Architectural Portfolio_AychaAhmedova

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Ayça Ozgun Ahmedova



Aycha Ozgun Ahmedova


An enthusiastic, positive team player who loves being part of the creative environment. I hope to

bring a fresh eye to design challenges.I am a fast and eager learner, disciplined and structured in my

approach and always looking to contribute to the team’s success.Confident to produce technical

drawings and concept design and hand-sketching with excellent graphical presenting skills.

Eligible to work to in EU and UK

N: +44 07871909397

N: +90 538 879 20 00

A: Flat 3 87 Caledonian Road N1 9BT


M: ayca.ozgun.ao@gmail.com

Referance: Bulut Cebeci

Founder of Flat/C Architecture



2015 September-

2020 July

Istanbul Bilgi University

Faculty of Architecture- Department of Architecture %100 Scholarship (GPA: 3.89 /4.00)

graduated 1 in the department with high honor


2021 January


2020 September

2021 January

2020 June


2019 August

2019 July

2018 June

2018 June


2018 February

Mida Architecture

Pottergate House- Drawing plans and sections, preparing of 3D models, creating 3d visuals and model

Earlywood Estate Hotel – Creating 3D model, plans and presentation

Tamirci Architecture

Competition of Bursa Ataturk Sport Hall-Creating 3d visuals and model making , drawing plans, sections, detail section

and diagrams, conceptional design, preparing presentation and making video

PTT Hotel - Drawing construction details, drawing sections, preparing of 3D models, creating 3d visuals and model

making of landscape

Kayabasi Housing – Worked on fisibility layouts, drawing construction details, 3D model making, drawing 3d diagrams,

preparing presentation, preparing of documentation

Flat/C Architecture

Duatepe Park Competition - Creating 3d visuals and model making of landscape and details, drawing sections,diagrams,

preparing presentation

Teğet Architecture - Office Internship

Cemberlıtas Zıraat Library - Worked on fisibility layouts

Datca Summer House - Developed layouts planing

Goya Coffeshop Karakoy - Creating 3d visuals and concept , worked on furniture design modelling

Catalhoyuk Visitor Center - Research on landscape plants for first settlement in the history

KG Architecture- Office Internship

Kadıkoy Turktelekom Headquarters - Drawing layouts, completing site survey . Worked alongside a

senior designer on the technical drawings

ERA Architecture- Construction Site Internship

Garanti Technology Campus, Pendik İstanbul - Working with the contruction lead on the process of

building constraction, following material checks, observing building and facade completion

ERA Architecture- Construction Site Internship

Garanti Technology Campus, Pendik İstanbul - Working with the contruction lead on the process of

building constraction, following material checks, observing building and facade completion

Metal Yapi - Construction Site and Office Internship

Garanti Technology Campus, Pendik İstanbul - Observing facade completion

Diamant Project, Gent,Belgium

- 3d modelling on facade detail

Leaflet Design

16. Venice Design Biennial - Leaflet design for İstabul Bilgi University Architectural department’ 3d structure


3rd Prize Bursa Atatürk Sport Hall

2nd Prize Istanbul Duatepe Park

Exhibited Aura Istanbul Food Design-POCI

2nd Prize Istanbul Bilgi University Axonometric Drawing Competition-Kapalı Carsı


Grasshopper Webinar series – Sabri Gökmen

The detectives in Daily life – Pandemic houses file

Robotic Mediations-AA Visiting School, İstanbul

Reconature (Natural Building and social space-recovering)- IFAC, Tores Vedras/ Portugal

Macrame Furniture (With nylon and eucaliptus)- IFAC, Tores Vedras/ Portugal

The performans of modern : Ataturk Culture Centre , Imagine design -Ali Dur



English - Advanced

Bulgarian- Beginner


Rhinoceros - Very Good

Adobe Autocad-Very Good

Adobe Photoshop-Very Good

Adobe Illustrator- Very Good


Sketchup- Very Good

3D MAX- Good

Revit- Medium

Table Tennis Skiing Roller Skate Hand drawing



Bursa Ataturk

Sport Centre



Group work


Duatepe Park



Group work


Galata Music


5th semester

Individual work




3th semester

Individual work


Cultural and Movement

Experience Center

8th semester

Individual work



Modern Art


7th semester

Group work





2th semester

Group work


Bursa Ataturk

Sport Center


Architectural Competition

3rd Prize

The Nationel Garden, which replaces Bursa Atatürk Stadium and makes a

neighborly relation with Atatürk Sports Hall in the south, brings together

The Nation Library and the Fountain building that integrates with landscaping

arrangements that bring various plant species together and walking

tracks, with the citizens. While reconsidering the Atatürk Sports Hall, which is

surrounded by significantly large public green spaces and cultural facilities

with the contribution of the Nation Garden and Reşat Oyal Cultural Park in

the west of the project site, the main subject that is prioritized is to conceal

the structural installation inside of the defined green context.

While maintaining the continuity of the sports culture that Atatürk Sports

Hall has been retaining from past to present, a holistic installation that is

in search of a balance between open, semi-open, and closed spaces that

are diversified with the recreational areas is proposed. While protecting the

pedestrian axes coming from the Nation Garden and Reşat Oyal Cultural Park

and ensuring anuninterrupted circulation considered important, leaking of

the circulation through a slit in the landscape to the Sports Hall has been defining

for the gradual transition scenario between spaces. The mound constitutes

the physical conditions for allowing the appropriate height accordingly

to the standards for a basketball court in the building,and at garden level it

becomes a whole with the sitting units, increasing the potential for visual

relations with the culture-park. As for the pit, in the building it coincides with

the projection of the swimming pool while at the garden level it meets with

the water trace, turning into a spiral play pool. Thus, making the contrast

relation between the mound and the pit and also gets organized between

the inside and the outside.

The sports street that is located on the axis of the artery that stretches from

the Çarşamba area makes for one other layer of the proposal. The wall/street

proposal that overflows the sports outside of the building, emphasizes once

more the importance of the sports in the region’s urban memory. The lower-level

equivalent of the area defined as the street on Stadyum Street level

(+147.50 m), becomes a sports wall diverse with activities such as climbing

wall, skateboarding zone, and slides. Amphitheater seating arrangement

that is placed on the same wall is located between the same axes as the

basketball court and allows the game to be able to be viewed from the open


Considering the built enviroment in the region,

the building mass sits close to the border of

the national garden

The building mass breaks down to functions.A

direct connection is defined between the foyer

and sports wall units from the Çarşamba

area to the Reşat Oyal Culture Park.

The national garden gain

areas by extending over

Wall breaks down and d

such as sports units

s more recreational

the roof. The Sports

iversifies with functions

The pit and the the hill on the roof define recreational

area and emphasizes swimming pool

and basketball hall.

The gallery provides access to inside the building

and the sport street. The walking routes on

the roof and the national garden

complement each other.

Sport Area

Skateboard track

and playground



Climbing wall






Duatepe Park


Architectural Competition

2nd Prize

The project that located in Istanbul Duatepe,includes the functions of a park arrangement,

open exhibition area, cafe and bookshop. The project, which has very critical location

for Istanbul, because it is at the narrowest part of the Bosphorus and is located

on the hill above the city castle Rumeli Hisari. It has a historical importance as a mass

grave where martyrs were buried during the conquest of Istanbul.

The project also reorganizes the city park located in the west of the area. The city park

and the viewing terrace are located at the same level and a continuous pedestrian

flow is provided. A person in the park can leave the park by walking on the terrace

without descending the lower level. The viewing terrace that continues the axis of the

Bosphorus offers visual access to the Bosphorus and the Rumeli Hisari. The terrace

emerging through dense trees instantly leaves the person alone with the Bosphorus

and the view.

The area defined by the viewing terrace in the plan turns into an open exhibition

space with the Spolia wall and steps. Spolia wall represents the multi-layered structure

of Istanbul. The pool located on the axis where the wall ends, merges with the

Bosphorus at eye level, giving a feeling of eternity. It contains square codes that take

memoirs located in various parts of the area and include digital exhibition about


With the landscape arrangement, an integrated continuity between the city park and

the landscape is wanted. The current historical topographic situation was preserved

and a new stratification was brought on it, and amphitheater, steps and landscape

arrangements were made. Amphitheater, stage and cutscene can be used for various

activities. The traces of the old set walls were preserved and the new geometric landscape

arrangement was made according to them. The relationship established with

the view, open exhibition and amphitheater at the top level becomes more calm and

peaceful by establishing with plants and nature throughout lower levels.

B-B’ Section 1:200

Viewing terrace

Open exhibition space

Spolia wall




Compacted soil

Natural stone

Existing topography

Theatre and step detail


Cultural and Movement

Experience Center


4th year project

8th semester

The Movement and Culture Center located on Levent Büyükdere street in the parcel

belonging to İş Bank. The structure was designed in the future, in the post work world.

According to the post work scenario, automation and robots took their professions

from people and they no longer need to work.They have plenty of free time to

discover themselves. They will ask themselves quaetions like what we going to do,

what is the purpose of life? The only thing that automation and robots can’t capture is

creativity and craft. People want to produce, act and protect their mental health. The

Movement and Culture Center tries to answer these problems with the fields of art,

craft, movement and mental discovery.

The building is located on an important border on an urban scale and creates a buffer

between high towers and low levent villas. It will related to both in terms of scale.

The large building mass gradually breaks down and turns into kioks that will form

courtyards with different functions, and tries to descend to the scale of the villa. These

kioks offer different experiences to the user such as children’s playground, parkour,

greenhouse, quiet room. It becomes a kind of tool for the user to discover himself and

find out what he likes to care about.

There are various libraries, informal and formal performance areas, auditoriums,

individual and collective study and discovery areas, dance, music, art, craft workshops,

sports area and children’s playgrounds in the building scale. Functions are chosen

on cultural, mental and movement experience. In the place where all the spaces and

functions flow into each other and the circulation corridors meet with informal areas,

the user also has the opportunity to discover himself and various performances and

activities. The circulation area in the interior turns into a semi-open corridor outdoors

and this corridor combines with the kiosks to take the user to the courtyards. The

floors melt and turn into vertical circulation.

The entire structure is built on a circulation experience, and as long as the user wanders,

he has the opportunity to discover himself and the actions he encounters.




Haydarpasa Modern Art



4th year project

7th semester

The modern art museum, located in Haydarpasa, Kadıkoy, aims to restore and re-use

old silo buildings. The project offers a green route with a bicycle and pedestrian path

that will connect the Kadıköy Moda coastline with the Uskudar coastline, based on terrain

surveys at the upper scale. It creates a ring that connects to the Kadıköy funicular

line by opening the rails that are currently in use and not currently used. By opening

Haydarpasa Pier, it provides transportation from the sea to the land.

In addition to the function of the contemporary art museum, open exhibition areas

extending to the archaeological site include artist in residence, educational and

commercial functions. It crosses the pier and tram in the welcoming square with the

overpass from the Moda axis. There are functions such as open exhibitions and market

areas, cafes and restaurants in this square. One of the silo buildings is dedicated to the

function of the contemporary art museum. There are also workshop areas in the museum

building. Two main volumes, which will create an additional gallery for the silo

cylinders, are atteched and form the main space between the cylinders by evacuating

the place they are atteched.Three galleries inside the building open to each other and

create a visual continuity. The roof section has a restaurant function. The structure

with square silos is reserved for the artist’s residance function and is connected to the

museum building through the bridge. The second silo building is devoted to educational

functions. It includes activities such as workshops, theater dance workshops,

children education activities auditorium.

Due to the place of the industrial heritage Silo buildings in the urban memory, the

seaside facade has been Due to the location of the industrial heritage Silo buildings

in the urban memory, the beach front has been preserved. It is aimed to shed light on

their structures and open volumetric spaces with the masses attached to the northern

facade. Again, in order to remind the mobility situation in the area, open exhibition

units that move on the rails have been designed, and these units can slide into some

playgrounds and sometimes turn into performance areas

Completing the recreation

Moda Park as a resting pla

cyclists and a playground

al axle from

ce for the

for children

Temporary structures built in the

meeeting square can be used

for a multiple of activities such as

festival area, concert area, market

place etc.

Front elevation

CC section

CC section

AA section

DD section


Galata Music Venue


3th year project

5th semester

Galata Cultural Center Sishane is a proposed cultural center building instead of the

Beyoğlu Youth Center building in Istanbul. The building has a total area of ​2500 square

meters with 400 square meters of auditorium, 250 square meters of exhibition, 150

square meters of library, 250 square meters, 250 square meters of music and dance

studios and other functions.

When the area is analyzed on an urban scale, the Galata Tower and its commercial

functions around it constitute an active center. Commercial units, cafes and restaurants

in Asmalı Mesit, located in the northwest of the area, create another active area.

The region where the project area is located has a city hall and a tax office. The project

area in Sishane Square aims to make the area an active area with its commercial and

cultural functions, and by staying between the Galata tower and its surroundings and

Asmalı Mescit areas, it creates a third active area between the two regions and searches

for the answer to the lack of socialization.

The structure consists of three main sections. The first section contains a concert

hall, foyer, backstage and commercial functions. The second section contains cafes,

exhibitions and commercial functions and is located on the subway exit level. The

third section contains dance and music studios, library and management functions

that appeal to the users with semi-pirivate functions. The mass, which forms the first

part, withdraws itself and creates a square in front of it, and this square works with the

foyer of the auditorium. The foyer moves out and becomes part of the square. It works

together with the sales unit indoors. The square is on the road level and invites the

users inside

The facade morphology of the street was investigated in the facade design. On the

facades of the streets, each building has different rhythmic openings, and when they

come together over the years, they form a front rhythm on the whole street. The cultural

center that is built today and will be a part of the street is today’s interpretation

of these rhythms

1/500 site plan

/500 silhoutte section


Chuncked Experince


2nd year project

3th semester

The project located in Sile includes a nature route, exhibition structure, library and

unit functions where an artist can stay for several days. Şile is located on a hard slope

just below the lighthouse. Different types of plants and rocks on this slope have been

turned into places experienced on the route. The route is divided into two, the first is

the route that descends slowly with stairs and the pause on the slope, and the second

is the route that includes climbing and jumping, which is a difficult track, and goes

into a view tube in the sea.

The route navigates between plants, clings to rocks, rubs, establishes a relationship

with water. At the end of the route, the area where the structures that use the surfaces

of the rocks stuck between the rocks as structural elements are reached. Here there

is an accommodation unit where the artist can live and work, and this is located in an

area hidden from the exhibition and library unit. The exhibition unit rises in the interior

and invites the visitor to the semi-permeable outdoor volume, where it is ensured

to establish a relationship with water. The cubes located in the sea form a transition

between the library and the exhibition space.


Landscape analysis







1/50 Ground plan

1/50 AA section


Artist’ studio

1/50 CC section


1/50 BB section

Viewing Tower

Corten metal cubes

Corten metal cubes

with gravel ground

Gravels on the

metal panel

Metal chunked baluster

Stairs cube with

architectural metal mesh




1st year project

2nd semester

Featherweight is a human scale basic design pavilion located at İstanbul Bilgi University.The

purpose of the project is that, create a tunnel that can cover on area of 5m2.

Designed to tunnel by running itself and creating space instead of straight clarity.

Thanks to the transparent surface that make up the perception of space, the relation

ship with outside is not interrupted while in the tunnel Not only people but also animals

perceive the crossing not because the surfaces,that makes up space,touch

the ground like a wall. That show us design is a clear way of thinking that is not just

for people.

By using single spring we tired to create the project but we tired to create the project

but we realised it started to became 2D and it was able to move only in one way so

to avoid that we created a component that can reference on x,y,z directions.By combining

two of the triple components we created a group and then repeating these

groups the stucture was created.Lastly the unnecessary components were taken out

of the stucture.

Surface system: Maded an interaction between the different parts by using surface at

the same time the tendence that the surfaces created we made sure of stability of the

structure. On the other hand it helped with the walking way and place



The stories of the building materials and objects in an inn where you can be isolated

from the rough and noisy streets of the Grand Bazaar,

The story of the tower, from which children and animals can go up to the top floor,

The stories of people who discovered the labyrinth around the pond,

The story of an artist who climbs to the top of a mountain alone, who builds his own

home with materials,

It tells the story of the London trip.

Thank you


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