Den of Vipers

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around his impressive thighs as he leans back, sipping from a goddamn


He makes the thing look tiny, yet it seems to fit him somehow. His eyes

watch me, analysing my every move as I stand there awkwardly before

deciding to pick a chair and plop into it, very ungracefully. Slamming my

own bare feet on the table, I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at him. “I

want my boots back.”

Those boots cost me a small fortune and are one of the only things I’ve

ever splurged on and bought for myself.

He sips from the cup and places it on a saucer on the table. It’s weirdly

fascinating and kind of arousing, watching the man wrap his lips around such

a dainty cup. Not that I’ll ever tell him that, asshole.

Diesel leans forward, his dark eyes watching me as he pushes his long,

blond hair behind his ears. Like usual, Garrett ignores me.

Diesel is a fucking mad dog, Ryder is an arrogant asshole, and Kenzo is a

charming psychopath…I can’t figure Garrett out. He seems to want to ignore

my presence altogether. He doesn’t even look up at me. Kenzo sits next to me

and grabs two mugs. “Coffee?”

“Dark,” I reply, and he pours it for me. I wrap my hands around the mug,

wincing as my injured one aches.

Ryder notices, of course. I don’t think there is anything this man doesn’t

notice. He has eyes like a hawk. “That serves you right for acting like a child

and destroying your room.”

Did he just reprimand me…like a fucking kid? I have the urge to throw

my coffee in his face, and he narrows his cold eyes like he knows my

thoughts. “Do not test me. Because of your outburst, I have some people

coming to fix the room today. You can’t be left alone, so you will stay with


“A prison guard?” I laugh bitterly as I sip the coffee, which, annoyingly,

is very fucking good.

“For your protection, and yes, to stop you from hurting yourself or trying

to leave,” Ryder replies matter-of-factly, as he picks up his cutlery and starts

to slice into his food. “Eat, you must be hungry.”

Then he ignores me like I’m nothing more than an annoyance. If that’s

true, then why did he grab me? Is it because it was business to cover a debt?

A warning to others? I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t care.

Kenzo places food on my plate, a full English, but I feel too sick to eat.

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