Main Street Magazine Spring 2021

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I initially attempted to write a real letter from

the editor and didn’t like it all that much.

After deliberating with creative consultant

Anna Parisi, I was advised to instead use

the following. It’s the Main Street Manifesto,

and I wrote it one day in my head while bored

working in the back of Wildcat Pizza cleaning pizza

pans. I realized that this issue of Main Street is all

about whimsy, and I’d imagine this is one of the more

whimsical manifestos to exist in the world (but still definitely

behind Bob Kaufman’s Abomunist Manifesto).

Thank you for picking up a copy of our magazine and taking

the time to read it, and thank you to everyone who had a hand

in making it. So many great amazing humans worked very

hard on everything in here and I’m beyond grateful that I can

help facilitate and present their work in these 100 pages.




“Do you have the courage to be a poet? The jewels that are

hiding inside you are begging you to say yes!’”

- Jack Gilbert

“My discography is a radical act of love and protection / From

chaos, bomb blast blown in every which direction”

- Elucid

“Now I have my script. I need to find the warriors. Eh? The

warriors, to do it. Every person who will work on this picture

will be a spiritual warrior. The best I will find.”

- Alejandro Jodorowsky

Main Street aims to take the floating space rock of the

earth and chisel it down (using pencils, pens,

paintbrushes, patience, potpourri, and advanced

new camera panoramas, amongst other ideas)

into an 8.5” by 11” 100-page exploitative

explosive expansive extraordinary exploit.

Main Street’s central hope is for the

magazine to be utilized by an artistic

arsonist in cognitive dissonance in love with the

ocean who creates a large enough bonfire to signal aliens

before extinguishing said bonfire with all of the water in the


The only talisman Main Street believes in are those flattened

and printed, or shouted and fading; however, Main Street

loves and embraces knick-knacks, doohickeys, doodads,

and whatchamacallits, and believes objects can hold

healing powers resting in the right hands, and especially

the wrong ones.

Main Street is generally specific, and specifically general,

depending on the day of the week, the cloud cover, and

what any given Magic-8-Ball reads after given a fair shake.

Main Street intends for its magazine pages to be used to

construct the following particular particles in no particular

order: papier-mâché sculptures, origami swans, F-15

fighter jet paper airplanes with imaginary ammunition,

waterproof sailor hats, colorful flimsy faux tinfoil hats,

paper basketballs aimed at trash baskets, paper fortune

teller whirlybirds popular in middle schools, all-paper

outfits fit for any occasion, counterfeit money to be spent

on hamburgers and coffee and real money.

Main Street is not a cult, but it’s not not a cult. This is a

more important distinction than one might think.

All copies of any given Main Street Magazine issue should

be stacked on top of each other to form a towering figure

that can be used as the following: a totem pole, to be

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