Tackle March 2021

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teered, people came out on weekends

to do community work, people

were directly involved in building

their communities and ultimately

the country.

Participatory democracy flourished,

daily, weekly, monthly – not for five

seconds every 5 years. People felt

a sense of ownership of problems.

Never before or after was there such

an explosion of peoples power.

Several of the critical programme of

the revolution centered on peoples

involvement.and were designed to

protect the poor and vulnerable in


Training Teachers

Through NISTEP

The NISTEP programme involved

the part-time training of teachers

over a three (3) year period to enable

them to achieve basic professional

qualifications. Hundreds of

untrained teachers journeyed to

the Teachers College in Tanteen,

St. George’s, one day a week for

all day lectures. To accommodate

everybody, half received their instruction

on Thursdays and the

other half on Fridays. On the other

days the teachers in training taught

their classes under the watchful

eyes of highly professional and

experienced tutors. These tutors

monitored the implementation of


The benefits were double fold: the

untrained teachers received, over

the period, the same number of

hours of theoretical instructions as

teachers doing the fulltime training

course; and they (the untrained

teachers) would have significantly

more supervised practical training

experience. In that way all

untrained teachers had the opportunity

to be fully trained without

significant disruption instructions of

the classroom.

What happened though to the thousands

of school children affected

by the absence of the teachers on

Thursdays and Fridays? The PRG

created an ingenious solution in another

programme – the Community

School Day Programme (CSDP).

Community and School

Connecting Through


The CSDP complemented NISTEP.

It became yet another example of

the PRG’s creativity in solving problems

. through people’s involvement.

Under the CSDP, parents

and skilled persons from the communities

surrounding each school

were brought into the classroom to

engage the students in a wide range

of work and life skills, in addition to

sporting and cultural activities. The

community and the school became

more connected.

Maurice Bishop International Airport (MBIA)

10 Tackle Magazine MARCH 2021

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