A Mile With Jesus

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A mile<br />

with <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Prayer guide and<br />

outreach ideas<br />

Carl & Rebekah Brettle<br />

Neighbourhood<br />

Prayer Network

The soft launch of ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>’ was on 24th September<br />

2016, four years after our formal<br />

launch of Neighbourhood Prayer<br />

Network at the ‘National Day of<br />

Prayer’ at Wembley Stadium, 2012.<br />

You can take part in ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>’ at any time of the year, but it<br />

is powerful, if many are doing this<br />

on the same day.<br />

The vision of Neighbourhood<br />

Prayer Network, is to see every<br />

street covered in Christian prayer,<br />

with people praying for, caring<br />

for and sharing <strong>Jesus</strong> with their<br />

immediate neighbours. Since our<br />

launch, more than 7,000 people<br />

have taken spiritual responsibility<br />

for their streets and we have seen<br />

direct answers to prayer and lives<br />

changed as a result. We believe ‘A<br />

<strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’ is from God and<br />

hope we are faithful to Him in this.<br />

HOPE Together is delighted to<br />

partner with Neighbourhood<br />

Prayer Network in this revised<br />

edition of ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> <strong>With</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong>’, as<br />

part of the Hope for Every Home<br />

project, Prayer Walk 21. The vision<br />

of Neighbourhood Prayer to pray<br />

for every street in the UK is one<br />

we share and we believe God is<br />

calling us to. ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> <strong>With</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong>’ is<br />

such a helpful and comprehensive<br />

guide to prayer walking and we are<br />

grateful to Neighbourhood Prayer<br />

for sharing it with us, ‘for such a<br />

time as this’.<br />


Origins of ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’<br />

Rachael Fola-Taiwo<br />

A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong> Coordinator, Neighbourhood Prayer Network.<br />

In October 2015, after fourteen days of fasting<br />

and prayer, God gave me the vision of<br />

‘A <strong>Mile</strong> <strong>With</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong>.’ In a dream, I ‘saw’<br />

prayer chains springing up from<br />

different places, electric sparks<br />

coming together and forming a<br />

massive umbrella shape, with one<br />

stick that all hands were holding<br />

onto. Then I could see traces of fire/<br />

lightening coming from the roads and<br />

streets and returning towards Heaven.<br />

When I woke up from the ‘revelation’<br />

I was lost in deep thought of what I had<br />

just seen. I pondered over it day and night. I<br />

continued praying and fasting, ending my fast at<br />

the ‘National Day of Prayer’ conference in Croydon, which I attended with<br />

the NPN team in November 2015. On the last day of the conference, I asked<br />

Pastor Jonathan Oloyede to pray for me. As he laid his hand on me, all I could<br />

pray was “Lord I will go a mile with you.” The Holy Spirit said to me, “not just<br />

you, but as many that will go a mile with Him, He will go with them, through<br />

the journey.”<br />

I kept the vision within me after sharing it with my husband. I had no peace,<br />

I wrote the vision down, and all the planning of how to go about it, as given in<br />

prayer. For three months, I carried the burden in my mind.<br />

In January 2016, Neighbourhood Prayer Network was holding a special prayer<br />

meeting to ask God about the year ahead. I couldn’t stop the prompt of the<br />

Holy Spirit, to share the vision with Rebekah Brettle. She told her husband<br />

Carl Brettle and they invited me for a discussion. I was thrilled as they shared<br />

with me how they wanted to take it National; it was exactly how the Holy<br />

Spirit had given it to me. I just opened my mouth speechless, as they talked<br />

with me about the vision. Hence the journey of, ‘A MILE WITH JESUS’ begins…<br />


About this guide<br />

This guide is intended to be an aid to those who have little experience of<br />

prayer walking. It is meant to be used as a reference, rather than to be read all<br />

at once.<br />

This is a Neighbourhood Prayer Network resource. Further copies can be<br />

ordered from: www.npnresources.com<br />

There are four parts:<br />

Part I: Preparing in prayer before your ‘<strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’<br />

Part II: An A to Z guide of places you might come across. We have provided<br />

some prayer points for each one. Some of you may be walking in more rural<br />

areas, others in more residential areas, others around Towns and Cities. There<br />

is something here for all of these. As residential roads and streets may make<br />

up a significant part of your walk, we have provided a special prayer points<br />

for these at the beginning.<br />

Part III: We have provided some inspirational scriptures that you may want to<br />

pray over streets, or places, or to aid you in prayer.<br />

Part IV: Some churches may wish to use this as a ‘outreach’ opportunity. In<br />

this section, we hope you will find inspiration and ideas.<br />

Contents<br />

Page 3...........About this guide<br />

Page 4...........Getting started<br />

Page 5...........Part I - Preparing in prayer<br />

Page 6...........Part I - General prayer<br />

Page 7...........Part II - Praying for streets / roads<br />

Page 8...........Part II - A-Z of places to pray for<br />

Page 25.........Part III - Scriptures for prayer walking<br />

Page 31..........Part IV - Outreach suggestions for churches<br />


Getting started<br />

All of you will interpret the vision differently. The following is a suggestion<br />

only. For the purposes of safety we recommend that you do this in twos and<br />

prayer walk in daylight hours.<br />

Step 1: Decide whether you plan to<br />

do your prayer walk on your own,<br />

with family or friends, with your<br />

prayer group or as a whole church!<br />

Plan accordingly. Some churches<br />

might want to map out their whole<br />

parish or neighbourhood and get<br />

people to cover every street…<br />

Step 2: Decide when you are going<br />

to do your prayer walk and whether<br />

it is a one off or something you want<br />

to repeat.<br />

Step 3: Ask God what route you are<br />

going to take, starting from your<br />

door step, your church or another<br />

location. You might want to use a<br />

map, sat nav, a pedometer, a car, to<br />

work out a full mile route.<br />

Step 4: Visit the www.police.uk<br />

website and click on ‘Find Your<br />

Neighbourhood’ (at the top of the<br />

website), add in your postcode and<br />

view crime statistics for the streets<br />

you will be walking down.<br />

Step 5: Prepare in prayer, before you<br />

go out. You may want to use<br />

our ‘Prayer Walking Guide… A <strong>Mile</strong><br />

with <strong>Jesus</strong>’.<br />

Step 6: Make sure that you have<br />

warm clothes, water proofs, access<br />

to a Bible or online version.<br />

Step 7: When going out, (or for<br />

those house bound/disabled),<br />

staying at home, start immediately in<br />

prayer, asking <strong>Jesus</strong> to reveal how He<br />

sees the places you are walking.<br />

Step 8: If you come across anyone,<br />

pray for them (either telling them or<br />

discreetly), pray a blessing on them<br />

and for them to come to know <strong>Jesus</strong>.<br />

Step 9: If you come across a Post<br />

Office, a church, a hospital, a pub, a<br />

Police station, a Fire station, shops…<br />

pray a blessing over them and as<br />

God leads you or use our ‘A <strong>Mile</strong><br />

<strong>With</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong>’ resource for inspiration.<br />

Step 10: Listen to what God is<br />

saying as you walk…is He leading<br />

you somewhere, speaking about<br />

something? Is there someone in need<br />

you should help?<br />

Step 11: Come home, commit the<br />

walk to God and email email@<br />

neighbourhoodprayer.net to tell us<br />

you have done a prayer walk and<br />

how many miles.<br />

Step 12: Repeat…on another day?<br />


PART I<br />

Preparing yourself in prayer<br />

Read, the following scriptures<br />

n Love God, (Mark 12:30) n Love People (Mark 12:31)<br />

n Love other Christians (John 13:34-35) n Love your Enemies (Matthew 5:43-48)<br />

Confession<br />

Confess the times that you have<br />

failed to show love to others.<br />

Forgiveness<br />

Forgive those whom you hold a<br />

grudge against, people who have<br />

hurt you, past and present. If<br />

necessary, phone someone or meet<br />

with them to apologise, if you have<br />

done something wrong. Ask God to<br />

forgive you for failing to show love<br />

to others or for not putting Him first.<br />

Pray for those who are struggling to<br />

forgive others where you are going<br />

to walk today!<br />

Thanksgiving<br />

Thank God for all He has done in<br />

your life, for the house you live in,<br />

your income, your family, your<br />

friends and that you know Him.<br />

Putting on the armour of God<br />

As Christians we need to be mindful<br />

that when we are in a spiritual war<br />

when we pray. Ephesians 6:12 says<br />

“for our struggle is not against flesh<br />

and blood, but against the rulers,<br />

against the authorities, against<br />

the powers of this dark world and<br />

against the spiritual forces of evil in<br />

the heavenly realms.” (NIV)<br />

Take time to read through Ephesians<br />

6:10-18 and put on the armour of God<br />

as you feel led.<br />

Is this the first time you are choosing to follow <strong>Jesus</strong>?<br />

This prayer comes from the www.lookingforgod.com website.<br />

Dear God,<br />

Thank you for sending your Son to die for sinners just like me.<br />

I believe that He died in my place and took the consequences<br />

of my rebellion against You upon Himself. I am amazed and<br />

so thankful that He suffered the punishment I deserved,<br />

so that I don’t have to. I am sorry for the wrong I have<br />

done and want to turn from it.<br />

I believe that <strong>Jesus</strong> came back to life to prove that<br />

He had beaten sin and death itself and to give me<br />

new life. Please make right my relationship with<br />

You. Send me Your Holy Spirit and transform<br />

my life from within.<br />

Amen<br />

Tell someone you have prayed this prayer<br />

or visit www.lookingforgod.com<br />


General prayer<br />

Pray for all those across the country taking part in<br />

‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’<br />

Luke 13:22<br />

Father, we are inviting You afresh onto every road and highway that leads<br />

to our villages, towns and cities and the wider country. We pray that Your<br />

glory will be seen in our society and that the country turns to <strong>Jesus</strong>. Unite all<br />

Christians today to pray for Your Kingdom to come.<br />

Luke 14:21-23<br />

Father as people go out onto streets to pray, break the bondage of<br />

depression, anxiety, sickness, stress or the work of the enemy, in the name<br />

of <strong>Jesus</strong>.<br />

Lord <strong>Jesus</strong>, open the eyes of everyone on our roads and highways to come to<br />

know You and be saved.<br />

Lord <strong>Jesus</strong>, let many driving, riding bikes, praying at home, walking, have an<br />

encounter with You today.<br />

Luke 10:33<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>, let Your Spirit of love and compassion fill the hearts of everyone as<br />

they journey along roads today.<br />

Help us all to see our neighbours, other drivers on the roads, through Your<br />

eyes. Bring love to all across our nation.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>, help all to be patient and understanding and for love to overflow from<br />

the hearts of everyone as they travel ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with You’ today.<br />

Luke 17:19<br />

We pray that today as we pray for the sick, that many will be healed in<br />

Your name.<br />

Mark 14:13<br />

Father, provide for all taking part in ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’ as they pray and<br />

spread the “Good News” of the Gospel.<br />

Lord, we ask that we could become Your hands, Your feet, Your lips, and have<br />

Your heart. Let us hear clearly what You are saying today, as we go out and<br />

let us go out in obedience. Amen<br />


PART II<br />

Praying for streets / roads<br />

n Ask God what He is saying about a street. How does He see it?<br />

n Pray for anyone you see walking by. If you feel <strong>Jesus</strong> is asking you, ask<br />

someone if they want prayer.<br />

n Pray for the safety of all drivers, all cyclists and pedestrians.<br />

n Pray for all living on the street you are on, to come to know <strong>Jesus</strong>.<br />

n Pray for the blessing of God to come in abundance on this street.<br />

n For people to feel that there is a sense of community on this street and for<br />

the lonely to find friendship and love.<br />

n For protection from anti-social behaviour, theft and violence.<br />

For peace on our street.<br />


A-Z of places to pray for<br />

The idea is pray for these places as you come across them. This intended as<br />

a reference guide.<br />

Ambulance station<br />

n For an increase in morale among paramedics who often feel under<br />

resourced and under pressure.<br />

n For the wise use of ambulances and a reduction in demand for them.<br />

n For all those needing ambulances to receive help as fast as possible<br />

without any significant delays and for healing!<br />

Art galleries<br />

n Thanksgiving for all artists and aspiring artists and the work they do.<br />

n For all who visit art galleries to develop an appreciation for art and<br />

imagination.<br />

n For people to see a revelation of who You are through art and that all<br />

creativity comes from You!<br />

Banks<br />

n For the public to treat staff kindly and with respect.<br />

n For protection from any future ‘crisis’ in banking.<br />

n For the most vulnerable in society to be treated fairly and with<br />

compassion and for banks to stop people taking on debts they cannot<br />

afford.<br />

Bikes (See Cycling)<br />

Bowling alley<br />

n Thank You for all the fun that people experience in bowling alleys which<br />

are often enjoyed as a family activity.<br />

n For safety of all using the bowling alleys.<br />

n For peace and harmony at time of great competition.<br />


Bus station<br />

n Thanksgiving for all bus drivers and a blessing over their lives.<br />

n For bus routes to serve those most in need and fares to be at a price that<br />

allows all people to use them.<br />

n For safety of all people using buses and protection from any accidents.<br />

Betting Shops / gambling<br />

n Protection for people drawn to betting shops from addiction to betting,<br />

especially those who are most in need of money.<br />

n For owners of betting shops to act responsibly in how they advertise.<br />

n For those in financial difficulty to receive much needed advice and<br />

support.<br />

Café<br />

n Thank You for the cafés and all places like it, as places for people to meet.<br />

n Help the café to become a place of community and meeting for people<br />

and a place where some feel less lonely.<br />

n Bring blessing to the café and encounters with <strong>Jesus</strong> in the café!<br />

Car parks<br />

n Protect all drivers on the roads as they drive home today.<br />

n Protect all vehicles from any damage.<br />

n Reduce tempers where there is competition for spaces.<br />

Church / cathedral<br />

n We praise You for this Christian church, for its location in the community,<br />

all the people who worship here and the outreach done in the past and<br />

present.<br />

n We pray that the Gospel message is presented in a powerful way and in a<br />

way that people understand.<br />

n Bring growth to this church. Let people come here for healing and may<br />

they encounter You. Let this church be a true representation of what You<br />

are calling her to be!<br />


Cemetery / crematorium<br />

n Bring healing to everyone who has recently been bereaved and for them to<br />

remember ‘good memories.’<br />

n We pray for everyone visiting this place today, that they will know Your<br />

presence.<br />

A-Z of places to pray for<br />

n We pray for ministers/registrars performing services, to be sensitive to the<br />

needs of those attending. We thank You that many people hear the Gospel<br />

at funerals.<br />


Colleges (see University / schools)<br />

Cinemas<br />

n We thank You for the many cinemas that allow newer churches to use their<br />

premises.<br />

n We pray for the films shown here, to inspire, to encourage and to promote<br />

a better world.<br />

n We pray protection for young people attending cinemas, protection from<br />

sexualised images and violence.<br />

Clubs<br />

n We thank You for the work of Street Angels, Street Pastors and similar<br />

organisations, working with the night-time economy. (If your town/City<br />

does not have these ministries, pray for them to be established).<br />

n Pray for all drug dealing in the club to be prevented or stopped and a<br />

reduction in dangerous drinking.<br />

n Prevent violence, sexual assault, unwanted pregnancies and any decisions<br />

young people may regret.<br />

Cycle lanes and velodromes<br />

n Thank You for cycle lanes and that so many areas are now cyclist friendly<br />

and for our recent Olympic success in cycling.<br />

n We pray for all cyclists, especially younger cyclists to wear helmets,<br />

protective clothing and be clearly visible.<br />

n We pray protection over all cyclists from road traffic accidents.<br />

Dance studio<br />

n We pray for all those who attend dance classes. Help those of all ages who<br />

are struggling to learn to dance, to make progress.<br />

n We pray that people will make friends with others they dance with.<br />

n We pray for professional dancers. Give them stamina for the performances<br />

they do. Bring reconciliation when people fall out. Help those who are<br />

seeking work. Be close to any who are injured and making decisions about<br />

their future career.<br />


A-Z of places to pray for<br />

Debt management centres<br />

n Thank You for all debt management centres and the people who genuinely<br />

are trying to help people in debt.<br />

n We pray for all who use their service to receive the right advice and to be<br />

using the best service available and to find a clear path out of debt.<br />

n Let those who are feeling depressed and anxious, feel Your presence, love<br />

and find hope in You!<br />

Dentist<br />

n Father, we pray for all those who need an NHS dentist and struggle to<br />

find them. Help them to get timely treatment and prevention of dental<br />

problems.<br />

n Guide dentists and all those who work in the practice. Help all dentists give<br />

the best treatment that they can.<br />

n Protect dentists from anxiety and depression and from suicidal thoughts,<br />

(dentists have one of the highest rates of suicide).<br />

Factories<br />

n We pray for the safety of all working here and fair working conditions.<br />

n We pray for high productivity, high profits and protection from closure.<br />

n Bless this factory with new orders and long term prosperity.<br />


Farm<br />

n Thank You for all who farm our lands and provide crops and food. Help<br />

them to feel appreciated.<br />

n We pray a blessing on their harvest, for high crop yields and high birth<br />

rates among animals.<br />

n Help farmers struggling financially to find new markets and for an increase<br />

in organic farming and reduction in pesticides.<br />

Fields<br />

n We pray for our bee population to increase, (there has been a marked<br />

decline in bees the last few years).<br />

n We pray for farming techniques to respect Creation.<br />

n We pray for an excellent harvest.<br />

Fire station<br />

n Thanksgiving for our fire service and the men and women who work here,<br />

risking their lives. Help them to feel appreciation from the public and from<br />

government.<br />

n For a reduction in suicides (this is currently very high), healing for post<br />

traumatic stress disorder and other mental health problems and for any fire<br />

fighter who is currently in pain or struggling, to find the courage to seek<br />

help from his family, colleagues and friends so they get the help they need.<br />

n For stable working conditions, a reduction in serious fires, good pay and<br />

conditions and protection from harm when they respond to fires/ rescues<br />

every day and for strength for families who send them to face this.<br />


Food bank<br />

n Thank You for the generous donations to these and for all the volunteers<br />

who work in them.<br />

n For a reduction in the need for Food Banks, for benefit changes to happen<br />

smoothly and incomes to rise for families struggling.<br />

A-Z of places to pray for<br />

n For those receiving food parcels and food aid, to receive love and support<br />

from family, friends and those in their community.<br />

Football stadium (see stadiums)<br />

Garden centres and public gardens / horticulture<br />

n Thank you for garden centres and the joy they bring to so many.<br />

n For public gardens to remain open to the public.<br />

n For these places to be places where people feel safe and a place where<br />

people can feel close to You.<br />


Golf courses<br />

n Thank you for golf courses and the enjoyment they bring to so many,<br />

especially those who use them as a ‘stress relief’ from their work place.<br />

n For golf courses to be places of harmony and peace and relaxation.<br />

n For friendships to flourish, especially for those who find making and<br />

keeping friends difficult.<br />

Government buildings: (See Town Halls)<br />

GP surgery<br />

n For all the staff, GPs, practice nurses, receptionists to feel appreciated. For<br />

Health care workers to get help when they experience ‘burn out’ or other<br />

mental health problems and for a reduction in suicides.<br />

n For waiting times to reduce, for a reduction in heart conditions, respiratory<br />

conditions, diabetes, obesity, depression and anxiety among patients.<br />

n For enough resources, staff and time to meet demand, for increase in<br />

morale and a feeling that the public appreciate them and a reduction in<br />

negativity and complaints.<br />

Hair dressers<br />

n We pray for all hair dressers, to enjoy their work and establish regular<br />

customers.<br />

n We pay for protection from low wages.<br />

n We pray for opportunities for Christians to share their faith with their hair<br />

dresser and to ‘gossip’ the Gospel.<br />

Homeless shelter<br />

n We thank you for all the homeless shelters, the volunteers and those who<br />

fund shelters. Help all homeless people experience love.<br />

n For all the homeless people, for them to soon find their own<br />

accommodation. For a reduction in the number of homeless people and for<br />

protection from harm while they remain homeless.<br />

n For domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues,<br />

relationship breakdown and all the issues that contribute to homelessness<br />

to reduce.<br />


A-Z of places to pray for<br />

Hospital<br />

n We pray for all staff working in the hospitals and for their working<br />

conditions to improve…time to eat, time to have a break, time to go to<br />

the toilet and for the volume of work they are experiencing to decrease.<br />

For recruitment of more A and E staff, and for less people to attend as<br />

emergencies.<br />

n For all patients and visitors currently in the hospital. For the right diagnosis<br />

and treatment for each patient. For hospital chaplains as they minister to<br />

those in the hospital.<br />

n For wise allocation of resources, use of services and for elderly people in<br />

particular to be treated with dignity and respect and their problems dealt<br />

with, avoiding the need for multiple admissions.<br />

Houses<br />

n Bless the house and all who live in it.<br />

n Let all who live in the house have the opportunity to come to know You.<br />

n For protection from evil, crime and for all who dwell there to know love.<br />

Housing association<br />

n Thank You for all those who work to provide affordable accommodation<br />

often to those who need it most.<br />

n Preserve enough housing for the need in the community.<br />

n Give wisdom to those involved in placing people with serious problems.<br />


Ice rinks<br />

n Protect all who use them from broken bones.<br />

n Thank You for the fun that people have in this place.<br />

n Let this be a place where friendships are forged, maintained and flourish.<br />

Job centre / job clubs<br />

n Bring encouragement to staff in job centres working with difficult<br />

guidelines and protocols, which can cause anxiety for those attending.<br />

n Help all those genuinely seeking work to find a job that fits their<br />

personality, skills and needs in terms of finances and location.<br />

n Bring comfort and support to those who have been informed that their<br />

benefits have been stopped. Let Your peace reign over this place.<br />

Leisure centre<br />

n Thank You for the location of this centre and that it is a resource for the<br />

local community,<br />

n Help more people to take advantage of fitness programmes and swimming<br />

pools to improve their health.<br />

n Protect all who use these facilities, particularly children, from those who<br />

might cause others harm.<br />

Library<br />

n Thank You for the library and the resource it is.<br />

n For funding of our libraries to continue.<br />

n For children to enjoy the ‘library experience,’ learning to read and to<br />

appreciate many books both now and in the future.<br />

Museum, National Trust, historical interest<br />

n Thank You for all who work here, for opportunities for us to respect the<br />

past and to learn from it.<br />

n We pray for the public to respect and appreciate museums and places of<br />

heritage.<br />

n For funding, for restoration, development, improvement and innovation for<br />

the next generation.<br />


Nurseries / daycare/ pre-school<br />

n For the most disadvantaged children and children who are<br />

developmentally behind to be catered for and for them to ‘catch up’ to<br />

other children.<br />

n For staff, often low paid, to feel appreciated for their work and to feel safe<br />

in the work place.<br />

A-Z of places to pray for<br />

n For children to be in a safe environment, to enjoy learning and being with<br />

other children. For nursery to be a place of joy and laughter.<br />


Offices<br />

n We pray for all businesses that practise integrity to flourish.<br />

n For business leaders and workers who sometimes feel isolated, to find<br />

support and a network of support within the business community.<br />

n For businesses suffering from problems with debt or needing to make<br />

redundancies, to find solutions to their problems.<br />

Parks<br />

n Thanksgiving for parks and the spaces they provide for children to play<br />

and for adults to enjoy them.<br />

n Protection from any violent crime or sexual assault or activities that should<br />

not take place in parks.<br />

n For churches to hold events in parks that reach out to the whole<br />

community.<br />

Non-Christian places of worship<br />

n Forgive us as a Christian community when we have failed to extend our<br />

friendship to those of other faiths and have contributed in anyway to<br />

discrimination or a sense of isolation.<br />

n Help all who attend this place of worship to associate Christians with love.<br />

n Help all who worship here to have the opportunity to understand the<br />

Christian faith.<br />

Police station<br />

n Thank You for all police officers and all the staff who support them.<br />

n Heal officers who have seen road traffic accidents, witnessed or heard<br />

about horrific crimes and are struggling to deal with what they have seen.<br />

n Help our police officers to be well resourced and able to respond to any<br />

threats of terrorism in a timely and responsible manner.<br />

n Help relationships with all the public so that the public have confidence to<br />

report crimes.<br />

Post Office<br />

n Thank You for all who deliver our post, from all companies.<br />

n For all those who use the Post Office to feel like they are entering a place<br />

of peace.<br />

n For the mail, to transmit the Gospel around the country.<br />


Pubs<br />

n Thanksgiving for a place where families can eat and people can socialise<br />

and for all the staff.<br />

n For no-one to leave this place drunk and then to drive.<br />

n For people who drink alcohol or who smoke to reduce how much they<br />

drink or smoke.<br />

A-Z of places to pray for<br />

Rivers<br />

n For rivers, streams and waterways to be free of pollution.<br />

n For local wildlife to flourish.<br />

n For people to consider the environment when throwing away rubbish.<br />

Refugee registration centre<br />

n For hope for genuine asylum seekers that this is the end of their journey.<br />

n For asylum seekers to be treated with dignity and respect.<br />

n For the church to respond positively and with love towards local asylum<br />

seekers.<br />

Restaurants<br />

n Thank You for all the staff, the people who eat here and that this is a place<br />

where people meet and relax.<br />

n Bring high quality food, ‘good customer service’ and a sense of community<br />

to this place.<br />

n Bring opportunities for Christians to share their faith in this place.<br />


Schools<br />

n For an increase in morale among teachers, for fair pay and working<br />

conditions.<br />

n For children to receive high quality teaching, that they find enjoyable,<br />

which is inspirational and encourages them to study. For all pupils to reach<br />

their full potential.<br />

n For schools to be places free from ‘sexting’, bullying, sexual harassment<br />

and assault and for wise use of social media among pupils.<br />

Shopping centre<br />

n For protection from terrorism and the fear of terrorism.<br />

n For people to buy only what they need and can afford.<br />

n For churches to have the opportunity to share the Gospel in a relevant and<br />

respectful way, that draws people towards <strong>Jesus</strong>.<br />

Stadiums: football / rugby<br />

n Thanksgiving for stadiums and the joy they bring to many as they are used<br />

for football, rugby or pop concerts.<br />

n For stadiums across the country to be filled with people worshipping You,<br />

praying to You or hearing about You.<br />

n For protection from terrorist activity or organised crime.<br />


A-Z of places to pray for<br />

Supermarket<br />

n Thank you for the abundance of food and choice that we have in our<br />

supermarkets.<br />

n For fair prices for local farmers and more fair trade for overseas producers.<br />

n For a reduction in wastage and an increase in the sharing of food.<br />

Sure Start centres<br />

n Thank You for these centres, most often serving the most disadvantaged<br />

communities.<br />

n For targeted help to families who need their resources the most.<br />

n For continued funding and presence in the most deprived areas.<br />

Take-aways<br />

n Thank you for all who work in Take-Aways serving so many.<br />

n For high quality food and protection from food poisoning for any who use<br />

them.<br />

n For ‘Take-Aways’ to be part of a balanced diet and for a decline in obesity<br />

rates in our community.<br />


Train station / tram station / tube station<br />

n Thanksgiving for trains/trams and the ability they give people without<br />

cars to travel and to reduce the environmental damage of cars to the<br />

environment.<br />

n For safety on trains/trams, especially at night.<br />

n For fares that are fair and represent good service and investment, allowing<br />

people to see them as a cheaper alternative to driving and for staff to feel<br />

appreciated and to be paid fairly.<br />

Theatre<br />

n Thank You for the diversity of plays produced in theatres and for those<br />

who work in them.<br />

n For funding to continue.<br />

n For new and aspiring artists and actors, musicians, for their talent to be<br />

recognised and for them not to give up!<br />

Tourist attractions<br />

n Thank You for the opportunities tourist attractions offer to invite new<br />

people into an area and to help the local economy.<br />

n For funding, resources and development for future generations.<br />

n For safety and a ‘good’ all round experience for people visiting.<br />

Town Halls / government buildings<br />

n Thanksgiving for all who work for government, for local Councillors, MPs<br />

and Civil Servants.<br />

n For Your wisdom when making decisions that affect the lives of so many.<br />

n For Your presence to be felt along corridors of power, for prayer to<br />

continue in these places and for a Christian presence and influence in all<br />

aspects of government.<br />


Universities<br />

n For students, especially those who are put off by tuition fees, to continue<br />

to attend university, not because of their ability to pay, but because of<br />

their ability.<br />

n For research in the university to be ground breaking and of benefit to<br />

humanity as a whole. Funding for it and for an expansion in research and<br />

co-operation with other universities.<br />

A-Z of places to pray for<br />

n For pupils to be equipped for jobs in the future and to find personal<br />

fulfillment and joy in their field of study.<br />

Vets<br />

n Thanksgiving for all those who look after animals and pets.<br />

n For a reduction in cruelty to animals in our community.<br />

n For all pet owners who have relied on pets for company who are<br />

experiencing loneliness because they have recently lost a well loved<br />

animal.<br />

Youth centre<br />

n Thank You for all youth centres and the opportunities that they offer to<br />

young people and for all youth workers.<br />

n For funding and resources to continue their work and expand existing<br />

programmes.<br />

n For young people to benefit from strong role models and for many<br />

Christian role models to be present in the youth centre.<br />

Zoo<br />

n Thank You for the conservation work being done to save endangered<br />

animals. Forgive us for the times we have failed to think about the<br />

products we buy that are affecting the habitats of endangered animals, eg<br />

palm oil.<br />

n Help people to learn to appreciate the diversity of Your creation and zoos<br />

to be part of changing our attitudes to animal welfare across the globe.<br />

n For the wellbeing of all animals in the zoo and for many offspring for those<br />

in the most danger of extinction.<br />


PART III<br />

Scriptures for prayer walking<br />

Sayings of <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Matthew 7:13-14 New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA)<br />

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that<br />

leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow<br />

and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.<br />

John 14:6-7 The Message (MSG)<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> said, “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the<br />

Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as<br />

well. From now on, you do know him. You’ve even seen him!”<br />

John 6:35 New International Version (NIV)<br />

Then <strong>Jesus</strong> declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never<br />

go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”<br />

John 10:10-11 (NIV)<br />

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may<br />

have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd<br />

lays down his life for the sheep”.<br />

Mark 3:35 New Living Translation (NLT)<br />

Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.<br />

Scriptures to pray for those who seem down/weary<br />

Matthew 11:28-30 New King James Version (NKJV)<br />

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you<br />

rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly<br />

in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My<br />

burden is light.”<br />

Scriptures to pray over the homeless,<br />

the asylum seeker, the poor.<br />

Matthew 25:34-37 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)<br />

Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed<br />

by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation<br />

of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you<br />

gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was<br />


Scriptures for prayer walking<br />

naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in<br />

prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when<br />

was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you<br />

something to drink?<br />

Mark 12:41-44 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched<br />

the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people<br />

threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small<br />

copper coins, worth only a few pence.<br />

Calling his disciples to him, <strong>Jesus</strong> said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has<br />

put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their<br />

wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.’<br />

Praying for many to come to know <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

John 3:16-18 The Message (MSG)<br />

“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only<br />

Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him,<br />

anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of<br />

sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad<br />

it was, He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in<br />

him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under<br />

the death sentence without knowing it.. And why? Because of that person’s<br />

failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.<br />


John 4:35-38 New Living Translation (NLT)<br />

You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I<br />

say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe[a] for harvest. The<br />

harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought<br />

to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! You<br />

know the saying, ‘One plants and another harvests.’ And it’s true. I sent you to<br />

harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now<br />

you will get to gather the harvest.”<br />

Luke 4:18-19 New King James Version (NKJV)<br />

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me,To preach<br />

the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim<br />

liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty<br />

those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”<br />

Mark 1:15 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)<br />

‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and<br />

believe the good news!’<br />

Mark 2:15 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)<br />

While <strong>Jesus</strong> was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and<br />

sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who<br />

followed him.<br />

Mark 4:20 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)<br />

Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a<br />

crop – some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.’<br />

Matthew 5:11 New English Translation (NET Bible)<br />

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds<br />

of evil things about you falsely on account of me.”<br />

Healing<br />

Luke 4:38-40 The Message (MSG)<br />

He left the meeting place and went to Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law<br />

was running a high fever and they asked him to do something for her. He<br />

stood over her, told the fever to leave—and it left. Before they knew it, she<br />

was up getting dinner for them.<br />

When the sun went down, everyone who had anyone sick with some ailment<br />

or other brought them to him. One by one he placed his hands on them and<br />

healed them.<br />


Scriptures for prayer walking<br />

Those on the fringe of society<br />

Mark 2:15-16 The Message (MSG)<br />

Later <strong>Jesus</strong> and his disciples were at home having supper with a collection<br />

of disreputable guests. Unlikely as it seems, more than a few of them had<br />

become followers. The religion scholars and Pharisees saw him keeping this<br />

kind of company and lit into his disciples: “What kind of example is this,<br />

acting cozy with the misfits?”<br />

Praying for hidden sin to be revealed<br />

Mark 4:22 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)<br />

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is<br />

meant to be brought out into the open.<br />


Praying for the rich…<br />

Mark 10:25-27 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)<br />

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone<br />

who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” They were greatly astounded and<br />

said to one another, “Then who can be saved?” <strong>Jesus</strong> looked at them and<br />

said, “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are<br />

possible.”<br />

Matthew 6:19-21 New International Version (NIV)<br />

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust<br />

consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves<br />

treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where<br />

thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your<br />

heart be also.”<br />

Prayers for Christians and churches<br />

Mark 7:6-8 Revised Standard Version (RSV)<br />

And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is<br />

written,<br />

‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain<br />

do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’ You leave<br />

the commandment of God, and hold fast the tradition of men.”<br />

John 17:22-23 New International Version (NIV)<br />

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we<br />

are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete<br />

unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as<br />

you have loved me.<br />

Mark 8:38 Good News Translation (GNT)<br />

If you are ashamed of me and of my teaching in this godless and wicked day,<br />

then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when he comes in the glory of<br />

his Father with the holy angels.<br />

Mark 10:42-45 New Living Translation (NLT)<br />

So <strong>Jesus</strong> called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this<br />

world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those<br />

under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader<br />

among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you<br />

must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be<br />

served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”<br />


30<br />

Scriptures for prayer walking

PART IV<br />

Outreach suggestions for churches<br />

Read Mark 16:15-20<br />

This section is intended for those who want to take, ‘A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>’ further<br />

and these outreach suggestions are intended to be done as part of a church<br />

outreach.<br />

Prepare a banquet/feast in your church<br />

Matthew 22:1-14 Parable of the Wedding Banquet<br />

1. Invite the homeless, people in job centres, people from GP surgeries,<br />

and residential care homes, to a meal in your church.<br />

2. Ask local businesses to contribute food.<br />

3. Enjoy the food, meet the people and read out the story of the wedding<br />

banquet, explaining that it was the inspiration for the meal.<br />

4. Hand out prayer request cards at the end.<br />

(Order Prayer Request Cards and Father’s Love Letters from<br />

www.npnresources.com)<br />


Outreach suggestions for churches<br />

Emergency services: Police, Fire Service, Paramedics,<br />

GP surgeries, A&E<br />

Romans 12:1-2<br />

1. Attend one or all of these places, with a card signed from all of your<br />

church, saying thank you.<br />

2. Invite them to a prayer service where you will pray for them.<br />

3. At this service put on food and get young people to draw pictures about<br />

their work and have displays with prayers for them.<br />

4. Consider doing a first aid course in your church, open to the general<br />

public, (Red Cross or St John Ambulance).<br />

5. Establish a longer term relationship with the police and fire service,<br />

inviting them to give talks on the issues they face.<br />

Homeless ministry<br />

Luke 10:25-37 - Would you walk by on the other side?<br />

These activities are only suitable if done in twos please, for safety reasons.<br />

1. Go out prepared with warm coats, blankets, food, and a list of local<br />

homeless shelters or places people can get free meals.<br />

2. Speak to homeless people.<br />

3. Consider taking a homeless person out for a meal.<br />


Sex workers / brothels / massage parlours<br />

John 8:1-11<br />

We advise that men do not take part in this activity unless in the presence of<br />

women from your church and that this is done as a group activity.<br />

1. Take some red roses and give them out to sex workers.<br />

2. Give out prayer request cards, pray for them, if they want prayer and tell<br />

them that they are welcome to attend your church!<br />

3. Prepare your church to receive people on the fringes of society through<br />

teaching and discussion prior to this outreach.<br />

Support the work of Street Pastors and Street Angels<br />

www.streetpastors.org | www.cninetwork.org<br />

1. Consider joining one of these ministries to minister to the<br />

night time economy.<br />

2. Commit to praying for these ministries.<br />

Go the second mile<br />

Matthew 5:38-42<br />

‘You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” But I tell<br />

you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn<br />

to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your<br />

shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with<br />

them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the<br />

one who wants to borrow from you.’<br />

The context of going a second mile when someone asked them to go one,<br />

was one where the Romans would often force people to walk with them<br />

a mile. How much more should we consider going the extra mile,<br />

when <strong>Jesus</strong> asks us?<br />

Ask <strong>Jesus</strong> if this is something you should do again!<br />

If you would like to have any further information about A <strong>Mile</strong> with <strong>Jesus</strong>,<br />

please click the registration link on www.amilewithjesus.com<br />

We hold frequent regional conversations and an annual conference which will<br />

be communicated to you when you register.<br />


34<br />

Outreach suggestions for churches

Copyright and use information<br />

Special thanks to: Rachael Fola Taiwo (for<br />

authoring this resource and prayer), Lisa Hutt,<br />

(for editing and prayer), Jenny Bailey, (for<br />

prayer support).<br />

Copyright ©2021 Neighbourhood Prayer<br />

Network. All rights reserved. No part of this<br />

publication may be reproduced, stored in a<br />

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form<br />

or by any means, electronic, mechanical,<br />

photocopying or otherwise, without the prior<br />

written consent of the publisher. Short extracts<br />

may be used for review purposes.<br />

Scripture Quotations are taken from the<br />

following Bibles.<br />


Revised Standard Version of the Bible,<br />

copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 National<br />

Council of the Churches of Christ in the United<br />

States of America. Used by permission. All<br />

rights reserved worldwide<br />

MSG. Scripture quotations marked MSG are<br />

taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993,<br />

2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used<br />

by permission of NavPress, represented by<br />

Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.<br />

NLT. Scripture quotations marked (NLT)<br />

are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living<br />

Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by<br />

Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission<br />

of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream,<br />

Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.<br />

GNT. Scripture taken from the Good News<br />

Translation in Today’s English Version- Second<br />

Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible<br />

Society. Used by Permission.<br />

NIV. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible,<br />

New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©<br />

1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by<br />

permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved<br />

worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and<br />

“New International Version” are trademarks<br />

registered in the United States Patent and<br />

Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.<br />

NKJV. Scripture taken from the New King<br />

James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas<br />

Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.<br />

NET. Scripture quoted by permission.<br />

Quotations designated (NET) are from the<br />

NET Bible® copyright ©1996, 2019 by Biblical<br />

Studies Press, L.L.C. http://netbible.com.<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

www.hopeforeveryhome.org<br />

Hope for Every Home, 8A Market Place,<br />

Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3DU<br />

www.neighbourhoodprayer.net<br />

Neighbourhood Prayer Network,<br />

161 New Road, Skewen, Neath, SA10 6HD<br />

Design: 3Sixty Creative

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