IslANDs - Compressed Realities - Exploded Photoworks

The works of Gudjon Bjarnason

The works of Gudjon Bjarnason

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Interview with Gudjon Bjarnason

by Mridula Sharma

As a man of diverse experiences and a broad academic

background your work relies on the interplay between

seeming opposites, structure and the void, or possibly control

and chaos. Can you speak to the symbiotic relationship

between these forces and their active conceptualization in

your work?

My multimedia art projects, be it photography, painting,

sculpture or architecture, etc. work very much with the

dialectics of contradiction, unresolved tension and turbulent,

confrontational states of being in terms of psychology and

opposing forces. The interplay and often violent collision

of chaos and order, light and dark, being and nothingness,

individual free will and the oppressions of mass society are

the pivot points of my activity. My structures and “negative”

images that fuse and integrate abstraction and the real and

aim at stretching standard recognized limits and methods of

creation far beyond the norm in an attempt to create a metalanguage

of higher synthesis. A sort of a stoic stance in the face

of conflict, groundlessness and rapid uncontrollability which

characterizes very much our cultural, social and political life

in contemporary times.

Despite, the dark “negative” undertone I view my work

as a very positive contribution to our cultural debate and

decision making – my aim is to accept the disintegration of

our fiber and spatial fabric and introduce grace and creative

novelty into that realm through acceptance rather than

the avoidance and blind eyes of our troubled states. In a

certain way, I find it the task and historical responsibility of

the creative herd, be it artist or architects, etc. to objectify

and abstractly symbolize our human condition through our

subjective imagination which of course is something of an

oxymoron. But of course art-making allows this kind of play

to take place within its limitless logic and set of rules which is

of course quite wonderful.

I’m in favor of many things: the merging of opposites, non

exclusional thinking, frozen movements of extreme motions,

irreconcilable contradictions, unresolved transformations

and end game materializations. Explosions have become

a way for me to open up stagnant modes of being and

thinking both literally and figuratively. The explosion of

precisely ordered geometric steel profiles, often set up in

orderly fashion opens up figuratively the formerly stale

and meaningless and inactive voids within by exposing the

interior of the transformed object. Thus the thing, which

then gets “dethinged” or animated opens up a world of new

association which I believe very much to be the function of

art and architecture through its structure, concept and figural



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