The Benedict News Spring 2021 Edition

Newsmagazine published by student journalists at St. Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark, N.J.

Newsmagazine published by student journalists at St. Benedict's Preparatory School in Newark, N.J.


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time that there was to evaluate the vaccine.

Nevertheless, despite my hesitancy, I also

recognized that if it's the only way out of

this whole damn mess that we are in, then I

guess I'm going to have to get vaccinated.

It’s that simple.

Photo By

Krithik Rajasegar

SBP School


established a COVID

testing center, right

in the HAB gym, on

the property as a

way of safeguarding


In a conversation in early December with Fr.

Ed we were talking about the vaccine and

whether or not people would get it and what

it would take. As we talked we said ‘You

know, I think people are tired of hearing the

talking heads on TV and people that they

can't relate to. And quite frankly maybe it

would help people from our community,

especially African Americans, Latinos,

others that maybe come from poor

neighborhoods if they heard from doctors

that came from the same neighborhoods,

came from the same school as them, who

looked like them and could speak the same

languages as they did.’

Q) FC: Which vaccine did you receive?

A. GC: Moderna. Initially, I was very

concerned about the speed with which the

vaccine was developed. One thing that I

always trusted about it was to say that I

think we are in a time in history where the

heads of the drug companies would have

been very foolish to allow a vaccine to be

released without properly vetting it. They

know that ultimately it would wind up as a

class action lawsuit and it could really cost

them a lot. So I was always kind of

confident that the testing of the vaccines was

going well. I was just concerned about the


21 The Benedict News Vol. 3 Issue 2 Spring 2021 22

So we put together expert panels for

livestreamed presentations in late December

made up of some of our alumni and some

other connections that we have. And we

were able to get seven physicians from

different backgrounds, many of whom went

to St. Benedict’s and many of whom came

from the Greater Newark area, to do a panel

and to tell us their thoughts. Going in we

didn't ask them what they thought of the

vaccine. We didn't ask if they wanted or

didn't want people to get the vaccine. We

wanted people to hear their raw thoughts.

That's exactly what happened.

If you watch those videos online you will

hear those doctors talking and the

information that convinced me. Well there

were a lot of things that involved me. But

the first thing that convinced me was Dr.

Guadalupe, who I went to (Benedict’s) with,

by the way. Dr. Guadalupe was speaking

and he said what I think is really important

for people to realize about these vaccines

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