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of wheat planted and harvested on the

Battery Park landfill, Manhattan”.

12 Donadieu. Campagnes Urbaines, cit. The

original edition was published in 1998.

13 Michel Corajoud, “Comment je fais”

(letter, Paris, May 2004) now at http://


14 Samantha Hardingham, Kester

Rattenbury, Bernard Tschumi, Parc

de la Villette. SuperCrit #4, London:

Routledge, 2011

15 Peter Eisenman, “Diagram: An Original

Scene of Writing”, in Any, no. 23,

(1998), 27–29 in which Eisenman refers

to Derrida’s essay “Notes on the Freudian

model of language” in Writing and

Difference, London: Routledge, 1978.

See also: Alexis Meier, Peter Eisenman.

Machine critique de l’architecture,

Gollion: Infolio, 2019

16 Jacques Lucan, OMA Rem Koolhaas,

Milano: Electa, 2003. There is a further

extensive bibliography on the project.

17 Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello The

New Spirit of Capitalism, London: Verso

Books, 2007 (first ed. 1999)

18 Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the

Spirit of Capitalism, London: Penguin,

2002 (first ed. 1905)

19 Corajoud, Le paysage, c’est l’endroit o. le

ciel et la terre se touchent, Actes sud.

20 Michel Foucault, The Utopian Body,

radio lecture delivered in 1966.

Published in Sensorium, Boston: MIT

Press, 2006, 229–234, cit: 233

21 Corajoud, “Tutto è patrimonio”, cit: 38

22 Bernardo Secchi, La città del XX secolo;

Bari: Laterza, 2010: 56–57

23 See Chapter 1, note 9.

24 John Dewey, Art as Experience,

Tarcherperigree, London: Penguin, 2005

(first ed. 1934)

25 Zheng Bo, Pteridophilia 1, 2016 Video

(4k colour, sound) 17’; Pteridophilia 2,

2018, Video (4k colour, sound) 20’.

See: Marco Scotini (ed.), Zheng Bo.

Weed Party III / Il partito delle erbacce,

Pteridophilia, Torino: PAV (4.11.2018–


26 Jean-Luc Nancy, Il corpo dell’arte,

Milano: Mimesis, 2014, a collection of

five essays in Italian edited by Daniela

Calabrò and Dario Giuliano

27 Baruch Spinoza, Ethics, London: Penguin

Books, 1951, Part III Postulate I. Part II.

Prop. XIII

28 Gabriele Pasqui, La città, i saperi, le

pratiche, Roma: Donzelli, 2018

29 Gilles Deleuze, Spinoza, Paris: PUF,

1970, in Italian. The posthumous

collection of the lessons held in

Vincennes in 1980–81, edited by Aldo

Pardi, Lezioni su Spinoza (Cosa può

un corpo? Lezioni su Spinoza, Verona:

Ombre Corte, 2007). Deleuze clarifies

the position of the Dutch philosopher:

being affected is a constitutive feature

of the body and bodies are affects in

specific circumstances. Nature and

culture determine the possibility of

being affected in various ways. Affect

is the variation of the power of acting:

the way in which the body increases its


30 Spinoza, Ethics, cit. Part II prop. XIII

Postulate IV

31 Anthony Vidler, The Architectural

Uncanny. Essays in the Modern Unhomely,

London: MIT Press, 1992

32 Johan Huizinga, Homo ludens. A Study

of the Play-Element in Culture, London:

Routledge, 1949: 7–12

33 Vidler, The Architectural Uncanny. Essays

in the Modern Unhomely, cit.

34 Boltanski and Chiapello, The New Spirit

of Capitalism, cit.

35 Huizinga was described as “incredibly

awkward” by Delio Cantimori, one

of the most accredited modernist

historians of twentieth-century Italian

historiography. Vittorio Foa called him “a

Dutch cheese eater” in one of his letters

from prison in the summer of 1938.

Clearly, we cannot say that Huizinga’s

studies were welcomed enthusiastically

in Italy in the late thirties (although they

were to become internationally successful

when Homo Ludens was published). At

the time, his ideas were contained in the

book The crisis of civilisation, translated

into Italian in 1937. Reactions are cited

in Michele Bonsarto’s introduction to the

new edition of this study entitled Nelle

ombre del domani, Torino: Aragno, 2019

36 Vidler, The Architectural Uncanny, cit.

37 Spinoza, Ethics, cit. Part II, postulate IV

38 Cristina Bianchetti, Il Novecento

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