Essential Reiki_ A Complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art - PDF Room

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practice; instead its goal is union and oneness with all Be–ing. This union is

personified by the visualized—not in flesh—sexual partner. Two outgrowths

of Tantric practice are the development of psychic abilities and healing skills.

The adept is taught to use these only when necessary, as they are distractions

from the Enlightenment process. 12

Tibetan Buddhism also involves the concept of Tulkas, the reincarnation

with retained previous-life memory of certain high level adepts. Today’s

Dalai Lama is an example of a Tulka. Some time after the death of a Dalai

Lama, the monks of the order begin to seek his reincarnation, whom they

identify by numerous signs and tests. The new Lama, still a young child, is

then taken to the monastery for training to resume the role he left in his past

lifetime. This is an important connection between mystical Buddhism and

Jesus, and I will describe it further. 13

Written material on Tantric Buddhism does not offer clear step-by-step

descriptions of how to achieve the Path. The material is meant only for

adepts, and is taught orally. The manuscripts are carefully protected for fear

of profanation and therefore are written to be deliberately obscure. A teacher

is required to unravel the mystical language, and the teacher does so only to

students deemed qualified and ready. 14 Teachings are sometimes lost if the

Teacher/Master does not accept students to pass them on to; lost practices are

occasionally regained by psychic rediscovery. The Tibetan Tantra Lotus

Sutra, a text written in the second or first century BCE, offers the symbol

formula for the technique of Reiki.

How did this technique of Reiki healing—though as Reiki is a Japanese

word it would not have been given that name—reach Jesus in the Middle

East? According to German writer and researcher Holger Kersten in his

fascinating book Jesus Lived in India (Element Books, Ltd., 1991), Jesus was

a reincarnated Bodhisattva, as described above—a Tulka. His birth was

awaited by members of a Buddhist order, and the “Three Wise Men”

followed the unusual astrological conjunction of 5 BCE to find him.

Buddhism had spread throughout the East by that time, and there were

Buddhist centers in most Middle Eastern countries.

The child would have been two years of age at the time and in danger from

Herod who had received prophecies of an Essene leader newborn who would

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