Elder Grace Andrea Francis Memorial Booklet

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Celebrating the Life

& Legacy


Service Held At

Evangelistic Temple

Collins Avenue

June 3, 2021 at 2 pm


Pastor Cleveland D.X. Wells, Jr.

Restoration Kingdom Ministries,

Assemblies of God


Pastor Alonzo Hinsey, Jr.

Golden Gates Native Baptist Church


Woodlawn Gardens

I poured myself out as a drink offering

– Philippians 2:17


If each life is a song, the life of Grace Andrea Darling-Francis was an

entire concert! Classical, no less. Original? Undeniably so. Inimitable?

You better believe it!!! each note played before an Audience of One; each

rendition unselfishly poured out into the reservoirs surrounding her.

Grace loved music and loved to offer up songs of praise, as evidenced in

her daily worship experiences before the Lord. She squeezed so many

chords of wisdom, purpose and kindness into her years (and out of her

soul), that the harmonies of her life will reverberate for as long as music

knows how to make a sound.

As far as instruments go, there was the tuba of her faith and the trumpet

of her devotion to the Lord. Her commitment to her family was played

out on the strings of intercessory love: Wellie on the double bass,

Monique, Samantha, Welmilya and Wel’Andra (Anginique) making

up the four-stringed violin, her sons-in-love, a massive cello, and her

precious grand-daughters, the viola, the violin’s diminutive in size but

not in strength. Her service to mankind was so constant it required

an entire woodwind section: the oboe, the flute, the clarinet and the

bassoon. Make no mistake though: this classically lived life was not

without its eclectic parts. Her intentionality alone was

a set of drums at a rock performance

summoning those around her to aim

higher, to live louder, to give bigger

because what is life if it is not fully lived?

That was Grace: a divinely-finessed melody

consistently reproducing after her own

kind, so that those she gave birth to in the

natural and in the spirit, and those she

influenced in multitudinous tunes, will

honour her by living their own lives in a way

that adds, empowers, and strengthens. That

is the essence of grace, is it not? To render

better whatever it comes alongside. Such was

the case of this regal “Darling” whose life and

legacy we forthwith celebrate.

It was in the month of new beginning and

emancipation: August, on the day of double

grace: the 10th, in the year 1955, that the blessed union of Japheth and Kathleen

Marshall Darling produced their 11th child, a fifth daughter whom they gave

a Greek and Christian name: Grace, meaning “love” and “Blessing from God.”

Its Latin meaning is goodness, generosity and charm; and in French, it means

pleasantness. Prophetic proof of her given name, Grace Andrea was a delight to

the parents she was born to, and to the family she was born in.

It can be said that when Lady Kathleen, affectionately known as “Mama”, gave birth

to Grace, she gave birth to a promise kept; a promise of faithful support that never

waned. She and Mama shared a very special bond and the memories of the father

who passed away when Grace was a little girl, are nonetheless fond ones. She was

proud of her Marshall and Darling heritage and passed that appreciation on to her

own legacy.

The Early Years

Grace, like all of her siblings before her, spent her formative years in the family

homestead on Darling Lane, off Wulff Road in New Providence. She received her

initial education at Southern Primary School and from early on demonstrated

intellectual prowess. She was a sharp, focused and conscientious student for whom

numbers and reading came naturally. An avid consumer of information, the quiet,

reserved Grace was known to read several books per day, but it soon became

clear that she possessed a practicality that balanced this bookish disposition. She

was domestically-inclined as well, finding sewing, cooking and baking easy and

enjoyable. Her siblings described her as a peculiar child who always poured herself

into everything she did, going that extra mile to ensure anything she committed to

was done in the spirit of excellence.

Fiercely organized, she embodied the saying: “cleanliness

is next to Godliness.” Her penchant for interior design and

arrangement was evident from her youth and if design is a

theme, it extended to the way she presented herself

to the world. Always well-

dressed and “put together,” she had a talent for fashion

and grand style. It is no exaggeration that she turned

heads when she walked into a room. It became clear that

with Grace, not only the left brain dominated. She had

a keen artistic side as well. As a youth, she wrote poetry,

played the flute, and participated in band, recitals and

stage. Juxtaposed to this artistic side, was a commitment

to service that would last her entire life. She was

involved in Girls Scouts, Girls’ Guides, Red Cross and

other service-oriented organizations from early on and

her family can attest to the countless ways in which she

served her church and wider community through her

generosity and organizational skills.

During her junior high school years, Grace spent three

years in New York, before returning to Nassau in 1966.

Winning a scholarship to Jordan Prince William High

School, she continued to apply herself but frequent

absences due to illness, would lead to her withdraw and

eventually graduate from Easter Senior High School.

Subsequently, she enrolled in several evening certificate

courses in business, short hand, book keeping and

accounts. Grace continued to enroll in professional

development programs to upgrade her business and

accounting skills. Whatever she put her mind and hands

to, she excelled at. This was just the “Grace” way.

Grace and Wellie: A Love Story the Lasted Over Fifty


In April 1968, prior to graduating from high school,

Grace met the young, dapper policeman Wellington

Francis at a party being held for his aunt and guardian,

Victoria Hanna. He was captivated by Grace’s beauty and

remembers that she spoke

often about school because she was a top scholar. They

began to court, as he visited her home and took her on

dates, mainly to church events and concerts as he was a

member of the singing group, the Joybells.

On August 7th, 1970, Grace and Wellie joined in

holy matrimony and were married for more than five

decades. Theirs was a heartfelt friendship and enduring

companionship. Grace embodied what it meant to

be a helpmate and yet Wellie would be the first to

acknowledge that in so many ways, they thrived because

she was not afraid to “borrow the reins” and lead in the

areas of her strength. She served him, he adored her and

in their later years it was evident that they had eased

into the wordless intimacy that longstanding connection


And Then There Were Four…

Their union produced four daughters, each of whom

exudes a significant shade of “Grace.” Words cannot

adequately describe the kind of mother Grace Francis

was! She poured herself out as a drink offering into her

daughters, emphasizing education and requiring that

each of them attain the minimum of a master’s degree.

Imminently, Monique will become the second doctor

in this family of four girls.

Each daughter has a business and it

pleased Grace to assist administratively

and otherwise in the three that are

headquartered in Nassau: Comfort

Smiles, Global College Access

and Chatwell Educational

Centre. When Monique

and Wel’Andra published their first books, she was

there again, assisting at the launch, pushing sales and

encouraging them to continue succeeding as thought

leaders in their respective fields.

Of all the roles Grace Francis played, the role of mother

was the role in which her boldness shone forth! Her girls

attest to the truth that their mother, though reserved

and humble, would jump over walls and run through

hoops to ensure they had what they needed to succeed.

She equipped the four of them in ways that are just now

beginning to make complete sense.

Her daughter Wel’Andra puts it in the way Tim McGraw

phrases it: “She lived like she was dying.”

So what are you gonna do with your time?

I’ll take every moment

I know that I own them

It’s all up to you to do whatever you choose

Live like you’re dying

And never stop trying

It’s all you can do

Use what’s been given to you

She lived her life like she was dying. Organized to the core,

she always had at hand what her daughters needed and could

often be heard saying:

“Monique, I won’t always be here, you have to do it this way.”

“Sam, I need you to focus.”

“Willie, let me show you where everything is.”

“Angie, all the information you need, is right here.”

Her equipping was so intentional, that if anyone of them is

lacking in an area, they know they can be supplied by one of

their sisters. That too was her intention: to raise them in unity,

repeatedly warning them, “When I go, if I dream one of you

has bread and doesn’t share it with the others, I will come back

for you!”

Unity among the four Francis girls was not an option. She

made room for their differences, yet raised them on the same

values: the importance of God, family and education. As

much as she was committed to excellence, she was balanced

in her approach and committed to their spiritual, physical and

emotional well-being. Angie remembers her mother always

saying she prefers a sane child over the alternative and only

required that they do their best. If that “best” meant sitting

in a class and taking notes because one of them couldn’t or

flying to help a dentist-to-be study for Board exams, Grace

conquered every multisyllabic biological term and did what

she needed to do to lend support.

Grace: The Occupational Blessing!

At each one of her workplaces, Grace was an

occupational blessing: diligent, honest and competent.

In addition to being the consummate employee, she

became an intercessor for the leaders, managers,

colleagues and customers of those establishments. She

worked at Super Value as a cashier until the family which

only included Monique and Samantha at that time,

moved to Andros in 1977 when Wellie was transferred

there. Grace was hired as a manager at Small Hope.

In 1980, Wellie was promoted to take charge of the entire

Andros and Berry Island District and the family thus

relocated to Nichols Town where Grace joined the team

at Andros Beach Hotel. She worked there until the 1981

return to New Providence and soon thereafter gave birth

to their third gem, Welmilya.

Grace’s first appointment following the move back to

Nassau, was at the renowned Compass Point Studios

where she met celebrities including Gladys Knight,

Eddie Murphy and the Rolling Stones. Subsequently,

she added her expertise to the Accounts Department at

Coral World and then at Bahamasair. In 1999, she went

to work at Master Technicians and her final formal stint

was spent at Bahamas Food Services until her retirement

in 2016.

One of the factors that influenced her decision to retire

was the loss of her older sister, Leotha and her baby

sister, Karen, in one year. Grace wanted to have the

freedom to travel, and to spend more time with family.

However, her retirement also gave way to yet more


Her Walk with God; Her Service to Man

In fact, those closest to her can attest that Grace

Andrea was always “on assignment.” She lived her life

intentionally in small and great ways, and her many

assignments meant enlisting the help of her children

or other intercessors for reinforcement as she prayed,

fasted, distributed food items and clothing, planned

charitable events, and in countless ways poured out

herself to make life better for others.

Even as a young woman, she had an incredibly close

relationship with Jesus with whom she had a special

encounter in a dream in which He placed His seal upon

her, thereby healing her. That encounter would produce

a lifetime of encounters and intercessory deployments

from the embassy above.

If any one word could be used to describe the way she

handled people, it was the word “care.”


Attending to and



In addition to nursing her husband and daughters back

to wholeness whenever their health faltered, she cared

for missionaries and served tirelessly in each of the

churches she became a part of.

She was initially a member of Zion Baptist Church

Shirley St, then followed her mother to the Church

of God Lily of The Valley. Once she married, Grace

joined her husband Wellington at Evangelistic Centre,

Assemblies of God on Vesey Street. At the “Centre” she

was a part of the praise team, choir, and worked as a

secretary for the church in 2006. In 2007 Grace, along

with Wellie, opened their doors to allow their son, Rev.

Cleveland, to adhere to the call on his life and therefore

to begin Ministry. Services for Restoration Kingdom

Ministries (RKM) began in the Francis’ home, and

approximately two months later, Grace and Wellington

joined the RKM family. It was evident once she became

an integral part of RKM, that Grace Francis was an

architect; a builder in the service of the Lord as she

worked alongside Rev. Cleveland and Rev. Samantha

to realize their ministerial dream of simultaneously

building an edifice and raising up an army of faithful


She lived a life of gratitude; extremely grateful to God

for all his blessings he bestowed upon her. She never

hid that she was blessed and often boasted to her

children how God had answered every prayer request

concerning her and her family.

Grace: The Project Manager

Grace Darling-Francis was always working on a project,

the last of which, was her inheritance on Darling Lane.

She worked with an urgency to have it completed, and it

was after her Heavenly flight, that her daughters learned

the urgency was due to her desire to financially buoy her

four eldest grandchildren as three of them prepare for

college enrolment this summer. She was always thinking

about others. Her ultimate life’s goal was to build a youth

crisis centre which her daughters have vowed to make a


Her Clock was Always on…Family Time

She never pressured her children for anything but time.

She looked forward to family outings, Mother-Daughter

lunches, family drives, family voyages and shopping

trips. Anyone who knows the family knows that the

Sunday afternoon family dinner was “Grace Time.”

She looked forward to it every week and at that table

the family sat down to fellowship, and got up to rule

the world, undergirded always by the prayers of their

Warrior Mother. The last meal she cooked for her family

the week before Mother’s Day was an iconic one: bean

and rice, roast, fried chicken, macaroni, potato salad,

tossed salad, crab salad and plantain. It was just her way

of pouring herself out, yet again.

Mother’s Day this year was a very special time for her

and upon leaving Monique’s home, she expressed how

much she enjoyed their dinner together and their time of

gift-sharing and love-lavishing.

Grace never gave birth to sons but she was not short on

sons. She loved her boys and felt particularly thrilled

to have, not one, but two sons who were pastors. She

made it her place to intercede on behalf of Restoration

Kingdom Ministries and Golden Gates Native Baptist

Church each morning at 5 a.m., undergirding the

pastoral teams and membership in prayer.

Even from the place beyond time, her intentionality

and life of intercession, continues to comfort and

undergird her children. Her daughter Samantha

found a note in her handwriting with four appropriate

Scriptures and reminders for such a time as this:

Deuteronomy 31:8-9: The Lord Himself goes before

you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor

forsake you. His peace gives us comfort.

John 16:22: So with you: Now is your time of grief, but

you’ll see Mom again and rejoice with joy.

Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall

be comforted.”

Romans 12:15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice and

mourn with those who mourn.”

Her Final Chapter

Every day of Grace’s life was about family. The last few

weeks before her demise she enjoyed lunch dates with

her daughters and spending her days of retirement with

her lover and lifetime companion of over 50 years. The

highlight of her days was hearing from her granddaughters,

including daily video calls with granddaughter

Maya Abigail, and making memories with her

namesake, grand-daughter Ava-Riley Grace.

On Wednesday, May 19th Grace, was rushed to

Doctor’s Hospital, as she had become very ill. The

seeds of prayer she sowed for so many for over sixty

years, became the harvest of prayer calls where

intercessors locally and internationally gathered

physically and virtually to cover her and petition God

for her healing. What their prayers formed instead was

an escort service, beckoning to the angels to come and

take her Home.

On that day, a date characterized by multiples of five

and seven, for grace and completion, Grace Andrea

Darling-Francis finally, with everything poured out,

died empty and took both her rest…and her reward.

Left to continue playing the symphony of her melodious

life and to use what’s been given to them are:

Her loving husband of more than 50 years, Retired

Deputy Superintendent of Police, Wellington Milton; her

four devoted daughters, Rev. Monique, Rev. Samantha,

Dr. Welmilya and Wel’Andra; adopted daughter, Patrice

Francis; her beloved sons, Rev. Alonzo Hinsey, Jr., Rev.

Cleveland D.X. Wells, Calvin Davis and Rodney Rolle;

and her Grand-daughters Cateleen and Catherine Wells,

Aalaiyah and Anaiyah Hinsey, Maya Rolle, Canaan and

Ava-Riley Davis.

Brothers: Japheth, Eugene, and Bishop James Darling;

Sisters: Annie Smith and Ivy Knowles;

Uncles: Leroy Moss and Kelly Darling;

Mother-in-law: Helen Arnett;

Brothers-in-law: Stafford Storr, Anthony Arnett and

Family, Pastor Lawrance Arnett and Family, Rev.

Henry and Sheila Francis and Family,

Nehemiah and Shirley Francis

and Family;

Sisters in-law: Grace

and Brenda Darling,

Brenda and Paulette

Arnett, Mardrolee

Brice, Judith, Shirley,

Sheila and Deidre


Nieces and Nephews: Bishop Chadwick and Christine

James, Ezra and Shennen Braynen, Michael and

Bridgette Evans, Lynden and Marvin Smith, Terrence,

Obefeme, Philip, Lolitha Knowles, Rochelle St. John,

Leslie and Tracey Munroe, Dr. Derwin, Lanson and

Patrice Munroe, Manell Munroe, Jason, Devado, Blaize,

Domaz, Daron, Joshua, Anthony, Jeffery Darling, Irvin,

Vashtie, Simone, Dahlia, Jael, Jamime, Tamara, Eugenia,

Carolyn and Catherine Darling; Nicole Hutcheson and

Sharmaine and Kirk Griffin; Ross Wilson; Carla Smith

and Family; Christine and Sandra Francis and Families;

Numerous Grand Nieces and Nephews to include:

Deangelo, Shavan, Shavanda, Michaella, Deandrea,

Otimia, Denario, Deanaldo, Renaldo, Ramon, Kato,

Theresa, Lanthro, Piaget, Jordan, Kayleigh, Symphony,

Devado Jr. Alayna, Tevano, Paige, Zavier, Emilio, Alana,

Chadwick II, Chadwin, and Chadvaughn, Israel and

Kiran Griffin;

Cousins: Thelma Patterson, Kerneva Meadows, Gloria

Thompson of Eleuthera, Hester Johnson, Francis Ledee,

Hortence Harris-Smith, Adell Butler, Pastor Marilyn

Thompson, Shirley, Dorothy, Lavita Rolle, Mable

Johnson, Rachel Evans, Rosemary Cartwight, Nellie

Simms, Celeste, Alicia, Eltima, Geermaine, Todd, Gray

Jr. of New York, Hazel Young of Miami, Enith Ferguson

of North Carolina, Hartman and Cinida Brice, and

Hubert Marshall, Donna and Diane Darville, Franklyn

Ferguson, Dorothy Moss, Bishop Godfrey Williams and

family, Sarahlee Williams and family, Dorothy Poiter,

Iva Williams and Family, Lavern Cooper and family,

Delcean Douglas and Family, Bruce Hanna and family,

Shirely Davis and family, Elsworth Hanna and family,

Kenneth Hanna and family, Robert Hanna and Family,

Ruth Hanna, Edward Hanna and family, Rose Bain and

family, Arlington and Vicki Hanna and family, Bernard

Hanna and family, Alexander Hanna and family, Audrey

Fernander and family, Dorothea Davis, Dereck Francis,

Ross Wilson and Basil Francis;

Grace Francis’ Family & Special Friends including:

Judy Deleveaux and family, Restoration Kingdom

Ministries Family, Golden Gates Native Baptist Church

Family, GGBC Prayer Circle, Apostle Sherilyn Fletcher

and The Children’s Bread Prayer line, Evangelistic

Centre, Evangelistic Temple, The Assemblies of God

Family, Comfort Smiles Family, Master Technicians

Family, Bahamas Food Services Family, Anatol Rodgers

Family, Chilean Burrows and Jurelle Mullings & family

the Scholarship and Educational Loans Division and the

Public School Scholars.

Marge Bowleg, Oswald & Melrose Pinder & Family,

Pastor Tyrone Sands & Family, Supt. Patrick & Sharlene

Paul & Family, The Paul Family, Pastor Neil & Katherine

Hamilton & Family, Pastor Cyril & Lavane Sands &

Family, H.L & Sharon Rolle & Family, Mike Ellis &

Family, Rudy Stubbs & Family, Edna Leadon & Family,

Harrington “Zip” & Margarete Fraizer & Family, Richard

& Namoi Clarke & Family, Richard Riley, Myers Johnson,

Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Johnson, Wendall “Skinny” Moxey

& Family, Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle, DCOP

Ismella Delancey, RBPF Senior Adminstrators, RBPF

Retirees Association, Eliothia Hamilton, Rev. Dr. Alonzo

& Jessie Hinsey & Family, Bishop Raymond Mackey,

The Braynens, Jeff Birch & Margo Birch, Marie Davis

and Family, Mable Stubbs & Loretta, Pastor Leon &

Annamae Hinsey, The entire Hinsey Family, Sandra

Rolle & Family, Dr. Sparkman Ferguson & Family, Dr.

Kendall Major & Family, Dr. Renald Turnquest, Larenzo

& Julianna Bullard & Family, Christopher & Patricia

Knowles & Family, Sheryl Stevenson, Cheryl Knowles-

Cartwright & Sheryl’s Beauty Salon, Francyss & Suzette

Pratt, Dr. Crystal DeGregory, Kingsway Class of 1999 &

2002, Minique Tynes, RoyAnn Neely Morisson, Willissa

Mackey, Dr. Nelson Clarke & Family, Kimly Brown,

Althera Colebrooke, Tanya Astwood, Patricia Chatti,

Drumeco Archer, Geonese Ewing, Annie Laurie Munroe,

Enos & Family, Eunice Petithomme & Family, Maggielee

& Family, Rev. Hervis & Anita Bain & Family, Pastor

Katherina Williams & Family, Dorothy Cooper & Family,

Mervin Fynes & Family, Tony McKinney, Halbrook

Stuart & Family, Bridgette Francis Butler & Family, Cpl.

Moncur, Supt. Denise Rose, W Sgt. Fynes & The Staff of

RBPF Insurance, Corporal Moncur and RBPD staff, Ellsie

Mackey & Family, Pastor Fritz & Family, Pastor Newbold

& Family, The Joan’s Heights Community, The Darlings

Lane Community, The Bamboo Town Constituency, The

Central & North Andros Communities.

Special Thank You:

Pilot Aaron Hinsey, Gillian Curry-Williams, Dr.

Christine Chin, Dr. N’Tari Michael Darville, Dr. Gibson,

Dr. McCartney, Dr. Bonimy, Dr. DeCosta & Bahamas

Heart Centre and the Doctors Hospital Emergency Room

and ICU Team.

Order of Service


Pastor Cleveland D.X. Wells, Jr

Restoration Kingdom Ministries, Assemblies of God

Pastor Alonzo Hinsey, Jr.

Golden Gates Native Baptist Church

Pre Praise – Patrice Paul & Family


CALL TO WORSHIP (PSALM 24) | Pastor Alonzo Hinsey, Jr. (Son)

OPENING HYMN | All Hail The Power of Jesus Name

All hail the power of Jesus’ name!

Let angels prostrate fall;

Bring forth the royal diadem

And crown him Lord of all.

Bring forth the royal diadem

And crown him Lord of all.

Crown him, you martyrs of our God,

Who from his altar call;

Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod

And crown him Lord of all.

Extol the stem of Jesse’s rod

And crown him Lord of all.

O seed of Israel’s chose race,

Now ransomed from the fall,

Hail him who saves you by his grace

And crown him Lord of all.

Hail him who saves you by his grace

And crown him Lord of all.

Sinners, whose love can never forget

The wormwood and the gall,

Go, spread you trophies at his feet

And crown him Lord of all.

Go, spread you trophies at his feet

And crown him Lord of all.

Let every kindred, every tribe

On this terrestrial ball

To him all majesty ascribe

And crown him Lord of all.

To him all majesty ascribe

And crown him Lord of all.

Oh, that with yonder sacred throng

We at his feet may fall!

We’ll join the everlasting song

And crown him Lord of all.

We’ll join the everlasting song

And crown him Lord of all.

Hail him, you heirs of David’s line,

Whom David Lord did call,

The God Incarnate, man divine,

And crown him Lord of all.

The God Incarnate, man divine,

And crown him Lord of all.

INVOCATION | Bishop James Darling (Brother)

OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE READING | PSALM 116:6-14 | Richine Bethell (Niece)

PRAISE & WORSHIP | Patrice Paul & Family

Condolences | Hon. Marvin Dames, MP, Minister of National Security

Mrs. Audrey Flowers, GM

Master Technicians

Bahamas Food Services

Rev. Dr. Vaughn Cash

New Providence District Presbyter & Sr. Pastor - Evangelistic Temple Assemblies of God

Rev. Dr. Patrick Paul

Superintendent Assembly of God in The Bahamas & Turks & Caicos Islands

Solo | Otimia Pennerman Niece

TRIBUTE | Bro. Carl Oliver

Trustee, Restoration Kingdom Ministries, AG

AS I KNEW HER | Nicole Hutchinson (Niece)

AS I KNEW HER | Bridgette Evans (Niece)

TRIBUTE | Melrose Pinder (Family Friend)

TRIBUTE | Cateleen, Catherine, Aalaiyah & Anaiyah (Grand Children)

NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE | 2 Timothy 4:1-8 | Sis. Lisa Oliver


PRAISE DANCE | Restoration Dance Ministry

EUOLOGY | Pastor Cleveland D. X. Wells (Son)

PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Rev. Dr. Patrick Paul

RECESSIONAL HYMN | I’m Glad I’ve Counted The Cost

When first I started to seek the Lord, I’m glad I counted the cost;

I fully measured my Jesus’ Word; I’m glad I counted the cost.


I’ve paid the price and obtained the prize,

He saved my soul that was lost;

And now my treasures are in the skies,

I’m glad I counted the cost.

I laid my sorrows at Jesus’ feet, I’m glad I counted the cost;

And now I’ve pleasures so pure and sweet, I’m glad I counted the cost.

I’ve bid farewell to this world of sin, I’m glad I counted the cost;

And now my Jesus abides within, I’m glad I counted the cost.

I cast on Jesus my every care, I’m glad I counted the cost;

And all my burdens He helps to bear, I’m glad I counted the cost.

’Twill not be long till the Lord shall come, I’m glad I counted the cost;

And bear my soul to that heav’nly home, I’m glad I counted the cost.

Graveside Hymns


There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know

When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below.

Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow.

That will be a glad reunion day.


Glad day, a wonderful day,

Glad day, a glorious day;

There with all the holy angels

and loved ones to stay,

That will be a glad reunion day.

There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice,

Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice.

Tell him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice.

That will be a glad reunion day.

When we live a million years in that wonderful place

Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face.

It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace.

That will be glad reunion day.


There’s a city of Light, where there cometh no night;

‘Tis a city of beauty untold;

All my treasures are there and its beauty I’ll share,

When I get to that city of gold.


When I leave all trouble and care,

I will say good morning up there;

I will have great gladness untold,

When I get to that city of gold

There’s no sorrow up there in that city so fair

And no sickness can enter I’m told;

Shadows all will have flown,

I will meet friend I’ve known

When we get to that city of gold.

Won’t you go there with me to the home of the free,

Would you see heaven’s beauty unfold?

If you will come along, we will sing heaven’s song

When we get to that City of gold.


I will meet you in the morning,

Just inside the Eastern Gate;

Then be ready, faithful pilgrim,

Lest with you it be too late.


I will meet you, I will meet you

Just inside the Eastern Gate over there;

I will meet you, I will meet you,

I will meet you in the morning over there.

Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning;

For the Bridegroom watch and wait;

He’ll be with us at the meeting

Just inside the Eastern Gate. [Refrain]

Oh, the joys of that glad meeting

With the saints who for us wait!

What a blessed, happy meeting

Just inside the Eastern Gate!

If you hasten off to glory,

Linger near the Eastern Gate,

For I’m coming in the morning;

So you’ll not have long to wait. [Refrain]


As I journey through the land singing as I go,

Pointing souls to Calvary– to the crimson flow,

Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within;

But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win.


Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,

There to sing forever of His saving grace;

On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice;

Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.

2 When in service for my Lord dark may be the night,

But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light;

Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside;

But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide. [Refrain]

3 When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height,

And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight,

With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low,

Guiding me, I can see as I onward go. [Refrain]

4 When before me billows rise from the mighty deep,

Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep,

And He leads me gently on through this world below;

He’s a real friend to me, oh, I love Him so.


There’s a line that’s been drawn through the ages;

On that line stands the old rugged cross.

On that cross a battle is raging

For the gain of man’s soul or his loss.

On one side march the forces of evil,

All the demons and devils of hell.

On the other the angels of glory

And they meet on Golgotha’s hill.

The earth shakes with the force of the conflict;

The sun refuses to shine.

For there hangs God’s Son in the balance,

And then through the darkness He cries:

“It is finished!” The battle is over!

It is finished! There’ll be no more war!

It is finished! The end of the conflict!

It is finished and Jesus is Lord!

Yet in my heart the battle was still raging;

Not all pris’ners of war have come home.

They were battlefields of my own making,

I didn’t know that the war had been won.

Then I heard that the King of all ages

Had won all the battles for me.

And the vict’ry was mine for the claiming;

And now praise His name I am free!

And it is finished! The battle is over!

It is finished! There’ll be no more war!

It is finished! The end of the conflict!

It is finished and Jesus is Lord!

He is Lord! He is Lord! He is Lord!

Jesus is Lord!

To My Loving Wife

To the special joy of my life who supported me every

day of my life; I still find it difficult to believe that you

are gone. It was always my expectation that although

you had taken sick suddenly, you would have recovered

so that we could have continued our special and unique

time together. I watched you on a daily basis pour

your heart out to ensure that everybody was comforted

and you never sought to be served; rather you served.

It’s hard to pen words to describe how I watched you

ardently mentor our children by instilling values that are

not common today. I am so proud of the examples that

you set and today the entire life of all of your children

is richer. And although there is a degree of sadness, I

am proud because when I see their actions, I see Grace.

I know that amid all the sorrows and void, our hope is

grounded in God’s promise that we will meet again. I

have so much fond memories from the first day I met

you. Your charm and your beauty spoke volumes and

your life living was no exception.

Sometimes you left me in awe in view of some of

the things that you did for the development of God’s

Kingdom, family and indeed humanity. You were an

organizer par excellent. It would appear that during

your sojourn, rest was never a word in your vocabulary.

But now that God has called you home, rest, rest, rest

and definitely we will meet again to connect in the

promise of God.

I love you perpetually, which was our watch word from

day one.

Your loving husband,


The Strong One

Mom when I think of you, I think of a warrior

princess. You epitomized your name so gracefully

yet you were a bold, courageous fighter. You warded

over your family and loved ones and girded them

daily in prayer. Like a superwoman you often traded

your ball gowns, fancy suits and big hats for your

prayer shawl and sword.

Your smile was your secret weapon which got you

into closed doors and summoned favor even when

the odds were against you. You were a goddess of

cleanliness yet you were never ashamed to get dirty

to get the job done. You were a modern day disciple,

missionary and evangelist. Your missions took you

across different spheres yet you were never too busy

for your spouse and children. You gave birth to four

yet you mothered and poured into many. You were

a lover of people and loved hard yet you kept your

circle tight. Like a mother hen your feathers were our

safety net.

You taught us all to fly and your prayer closet was

our refueling station. You transformed your home

into a hospice, hospital, crisis center, counseling

center, missions quarters, prayer grotto, and temple.

Most days you took off your cape and exchanged it

for an apron, cooking a plethora of meals, baking

and serving your family, loved ones and all who

desired to dine at the Francis table. Our Sunday

gatherings always seemed to end in you preparing

the communion table and having your sons serve

while ending in prayer. Even the youngest of the

grandchildren embraced your oil baths and honored

them as their special covering. Being the virtuous

woman that you were, you managed your home well

yet your name prepared the way for so many.

You used your network to access jobs for so many

young people and fought for so many to embrace

the same higher education opportunities that

you instilled in your own children. You had your

personal projects and persons you sowed into. You

mastered the gift of multiplication and knew how to

invest a hundred dollars in so many ways yet never

ever forgetting your seed to the kingdom first. You

taught us how to break barriers on our knees and

made daily declarations into the lives of so many.

Mommy thank you for almost 50 wonderful years

of life lasting memories. You were the best wife and

mother a family could ever ask for. You gave us your

all. If only I knew what the 35 days countdown was

all about, I would have slept at your feet and spent

every second of every minute of every day with you

soaking up your love, wisdom and the strength you

had left in you. Mother’s Day was our final family

gathering, and you surely enjoyed your gourmet

meal, gift giving and spending time with your family.

You hugged me a little tighter and I didn’t want to

let you go. Little did I know this would be our very

last embrace and kiss. From the age of 7 you were

preparing me for your departure reminding me that

I was the eldest and needed to be strong. You were

intentional about making a strong one out of me.

On May 19th, as I walked into the mortuary to see

you one more time, the walk from the door to the

place you laid felt like a thousand miles. As you laid

helpless from fighting yet another battle but this

time with COVID, I had to remind myself that in my

warrior princess fashion another battle was won. I

literally heard the Holy Spirit say “Monique COVID

did not win, your warrior princess fought and when

her physical body was unable to endure, her spirit

summoned the intercessors and the prayers ushered

in a mighty army that ushered her to her eternal

home. As I stood over your body, I heard his voice

say “ Your warrior princess and Strong One died

empty. Like a drink offering she poured herself into

so many and now she is empty.” Your strong one has

taken flight and your strong one has flown home.”

In my distress I tried to make sense of what had

just happened. I reflected on the day being the 19th

day of the fifth month, 2021. As an avid biblical

numerologist, I remained pensive of the date

(1+9=10)+5+10+10+7+7+7). With five being the

number of grace and both ten and seven numbers

of completion, I was comforted in knowing that

Grace truly died empty and completed her early


I love you my warrior princess, your love and legacy

will transcend across generations.

Your #1- Dr. Monique Hinsey


I am sleeping only to be awakened to the sound of you, Mommy

telling me we are going on our nature walk. It is just me and you,

my beach bucket and shovel. You place a hat on my head, and we are

taking our walk across the creek to go shell picking.

This walk together has never ended. No matter my age or the responsibilities

of life, we never stopped walking together. My best

friend, first love, my teacher, counselor, the one who loved me when

I felt unloved, the one who told me never say you can’t!

Mommy you called me your Sammie and I knew what that meant.

We did so much adventurous things together. You encouraged me

to embrace life; I saw you love unconditionally, always prepared to

render counsel and service.

My Rock, I have been gracefully broken, my heart is aching, I have

no words. Will I ever be Sammie again? You saw me when I could

not see myself. You believed in me.

Mommy, there was no day I went to bed without saying, “I Love

You Mommy”. How will it ever get better? My only hope is in Christ

Jesus. You taught me that even in death you will always be with me.

My last, “I Love you Mommy” came oh to soon. This time you went

on the adventure without me. Every day I see you in nature, I see

you in my sisters, my children, my nieces, my brothers, and Daddy.

Mommy, for the first time in my life I am walking without you. I am

going to miss our rides, lunch dates, business runs, food store shopping

or just our “Grace Day” where I am with you to do whatever;

another adventure.

Your last glare in your eyes to mine said: “Sammie, this time Mommy

has to go, but it’s going to be okay. Breathe, my Baby, breathe.”

Mommy, the creek will never be the same without you but when I

walk on the beach, I will remember you playing with me, running

after me, holding my hand. I will feel you in the breeze.

I will hold on to everything you have taught me, and though my

heart yearns for your voice, our daily conversations, and good night

salutations of love, my Queen take your rest and enjoy this new adventure

until we meet again.

Your Sammie


I hope you know I tried. I did all I knew to help you get better.

It ached my soul to see you in such pain. I’m sorry if I was too

firm with you. I had to do all I knew I could to help you and

when I realized it was out of my control I had to send you off

to the hospital. I know you didn’t want to go. I basically made

you go...I know. But I knew I didn’t have anything left. I tried

everything and still you were weak and painful. I packed a bag

thinking you’d be coming back home. My intuition tried to tell

me otherwise but I ignored it. If I ever see the look I saw in

your eyes ever again I’ll know just what it means. Your vessel

was finished, I saw that with my own eyes. You left home and

God decided he’d take over.

I would have kept you here forever if I could, but that’s for my

selfish needs and for Ava. I think even your fight to beat what

that monster was doing to your body was wrapped around

not wanting to disappoint your family by leaving us.

But you have already given us your all. There

was nothing left to do. Your assignment was

completed. And I say that with peace. Thank

you for waiting around for me to have Ava

and teaching me to be a mother. Thank you for

teaching me my faith, prayer and worship.

Thank you for every selfless act that served as

a seed that you planted for a better version of

me. Thank you for everything. I guess these

are the better days ahead you were referring to

huh...I mean you’re in heaven...it doesn’t get any

better than that.

I promise to remember that, “I am the

righteousness of God and I won’t allow anyone

to steal my joy or my beautiful smile.”

I love you forever.


My Dearest Gracie:

You left me. Living without you was my biggest fear. I wanted

you to live forever. I understood that time was precious, so I

soaked up as much time as I could when we were together and

called you three to four times daily when we were a part.

Gracie, you were my best friend, you knew that. We laughed

together, experienced life together, and you covered me in my

darkest hours. You have been my nurse when I was sick, my

confidant when I needed someone to confide in, my prayer

partner, and my cheerleader when I felt like giving up.

In the latter days of your life, you became more quiet than

usual. As I shared my intimate thoughts and concerns, I wanted

you to intervene, but instead you listened and urged me to pray

more. I now believe that you were preparing me to learn how to

go on without you.

You were my rock! My Gracie Grace, my superhero, my best

friend. I will forever cherish the memories we had and the jokes

we shared. You always made me feel like no matter what I faced

in this life; it would all be okay because God is with me.

We share a similar essence and smile, that is a gift from you that

I will cherish forever. Thank you for ensuring that Maya has a

piece of you and always remembers her Nanna. You carefully

penned a letter to her a few years ago that she will have forever

– “A letter to Maya Abigail from Nanna.”

The last words we said to each other were, I love you. In your

final hours I got to sing “Be still and know that I am God” to

you and Maya, Rodney and I all got to tell you that we loved

you. I know without a shadow of a doubt that you are peacefully

resting in the arms of your maker.

You lived each day as if it were your last; mentoring, giving,

preaching, and praying for others. Your life was a gift to many. I

will hold you in my heart forever.

Love, Your baby girl,



There is no way that I had imagined writing a tribute to you in 2021. “Gone too

soon,” is a gross understatement and yet in the spirit of the way you lived your

life, I am sure you were prepared to meet the King you lived so intentionally to

please. Thankfully, I have had a few occasions to say thank you to you for the

UNUSUAL kindness you extended to me by opening both your heart and your

home in a fashion that was no less than REMARKABLE. I wish I had more time

to say thank you in person, but alas, I hope in your heart you knew that I loved

you, honoured you and remained forever grateful. Your kindness was a plate

on which you served me the gift of my four sisters and they are, in their own

ways, an extraordinary blessing to my life. I’m not sure if you knew the extent

to which I listened to and observed your noble life. From you, I learned many

things, among them the practice of intercession, the importance of forthrightness

and “seizing the moment”, the significance of financial management, and

the huge difference a life of servant leadership makes. Thank you for being you.

I have a number of “Grace-isms” that I will take with me through the rest of my

journey here. I cherish you and for the rest of my life, there will remain in my

heart a very special, carved out place for all things “Grace.”

Love Always,


Farewell, Dear Mum

Deep down in my heart beneath all the pain and grief, is a smile when I begin to think of you. You

have been a part of my life for more than 30 years. When I first met you, it was never Mrs. Francis, but

Mum. Not once did you ever treat me as a son-in-law, but you accepted me as the son you never had.

As I reflect over the memories, I recall our many deep conversations on life. I remember you calling

me, sometimes on a daily basis to ensure you were able to access your various accounts and to recall a

password that you would have changed.

I remember the many times you asked me to travel with you to ensure the health and wellbeing of Dad

or one of the girls. You would have everything planned and call to ensure that I was able to move when

you gave the word. Our mission would be to stay as long as needed until we received the report that all

was well.

I remember when I was called to Pastor, you gave your full support through your prayers and finances.

You were a true worshipper. You gave your all during Praise & Worship. When the pandemic hit, I

could guarantee you would be one of the first persons viewing our online church service. I could be

assured of your call each Sunday to tell me how you enjoyed the message.

When joining the Francis family, there was only one request you asked. That we would have Sunday

dinner with you and Dad. We did our best to live up to this promise. To top off the day we would

come together in prayer and communion, giving God thanks for all that He had done for us.

Your presence is irreplaceable. I will miss your talks, your prayers and your words of guidance and

wisdom. Thank you for accepting me as your own. Thank you for the love and support you poured

into me and my family. I will always cherish our time together. May the memories and rich legacy

continue to live on in each of us. I love you. Continue to Sleep In Peace!

Your Son, Try

Dear Hummingbird,

I once read an article about Hummingbirds. There were a million facts listed in

the article but only one stood out to me. The article stated that hummingbirds

have outstanding memories, they can remember the first seconds of their birth

and have a keen survival skill called navigation. I wake up every morning and

look out the window of this two story beige and brown trimmed house and I see a

green hummingbird, not just one shade of green. A painted bird, one crafted with

Gods paint brush. I’ve watched you over the last few days, going back to the same

pink and green flowers, catching the same wind to enter and exit this peaceful

life. What I never understood is how you remembered to come here every day.

Are you checking up on me? are you watching over us? I’ve had you in my life

for twenty years and it gave me comfort to know that every morning I would see

you outside canvasing the yard, but I haven’t seen you in a while. I woke up one

morning praying that you would be there outside and you never came back. Oh,

Hummingbird how much I miss you, how much I crave your sound,

your love, your touch, your presence…but you did your job. You left me

with memories and helped me to navigate this life gracefully. I will miss

you but I know that you love me however, for now I’ll look outside the

window of this two story beige and brown trimmed house and pray that I

see you again.

Your “Pretty Girl,”


Dear Nana,

Goodbye, a word I never thought I would have to say like a story I never wanted it to

end but I could not stop it. I always thought you would see me walk cross the stage

and clap as I finish my high school career and jump on that 10am flight to take me

to college, then I would call you to meet my friends and the guy I was interested in. I

always thought you would meet my husband and help him with his suit as you pray

over him and end up starting church on my special day. I hate that you are gone, I

wish you could tell me how much you love me one last time and tell my how proud

you are of me. These tears suck and I wish you could wipe them away and tell me

its going to be okay but you’re gone, and it hurts. I am trying to keep my laugh you

loved so much alive, but it still hurts to not hear you tell me I too loud or I need to

close my legs at church. I miss you, so this is goodbye I love you. I hope you know so

to you a queen among angels GOODBYE MY QUEEN.


Thank You

Honestly this has to be the hardest act of gratitude

As I’m trying to have a positive attitude.

This pill is a hard one to swallow

But I have to be strong and maybe the rest will follow.

No I was not the oldest but I was your right hand,

You spoke wisdom into me like you knew what was planned.

Motivation , Determination, and dedication

With these you have the perfect equation.

You taught me to always fight for what I believe in,

I guess that’s what made me the rebel within.

The echo of you saying “oh my Layah”

will forever remain with me,

When my mouth gets out of hand and others may disagree.

I’ll be sure to carry on your music legacy,

Vibing to the beats of reggae melodies.

I never understand why you would always push me,

But you knew exactly who Aalaiyah was called to be.

You instilled me with grit and grace

Which is why I always have a smile on my face.

Well Nana, you left me gracefully broken,

With thousands of memories as a token.

Honestly this is the hardest act of gratitude,

But for this I say thank you!


Hey Nana it’s me.

I guess you are busy doing one of the many roles in your job title. It’s

okay. I know you’ll get back to me as soon as possible. When you do, I’m

ready to talk for hours. You can inform me on your latest challenge and

strategize a plan for your new mountain.

I know you’re worried but you can do anything. Everything I’ve seen

you put even an inch of faith in has come to pass. And your grip on love,

family, God and people in general is so strong.

I’m desperate to see you again and hear you call, “ Hey Baby girl” or “Hey

boo”. I find myself washing dishes or simply breathing and smiling as I feel

your presence staring at me.

Then, you would run out of patience and wave, gaining my attention. As I

became alert, I was ready to take on any tasks for you, knowing you were

willing to shoot any physical or spiritual force down for me. I answered

and you simply replied, “Hi”, and gave me a smile.

I would do anything to be cradled in your arms right this minute. As I

shook painfully, and felt life running out of my body, you would whisper

to me,” It’s going to be okay baby.” I truly didn’t believe it. I just prayed that

you wouldn’t bury me. I didn’t expect this. The way you laid at my feet and

covered my fading body in oil, gave me life. I truly didn’t know what it

meant to love someone, forgive and be peaceful until you told me what it

meant to “Let go” and “Let in.”

You are the air I breathe, the smile I smile, my voice, my laugh, my face,

MY SPIRIT, my LIFE, And my best friend. I’m glad that I got to be your

distraction. Thank you for your endless lessons and prayers and for

pouring your Grace into me. I will always feel your touch, hear your voice

and be a classy, successful and Graceful Ebony, like you’ve made me to be.

I miss you so much and I desire to have our weekly call. However, I now

you’ve equipped me and although I don’t feel like it, I’m going to be okay

and can do anything because you’ve built me, “GRACE TOUGH.’’ I will

talk to you again someday, without distraction, but until then,

I really love you my Nana.

Your second Baby Girl. Anaiyah

Tribute to Sis. Grace Francis


In times like these, we need a saviour,

In times like these we need an anchor.

Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the

solid rock. The rock is Jesus.

My Dear Sis. Grace Francis,

I am left speechless by the news of your passing that a shock

wave has struck me to my core. The void left deep within me is

so indescribable that I am unable to fathom it.

Truly “the measure of life after all is not it’s duration but its

donation.” As I reflect on the love that you so selflessly gave to

me through your countless prayers for my family and I, your

words of wisdom continue to linger in my mind as I ponder

some of your favourite quotes. No one said it quite like you,

Sis. Grace.

As a young girl growing up in Evangelistic Centre, there was

always such an aura of excellence that followed whenever she

entered the sanctuary as if royalty had just graced the room. I

would always smile and say to myself, “who is that lady,” not

knowing that the Sovereign God would connect us in such a

unique way in the near future. I have watched you constantly

pour out yourself into the work of the Lord and to your family

without expecting any rewards.

I will truly miss our chats over the phone and the sincerity of

your big inviting smile whenever I was in your presence. It

was an honor to have “gleam behind” a virtuous mother like

you, even if it was only for a small moment in time. I am very

humbled and grateful for the mark that Sis. Grace left on my

life. Rest my dear sweet lady, you have paid the price and now

obtain your prize. I’m glad you counted the cost!

Minique Tynes


I always called you that. It was as much a pronouncement of my love for you as it was of your love for

me. I was just a teenage college freshman when I answered Willie’s phone to hear your voice. Your

mother had died—and you were leading your family to use the faith she had taught to you to carry

on. That faith was unshakable—just like you, and just like your love. Equal parts willed and willing,

our love was chance and choosing, soft and steely. We shared it well. The casual observer may have

wondered just what the two of us could have possibly had in common, you, a praying church elder—

and well, me. You were a traditionalist in so many ways, but your fiscal savvy and intellectual acuity

were as unassuming as they were expansive. Your persistent prayers and my near-constant jokes were

well-matched in a friendship with Willie turned “familyship,” because of you. Of all of the many things

you did so incredibly well, prayer was chief among them—and yours protected us amid life’s most

challenging storms. Whether you scolded or praised, you gave us what we needed, and we were each

better because of your love. And despite the love you gave to so many, I believe that your specialty was

girls and women—not only the four to whom you gave life, and the girls to whom they gave the same,

but to the many more of us to whom you declared yourself “Mom Grace.” Believing in God, with grit

and with grace, you were the ultimate “Girl Mom.” Because of you, we are smart, we are kind, and we

will be brave. All of your girls, you always decreed, would be the head and not the tail. Just how you

managed to be everything to everyone, we will never know. But this we do: your Grace was more than

sufficient. For your life and your love, God be praised.

Love always, in all ways,

Your Crystal


Who could have guessed that’s God’s Lady of Faith, Power, Elegance and Pure Humility would have left

us so soon. Truthfully, it still feels so unreal but I am comforted in knowing that I was blessed to meet

a lady of Elegance and who demanded the rooms attention when she arrives. For some, Elder Grace

Francis may have just been the Elder of the church, showing up on a Sunday Morning ready to lift

God’s Name Higher but for me she was far more than that; she literally became my grandmother. Who

gave me pure sound advice whenever we would talk, who laughed with me in our joyous moments

and cried in our saddest times. I especially enjoyed the Sunday afternoon coming up to the house, and

knowing without a doubt that I’d be welcomed with open arms. And if I’m being totally honest, sometimes

I found myself calling her “Nana” and not Elder, but without hesitation Grace Francis would still

replied as if I was biologically her grandson.

But in my grieving, I am comforted knowing that she has ran this race that was allotted out to her well

and have left this world to reap a reward far greater than any riches or gold, far more greater than any

title that can ever be bestowed. For what greater title is there that one can hold except it is the title of

The Child of the Most High. A title in which she boar very bodily with confidence in her God that He

would continue to be faithful to her. Take your rest Elder Grace Francis, for it pleases the Lord to call

His soldier in the army home.

My prayer will forever go out to the family and the entire church family as we prepare to give Mrs.

Grace Francis “Nana” a farewell she is well deserving of.

Take your rest Queen, God has called you home.

You will be sorely missed,

Gabriel John & The John Family

The Pearly White City

At nights I dream of the Pearly White City

That brings great joy to see

I’ll stop and listen to what I’ve read

Because I’m not among the dead.

We live a good bye from year to year

But never seen to be in fear

These unknown objects that drawn so near

Did made me turn around in fear.

In spite of what we say or do

We always should make sure, its true

Just watch the rain drops as it falls

And everyone will hear His call.

This City is a Holy place

Where, no sin can take His space

Adjust, your life and make it right

Then we, would never have to fight.

By: Annie Darling Smith

Tribute to Elder Grace Francis

“God’s Lady of Faith”

“Her Children rise up and call her blessed.

A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

The above captures the very essence of our Elder Grace Francis, Servant, Teacher,

Mother, Advisor, Counsellor, Prayer Warrior, Leader, Coordinator, Confidante,

Humble, Faithfull, Devoted, Gods leading Lady with a heart of Pure Gold.

Elder Grace has been a part of my life for over 20 years she became my Mother and her

daughters became my sisters. I know that there was always room at the Francis dinner

table for me.

The news of losing you has shattered my heart in so many ways. Your words of wisdom

and instruction would forever be a part of my life, who would have thought that

Mother’s Day events at Church (RKM) would have been the last occasion we worked

closely together as a committee.

“Well done Elder Grace”.

Thanks, Elder Grace for sharing your nuggets of wisdom, your insight on how to

budget, and how to focus on the prize for achieving the goals that is set before us. You

embraced the possible and confronted the impossible smiling while echoing the words

“God will come through he never fails…”

You challenged me, you pushed me, and you called me even when I did not want to

be called never ceasing until you got an answer. Your guidance and blueprints came

directly from God’s throne room.

Thank you for praying us through. The anointed olive oils and prayer shoal sending

them with instructions from the Lord indeed that was your signature of adornment.


Today, Grace came face to face with GRACE! Your assignment is completed, and you

are so worthy of God’s eternal rest. You have labored with excellence; you have given a

stellar performance and never one day looking to see what you would get in return. You

knew that God’s pay day will come after a while.

Sleep on and take your eternal rest you have emptied yourself and now you are in the

arms of your Redeemer to receive your reward. Heaven has surely gained a Warrior!

Love always: Harcourt & Suzette Nixon

Good Morning Monique, Min Wells, Willie & Angie.

I lay in my bed this morning at 8.05am, and woke up with your mom on my mind.

And tears following just thinking of my personal interactions with her. I have

never met a woman like Elder Francis, she was the one God made and as we say he

through the mold away, She was a warrior. She believed and served in excellence.

The shoes she wore and are now in her closet, NO one can walk in them. She was

beautiful, smart and yes she didn’t stop until whatever assignment she was on it

was completed with a little extra. I saw and witnessed the love she had for her

husband, her girls, grands and sons in law.

Elder Grace will turn the world upside to ensure you all were happy, and things

were in place and business were in order. She wore many, many hats.

No doubt this is hard, heavy and shocking just thinking about her life, it gives

me peace, because I can say I walked, worked and worshipped with one if Jesus

disciples, and I comforted to know she is with him this morning. She got to meet

and love her Princess, and who said last night I can’t believe she died. We hold

great memories of your mom Ladies, carl myself and Halo. She will always be in

our hearts, and missed dearly.

Carl said when he saw a voice not from Elder Francis, you better drop what you’re

doing cause she on a mission, just a little humor Ladies, but that was her. Love you

Ladies and know that we love your mom so much! But she is singing, and dancing

in better place this morning.

Your legacy will live on. RIP Elder

Carl, Lesa & Halo Oliver



“Words of Gratitude”

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends and colleagues for your support

during our time of sorrow. Your prayers, telephone calls, condolences and other sympathetic gestures

gave us strength and courage to carry on.

Elder Grace Andrea Darling-Francis was an amazing and phenomenal woman and we are comforted

in knowing her love and kindness lives on in friends like you.

May God continue to bless you.

The Family


Davado Darling

Gabriel John

Carl Oliver

Andra McIntyre

Otaus Knowles

Destin Pratt

Honorary Pallbearers

Elder Oswald Pinder

Bishop Chadwick James

Pastor Tyrone Sands

Pastor Henry Francis

Pastor Lawerence Arnette

Bishop James Darling

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