
this is a fun book

this is a fun book


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kinds of “affection” and this increases its power to act. 27 It is the power of the

material finiteness of the body.

How is design related to the dilated body, open to the world of pleasure?

Not in a functionalist manner (the park as a place of loisir), because bodies

are always affected by specific circumstances, and functionalism is unable

to govern specificities (in the words of Gabriele Pasqui, unable to govern

the radical pluralism of life forms). 28 Bodies are the transit of the forces that

pass through them: light, water, fog, breeze, warmth, etc. They are places

of meetings, both good and bad, which thereby either increase or decrease

their power. 29 The world passes through these meetings: Spinoza wrote that

“to preserve itself the body needs a great many other bodies”. 30 A political

dimension echoes in the body that exists together with other human

bodies—but not only with human bodies. A design dimension echoes in the

fact that we live in the city in the encumbrance of our bodies.

The Parisian competition of 1982 was, as mentioned earlier, a gymnasium,

a field of experimentation where a different idea of the body of pleasure

was implemented. Bernard Tschumi 31 believes that pleasure and enjoyment,

too, are expressions of the virus of the informal nourishing the spirit of late

capitalism. Lightness, creativity, flexibility: Huizinga’s homo ludens resurfaces

in the urban scene, bringing with it a concept of freedom that dissolves the

ordinary world.

“First and foremost all play is a voluntary activity. Play to order is no longer

play: it could at best be but a forcible imitation of it. …. The first main

characteristic of play … is in fact freedom. …. Inside the circle of the game

the laws and customs of ordinary life no longer count. We are different and

do things differently.” 32

Productive capitalist logic is jeopardised by the use of play elements. Play el -

ements are superimposed on it like an ornament, and, in the process, denied.

Here too the functionalism of the scenic and narrative units is overcome

in favour of a radicality that introduces the sacredness of another order. 33

Huizinga is softened: his play element is held within the limits of a meagre,

measured time and space. There are no out-of-control parties. Subversive

positions are declared and ultimately incarnate the “new (neoliberalist) spirit

of capitalism”. 34 A reversal that deserves to be emphasised.

Historical and political Italian culture initially ridiculed Huizinga but later

idolatrised him for his free play idea, which became popular again when

bodies, places, and politics were combined into an unusual mix in the

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