Hatching Dragons Song Book 1

Read all your favourite nursery rhymes in English and Mandarin. The Hatching Dragons Song Book has a version in each language, to foster your child's bilingualism!

Read all your favourite nursery rhymes in English and Mandarin. The Hatching Dragons Song Book has a version in each language, to foster your child's bilingualism!

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Five Little Speckled Frogs

五 只 斑 点 青 蛙

Five/four/three/two little speckled frogs,

sat on a speckled log,

eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool,

where it was nice and cool,

now there are four/three/two little speckled frogs.

One little speckled frog,

sat on a speckled log,

eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

He jumped into the pool,

where it was nice and cool,

now there are no little speckled frogs!


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