PMCI - May 2021

It's that time again and even though parts of our world are still ravaged by COVID, Bill and Trampas have pulled out the stops to get another issue of PMCI up and online! The world doesn't stop turning, and neither do they stop "getting work done" as PMCI gets inside the doors of the cutting-edge WOFT Training Facility in the USA and has a look at what G&G Armament are doing with the Taiwanese Military in terms of "6MM Training" for the real world. While Trampas gets on the range with the SIG M18, whilst Bill turns his attention to packs and plate carriers; it may be hard to get stuff done right now, but as always PMCI deliver something for everyone when it comes to "tacticool"!

It's that time again and even though parts of our world are still ravaged by COVID, Bill and Trampas have pulled out the stops to get another issue of PMCI up and online! The world doesn't stop turning, and neither do they stop "getting work done" as PMCI gets inside the doors of the cutting-edge WOFT Training Facility in the USA and has a look at what G&G Armament are doing with the Taiwanese Military in terms of "6MM Training" for the real world. While Trampas gets on the range with the SIG M18, whilst Bill turns his attention to packs and plate carriers; it may be hard to get stuff done right now, but as always PMCI deliver something for everyone when it comes to "tacticool"!


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Do you ever get that feeling that you’re really having to fight

hard to keep pushing along at the moment? If you do, then don’t

despair as you are 100% not alone! As the global pandemic grinds

inexorably onwards, and whilst some of you may be reading this

issue in a country that is still ravaged by this awful virus, things

are improving slowly, and WE ARE getting through this together!

However, the “together” part of that last statement is not what

it was, and our physical “togetherness” has been more than a little

curtailed hasn’t it? Although we are now more able to meet, and

to start reclaiming the lives that C-19 has stolen from us, what

the last year has proved to me is that when it really comes down

to it, you must be at one with yourself before you can begin to

share yourself confidently with others.

Trampas recently posted a comment on his personal social

media from Jocko Willink, retired naval officer, Navy SEAL, and

author of “Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual” along the

lines of “don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there

and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation.

Count on Discipline” and never has this been truer and more apt

than now.

Discipline, both mental and physical, is what gets us through

the day, especially self-discipline; when motivation wains and

you are indeed running on empty emotionally and mentally it’s

self-discipline that will keep you driving forward! You may think

that you can’t take another step, and that you can’t work out

whether up is down any more, but having that self-discipline and

self-reliance at your core means that YOU WILL move forward, and

we all know you must NEVER stop moving forward!

This is not something that comes naturally or easily, but it is

something that you can learn, and self-discipline comes hand in



hand with self-worth and self-reliance. Don’t blame bad stuff on

others, stand firm and embrace responsibility for your actions, or

indeed inactions. Don’t think “oh, woe is me” because inevitably

some has it worse than you do, or “why does this always happen

to me” when you should be thinking “what can I do positively

stop that happening again?”

We always say “Train Hard, Stay in the Fight” and that’s not just

about knowing your drills and knowing how to shoot. This ethos

should encompass every aspect of our lives, as when we become

competent in one thing, that gives us the self-confidence to drive

on and learn or do something more.

And of course, as we all emerge from isolation around the

globe into our respective new worlds, being who you are and

having worth and confidence in yourself will let you once again

fully embrace the company of others, and revel in it! To conclude

I’ll come back to some more wise words from Jocko;

“NO MORE. No more excuses. No more: “I’ll start tomorrow.”

No more: “Just this once.” No more accepting the shortfalls of my

own will. No more taking the easy road. No more bowing down

to whatever unhealthy or unproductive thoughts float through my


Just be yourself, know your true worth and believe in it, and

take pride in that.

Stay frosty, and see you on the flip-side!


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