PMCI - May 2021

It's that time again and even though parts of our world are still ravaged by COVID, Bill and Trampas have pulled out the stops to get another issue of PMCI up and online! The world doesn't stop turning, and neither do they stop "getting work done" as PMCI gets inside the doors of the cutting-edge WOFT Training Facility in the USA and has a look at what G&G Armament are doing with the Taiwanese Military in terms of "6MM Training" for the real world. While Trampas gets on the range with the SIG M18, whilst Bill turns his attention to packs and plate carriers; it may be hard to get stuff done right now, but as always PMCI deliver something for everyone when it comes to "tacticool"!

It's that time again and even though parts of our world are still ravaged by COVID, Bill and Trampas have pulled out the stops to get another issue of PMCI up and online! The world doesn't stop turning, and neither do they stop "getting work done" as PMCI gets inside the doors of the cutting-edge WOFT Training Facility in the USA and has a look at what G&G Armament are doing with the Taiwanese Military in terms of "6MM Training" for the real world. While Trampas gets on the range with the SIG M18, whilst Bill turns his attention to packs and plate carriers; it may be hard to get stuff done right now, but as always PMCI deliver something for everyone when it comes to "tacticool"!


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Afterwards, our instructors discuss the responsibilities and

laws governing carry a firearm in our state or host state when

traveling. Then its only to stage one of the simulator training

with the Judgmental & Marksmanship program. This is the

series of ten marksmanship training drills that comes with the

base Smokeless Range system when you purchase it from Laser

Ammo. Beginning with Target Shooting module, this presents a

static target in which you can change the distance (depth in feet

/ yards) as well as a selection of targets from silhouettes, IDPA,

human form and threat targets to train with. Once students get

comfortable with proper sight picture, sight alignment, trigger

press for pistol, shotgun, or rifle platforms they may be using,

we transfer to the other programs.

These vary from shooting clay pigeons to transitioning

targets to keep students’ eyes and sights moving. The Can Toss

involves tin cans lofted into the air at intervals for shooters to

try and time the arc of movement to achieve solid hits. This

challenges students early into the training to follow the cans

with their eyes and process whether they wish to track or

“ambush” the intended target. Moving into the Speed Drill gets

those trigger fingers really working as students cycle from red

“shoot” targets and black “no shoot” targets as fast as possible

from stage to state under a set time for score.

The Speed Drill and the Dueling Tree program really get

students stirred up and the competitive juices flowing. The key

to these drills is to not only get a student’s blood flowing but

their brain quickly processing. The best part of the Dueling Tree

program is twofold. First, allows students to see how fast they

are compared to another live human being. Secondly, it helps

them understand that when shooting quickly, how important

hits count more so than speed. This is an imperative concept to

remember when in an actual gunfight.

The most appropriate ending to this group of stages is the

Match Target Drill. As the stage starts, a specific-colored shape

flashes onto the screen below a group of other shapes and


The shooter must identify and acquire the corresponding

match as quickly as possible and place a shot onto target.

Students are scored on their response time, misses and wrong

selections. This is another value training aid to impress upon the

students to never let their trigger fingers outrun their brain.

Once fundamentals are hitting their stride, the Open Range

series of programs offers more speed and precision from stages

featuring turning targets, steel plates and even zombies. Hostage

“shoot / no shoot” targets like the Angry Peacock drill and

“Smoke and Hope” steel plate challenges are great for pushing

speed and accuracy to the limits. There are also military M4

rifle target stages added into the 2.0 version to keep those rifle

skills sharp. The accompanying Open Range Editor feature allows

the end user to even add custom targets to be downloaded for

use such as the dreaded Dot Torture drill and our company’s

challenging STG Warm Up drill. All drills are a natural skill builder

for the final program we use for class called the Video Scenario

Trainer aka VST Pro.

The VST Pro offers over 65 live video scenarios that can be

manipulated by the system operator to change in script using

“hot keys” based on the student’s success or failure in verbal

commands. This helps make scenarios new and fresh when ran

multiple times. Scenes including road rage, domestic violence,

armed robbery, and more play out in real time as each student

determines their appropriate response. Not only does this really

bring prospective to how fast the world can turn upside down,

but it also reinforces the reality that often just being a good

witness is the best option in civilian encounters. The range of

emotion and action / inaction observed during this stage of the

course has been truly educational as an instructor.


With over US$5000 personally invested in equipment, Smokeless

Range software and accessories, the truth is, this is not a cheap

training option. However, the reality of what caliber of training

the Smokeless Range offers is head and shoulders above other

items on the market. The only comparable training simulator

on the market is used by military and law enforcement only

and involves a tractor trailer to make it mobile and starts at

approximately US$20,000.

As for the benefits of simulation versus live fire, I have

learned from working with the Smokeless Range there is a lot

of quality training for all skill levels that can be done off a live

fire range. Some of the benefits involve aspects that are simply

not as safe to practice with live fire initially if at all. After each

round a student runs, the class can walk through either the skill

challenge or video scenario and discuss techniques and decisions

made to improve group performance. Teachable moments for

an instructor to use can be rare. As I found with the simulator,

challenges can provide a higher volume of these value aspects

of training.

For those wishing to simply improve accuracy and speed

for competition purposes rather than self-defense, the IPSC

Competitive Shooter program recently purchased as an add-on

works great. This program offers ten challenging stages of steel

plates, swinging cardboard IPSC and IDPA targets as well as the

dreaded Texas Star. With the stages being times scored on misses,

hits, and aggregate time, it has appealed to the full spectrum

of shooters who have worked with it. Most importantly, this has

appealed to non-shooters and kids alike. My own daughters who

are 7 and soon to be 5 years old have continually worked with

this program. Their skills have improved immensely in just a

short period of time by keeping them challenged and tuned into

training. As a parent, just seeing what the system has done for

my kids’ confidence and firearms proficiency in training without

treating it like a video game has been worth the investment

alone. As an instructor and training counselor, what the results

have shown with being an amazing training aid for teaching our

STG methodology and mindset have been equally impressive.

In short, the Smokeless Range helped our company and

students defeat the fallout of COVID-19, let it help you and others

defeat your opposition with its wide range of skill building and

decision-making challenges. To find out more about the studies

and amazing research published by some of the world’s top

resources on the benefits of use of force simulation training and

the Smokeless Range, visit www.Laser-Ammo.com to download

data from Carleton University, the Interpol Police Training Journal

and FLETC Journal. Search from all the great training products

from the simulator options to training accessories offered to

help build your skills or the skills of your students. If carrying

a firearm is part of your everyday personal or professional

life, your time and money are well spent on training with the

Smokeless Range platform. Until next issue, keep your

batteries fresh and your mind sharp!



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