Havik: Inside Brilliance

The 2021 edition of the Las Positas College Journal of Arts and Literature. Please visit our website for additional works, including videos and audio recordings. https://havikjournal.wixsite.com/website

The 2021 edition of the Las Positas College Journal of Arts and Literature. Please visit our website for additional works, including videos and audio recordings. https://havikjournal.wixsite.com/website


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The Welcome Visitor


Vialsy Cabrales Esparza

Lathrop, California, USA

I like to re-watch episodes of my

favorite shows when I feel sick.

It’s comforting to find myself

in fantastical, familiar worlds

with characters I’m as fond of

as family or friends.

Too often, I lose myself to fiction.

I enjoy the embrace of long weekends,

feeling secure and snug under a soft blanket

Knowing without a falter in the conviction

that I am welcome.

A repeat visitor and attentive re-listener

I can recite my favorites by heart

Like a best friend, I know what will be said

Long before the sentence even starts

I could, of course, explore anew instead

But these characters that hold me captivated,

They awaken in me a wonder and awe

to which the only response must be

inspired creation, pure and unweighted

unencumbered, understated

I acknowledge; therefore, I must create.

I acknowledge; therefore, I must create.

I acknowledge the beauty around me,

within me, the acknowledgements before

from those I’ll likely never meet

that there are stories meant to be incomplete,

characters destined to fail,

unable to reach what they need;

creators that know, the only comfort

I need (when I feel frail)

is that I will, indeed, prevail.

There was a lump


katie pfeifer

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

There was a lump

The size of a penny

This tar lump

Staining her breasts in mammograms

Lurking for ways to cling to the nipple.

Everyone tells me they’re sorry

But how can I be sorry

When I want to get on my knees and thank whatever God that will listen

It was caught in time?

That the stain image of chemo burned tits won’t be my mother

Or the ghostly bald women

Who linger in society

Wearing the scarves where their hair was

Like a white sheet over a dead body.

The doctors comfort her

By saying she was lucky

But I could still see the fear possessing her through her eyes

Wanting to be awoken

So she didn’t have to do this.

But I inherited the fighter in me from her

The woman who won’t let me forget

She was in labor with me forty-three hours

Because I wanted to snuggle in her uterus more than climb down her


And on January 22, 2019

She made that cancer her bitch

And I get to hug her now

And not have to remember each strand of gray hair

Or the fighting she still has in her.


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