, and this time, after so much time, the

greatest and most terrible villain has been decided, for whom many

songs even sing. the Devil himself should visit the boy and, according

to him, it would be his turn to court. The young man, without knowing

it, had turned into a wild tramp, invited him to his home happy, he

entertained him richly, and before it was time to leave the next day,

gave him a whole bunch of coins to be satisfied. Then at that moment,

in front of the boy, he returned the happy image and turned into a

devil and destroyed everything that the boy had created and dug

houses and gardens with raspberry bushes and dug a ditch in the

whole magical and fruit and vegetable garden. And he said only two

words to the boy before he broke it and decided to change his destiny

completely - Remember boy and here and in the world there must be a

balance between evil and good, and you with your miracles change

this, you interfere in my affairs , for all these deeds of yours, I will not

leave you alive in the world so and once he said these words he

petrified our glorious hero and turned him into a wonderful statue, but

he decided that in order to maintain balance in the world he must do

even a small good and from the statue a wonderful sparkling pure and

magical water gushed forth. And even this spring, in which the boy

turned into a devil's creation, the spring worked miracles, rejuvenated

the elderly, healed the sick and is still in the world. But its existence is

legendary word for word from fairy tale to fairy tale and to this day its

location has reached only a few storytellers who know its great

importance. And the lesson is here I can say only one, in every good

not always but sometimes there is a little evil, as well as in every evil

and a little good.

"The rich poor shoemaker."

A poor shoemaker lived in a kingdom in a kingdom far away, and

even though he was poor, his happiness was somehow eternal. He was

alone, mending innumerable worms to his brethren, and though he

was poor, he was a master, and once he made someone's shoes, they

never tore or leaked water, sand or even lime, they were made as if for

himself. Tsar . And it happened on a recent day, a wonderful day, and

perhaps a blessed one, that the king's son wanted new wonderful shoes

for the next ball, a ball at which it would be announced that he would

become king. And a number of great masters lined up, arriving with

horses, carriages, even chariots, but in their shoes the king's son saw

just some hats. Then, ragged and torn, white, Our master shoemaker

came and brought to the king's blue a pair of shoes, which no one had

ever seen before. He made these shoes countless nights and always

remade them until they became healthy and beautiful yet, and

although our hero was poor, the shoes were his work of life made by

his savings for years, made of soft leather and silk and sewn with gold

dust and sapphires. everywhere. As soon as the royal prince saw these

wonderful shoes, he immediately liked them and counted hundreds of

coins to the shoemaker, countless, but in addition to all this prize, he

decided and made him a royal shoemaker, as well as to suit him. But

our hero did not change even a little, and he distributed to his poor

peasants brothers, helped whom he could and continued to make,

towels and tsurvuli, although he was ridiculed by other courtiers that it

did not suit him. Once the king's son, who was already a king, called

him and the master of all asked him why he wanted to help everyone,

and then our great shoemaker, the great cobbler, told him in two

words that he was richer in soul and poor only in wealth. it remains,

but it is right and so it suits him. The great king was astonished, but

agreed with the words of the cobbler, if he wanted to live like this, if it

suited him like that, although he did not understand why to be

generous or why to help any of the simple peasants, then he was king

and only his wealth is due to him. So the king thought for years, but

did he suddenly become very ill and suddenly began to call all the

noble doctors, caregivers, royal wizards, even sorcerers, to cure him of

this bad and sinister disease, which killed his days and shortened his

life like a black plague? , and no one knew the cure, no one dared to

say what this disease was called, no one uttered even a single word.

Then the cobbler went to see him and brought him an old poor ragged

woman, who sprinkled the king with geranium and some magical

water and became an unseen miracle, the king got out of bed and

immediately woke up from this fever and in his joy he asked this great

ragged woman, what to give her and reward her, what to do for her

kindness. Then the old woman, who was also very wise, told him what

to do so that he would not see this disease poison him again, she told

him, reduce the taxes to the king happy, distribute bread, distribute

large corn cakes to all the beggars in the country, so you will save

your soul. Because, King, she continued, you are rich and have a huge

fortune, but your soul is poor and misfortune can happen again, an

incurable disease can happen to you if you do not make your soul rich

and happy. And here the lesson is for both adults and children that

when we manage to give even a little happiness, we will warm our

hearts and no such disease will befall us, but only our spirit will

remain unbreakable and our soul will be rich.

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