Den of Vipers

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something to look at. Ryder is the ladies’ man, while Kenzo prefers a good

bet or a dare over a pussy any day. “I wonder if they’ll let me have her


“Doubt it, you’d kill her, so you’ll probably be last,” I mutter, as we hit

the elevator and ride it up to where Ryder and Garett are waiting.

“Fuck, fine.” He perks up then as he drops his fag to the floor. I stamp it

out so it doesn’t set the place ablaze. “I bet I can still make her scream.”

“I don’t doubt it, especially if you play with her like you do your toys,” I

offer as the door opens, emitting us to the parking garage.

Kenzo and Ryder are there, and when they spot me with D, they smirk.

“D, you drive with Garrett, we need room for her.”

D rubs his hands together and Ryder narrows his eyes. “No crazy stunts, I

don’t want to pull you two from a fucking wreck off the bridge again because

you thought you could jump it.”

D rolls his eyes, even as I laugh. “I’ll drive.”

“Like fucking hell you will!” D screams, before socking me right in the


Wheezing, I manage to thrust out a fist, hitting him straight in the side.

He slams into the wall, making us both laugh.

“Gentlemen, come, there is a lady waiting for us.” Ryder smiles, the evil

one. He has something up his sleeve, that’s for sure.

The girl is safe from me. Not that I won’t kill her, ’cause I will. I hate to

do women like that, but sometimes I have to. Just because they have a pussy

doesn’t mean they won’t try to kill you. But she won’t have to worry about

me touching her, taking her. That ship sailed years ago, even the thought of a

woman touching me makes me angry.

Makes me want to hit something.

It’s the others she should be worried about, because from the look in

Ryder’s eyes…he wants her too. And badly. Whatever Ryder wants, he gets.

That’s why we’re as rich and as feared as we are now. Clearly Kenzo wants

her, and Diesel? Well, he’s due a new plaything.

The girl would be lucky to survive through the first night.

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