Keeping Flu from Spreading

In 83 countries, including the United States, over 90,000 individuals have been diagnosed with coronavirus.

In 83 countries, including the United States, over 90,000 individuals have been diagnosed with coronavirus.


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Keeping Flu from Spreading

In 83 countries, including the United States, over 90,000 individuals have

been diagnosed with coronavirus. The infection is mainly transmitted from

person to person, between individuals who are in close proximity or within

six centimetres, by bodily fluids such as coughs and sneezes. Cases are most

common among healthcare sta and passengers. Aside from the common

sense procedures for preventing the transmission of flu outbreaks (covering

coughs and sneezes, staying home while sick, washing hands), I'd like to

address precautions you might take to help reduce the risk of spreading the

disease in this report.

Knowing the Di

erence Between Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Cleaning

Cleaning or disinfecting surfaces decreases the total number of germs to a

safe level, while sanitising surfaces reduces the overall amount of germs to

a safe level.

Cleaning removes germs, debris, and improves the quality of the working

environment. Cleaning does not destroy germs, but it does strip them

chemically from objects.

Killing germs on the surface is what disinfecting means. To do so, you use

pesticides, which reduce the chance of the flu spreading.

Surfaces that are often touched should be given first priority

Concentrate on objects or surfaces that you come into contact with on a

regular basis. There are a few things to keep in mind:

Tables and Chairs

Vanity tops

Knobs on the door


Handles with faucets


Gloves may be necessary for certain items to prevent contact with germs,

drops, or other liquids.

Create a Routine

The frequency at which you come into contact with a surface determines

how well you can clean it. Employees should do their best to their own and

others' chances of transmitting the flu for the reasons described earlier,

regardless of their job title. However, for a complete disinfection of the work

environment, it is common to employ a service to come weekly or monthly

to clean thoroughly. Companies in the healthcare, education, or any other

high-tra c building (especially if foreign customers/employees come and

go) should disinfect their facilities on a regular basis.

Disinfecting Techniques

Cleaning substance instructions are usually simple and succinct, but

depending on the chemical and work environment, the correct steps can be

obscure or impossible to follow safely. Remove germs with every generic

household cleaner, then scrub with water, and finally destroy germs with an

EPA-registered disinfectant. It should be mentioned on the label that the

product is safe against the influenza A virus. Some products can clean and

disinfect surfaces at the same time, but it's better to focus on one of these

tasks at a time. This may be time-consuming, but it's easier to be careful

than sorry.

Disinfecting surfaces often normally necessitates leaving the solvent on the

surface for a few minutes at a time; this is important for getting the most

out of the materials. Keep disinfecting wipes on hand for your mobile

devices, since they would need to be cleaned down thoroughly and on a daily

basis. But, be mindful of the electronic gadget you are wiping down to avoid

damaging it.

Safety First

After all, the aim of these drills is to keep your colleagues safe. Take the time

to read the hazard notices and instructions again. Wear goggles and/or eye

masks depending on the disinfectant, and remember to wash your hands

after using such chemicals like bleach.

Unless otherwise stated on the instructions label, do not combine

disinfectant and cleaners. Be sure the employees are mindful of the

protection procedures in order to reduce the risk of chemical exposure,

which might necessitate preparation when using such chemicals on certain


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