Jessie May Reset & Recovery Plan 2021-22

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Reset and

Recovery Plan

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Reset and

Recovery Plan


Our Services

Family Engagement


Digital Transformation

Finance and Administration













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The past twelve months have been extremely

challenging for all of us and especially for the children

and families that we support. We have had to adapt

and change many of the ways in which we have been

used to working. For example: developing a menu of support, prioritising

those children and families most in need rather than our planned three

hour respite visits, working jointly with colleagues in other services to

provide overnight care, and re-deployment of experienced nurses to the

Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Like many charities, fundraising has become extremely difficult with some

traditional areas of activity just not possible due to the ongoing social

restrictions in place. As a result we have had to reduce our workforce, and

many of the fundraising and administrative staff have been on furlough.

We have also not been able to access the office for much of the time, and

now only on a limited basis, so we are conducting much of our business


With the vaccination programme underway and a ‘roadmap’ through to

the summer to gradually ease restrictions, we are now in a position to reset

the organisation and move forwards into a new era, taking with us some

of the innovations that have proved beneficial. This is not going back to our

traditional ways of working, but instead embracing change and moving

forward to a more effective and efficient service.

Before the pandemic we developed a five-year strategy with four key areas:

Services to Children and Families, Family Engagement, Influencing and

Volunteering. Further development and implementation of this was put on

hold due to the pandemic and this plan, which covers the next twelve to

eighteen months, is the route back to focus on our strategy.

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Our Services

Regular Respite Care: Our standard offer has been a three-hour respite visit.

However during the pandemic we have developed a menu of support ranging from

texts and telephone calls, the use of video meetings, and support visits. We have also

considered the usefulness of longer, less frequent visits or shorter, more frequent,

ones. We will consult with families on these ideas to develop a menu of support.

Family Events: We have previously had feedback about the importance of

these events for families. It is not yet clear when it will be safe for us to organise

such events and what additional safety measures we will need to put in place.

However, we will organise several school holiday activities as soon as we are

able to. Optimistically we have already booked our venue for the Christmas Party.

The Tree of Light celebration event is an important event in our calendar which

was only available last year as a pre-recorded video. This year we aim to hold

a real-time event but to pilot recording or live streaming the event as well.

Bereavement Support: We will continue to provide bereavement support.

However, we have expanded the use of telephone and video support and will

continue to offer this as a means of increasing our support. Our Purple Group

has been offered virtually through Zoom and we will continue to do this until

such time as it is possible to hold in-person meetings. We will consult bereaved

families on their preferences with the possibility of offering both alternatives.

Referral Process: Responding to feedback we will consult with families upon a

new referral process, whereby our experienced palliative care nurses, with support

from clinicians, will consider the appropriateness of referrals to Jessie May.

Caseload Review: Our caseload continues to grow, however, due to advances

in medical science and treatment, many conditions that would previously

have almost certainly resulted in death in childhood no longer do so. In

reviewing our caseload there are potentially children who no longer strictly

meet our criteria. This is common practice in many similar organisations. We

will consult with families to consider how we should manage this issue.

Jessie May Reset and Recovery Plan

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Our Services (continued)

Capacity: We will review the nursing workload and support systems

to ensure that nurses are able to work effectively and efficiently. The

introduction of digital systems and online training will contribute to this.

We will set a clear target for direct contact time and monitor this closely.

Care Team Management: We currently have a temporary arrangement

with a senior nurse seconded to us from the Children’s Hospital. We

are discussing options for a more permanent arrangement with UHBW.

We will make a decision by the end of the first quarter of 2021/22.

Clinical Governance and Quality Assurance: Considering the changes

that have taken place we are currently reviewing our arrangements

for Clinical Governance and Quality Assurance. A decision will be

agreed at the first QA meeting in 2021/22 and a new scheme piloted

throughout the remainder of the year. Safe, effective care delivery and

management of services remains central to our service offer.

Care Quality Commission: The CEO currently fulfills the role of Registered

Manager for the Care Quality Commission who regulate and

inspect our service. The role of Registered Manger will pass to the

Senior Nurse once a permanent arrangement is secured. We will

continue to liaise with the CQC Inspector and complete an annual

key lines of enquiry questionnaire to inform these discussions.

Workforce Review: We will review our skill mix requirements,

considering the new opportunities for nursing associates

as well as healthcare assistants and nursery nurses to be part of

the team, in addition to registered nurses. We will also implement a

programme of support to those in the nursing team, with managerial

responsibilities to ensure that they can grow and develop in their roles.

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Family Engagement

This is a key objective of our strategy, and one which we will build upon. Jessie

May was set up by parents and we try to honour that by ensuring that the voice

of parents/carers (and children) is heard within the organisation to help shape the

service and set its priorities.

We will recruit at least one further parent to be a

trustee on the Board of Trustees;

We will explore the use of social media as a platform

for us to engage with families;

We will hold a series of virtual and/or live engagement

sessions with families;

We will consult on the establishment of a parents

advisory group or similar forum;

We will develop a dedicated area of the Jessie May website

for family information.

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Avon Children’s Palliative Care Strategy Group: We will continue

to be active members of the Avon Children’s Palliative Care Strategy

Group and contribute to working groups as appropriate.

24/7 End of Life Steering Group: We will continue to be core

members of this project steering group which, now that funding

has been secured, should begin to make significant progress.

Royal College of Nursing: Our Nursing Lead remains as the

Chair of the RCN Community & Continuing Care Forum.

Together for Short Lives and Hospice UK: We continue

as members of these umbrella organisations and will

contribute to working groups as appropriate.

Swindon/Wiltshire/B&NES: We will re-engage with the CCG/

STP to seek to establish a funding relationship with them

to support our work. In the absence of this we will review

provision and the needs of the caseload, alongside working with

nurses managing the caseload of children and families.

Local MPs: We will update local MPs on developments in the charity and

take up any issues identified by parents and families as appropriate.

Department of Health & Social Care: We will engage and comment on

consultation documents, guidance etc. relating to children’s palliative care.

Public Relations: We will use our press contacts, our

website and social media to comment on issues relevant to

our charity and the children and families we support.

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Digital Transformation

Many of the systems and processes for finance, fundraising and administration

are somewhat antiquated, are not integrated, often duplicated and use a mixture

of paper and electronic systems. Our IT infrastructure is also outdated, slow and


We will implement a Digital Transformation Project to identify new software

and hardware to integrate and automate as much as possible. The first phase

of this will be completed within the first six months of the new financial year.

In addition, we are reviewing all of our care records systems with a

view to implementing a paper light, if not paper free, system.

Digital Prescribing: For some time we have been working on replacing our hard

copy drug charts with a centrally coordinated electronic medication record held

and coordinated by the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. This is a joint project

with other service providers supported by the CCG, but being piloted with Jessie

May. The project was halted due to lack of pharmacist availability. This has now

been negotiated and the aim is that all children supported by Jessie May will

have digital drug charts within a six-month period. This scheme will run for a

further six months, with a view to being rolled out to other service providers.

Digital ‘patient’ Records: Our current records are a mix of electronic and paper

held. We are actively exploring options for making all our records digital. This

is so that records can be seen in real time and shared on a platform with the

other service providers supporting the children and families. We will assess

the potential of the systems being used currently – Medway, EMISS and

Connecting Care and develop a plan to implement the most suitable system.

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Finance & Administration

We will reduce the size of our office premises and introduce a flexible

approach to office/home working.

We will complete an audit of all HR files of Jessie May employed staff.

We will develop a checklist of all regular reporting requirements to ensure


We will establish a scheme of data reporting, streamlined by electronic

record keeping, to support monitoring of our activities and to support

fundraising with information for grant applications and reports.

We have set a budget for the year, and whilst fundraising in the current

environment is very unpredictable, we are aiming to ensure that we keep at

least six months of expenditure in reserve.

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Since April 2020 traditional fundraising activities have ground to a halt. These

activities included; schools, businesses, workforces, lottery, community groups,

volunteering and events fundraising. In the absence of these activities we are

adapting our fundraising approaches to enable us to attract new supporters.

There will be a time, hopefully during the reset and recovery period, when we can

recommence traditional forms of fundraising activity.

Marketing & Communications

We will improve and increase the reach of Jessie May

communication with our supporters through:

The development of a Marketing and Communications plan.

This will include the introduction of a Communications Policy outlining guidance

for media requests etc, and the appointment of a Freelance PR Officer for an

initial six-month period to increase our profile externally.

The website, as the shop window to Jessie May, is being updated with revised

functionality and appearance. The first phase includes updated content, branding

and performance. The second phase is to develop a Jessie May shop and finally

the third phase to introduce a membership section.

We will have a tightly controlled brand identity, which will reach out to different

identified audiences in a tailored tone of voice and content. This will span every

function, from family communications to donors and corporate partnerships to

ensure maximum impact and reach for our brand.

The development of a controlled social media plan that ensures the right balance

between cause related posts vs fundraising related posts (suggest 80/20).

The newsletter will be reintroduced initially twice a year (Spring and Autumn)

and will be available through digital and print where required. We will continue to

develop the internal edition of the newsletter, available for staff and trustees.

The Patron and Ambassador programme will receive an overhaul during this reset

and recovery period seeing a recruitment drive.

Jessie May Reset and Recovery Plan

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Fundraising (continued)

Corporate Partnerships

We will continue to nurture existing corporate partnerships and take opportunity

to develop new partnerships by resuming the Caring at Work initiative, attending

networking events, seeking innovative opportunities to maximise

income through corporate partnerships, and developing a standardised

stewardship and donor journey plan.

Community & Events

We will maintain and improve our online presence and scheduled

communications for, and to, groups, individual fundraisers, eventers, volunteers,

and educational establishments. Fundraising tools will be made available for these

individuals to enable them to support Jessie May with minimal assistance from the

team. These items include a digital fundraising pack, downloadable sponsor form,

cardboard collecting boxes and banners that we can tear from a roll and put in the

post. We will continue to monitor activity and may consider the appointment in

the last quarters of the financial year of a Fundraiser to support the team.

Campaign Activity

The recruitment of new Jessie May supporters across the organisation is key to

the long-term financial stability of Jessie May. One of many activities that will be

implemented is the introduction of new supporter campaigns. Two campaigns will

be implemented during this period: Summer campaign with Children’s Hospice

Week tie in, and a Christmas campaign.

A major call to action during the reset and recovery period is the launch of an

organisational wide message of ‘Buy an Hour’ for Jessie May. A private phase is

currently underway, where we approach privately known supporters before going

public in the latter part of the period.

The introduction or refinement of supporter journeys to retain

and develop relationships will be delivered, as will a new

legacy and will recruitment programme.

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Fundraising (continued)

Trust, Grant and Statutory Funding

The focus of this area is the development of the stewardship programme for

grant makers to ensure reporting is timely and the information required exceeds


Adaptations will need to be considered for applications depending on the trust

environment, which is uncertain at present.

During the reset and recovery period, handover of the

statutory management and a proactive approach with the

aim to increase funds will occur.

Jessie May Reset and Recovery Plan

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We will:

Recruit an Executive Assistant to work in support of the

CEO and the Board of Trustees.

Appoint a new Chair of the Board.

Revise and agree a scheme of delegation from the Board

to the Sub Committees and the CEO.

Complete a full induction of recent new additions to our

Board of Trustees.


This plan, which covers the next twelve to eighteen months, will be monitored

on a monthly basis by the Senior Management Team and quarterly by the Board

of Trustees through Key Performance Indicators.

This plan cannot be achieved without the continued, valued contribution

and support of our loyal team, supporters and families. All of whom have

frequently gone the extra mile – so a very big thank you to all of you.

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Stay in touch

0117 958 2174


Email info@jessiemay.org.uk

Follow us

Company Limited by guarantee (England and Wales No: 04118341)

Charity Number 1086048

Jessie May Reset and Recovery Plan

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