Ovi Magazine Issue #24: Nationalism - Published: 2013-01-31

In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better.

In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better.


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Nationalism and patriotism

The pioneer of Socialism in Greece, Alexandros

Papanastasiou (prime minister in 1924), considered

nationalism as something pure, stressing that:

“Nationalism is a form of manifestation national

sentiment. And again has its roots in the sociological

instinct becoming a superior manifestation of


Ion Dragoumis, one of the greatest figures in the

struggle for the liberation of Macedonia from the

Turks and the Bulgarians; identified nationalistic

activities with the active support of the homeland.

“To live means log into my Nation. Affiliated with

the Nation I’m becoming stronger, channeling all

my strength there, that to the end,” he said.

Nowadays unfortunately the interpreters of

the neo-nationalism do not gamble in activating

patriotic forces of a nation but by activating fearful

emotions. Activating conservative syndromes

and hysterical emotions that lead, ultimately,

to the perception of the Nazi obsession

about “racial purity” - certainly not acting

aggressively as the Hitler’s Nazis - but

guarding – always according to them -

‘national’ achievements.

The difference with the healthy

patriotism lies in the fact that real patriots

show loyalty to the constitutional contract

that binds the citizens with the state and

the whole; that triggers any positive power

and virtues, while showing abnegation to

anything personal against the good of the

society sacrificing i.e. the “I” to “we.” Real

patriotism also displays love for the country

and freedom and puts the common interests

and rights of the citizens living under the

same constitutional framework - regardless

their origins - over of private, or the interests

of a group; defending universal values as

freedom, equality and justice, essential

components of democracy.

The neo-nationalism however dominated

by fascist attitudes cannot tolerance any

of those values. Phobias cannot thrive in

freedom, equality and justice. Patriotism

is based on love for the country while

neo-nationalism in hatred for others. It

was the French President De Gaulle who

eloquently has said it, “Patriotism is when

you put above all the love for your country.

Nationalism is when you put above all the

hate for the other.”

Love for our country can be expressed

mainly with actions, activating the citizens

and not entrench their operations and lead

them to extreme behaviors or thoughts.

Jokingly I could say that for me, as Greek,

“nationalist is everybody who seriously

believes that their country is better than

Greece.” The same of course could be said

by French, an Italian, a German, etc.


The difference is that a patriot is the

one who strives to give to his homeland to

help her to become better. For example, a

Greek patriot is the one who strives, offers

and make personal sacrifices for Greece so

that Greece can do better. And they do so

without caring if he is the only one even if

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