BVRIT Interface

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BVRIT - Interface

Student Club Acvies

Enlightening Lives

‘Giving is not just about making a donaon... it’s about making a difference!” Enlightening Lives has always strived

to make the difference that could make a strong impact on the lives of needy people. Even the pandemic couldn’t

affect the difference-making work done by Enlightening Lives.

On 11 th of January, 2020, Tradional day was celebrated for cherishing India’s diverse tradion and culture. Amidst

that, Enlightening Lives found a way to raise funds for a noble cause. A ‘photo booth’ was set up on that day and

Enlightening Lives received generous donaons for the students of BVRIT.

In the same month, ‘Dhaan Utsav’- a great opportunity to show gratude and experience the true sense of giving

to make lives beer was organized by Enlightening Lives. This turned out to be a massive success, restoring faith in


In the following month, on 16 th of February 2020, Enlightening Lives visited

‘Louis Braille Educaonal Society for the Blind’. Basic necessies like rice, clothes,

accessories, staonery, and other food items, braille slates, stylus and papers were

donated. On 27 th of February-world NGO day was celebrated by Enlightening Lives.

Handprints of students were collected symbolizing unity and the ever willingness of

BVRITians to help the needy through Enlightening Lives. The overwhelming posive

response was clear from the huge collecon of handprints received. An event called

‘Vrukshasampada’ encouraging individuals to plant as many trees as possible was

organized by the NGO and this will connue for a long me.

Enlightening Lives family took a prodigious journey to ‘AshaJyothi foundaon’ on

March 15 th , 2020 to distribute clothes and other necessies. To meet the children at

Ashajyothi foundaon was a real inspiraon to the volunteers.


In the advent of the pandemic when lives of people started geng distorted, Enlightening Lives organized fundraising

acvies-’Chitraka Photography Contest’(14th of May-21th of May), ‘Arts contest’, ‘Ludo Tournaments’ and other

events to help the needy during lockdown. Mr. Venkateshwarlu, a brain tumour paent was provided financial

support and six families received essenal commodies with the funds raised. Enlightening Lives is commied to

work with the same intent for many years to come.

Street Cause BVRIT

Street Cause, the largest student run non-profit NGO in Hyderabad, is the living embodiment of the quote, “A life

without a cause is a life without an effect.” The slogan that had been bringing in students of different ambions and

aspiraons, together and driving them to be more than passive spectators to the inequies in our society.

In the year 2018, B.V. Raju Instute of Technology had joined Street Cause and began extending its helping hand

to the people who are in need of support by accomplishing many successful projects individually and also few in

collaboraon with other colleges.

Velmakanna ZPHS, a government school of strength 470, was honestly at a very poor condion which lack in many

basic facilies. On 5 th of January,2020 Street Cause BVRIT in collaboraon with Street Cause IARE took up an iniave

to provide the school with 4 computers, 2 water drums, and a complete sports kit along with tube lights and fans.

During the corona virus pandemic, it has become a strenuous task to many orphanage, old-age homes and people of

lower community. To make them accessible with the basic necessies, Street Cause BVRIT provided all the essenal

groceries to ‘Vatsalyam Home’ in collaboraon with Street Cause CBIT and VJIT on 31 st of March, 2020 which catered

to 40 members of the home and also to the ‘Sai Vinay Old Age Home’ in collaboraon with Street Cause VJIT on 29 th

of April, 2020 which catered to more than 30 members of the home.

Street Cause BVRIT distributed free masks to the ‘Akshara Foundaon’, ‘Nagaram New Life Children Home’, and to the

children of the low income families of Bollaram on 28th and 29th of June, 2020 which helped 160 children.

Every member of street cause is determined to help the society, and work to impact at least one person in their life



BVRIT - Interface

University of New Brunswick – visit to BVRIT

The top level team from the University of New Brunswick, Canada - Paul Mazerolle- President and Vice

Chancellor, Dominic Blakely- Innovaon & Entrepreneurship Strategist and Advisor to the President, Joe Allen -

Managing Director, Accelerators - J Herbert Smith Centre, Assad David - Director of Pathway Programs, UNB, Claude

Maillet- Innovaons Lead, Opportunies, New Brunswick, Canada visited BVRIT on 6 th of February 2020. The guests

were escorted for a tour of the campus, departments and facilies including the special labs. The team discussed

collaborave opportunies of educaon and research with the management at BVRIT. As a memoir of their visit, the

dignitaries planted saplings around the student hangout spot.

Honourable Chairman Sri K. V. Vishnu Raju welcomed the guests and presented a brief overview of the instuon.

He stated that SVES has been keen on collaboraon with a view to provide best opportunies to students and faculty

to excel in academics and research. Sri Ravichandran Rajagopal Vice Chairman SVES and Prof K. Lakshmi Prasad

Principal BVRIT discussed about student and faculty exchange possibilies. The team from UNB also interacted with

students on opportunies for higher educaon in Canada at University of New Brunswick.

Tradional Day

The annual cultural extravaganza of BVRIT Narsapur was celebrated on 11th of January 2020. This year’s edion of

tradional day was tled Samskruka.

The day began with students entering the campus in colourful tradional ares. Clad in bright costumes the

students strolled around the campus clicking snapshots and selfies with their buddies, faculty and staff who were

also tradionally dressed.

Among the many events such as rangoli, mehendi, tradional ramp walk, kite flying, short video making challenge,

jackpot and other compeons organized during the day, rampwalk stole the show. The tradional u(pot) breaking

compeon was another mob gatherer towards the end of the day. During the day, students parcipated in the

compeons and dedicated songs to their friends and faculty from the DJ console.


The energy and blush of the day was evident and pompously obvious in the campus. The event was organised by

Cultural Club BVRIT student leads: Swaroopa, Sankeerth, Priya, Sahithi, Novan, Abhishek, Varsha and faculty lead -

Mrs. Anupama.

B usiness English Cerficaon (BEC)

In the global business environment, it has become common for non-nave English speakers to study Business English

as a specific skill. If a professional acquires a cerficaon of this skill from one of the apex instuons in the world,

it adds further value to his/her resume. During this part of the year, 70 students registered for Business English

Cerficaon by Cambridge Language Assessment and acquired cerficaon. They were mentored and coordinated

for assessment by Dr. B. Mrunalini Sasanka, Associate Professor, BS&H.

Assisve Technology Lab

ATL project ‘Drip – M’ by G. Nish Kumar (IV B. Tech BME)

and V. L. Rajesh Kumar (IV B. Tech CSE) was selected and

showcased in presgious Bio-Asia 2020 Start-up stage

from 17 th to 19 th of Feb. 2020.

University of New Brunswick team comprising of Dr. Paul

Mazerolle, President and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Dominic

Blakely, Innovaon & Entrepreneurship Strategist, Dr.

Joe Allen, Managing Director, Accelerators visited ATL on 6 th of February 2020.

Anveshana 2020

ATL parcipated in ANVESHANA 2020, Science and Engineering Compeon (24 th to 26 th Feb. 2020) along with

students of Telangana Model School Jakkapally and won 3 prizes.

‘Alternate Augmented Communicaon Device’ won the 1 st prize and Rs. 30,000 cash.

‘Smart Cradle’ won 3 rd prize and Rs. 20,000 cash.

‘Fully Automated Fish Feeding Device’ won consolaon prize of Rs. 5,000 cash.


BVRIT - Interface

ATL faculty & students aended MED TECH Symposium 2020 at Center for Healthcare Entrepreneurship (CfHE) at

IITH on 25 th of Jan 2020.

Dr. Kousik Sarathy, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, IITH visited ATL and delivered a guest lecture on 29 th

Jan. 2020

E-learning in lockdown


During the pandemic, when lockdown caused learning on campus impossible, students and faculty from BVRIT

connued their quest for knowledge through Coursera. Coursera is a plaorm that provides hundreds of courses

stretched across all disciplines taught by top instructors from world-class universies and companies. 4512 students

and faculty registered for courses which range from a duraon of 4-8 weeks. 1177 students completed more than

five courses each.


EdX is a plaorm for educaon and learning founded by Harvard University and Massachuses Instute of

Technology. 1044 students and faculty registered for courses through EdX. 1010 members completed more than 2

courses each.

Course Networking

Course Networking (CN) is a global, academic social-networking plaorm that offers next-generaon Learning

Management Systems and e-Porolio tool. A total of 297 faculty members iniated their social learning on Course


Teaching Professor

During the lockdown the instuon subscribed to The Teaching Professor – a newsleer that helps faculty improve

their teaching, share best pracces, and stay current on the latest pedagogical research. A total of 100+ teaching

ideas were shared with faculty and Implementaon of various ideas among these made learning process easier and

beneficial to the students.

BVRIT at Vishnu Educaonal Development and Innovaon Centre (VEDIC)

Vishnu Educaonal Development and Innovaon Centre (VEDIC) is a unique privately funded residenal campus

established in 2016 with the vision of ‘Mentoring the Mentors’ with training facilies of internaonal standards.

VEDIC facilitates interacon between faculty members, staff, students and global experts in educaon in a

collaborave environment to create rich, engaging learning and teaching experiences. Since its incepon, aspiring

teachers have been receiving hands-on training in ulising teaching learning tools and best pracces with the

guidance of educaonal researchers and psychologists at VEDIC.


During January to June 2020, the following training programmes and workshops organized by VEDIC were aended

by members of faculty, students and staff of BVRIT.


Dates Workshop Faculty Students

9th - 10th of Jan Progression Workshop 25 -

21st - 24th of Jan Intellectual Learning for Engineering Applicaons (ILEA) - 40

21st - 23rd of Jan Immersive Instruconal Technology (IIT) 8 -

28th - 30th of Jan Inspire-Impact-Introspect, Level-2, Batch-5 8 -

28th - 30th of Jan SLIDE-2, Batch-2 6 -

24th of Jan BVRITN_EEE Assessment Raonalizaon 4 -


4th - 6th of Feb Intellectual Learning for Management Studies (ILMS) - 44

11th - 13th of Feb Student Learning in Instruconal Design (SLIDE) 16 -

17th - 18th of Feb Second Vedic Colloquium 24 -

19th of Feb Wring Effecve Research Proposals 20 -

20th of Feb Design of Experiments (DoE) 36 -


3rd - 5th of Mar Student Learning in Instruconal Design - 2 (SLIDE-2), Batch-3 16


19th of May Self-Management Skills - 65


VOICE - Vishnu Online Interacve Colloquium on Educaon

2nd of June Basic Infrastructure, Network and Tools for Online Teaching 45 -

12th of June Assessment and Analycs on Moodle 30 -

15th of June Interacve Elements in Live Online Sessions 53 -

17th of June Using Filmora for Video Eding 34 -

23rd of June Using H5P for Interacve Video 62 -

24th of June Using Whiteboard tools & Digital Pens 61 -

26th of June Virtual Labs & Projects using Simulaons 32 -

29th of June Using Screen Casng Tools 51 -

Student Programs

5th, 15th, 19th & Self-Management Skills - 276

25th of June


BVRIT - Interface

Naonal Service Scheme Unit

With the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, as declared by World Health Organizaon (WHO) as a Public Health

Emergency, Dr. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah, Mr. K. Bhima, NSS Program officers and all NSS volunteers of BVRIT Narsapur

acvely volunteered in various acvies during the lockdown period; Acvies include creang awareness program

on prevenve aspects to protect the rural and urban people from Covid-19 in the State of Telangana.

The following NSS acvies were organized and aended during lock down period by NSS unit BVRIT Narsapur.

NSS unit volunteered and parcipated in the online meeng for NSS Program officers on ‘Training of COVID-19

Warriors’ organized by NSS Cell of JNTU Hyderabad on 17 th of April 2020.

The unit organized online training for NSS Volunteers on ‘COVID-19-Response and Containment Measures’ and

‘Training of COVID-19 Warriors’ on the 10 th , 18 th and 21 st of April 2020.

NSS volunteers of BVRIT created awareness on ‘Precauonary Measures for Covid-19’ in rural areas on 20 th of April


NSS team created awareness on maintaining social distance near the shops and vegetable markets in urban areas

on 24 th of April 2020.

Vegetables and Groceries were distributed to 100 poor people in village near Narsapur on 30 th of April 2020.


NSS unit of the instuon organized blood donaon camp on 18 th of April 2020 in view of emergency need for blood

during lockdown period. NSS volunteers donated the blood to NTR Memorial Trust Blood Bank.

Dr. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah, NSS program officer created a video lecture on ‘COVID-19 Awareness’ to facilitate public

awareness and shared it on YouTube on 24 th of April 2020.

NSS volunteers created a video to express their gratude towards COVID-19 Frontline Warriors and shared it

on YouTube on 26 th of April 2020. This was done to appreciaon and appreciate COVID-19 Warriors and also for

common man awareness.

Youtube links for video lecture and gratude video towards COVID-19 Frontline Warriors




NSS Unit of BVRIT Narsapur started fundraising for COVID-19 relief work on 18th of April 2020. Donaons received

from faculty members and students were ulized for distribuon of health care items to people in need and to save

starving animals during pandemic.

Mr. Bhima aended MBRU Community Immunity Ambassador Program and gathered insights with rapid training

and awareness on key aspects of infecon and immunity to empower community-based advocacy on how to

prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. The program covered the chain of infecon, how infecous diseases

are transmied and how to break the chain of infecon through concrete prevenve acons.

NSS volunteers’ meeng

The NSS unit of BVRIT Narsapur organized meeng for NSS volunteers on 18th of April 2020. Dr. K. Dasaradha

Ramaiah and Mr. K. Bhima organized online meeng and discussed on training needs and involvement of NSS

volunteers in COVID-19 service. Instrucon was provided to all NSS volunteers to educate and create awareness

among rural people on COVID-19.

The NSS volunteers from all the departments aended the online meeng and expressed their views and ideas to

be executed in a planned manner.


BVRIT - Interface

Distribuon of sanizers, masks and health care items to migrant workers in Narsapur

Amid naonal wide lockdown in the wake of the Corona virus outbreak, the NSS UNIT of BVRIT Narsapur has taken

responsibility to help the needy people in and around Narsapur region. As a part of that NSS unit of BVRIT Narsapur

provided health care items to 120 migrant families. Saideep Eeturi-IT 2 nd year, Santhosh Goud-EEE 2 nd year, Pranav

Dharmapuri-Mechanical 2 nd year, Naveen-PHE 2 nd year Shiva Charan-EEE 2 nd year, Tiger Heamanth Goud-MECH 2 nd

year acvely parcipated and distributed health care items to migrant workers.

NSS Volunteers come to rescue of monkeys

NSS Volunteers parcipated in Nitya Annadanam program in Narsapur

Apart from the above acvies, the members of NSS parcipated in local programs like

Nitya Annadanam program along with local people, in which they provide lunch to the

daily wage labourers unl the compleon of lockdown.

Training for NSS Program Officers to prepare People’s Biodiversity Register

Telangana State Biodiversity Board Hyderabad in collaboraon with NSS Cell of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological

University Hyderabad conducted a two-day online training program on ‘Preparing of People’s Biodiversity Register’

for all NSS program officers on 29 th and 30 th of April 2020.

Dr. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah and Mr. K. Bhima, NSS Program Officers aended online training program.


The training program covered the process of preparing People’s Biodiversity Registers for village adopted

- Ramachandrapuram Village, Medak District. People’s Biodiversity Register is a document which contains

comprehensive informaon on locally available Bio-resources including landscape and demography of a parcular

area or village.


During the period January to June 2020, the total registraons into courses offered under NPTEL Swayam are 326

including 118 faculty registraons. All faculty and students registered for the examinaon and have been subming

assignments asper schedule.

During this semester ‘Problem Solving through Programming In C’ (45) and ‘Introducon to Civil Engineering

Profession’ (38) were opted by majority number of students. 52 members of faculty registered to be course mentors.

The detail of subject based registraons into NPTEL courses.

Department Faculty Students

Business Administraon 2 0

Chemical Engineering 6 1

Chemistry 2 0

Civil Engineering 10 46

Commerce 0 2

Computer Science and Engineering 32 78

Electrical Engineering 6 10

Electronics and Communicaon Engineering 32 15

English 4 0

Informaon Technology 5 30

Mechanical Engineering 7 26

BS&H 16 0


The following courses were opted by bigger number of learners

118 208


Introducon to Civil Engineering Profession 38

Kinemacs of Mechanisms and Machines 18

Problem solving through Programming In C 45

Programming in Java 32

Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python 15

Python for Data Science 30

Speaking Effecvely 15



BVRIT - Interface

Dr. R. V. Ramana Chary received a cerficate of appreciaon for his instrumental

role as SPOC for the Swayam- NPTEL Local Chapter – BVRIT from July to

December 2019 and for being NPTEL’s brand ambassador.

Dr. R. V. Ramana Chary received a leer of appreciaon from NPTEL for his

efforts in disseminang and supporng the learners of Swayam-NPTEL Local

Chapter B V Raju Instute of Technology as SPOC during Jan to April 2020.

Department News

Department of Bio Medical Engineering

Dr. H. Sujana

Head of the Department

Student Achievements

A project by III year Student K. Manasa and Syed Irshath Ali got selected and won 1 st prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- in

GE Precision Health Challenge 2020, held on 27 th & 28 th of Jan 2020.

Siddi Deshmukh of IV Year presented a paper on ‘Wearable Urinal for Urinary Incompetence’ at World Disability

and Rehabilitaon Center in Hyderabad on 5 th of Jan 2020.

T. Mishwasree of III year presented a paper in the Internaonal Conference ‘DISC 2020’ organized by JBIT on

10 th of Jan 2020.

T. Mishwaree and K. Manasa of III year parcipated and got selected in Internal –SIH-2 on 23 rd of Jan 2020.

Events organized in associaon with BMESI Chapter

The department organized a guest lecture on ‘Neurotechnology and

Neurorehabilitaon’ by Dr. Kousik Sarathy Sridharan, Assistant Professor, Dept.

of Biomedical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad on 29 th of Jan 2020.

The department organized a guest lecture on ‘Biomedical Engineering: How

Engineers Work in the Health Care Sector ‘ by Prof. David Taylor, School of

Engineering, Trinity College Dublin on 25 th of Feb 2020.

Industrial visits


BME students and faculty aended BioAsia-2020 event from 17 th to 19 th of February 2020.

Faculty and students visited CfHe Med Tech Symposium at IIT Hyderabad, on 25 th of Jan 2020.

Faculty Achievements


The department faculty acvely learnt and completed a maximum 15 courses and a minimum of 4 courses each.

The courses which were taken up for learning by the faculty are in trending areas such as MRI Fundamentals, Design

Thinking, Arficial Intelligence, Deep Learning / Machine Learning and Internet of Things. Two members of faculty

successfully completed 1 course specializaon.


Dr. H. Sujana, Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy, J. Manikyam and Mr. M. Prem Kumar completed and received NPTEL cerficaon

for the courses ‘Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices in India’ and ‘Design Thinking – A Primer’.

FDP/ Workshops/STTP’s/Conferences

Dr. H. Sujana successfully completed and received cerficate for the course ‘Embracing Change’ from Harappa


Prof. Ashok Shigli and Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi aended a faculty development program on ‘Project or Problem

Based Learning’ on 6 th & 7 th of Jan 2020 at BVRIT Narsapur.

Mr. K. Kumar aended a workshop on ‘Immersive Instruconal Technology’ at VEDIC, Aziz Nagar from 21 st -23 rd

of Jan 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended online workshop on ’Intellectual Property Rights’ organized by Eventbrite on

10 th of April 2020.

Dr. H.Sujana and Mrs. Srilatha Reddy attended a faculty development program on ‘E-content Development for

Higher Educaon’ on 23 rd of May 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended ‘Online Tools and Soware for Remote Teaching Learning’ a workshop organized

by JNTUH on 24 th & 25 th of April 2020.

Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi aended a faculty development program on ‘ Digital Image Processing using MATLAb’

held by SYNXA IT(Pvt) Ltd. hosted by skilltohire.com. from 24 th -27 th of April 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended a faculty development program on ‘Robocs And AI during COVID-19’ on 3 rd of

May 2020.

Dr. H. Sujana, Mr. J. Manikyam, Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi, Mr. K. Kumar, Mrs. P.Jahnavi, Mr. V. Sripathi Raja,

Prof. Ashok Shigli, Mrs. A. Sandhya and Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended ‘Teaching & Learning Tools Setup and

Assessment for Next Generaon’ a faculty development program organized by department of IT, BVRIT Narsapur

from 12 th to 14 th of May 2020.

Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi and Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended e-workshop on ‘Virtual Labs’ organized by IITG on

14 th of May 2020.

Mr. J. Manikyam, Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi and Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended one week naonal level online

faculty development program ‘Innovaon to Academician’, by NewGen IEDC-RCE Eluru & NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of

India held from 11 th to 16 th of May 2020.


BVRIT - Interface

Dr. H. Sujana aended internaonal online faculty development program on ‘AI and IoT for Medical Applicaons’

on 1 st of June 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended six-day online faculty development program on ‘Health Care and Clinical

Research’ from 4 th to 10 th of June 2020.

Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi aended FDP on ‘Outcome based Educaon Soware’ organized by Vmedulife Soware

Services on 11 th of June 2020.

Mr. J. Manikyam aended one-week online STTP -’An Emerging Paradigm of Low Power Computaonal VLSI

Design’, organized by the department of ECE, B V Raju Instute of Technology from 16 th to 20 th of June 2020.

Mr. M. Prem Kumar, Mr. K. Kumar and Mr. J. Manikyam aended STTP on ‘Recent Trends in Radar Signal

Processing and IoT applicaons’ organized by the department of ECE, BVRIT from 18 th -20 th of June 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended a faculty development program ’Get Ready for AI with MATLAB and SIMULINK’

from 18 th to 20 th of June 2020.

Mr. J. Manikyam, Mr. K. Kumar and Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended a faculty development program on ‘Effecve

Technical and Review Paper Wring’ organized by IQAC Cell , Adhiyamaan College of Engineering,(Autonomous),

Hosur on 23 rd of June 2020.

Mr. M. Prem Kumar parcipated in ’Republic of Leers’- an internaonal virtual conference organized

by Harappa Educaon and Ashoka University from 24 th to 26 th of June 2020.

Dr. H. Sujana aended a webinar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Scope and Process of Filing’ on 2 nd of July


Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi aended a faculty development program on ‘Machine Learning with Deployment’

organized by Sri Vasavi Engineering College from 3 rd to 5 th of July 2020.

Mr K. Kumar and Mr. J. Manikyam aended a faculty development program on ‘Real Time Embedded systems

and its Robocs Applicaons’, organised by Shadan College of Engineering and Technology from 5 th to 7th of

July 2020.

Mrs. A. Srilatha Reddy aended a faculty development program on ‘AI in Health sector’ from 8 th to 10 th of July


Mrs. P. Manju Bhargavi aended a two-day naonal level online workshop on ‘Learning Management System’

during 8th - 9th of July 2020 organized by SIET in associaon with Skill to Hire.

Department of Chemical Engineering

Dr. G. B. Radhika

Head of the Department


Faculty Development Program organised

The department of Chemical Engineering organised a one-day workshop on

‘Design of Experiments‘ on 20 th of Feb 2020.

A five-Day online faculty development program on ‘Domesc and Industrial Water

and Waste Water Treatment’ was organised by the department from 6 th to 10 th of

June 2020.

Webinars Organized by the Department

Mr. S. Surya Prakash Rao organized a webinar on ‘Prospects aer Engineering’

by Mr. C. S. Murthy, Entrepreneur, for the students of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th year on

24 th of April 2020.

Dr. G. Srinivas organized a webinar on ‘Opportunies for Chemical Engineers

in Petroleum Industry’ by Mr. T. Charan Babu, Shi Supervisor- Teekay LNG –

Baharain, for the students of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th year on 30 th of April 2020.

Dr. G. Srinivas organized a webinar on ‘Advancements in Heat Exchangers’ by

Dr. T. Srinivas, Associate Professor, for the students of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th year on

17 th of May 2020.

Dr. U. A. Naidu organized a webinar on ‘Wet Granulaon Process of Tablet

Manufacturing’ by Dr. P. Suresh, AGM, Granules India Ltd, Bonthapally for all

the department students on 2 nd of May 2020.

Mr. S. Surya Prakash Rao and Dr. G. Srinivas organized a webinar - ‘Skill

Development for Beer Employment’ by Mr C H Ravi, DGM HR from Neuland

Laboratories, for the students of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th year on 2 nd of May 2020.

Mr. S. Surya Prakash Rao and Dr. G. Srinivas organized a webinar -

‘Employability Skills for Undergraduate Students in Current Scenario’ by

Mr Ch Dakshina Murty from Vasant Chemicals Private Limited, for the

students of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th year on 2 nd of May 2020.

Faculty Parcipaon and Achievements


Dr. G. Srinivas filed a patent against: Microwave assisted shell and curved tube rapid heat exchanger, India

Patent. Applicaon No: 201941054470.

Edureka Cerficaons

Dr. G. B. Radhika successfully completed and received Edureka online cerficaon in ‘Python for Data Science‘

on 15 th of June 2020.

Coursera Cerficaons

Mr. P. Ramesh completed 25 cerficaon courses

and two course specializaons through Coursera in

the stream of Chemical Engineering, Environmental

Engineering and Mathemacs.


BVRIT - Interface

Mr. B. Shiva Kumar and Dr. B. V. S. Praveen completed 5 online coursera cerficaons in the stream of Chemical

Engineering and Engineering Mathemacs.

NPTEL Cerficaon

Dr. G. Srinivas, Mr. P. Ramesh, Mr. K.S.N.V. Prasad, Dr. A. Raghavendra, Mrs. Karuna and Mrs. V. Sravana

Sameera received NPTEL cerficates for the courses ‘Waste to Energy Conversion’, ‘Mass Transfer operaons’

‘Membrane Technology and ‘Computaonal Fluid Dynamics’ on 25 th of June 2020.


Dr. Radha Kumari published a paper on ‘Enhancing adsorpon capacity of nano-adsorbents via surface

modificaon: A review’ in the South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31, 2020, 25-32, hps://doi.

org/10.1016/j.sajce.2019.11.003 and ‘Fly Ash for Removal of Malachite Green Dye From Wastewater: Kinec

and Isotherm Studies’, in the Journal of Science and Technology 5(3), 2020, 1-10, DOI hps://doi.org/10.46243/


Dr. B.V.S Praveen published a paper on ’Sonochemcial approach for synthesis of zinc oxide-poly methyl

methacrylate hybrid nanoparcles and its applicaon in corrosion inhibion’ in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

journal Volume 68, November 2020, 105200. hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105200 Journal Impact

factor is 6.53

Dr. G. B. Radhika and Dr. U. Appala Naidu published a paper on ‘Scienfic and Engineering Aspects of

Potenal Applicaons of Post-Consumer (Waste) Expanded Polystyrene: A Review’ in the Process Safety and

Environmental Protecon journal, 2020, 137: 140-148. (SCIE).

Dr. G. Srinivas communicated a research paper on ’Predicon of solids outlet moisture content in a connuous

wall heated fluidized bed dryer for uniform and binary solid mixtures’ which was accepted for publicaon in

World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. Scopus Indexed Journal.

Mr. K.S.N.V. Prasad communicated a research paper on ‘Adsorpon of Congo red from aqueous soluon onto

Angnon leptopus leaf powder: Equilibrium and kinec modelling’ which was accepted for publicaon in

Materials Today: Proceedings (Scopus)

Guest Lectures delivered and faculty development programs aended by faculty

Dr. G. Srinivas delivered an online guest lecture for the students of Hindustan University on ‘Applicaons of

fluidized bed dryers in process industries’ on 24 th of April 2020.

Dr. G. B. Radhika delivered a lecture on ‘Advance techniques for domesc waste water treatment’ in the 5-day

online faculty development program on ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment’ organized

by Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BVRIT Narsapur.

Dr. B. Bhaskar presented the keynote speech in the 5-day online faculty development program on ‘Domesc

and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment’ organized by Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BVRIT Narsapur.

Dr. B. Bhaskar presented the keynote speech in 5-day online faculty development program on ‘Recent

Innovaons in Chemical Engineering’ organized by Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BKIT, BALKI, Karnataka.

Dr. B.V.S. Praveen presented the keynote speech in the online faculty development program organized by the

department and Chaired a session in the one- day conference organized by department of Pharmaceucal



Mr. P. Ramesh aended a four-day workshop on ‘Transformaons in Engineering Educaon, ICTIEE 2020’ at

Anurag University from 05-01-2020 to 08-01-2020.

Dr. M. Radha Kumari and Mr. P. Ramesh aended AICTE sponsored 2-week faculty development programme on

‘Mathemacal Methods for Sciensts and Engineers’ at JNTU Anantapur from 24-02-2020 to 07-03-2020.

Dr. M. Radha Kumari aended seven online faculty development programs - ‘Teaching and learning tools setup

and assessment for next generaon’ from 12-05-2020 to 14-05-2020, ’Materials: Recent trends and engineering

applicaons’ from 2nd to 7th of June 2020, ‘Domesc and Industrial water and wastewater treatment’ from 6th

to 10th June 2020, ‘Outcome based educaon’ from 10th to 12th June 2020, ‘Sustainable development with

green technology: precovid, covid and postcovid’ from 11th to 13th June 2020, ‘Advanced materials research’

from 15th to 19th June 2020 and ‘Advancements in Science and its Applicaons in Engineering’ during 22 to

26th June 2020.

Dr. M. Radha Kumari aended webinars on - ‘Nanofluid applicaons in engineering’ on 1st June 2020, ‘Role of

chemical engineering in industrial safety’ on 7th June 2020, ‘Chemical process industrial safety in India: A big

concern’ by MNIT Jaipur on 20th June 2020, ’Strategic planning during uncertainty’ organized by Global Gyan &

NASSCOM future skills on 24th June 2020 and ’Process Safety for Design Engineers’ organized by GMRIT, Rajam

on 29th June 2020.

Mr. P. Ramesh aended the following faculty development programs - ‘Advances in Energy Materials for

Storage Systems’ organized by GMR Instute of Technology, ‘Advanced Materials Research’ organized by BIET

Hyderabad, E-conference on ‘Technological Support to fight against COVID-19’ organized by Awadhesh Pratap

Singh University, Madhya Pradesh, ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment’ organized by

BVRIT Narsapur and one-week FDP on ‘Advancements in Science and Its applicaons in Engineering’ organized

by HITAM Hyderabad.

Dr. G. Srinivas aended online faculty development programs on - 10 Leadership talks by Dr Abhay Jere, MHRD

IIC, aended 17 MHRD - IIC online sessions, aended ‘Teaching and learning tools setup and Assessment for

next generaon’ from 12-14 th of May 2020, aended three-day FDP on ‘Municipal Solid Waste Management

during COVID-19 Pandemic’ from 28-30 th May 2020 and ‘Advancements in Bio-Technology and Chemical

Engineering’ during 8 th to 19 th June 2020.

Dr. G. Srinivas aended webinars on - ‘Chemical process industrial safety in India: A big concern’ MNIT Jaipur

on 20/06/2020, ‘Introducon to PRO/II Simulaons’- NIT Warangal on 20/06/2020, ‘Advancements in Science

and its Applicaons in Engineering’ during 22 to 26 th June 2020, and ‘Process Safety for Design Engineers’ on



BVRIT - Interface

Mrs. R. Srividya aended online faculty development programs on - ‘Municipal Solid Waste Management

during COVID-19 Pandemic’ organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Anurag Group of Instuons,

during 28 th to 30 th of May 2020, ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and Waste Water Treatment’ during 6th to

10th of June 2020, ‘Sustainable development with Green Technology: Precovid, Covid and Postcovid mes.’

Anurag University, from 11th of June to 13th of June 2020, ‘ Advance Materials Research’ organized by BIET

and Indian Ceramic Society from 15th-19th of June 2020, and ‘Research in Environmental Engineering - A Way

Forward‘ - Department of Civil Engineering of Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune in associaon

with Environment Conservaon Associaon (ECA), Pune from 15th - 20th of June, 2020.

Mrs. V. Sameera aended online faculty development programs on – ‘Teaching and learning tools setup

and assessment for the next generaon’ by Dept. of IT, BVRITN held from 12 th -14 th of May, 2020, One-week

program on ‘Materials - Recent Trends & Engineering Applicaons’ during 2 nd to 7 th of June 2020 organized

by GRIET, ‘Outcome Based Educaon’ organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NRI Instute of

Technology, from 10 th to 12 th of June 2020, three-day FDP on ‘Sustainable development with Green Technology’

held by Anurag University from 11 th to 13 th of June 2020, one-week naonal level FDP on ‘Moodle LMS’ by

JNTUH College of Engineering, Sultanpur from 10 th to 15 th of June 2020, one-week FDP on ‘Advanced Materials

Research’ organized by BIET & Indian Ceramic Society from 15 th to 19 th of June 2020.

Mr. K.S.N.V. Prasad aended faculty development programs on ‘Municipal Solid Waste management’ by

Anurag University May 2020, ‘Teaching and Learning Tools Setup and Assessment for Next Generaon’ BVRIT

May 2020, ‘SCILAB-An open source substute for MATLAB’ by JNTU Sultanpur May 2020, FDP on ‘Advances

in Energy Materials for Storage Systems’ GMRIT in June 2020, ‘Chemical Process Industrial Safety in India’

by MNIT Jaipur June 2020, two-day Internaonal E-Conference on ‘Technological support to fight against

COVID-19’ APS University, June 2020, ‘Scienfic Wring and Publishing’ - BVRIT June 2020, FDP on ‘Advanced

Material Research’ - Bharat Engg. College June 2020, ‘Moodle LMS’- JNTU Sultanpur June 2020, ‘Sustainable

development with Green Technology: Precovid, Covid and Postcovid mes’- Anurag University June 2020 and

‘Art of Wring Research Arcles’ - Anugraha Instute of Social Sciences, June 2020.

Dr. B. Bhaskar aended faculty development programs on - ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and Wastewater

Treatment’ - BVRIT Narsapur, ‘one-week FDP on ‘Advanced materials and Research’ - BIET and Indian Ceramic

Society, 4-Day online FDP on ‘Advances in Energy Materials for Storage Systems’ – GMRIT and five-day online

FDP on ‘Recent Innovaons in Chemical Engineering (RICE)’ organized by BKIT Balki, Karnataka.

Dr. B. Bhaskar parcipated in the two-day internaonal E-Conference on ‘Technological support to fight against

COVID-19’, organised by Awadhesh Pratap Singh University on 21 st and 22 nd June 2020.

Dr. A. Raghavendra aended various programs on - ‘Teaching and Learning Tools Setup and Assessment

for Next Generaon’ - BVRIT Narsapur, ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment’ - BVRIT

Narsapur, ‘Outcome Based Educaon’ - Department of Mechanical Engineering, NRI Instute of Technology,

‘Advanced materials and Research’ - BIET and Indian Ceramic Society, Parcipated in the two-day Internaonal

E-Conference on ‘Technological support to fight against COVID-19’- APS University on 21 st and 22 nd of June

2020, 4-Day online FDP on ‘Advances in Energy Materials for Storage Systems’ GMRIT and five-day FDP on

‘Recent Innovaons in Chemical Engineering (RICE)’ organized by BKIT Balki, Karnataka.

Mr. B. Shiva Kumar aended FDPs on ‘Advances in Energy Materials for Storage Systems’ organized by GMRIT,

‘Advanced Materials Research’ organized by BIET Hyderabad, E-conference on ‘Technological Support to

fight against COVID-19’ organized by Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, ‘Domesc and Industrial Water and

Wastewater Treatment’ organized by BVRIT Narsapur and one-week FDP on ‘Advancements in Science and its

applicaons in Engineering’ organized by HITAM Hyderabad.


Department of Civil Engineering

Student Achievement

Dr. G. Sridevi

Head of the Department

Mr. Arun secured the 1st posion in the Hackathon organized as part of ‘GE Precision Health Challenge 2020’ held

on 27th and 28th of January, 2020 in Bengaluru .

MoU with Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd (REEL)

The department signed an MoU with “Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited”

on 30th of June 2020. Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd (REEL) is one of Asia’s

leading providers of comprehensive environment management services. It

is India’s largest environmental services company, Ramky Enviro offers the

largest range of services for the management, transportaon and disposal

of hazardous waste.

Mr. Sujiv Nair (CHRO), Mr. Shravan Kumar Viala – Project Head Ramky, Sri

Ravichandran Rajagopal – Vice chairman, SVES, Sri Sash Chandra – Director

Industry Relaon, SVES, Dr. K. Lakshmi Prasad – Principal, BVRIT Narsapur,

Dr. G. Sridevi – HoD CIVIL, BVRITN, faculty and students were present in the virtual MoU exchange ceremony.

This MoU, gives the students of Civil Engineering BVRIT the benefit of working on projects and internships at Ramky.

They also get the benefit of acquiring knowledge from industry experts and hands on workshops organized by REEL.

Trainings / Workshops / Guest Lectures organised by the department

The department organised a webinar on ‘Sustainability as a Table Stake for Students’ on 28th of January 2020.

Around 90 students parcipated in the webinar.

An awareness program on ‘Green Building Technologies’ was organised by the department for the students

and faculty( 100 members) at Ratnapuri Polytechnic College on 31st of January 2020.

The department organised poster presentaon compeon at Ratnapuri Polytechnic College on 31st of January

2020. 60 students acvely parcipated in the compeon.

Essay wring compeon on ‘Energy Efficient Techniques’ was conducted by the depatment at Vishnu Public

School on 31st of January 2020. 50 students acvely parcipated in the compeon.

The faculty organized debate on the topic ‘Sustainability require a radical change in customs & culture’ for the

students of the department on 2nd of February, 2020. Fiy students parcipated and expressed their views in

the debate.

The department organized a webinar on ‘Advantages of Pre-engineered steel buildings compared to a

convenonal type of buildings’ with Mr. P. V. Rao Joint MD PEBS, PENNAR on 25th of May 2020. 225 professionals

aended the webinar.


BVRIT - Interface

The department organized a webinar tled ‘High Performance Energy Efficient Building Envelops’ with Dr. Er.

Ar. S. P. Anchuri Chief consultant of Anchuri & Anchuri Company Hyderabad on 3rd of June, 2020. More than

235 delegates parcipated in the webinar.

A webinar on ‘Overview of Various QA/QC Methods of Pile Foundaon Tesng’ with Sujan Kulkarni, Member

of TGS & BIS Commiee to form guidelines for pile test foundaon, was organised on 8th of June, 2020. 210

professionals parcipated in the webinar.

The department organised a webinar on ‘Plumbing for High-rise Building’ with Mr. D Hari Prasad, Senior

Manager, Synergy Infra Consultant Hyderabad on 14th of June, 2020. The parcipants in the webinar were

more than 200.

The department hosted the online training programme on ‘Satellite Photogrammetry and its Applicaons’

conducted by Indian Instute of Remote Sensing, ISRO Dehardun, from 26-06-2020 to 03-07-2020.

Trainings / Workshops / Guest Lectures / Webinars aended

Mr. K. Sagar aended a faculty development program on ‘Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines’ at JNTU,

Hyderabad from 27th to 31st of January, 2020.

Dr. P. Rambabu aended a faculty development program on ‘Spaal Analycs and Deep Learning in GIS’ at IIIT

Bengaluru, during 20th to 31st of January, 2020.

Mrs. P. Prasanthi parcipated in the FDP on ‘Foundaon Engineering’ at JNTU Hyderabad from 3rd to 7th of

February, 2020.

Mr. V. Chaithanya Kumar and Mrs. A. Supraja parcipated in the faculty development program on ‘Online Tools

& Soware for Remote Teaching - Learning’ organised by JNTU on 2nd and 25th of April 2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar, Mr. B. Manjunatha, Mr. K. Sagar and Mr. S. J. Shivaraj parcipated in 3 day online faculty

development program organised by BVRIT Narsapur, during 12-05-2020 to 14-05-2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar parcipated in one-week faculty awareness program on ‘NAAC Accreditaon’ organised by

Shri Chhatrapa Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune during 10th to 15th of May, 2020.

Mr. B. Umesh, Mrs. A. Supraja, Mr. S. J. Shivaraj, Mrs. P. Prasanthi, Mr. K. Sagar, Mr. K. Balachandu, and Mr. B.

Sangmesh parcipated in one- week faculty development program tled ‘Civil Engineering Research – A Step

Forward’ organised by Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru from 25th to 30th of May, 2020.

Dr. G. Sridevi and Mrs. P. Prasanthi aended a 3-day FDP tled ‘Recent & Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering’

organized by Andhra Loyola Instute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada during 28th to 30th of May,


Dr. R. Vijay Kumar parcipated in an FDP on ‘Global Trends in Civil & Infrastructural Engineering (GTCIE-2020)’

organised by Instute of Aeronaucal Engineering, Hyderabad from 26th to 30th of May, 2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar parcipated in an FDP on ‘Applicaon of Construcon Techniques and Pracces in Civil

Engineering’ organised by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Educaon, Tamil Nadu from 25th to 31st of

May, 2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar parcipated in one- week faculty development program tled ‘Open FOAM’ organised by

Internaonal Research & Collaboraon Cell, Galgoas University from 1st to 5th of June, 2020.


Mrs. A. Supraja, Mr. S. J. Shivaraj, Ms. B. Seshu Kumari, Mr. K. Sagar and Mr. B. Umesh parcipated in oneweek

faculty development program on ‘Rehabilitaon and Retrofing of Structures (R 2 S)’ organized by Sree

Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupa from 4th to 6th of June, 2020.

Mr. M. Abhay parcipated in a faculty development program ‘Emerging Research areas in Engineering’

organized by SRM Science and Technology Instute, Chennai from 5th to 9th of June, 2020.

Mrs. P. Prasanthi and Mr. B. Umesh parcipated in a 5-day training program on ‘Domesc and Industrial Water

and Waste Water Treatment’ organised by BVRIT Narsapur from 6th to 10th of June, 2020.

Mr. S. J. Shivaraj, Mrs. A. Supraja, Mrs. P. Prasanthi and Mr. K. Sagar parcipated in one-week faculty development

program on ‘Performance of Engineering Structures Under Extreme Loading’ organized by VBIT, Hyderabad

from 8th to 13th of June, 2020.

Mr. B. Umesh parcipated in an online FDP on ‘Geotechnics for Disaster Migaon’ organised by NIT Karnataka

from 8th to 13th of June, 2020.

Mrs. A. Supraja parcipated in a one-week faculty development program on ‘Research in Environmental

Engineering & A Way Forward’ organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune (PCCOE, Nigdi)

from 15th to 20th of June, 2020.

Mr. S. J. Shivaraj, Mrs. P. Prasanthi and Mr. K. Sagar parcipated in an FDP tled ‘Research Methodology and

LaTeX’ organised by East West College of Engineering, Banglore from 18th to 20 of June, 2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar parcipated in a 3-day online FDP tled ‘Foundaon Engineering’ organised by Saveetha

Engineering College, Chennai from 23rd to 25th of June, 2020.

Dr. R. Vijay Kumar, Mr. V. Chaithanya Kumar, Mr. S. J. Shivaraj, Mr. T. Vamsi, Ms. B. Seshu Kumari, Mr. K. Sagar,

Mr. K. Balachandu and Dr. G. Sridevi parcipated in a one-week online faculty development program tled

‘Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering: Challenges and Future Perspecves-Part II’ organised by Shri

Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Bhimavaram from 22nd to 27th of June, 2020.

Ms. B. Seshu Kumari, Mrs. P. Prasanthi, Mr. B. Umesh and Mr. B. Manjunatha parcipated in a one-week FDP

on ‘Emerging Technologies in Civil Engineering and Applicaons (ETCA)’ organised by Vaageswari College of

Engineering, Karimnagar from 22nd to 26th of June, 2020.

Mr. M. Abhay, Ms. B. Seshu Kumari, Dr T. Vijaya Gowri, and Mr. B. Umesh parcipated in a 3-day FDP on

‘Pavement Design, Construcon and Rehabilitaon’ organised by VBIT, Hyderabad during 25th to 27th of June,


Dr. G. Sridevi, Mr. A. Shivaraj, Mr. K. Balachandu, Mr. G. Sudarshan and Mr. C. Samuel Peter parcipated in a

5-day FDP on ‘Satellite Photogrammetry and its Applicaon’ organised by IIRS from 29th of June to 3rd of July


Mrs. A. Supraja aended a one-week faculty development program on ‘QGIS’ organised by Pragathi Engineering

College, Surampalem, A.P. from 29th of June to 4th of July 2020.


BVRIT - Interface

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Ch. Madhu Babu

Head of the Department

Placements details of CSE department for the 2016 batch

Among the 2016 outgoing students, 298 students received offers, of which 212 were

unique offers. The highest package offer received was 27.83 lpa. More than 106 students

got internship offers.

Student Achievements

Sathwik Vadlamani , final year student authored a book tled ‘Machine Learning

Handbook’ which was published by Noon Press & Amazon KDP and is available as both

e-book and paperback.

A project tled ’Navigate BVRIT’, developed by E. Sai Rakesh, P. Ashritha, D. Bhuvan and V. Chaithanya Krishna

- students from the department was dedicated to the instute. This project assists anyone to navigate without

any manual enquiry through the enre campus at BVRIT Narsapur and reach any room of any floor in any block

on scanning a QR code, with the help of QR Code scanner in an internet enabled mobile phone. This project was

developed using Python Programming. It enables visitors to navigate through the campus and to know the locaon

of Departments /Hostels /BusBays /Canteens /Auditorium and other amenies.

Faculty Development Programs organised

The Department organized a one-week online faculty development program on ’Machine Learning with Python

(hands-on)’ from 15 th to 20 th of June 2020. This online FDP served to be a great plaorm for faculty members and

research scholars to upgrade their knowledge and explore various techniques in machine learning to solve realworld

problems. The resource persons for the program were Dr. D. Lakshmi, Dr. Chiranjeevi Manike, Dr. Suresh Dara

and Dr. Purna Chand. The program was convened by Dr. Ch. Madhu Babu and co-ordinated by Mr. P.N.V. Shyamala

Rao and Mr. Md. Shabbeer

The department in associaon with the CSI student chapter – BVRIT organised a Naonal Webinar on ‘Cyber Security:

Career Guidelines and Opportunies’ by ER. Navneethan M. Senior Vice President CISO on 22 nd of July 2020. The


webinar was convened by Dr. Ch. Madhu Babu and co-ordinated by Dr. Ashok Kumar Nanda.

Faculty Achievements

Mr. Karthik Kovuri, Associate Professor and Faculty Lead, Emerging Technology Center enrolled

and successfully completed 17 cerficaon courses including ‘Introducon to Cloud Identy’,

‘Design Thinking for the greater good: Innovaon in the social sector’ from Coursera.

Mr. Karthik Kovuri acquired cerficaon in ‘Engaging 21st Century Learners: Leveraging

Squigl to Improve Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes’, ‘Computaonal Thinking and its importance in

Educaon’, ‘Leading Schools of 2030’ and 12 other cerficaons from Microso.

Mr. Karthik Kovuri received the Cogniveclass.ai cerficaon on ‘Blockchain Essenals’ BC0101EN provided by

IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork , ‘Cloud Core’ Badge with Credenal Id: 75d85747-586e-47c7-a16a-111fa2108e9a and

two other cerficaons from Cogniveclass.ai.

Mr. Karthik Kovuri published a book tled ‘Strategic Perspecves of Cloud Compung’ with ISBN: 9798667908494

available on Amazon.

Awards & Recognions:

Mr. Karthik Kovuri received ‘Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award’ from Amravathi Research Academy on 5 th of June


Mr. Karthik Kovuri received Professional Membership from Instute for Engineering Research and Publicaon with

Membership ID: PMIN50947238.

Mr. G Uday Kiran and Ms. V. Srilakshmi successfully got cerfied in Phase I of Extensive Vision AI Program 2020

offered by The School of AI, Bangalore.

Scores and Grades

G. Uday Kiran - 33617.75/25287.50 (132.94%) - Grade ‘Excellent’

V. Srilakshmi - 33264.5/25287.50 (131.55%) - Grade ‘Excellent’

Faculty Publicaons and Conferences

Karthik Kovuri, Sudarson Jena, T. Venu Gopal, published a research paper tled ‘Evaluaon and Comparison of

Hypercube Interconnecon Networks Performance’ in SCOPUS Indexed Internaonal Journal of Advanced Science

and Technology with ISSN: 2005-4238, Vol. 29, No. 03, March 2020, pp. 6954 – 6962.

Faculty Development Programs aended

Mr. Karthik Kovuri aended


BVRIT - Interface

Workshop on ‘Wireless Networks and the ns-3 Network simulator’ organized by Ganpat University.

Five months Bodhi Lab 2020 Program in Computer Networks organized by IIT Bombay during Jan-May 2020.

Internaonal webinar on 5G technologies on 26 th and 27 th of June 2020.

Webinar on ‘Scienfic Wring and Publishing’ on 25 th of June 2020.

One week online FDP on ‘Machine Learning with Python’ during 15 th to 20 th of June 2020.

Webinar on ‘NoSQL Database – Choosing the Right DB’ on 13 th of June 2020.

Naonal level workshop on ‘Cloud Compung’ organized by ACM and CSI chapters.

Webinar on ‘The new face of higher educaon aer COVID-19’ organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University.

Department of Electronics and Communicaons Engineering

Dr. I. A. Pasha

Head of the Department

Student Achievements

The Project entled “CROPILLAR” by III B.Tech ECE students J. Sai Kiran, I.

Naveen, Charith Reddy, G. Dilip under the guidance of R. Anirudh Reddy was

selected for final phase of Sankalp Hackathon 2020.

Workshops/FDP’S organised

The department organised a workshop on ‘An

Emerging Paradigm of Low Power Computaonal VLSI DESIGN’ by Mr. Madan Gopal Mekala

Star VLSI Bangalore, Dr. Syed Ershad Ahmed BITS PILANI Hyd, Dr. B. Srinivasu IIT Mandi,

Mr. Ravi Shankar XILINX Hyd & Mr. Avinash Yadlapa Director Mirafra Technologies Hyderabad from 16-6-2020 to


The department organised a workshop on ‘STTP on Radar Signal Processing and IoT Applicaons’ by Mr. Madan

Gopal Mekala Star VLSI Banglore, Dr. Syed Ershad Ahmed BITS PILANI Hyderabad, Dr. B. Srinivasu IIT Mandi,

Mr. Ravi Shankar XILINX Hyderabad & Mr. Avinash Yadlapa, Director Mirafra Technologies Hyderabad from

18-6-2020 to 20-6-2020.


The department organized a guest lecture on “MEMS” by Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao, Professor KLU on 13-2-2020.


A paper tled ‘Hardware Implementaon of Pixel Comparison and Error Detecon in Image’ authored by Dr.

Apurva Kumari and K. Madhava Rao was accepted in the 4th Internaonal Conference on Trends in Electronics and

Informacs (ICOEI 2020).

A paper tled ‘Driver drowsiness detecon using EMD’ authored by Mrs. B. Anupama was accepted in the

Internaonal Conference on Intelligent Compung and Smart Communicaon Technologies - ICSCT -2020.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Student achievements

Dr. K. Rayudu

Head of the Department

Ms. Srihitha Donthireddy, Ms. Archana Dundigalla, Ms. Vyshali Dhagay, Ms.

Hima Varshini Erva, Ms. Tejaswini Kothapally and Ms. Ch Bindhu Sri parcipated

in the BAJA SAEINDIA 2020 event organised by SAEINDIA at Pithampur, Madhya

Pradesh on 22 nd of January, 2020.

Ms. A.Kavya, II EEE Student parcipated in the round 1 of Naonal Engineering Olympiad 3.0 from 24 th to 28 th of

April 2020.

Ms. Archana and Ms. Hima Bindu parcipated in BAJA SAEINDIA 2020 organized by SAEINDIA in Madhya Pradesh.

Faculty Achievements

Department of EEE received the short-term training program (STTP) grant of Rs. 397333/- on February 2020 under

the AQIS Scheme, AICTE entled ‘Recent advances and entrepreneurship in green renewable energy technology

and smart grids’

Dr. S. Saravanan published a patent tled ‘Automac touch less mist spray sanizer dispenser’ with applicaon no.


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202041025394, filed on 17 th of June 2020 and published on 3 rd of July, 2020.

Mr. Devineni Gireesh Kumar, Dr. S. Saravanan, N. Bhoopal, Chandra Babu, published a book tled ‘Electrical

Distribuon Systems’, Nova Publicaon, Delhi, 2020, ISBN: 9781648928680.

Mr. Ramchander Nirudi– Associate Professor & Consultant (Solar PV Projects), presented a talk on ‘Field performance

analysis of grid-connected rooop solar PV power plants in Telangana-India’ at The Instuon of Engineers (India)

as part of all India seminar on ‘Policies of Governments, Paradigms Challenges and Opportunies for Sustainable

Electrical Power in India’ on 20 th of February 2020.

Mr. Ramchander Nirudi parcipated as a panel member in the webinar on ‘Business opportunies in Green Energy

Technologies post COVID-19’at Naonal Instute for Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (ni-msme), Govt. of India on 13 th of May 2020.

Mr. Ramchander Nirudi parcipated as a resource person in the webinar on

‘Challenges & Opportunies in Solar PV Technologies’ organised by Shadan Women’s

College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on 16 th of June 2020.

Dr. S. Saravanan parcipated as a session chair in the ‘Internaonal Web Conference

on Smart Engineering Technologies – IWCSET – 2020’, organised by Ramco Instute

of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu on 26 th of June, 2020.

Dr. K. V. B. Reddy, Dr. S Saravanan, Mr. P Chandra Babu, Mr. K Sainadh Singh

and Mr. B. Ravindhar organised a webinar on ‘Basic Electrical Engineering-

Troubleshoong’ on 20th of April 2020. Students from various Engineering Colleges

across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh parcipated in the webinar.

Dr. K. V. B. Reddy organised a webinar on ‘Hybrid Solar Wind Power Plant and its

maintenance’ on 21st of June 2020. Students from various Engineering Colleges

across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh parcipated in the webinar.

Mr. J. Bangarraju organised a webinar on ‘Power Quality using Custom Power

Devices’ on 17th of June 2020. Students from various Engineering Colleges across

Telangana and Andhra Pradesh parcipated in the webinar.

Mr. Ramchander Nirudi conducted a webinar on ‘Power Quality Using Custom Power

Devices’ on 17th of June 2020. Students from various Engineering Colleges across

Telangana and Andhra Pradesh parcipated in the webinar.

Mr. P. Chandra Babu, parcipated as a panelist in the YouTube live session ‘Online Teaching Methods and Assessment

using G-Suite’ organised Sri Venkateswara Instute of Science and Technology, Kadapa on 24 th of May 2020. The aim

of the session was to educate the faculty from engineering colleges across Telangana and AP on conducng classes

in Google Meet, Google classroom and conduct assessment using Google forms.

Paper publicaons

SCI Journal

Dr. S. Saravanan, Dr. K. Karunanithi, and Dr. S. Pragaspathy, published a research paper tled ‘A Novel

Topology for Bidireconal Converter with High Buck Boost Gain’, in the Journal of Circuits, Systems and

Computers. Accepted for publicaon on 29.01.2020. (DOI: 10.1142/S0218126620502229)


Scopus Journal

V. Mahesh and Dr. S. Saravanan, published a paper tled ‘Evoluonary Algorithm Tuned PID controller

based NOSLLC-SC converter for PV Applicaon’ in the Internaonal Journal of Control and Automaon,

Vol. 13, No. 2s, pp. 105 -115, April 2020. ISSN: 2005-4297.

Mr. V. Mahesh and Dr. S. Saravanan, Jain B Marshel published a paper tled ‘A Novel WLF-AFSO based

Opmal Power Flow of Reacve Power Management System in Deregulated Electricity Markets’ in TEST

Engineering and Management, Vol. 83, pp. 14235-14248, March-April 2020. ISSN: 0193-4120.

Chalasani Sri Sai Amrutha, Kanugula Rebeca and Dr. S. Saravanan published a research paper tled

‘Hierarchical control of DC microgrid’ in Internaonal Journal of Scienfic & Technology Research, Vol. 09,

No. 03, pp. 3778-3782, March 2020. ISSN: 2277-8616.

K. Karunanithi, K. Rajesh, Dr. S. Saravanan and V. Mahesh, published a research paper tled ‘Applicaon

of DE for Least Cost GEP with Solar Power Plant’ in TEST Engineering and Management, Vol. 82, pp. 7623-

7628, February 2020. ISSN: 0193-4120.

Mr. Ramchander Nirudi, Somireddy Ramya, Raja Reddy Duvvuru published a research paper tled

‘Long Term Field Performance Analysis of 100kwp Grid-Connected Rooop Solar Pv Power Plant’ in the

Journal of Crical Review. 2020; 7(15): 2499-2511. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.15.334. Cite score: 0.6 (2019).


Conference Papers

Mr. Golla Naresh Kumar parcipated and presented a paper tled ‘Energy Management Strategy for

Plug-in Electric Vehicle with DFIG System’ in the 3rd Internaonal Conference on Intelligent Circuits and

Systems (ICICS 2020) held on 26 th and 27th, of June, 2020 organised by the School of Electronics and

Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University, Punjab (India).

Mr. Sainadh Singh Kshatri parcipated and presented a paper tled ‘Impact of Geographical Locaons on

the Pv Inverter Lifeme Considering Mission Profile And Uncertaines’ in the 3rd Internaonal Conference

on Intelligent Circuits and Systems (ICICS 2020) held on 26 th and 27 th of June, 2020 organised by the

School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University, Punjab (India).

Department of Informaon Technology

Prof. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah

Head of the Department

Inauguraon of Cyber Security Center for Trusted IIoTD

BVRIT is always open to collaborate with the Start-ups to build the Start-up Eco

System in the Campus. In this connecon, Cyber Security Center for Trusted IIoTD

of SMARAGDINE Technologies Private Limited, Hyderabad was established in the IT

block on 04 th of January 2020. This center was inaugurated by Mr. Y. V. D Amruth

Kumar, Director SMARAGDINE Technologies Pvt. Ltd and Principal Dr. K. Lakshmi



BVRIT - Interface

This centre facilitates training to student teams of mul-disciplines by experts from

SMARAGDINE Technologies Pvt. Ltd on Cyber security technologies required for trusted

Industrial IoT Devices. On this occasion of the inaugural ceremony, the guests spoke on the

importance of research and development acvies for students in shaping their careers


This research centre was setup to incubate and support the development of SMARAGDINE

Soware Soluons at BVRIT with following objecves:

1. Research: Development in the IIoT devices and connected cyber security soluons.

2. Exploraon of Open source technologies and Working on building fully funconal prototypes.

3. Support in accelerang research acvies of the company to help accelerate results.

Faculty Achievements

Prof. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah received Ph.D from JNTUH University, Hyderabad, in January 2020 for his

research work on Cloud Compung.

Mr. K. Durga Prasad, Associate Professor-IT received Ph.D from JNTUK University, Kakinada, AP, in

June 2020 for his research work on ‘Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis’.

Ms. D. Sameera, Assistant Professor, filed a patent ‘Intelligent Traffic Predicon by Machine Learning”

with Intellectual Property, India in June 2020.

Mr. Niladri Dey was chosen to be the Global AWS Virtual Educator Panellist on 7 th of July 2020.

Mr. K. Durga Prasad, Associate Professor, published a technical paper in Elsevier Series SCI journal on ‘ Paral

derivave Non-linear Global pandemic Machine Learning Predicon of COVID 19’ in June 2020.

Webinar on “Cyber Security: Challenges & Opportunies”

The Department hosted a webinar on ‘Cyber Security: Challenges & Opportunies’ on 31 st of May 2020. 910

students and faculty from all over the country registered for this webinar. On first come basis, 500 parcipants were

selected to parcipate in the webinar through zoom plaorm. The Resource person Mr. Sai Sash, CEO of Indian

Servers Pvt. Ltd presented hands-on sessions on the Cyber security topics: Data Breach Prevenon Techniques, Cyber

aacks- Ransomware aacks & Decripon tools, Fireeye, Ghost projects, IT Act 2010, Microso Baseline Security


Analyzer. He also gave informaon on Industry standard courses and cerficaons for career in cybersecurity- SANS

cerficaon, Pentester Academy, Black hat Trainings, Informaon Systems Security etc. Dr. K. Dasaradha Ramaiah

HoD-IT, convened the webinar, Mr. Bhima. K and Dr. Neelakantappa. M, were the coordinators.

Webinar on ‘Cloud Compung: Industry Applicaons’

The Webinar on ‘Cloud Compung: Industry Applicaons’ was hosted by Department of IT, BVRIT Narsapur, on 13 th

of June 2020. The resource person for this webinar was Mr. K. Srinivas Reddy. He has 14 years of IT experience in

engineering and delivery of soware applicaons. He earlier worked as an Engineering Manager in United Health

Group/ Optum. Worked for prominent customers including NHS UK, Walmart, Mael, Wells Fargo and UHG. In the

webinar, the resource person presented on the topics: Cloud Evoluon, Characteriscs, Cloud Development Models,

Types, Benefits, Plaorms, Cloud Monitoring, Security and Industry Applicaons. The organizing commiee for this

webinar were Dr. K. Dasaradha Ramaih HoD-IT, Convener, Dr. Neelakantappa. M and Mr. Bhima. K, Coordinators.

Screenshots of webinar on ‘Cloud Compung: Industry Applicaons’

Three-Day free online faculty development program on ‘Teaching & Learning Tools Setup and Assessment

for Next Generaon’

During COVID 19 lock down period, the department conducted a three-day free online faculty development program

on ‘Teaching & Learning Tools Setup and Assessment for Next Generaon’ during 12 th -14 th of May 2020. Total 240

faculty members across India from various colleges parcipated and learned latest online (LMS) tools for teaching

and learning. The FDP also covered tools setup and assessment techniques for monitoring the students effecvely.

BVRIT faculty were the resource persons.


BVRIT - Interface

During the FDP, the modules were presented for effecve online Teaching were: Administraon, Content Sharing,

Interacve Interface (Live Content Delivery), Assessments and Reporng.

Topics Covered:

Seng up of Learning Management System by Dr. K. Dasaradh (HOD-IT)

Google classroom by Dr. A. Varun (ME)

Microso Team viewer by Mr. Madhu B. Babu, Systems Manager

Moodle(Vishnu ePariksha) by Mr. Niladri Dey (IT)

Edpuzzle by Mr. Vijaykumar Mantri (IT)

Quizlet and Kahoot By Dr. D. Lakshmi (CSE)

Edmodo by Mr. Amarender Reddy (IT)

Seng up of Learning Management System by Dr.K.Dasaradh (HOD-IT)

Google classroom by Dr. A. Varun (ME), Moodle(Vishnu ePariksha) by Mr Niladri Dey (IT), Edpuzzle by

Mr. Vijaykumar Mantri (IT)

Quizlet and Kahoot by Dr.D. Lakshmi (CSE), Edmodo by Mr. Amarender Reddy (IT)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Y. Krishna Reddy

Head of the Department

Student Achievements

Twenty five students of 2 nd and 3 rd B. Tech parcipated in the E-Baja championship 2020 at Pitampur,

Indore, Madhya Pradesh from 22 nd of Jan to 26 th of Jan 2020.

Students of 3 rd year parcipated and won the ‘Business plan winner award’, ‘Women empowerment

award’ and ‘Best iniave award’ in Aravali Terrain Vehicle Championship at Gujarat from 15-02-2020 to


Students of 2nd and 3rd year parcipated and won ‘First Prize in 3d-Prining’, ‘First Prize in B-Plan’, ‘First

Prize in Thread Cung’ and ‘Third Prize in CFD Analysis’ in SAE Tier-II championship at Hyderabad from

15-02-2020 to 19-02-2020.

Thirty five students of 2 nd and 3 rd B. Tech Mechanical Engineering parcipated in the SKDC championship

2020 .

Industry visit and collaboraon

Dr. V. Murali Krishna and Dr. A. Varun were granted a project in ‘One Convergence Limited’, Hyderabad

on 24 th of Jan 2020 on ‘Automac ceramic les sorng system (ACTSS) project consultancy with VEN-


Workshops organised

Thirty students of 2 nd and 3 rd year underwent ‘Visual Welding Inspecon by Santhosh Kumar in Collaboraon with

TWI organised by T. Vijaya Sarathi, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department.

Invited lecture delivered:

Dr. A. Varun delivered a lecture on ‘Google Classroom and Forms for beginners’ in a faculty development program

organised by St. Peter’s Engineering College.

Dr. A. Varun delivered a lecture on ‘Teaching & Learning Tools setup and assessment for next generaon’ in the

online faculty development program organized by the IT department of Informaon Technology, BVRIT Narsapur.

Guest lectures organised

Dr. A. Varun and Dr. M. Sandeep Kumar organised ‘Alumni - Skill Sets’ as a series of REACH OUT webinar.

S. Ravinder Reddy organised ‘Step into Roboc Process Automaon RPA Skill-a-thon using GUVI and UI Path.

Dr. A. Varun and Dr. M. Sandeep Kumar organised ‘Competency’ event for the students of the department.


Dr. P. Senthil Kumar published three patents 1) Handy Sanizer Dispenser 2) Belt Conveyor Metal Detector and 3)

Process for Converng Waste Plascs into Fuels.


BVRIT - Interface

Online Cerficaon Courses

Dr. Y. Krishna Reddy successfully completed the following courses -‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Basic Metallurgy’, ‘Heat

Treatment Process’ and ‘Bulk Materials Handling’ from Tata Steel E-Learning; a course on ‘Materials

Science’ from coursera and ‘Things every engineer should know’ offered by UC DAVIS.

Dr. V. Murali Krishna acquired cerficaon for the following courses – ‘IC engines & gas turbines’ offered

by IIT Gauha, and ‘Convecve Heat Transfer’ offered by IIT Roorke through NPTEL. He also completed

‘Introducon to Thermodynamics: Energy Transfer from here and there’ offered by University of Michigan

and ‘Fluid Power Engineering’ offered by University of Minnisota through Coursera.

Dr. K. V. N Srinivasa Rao completed the course on ‘AI for Everyone’ through Coursera.

Dr. P. Senthil Kumar successfully completed ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University

of Georgia through Coursera.

Dr. A. Padma Rao completed the following courses – ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’, ‘Mechanics

of Materials-I’, ‘Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading’ through Coursera.

Dr. A. Varun acquired cerficaon for the following courses - ‘Programming for everybody (Geng

Started with Python)’ through coursera; ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Basic Metallurgy’, ‘Heat Treatment Process’ and

‘Advanced Excel’ from Tata Steel E-Learning.

Dr. M. Sandeep Kumar successfully completed the following courses - ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Machine Learning’,

‘Heat Treatment Process’, ‘Measuring Instrument’ from Tata Steel E-Learning; ‘Advanced Manufacturing

Process’, ‘Digital manufacturing and design’, ‘AI for everyone’, and ‘Material processing’ through coursera.

Mr. Manzoor Hadi completed ‘Introducon to Thermodynamics: Energy Transfer from here and there’,

offered by University of Michigan and ‘Fluid Power Engineering’, offered by University of Minnisota

through Coursera.

Mr. M. Trivikram Sankar successfully completed the following courses – ‘CAD and Digital Manufacturing’,

‘Digital Manufacturing and Design’, and ‘AI for Everyone’ from Coursera; ‘MS office & Advance Microso

Excel’ and ‘Measuring Instruments’ from Tata Steel E-learning; ‘Technology Enabled learning and lifelong

self-learning’ from NPTEL; and ‘Career Enhancement Program’ from TCSION-Digital learning Hub.

Mrs. A Haritha Reddy completed the following courses online- ‘Professional Business English Speaking’

and ‘Applicaons in Rapid prototyping’ from coursera; ’MS office & advance Microso excel’ from Tata

Steel E-learning and ‘Technology Enabled learning and lifelong self-learning’ from NPTEL.

Mrs. M. Sirisha completed ’Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University of Georgia from


Mr. P. Lokesh completed the following courses - ‘3D Prinng’ from Coursera, ‘Industry 4.0’ and ‘Measuring

Intruments’ from Tata Steel E-Learning; ‘Speaking Effecvely’ and ‘Embracing Change’ from Harappa


Mr. S. Ravinder Reddy completed the following courses – ‘Speaking Effecvely’ from Harappa Educaon;

‘Foundaon AI course’ from Skillup; ‘Introducon to AI’ and ‘Introducon to RPA’ from Simpli learn;

‘Industry 4.0’ and ‘Mechanical Measurements’ from Tata Steel E-Learning; ‘How to write and Publish

a Scienfic paper’, ‘Strategy of Content markeng’, ‘Digital Manufacturing and Design’, ‘Digital Thread

Components’, ‘Digital Thread Implementaon’, ‘Intelligent Machining and ‘Advanced Manufacturing


Enterprise’ from Coursera; and ‘Skills for New Educaonal Architecture’, ‘Robocs and control’, ‘Fuzzy

logic and control’, ‘Technology enabled learning and lifelong learning’ from NPTEL.

Mr. N. Kiran Kumar completed the following courses - ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered

by University of Georgia, ‘Digital manufacturing and design’, ‘Intelligent machining’, ‘Mechanics of

Materials-I’, ‘Applicaons of Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University of Georgia, ‘Intro to Digital

Manufacturing with autodesk fusion 360’, ‘Introducon to Thermodynamics: Energy Transfer from here

and there, offered by University of Michigan’ and ‘Fluid Power Engineering’ offered by University of

Minnisota from Coursera; ‘IC engines & gas turbines’ offered by IIT, Gauha from NPTEL.

Mr. P. Naresh Kumar Reddy completed the following courses - ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’

offered by University of Georgia, ‘Materials Science 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know’, ‘Programming

for everybody (Geng Started with Python)’, ‘The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You

Should Know’ and ‘Material Processing’ through Coursera.

Mr. Waseem Ahamed completed the following courses - ’The Art of Online Teaching’, ‘Conducng

Assessments online’, ‘Bringing the online classroom alive’ from Harappa educaon; ‘Industry 4.0’,

‘Measuring Instrument’ from Tata Steel E-Learning; Web of Science cerficaon series by E-Shodh Sindhu

Research publicaon: Skills, Ethics and Misconducts; FDP on ‘Teaching and learning tools setup and

assessment for next generaon’; ‘Technology Enabled learning and lifelong self-learning’, ‘Manufacturing

Technology I&II’ from NPTEL and ‘Intelligent Machining’ from Coursera.

Mr. Vijaya Sarathi completed the following courses - ‘Introducon to Thermodynamics: Energy Transfer

from here and there’ offered by University of Michigan, ‘Fluid Power Engineering’, offered by University

of Minnesota, ‘Wind Power’ and ‘Solar Energy’ from Coursera; ‘Advanced Excel’, ‘Engineering Drawing’,

‘Compressors’, ‘‘Fans & blowers’ and ‘Emissions & polluon’ from Tata Steel E-Learning.

Mr. P. Anil Babu completed the following courses - ‘Manufacturing Process with Autodesk fusion360’,

‘Intro to digital Manufacturing With Autodesk fusion 360’, ‘3D Prinng’, ‘3D prinng Applicaons’ and

‘Introducon to CAD, CAM, and Praccal CNC Machining’ from Coursera; ‘Engineering Graphics’ and

‘Emission and Polluon control’ from Tata steel E Learning.

Mr. Koppala Rama Siva Reddy completed ‘Introducon to Thermodynamics :Energy Transfer from here

and there’, offered by University of Michigan and ‘Fluid Power Engineering’ , offered by University of

Minnisota from Coursera.

Mrs. G. Keerthi completed ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University of Georgia from


Mr. S. Uday Kumar completed the following courses – ‘Digital Manufacturing and Design’, ‘Engineering

Mechanics’, ‘Mechanics of Material 1’,’ Intelligent machining’, AI for everyone’, ‘Mechanics of Material 2’

and ‘Intro to Digital Manufacturing with autodesk fusion 360’ from Coursera.

Mrs. G. Keerthi completed ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University of Georgia from


Mr. Sangameshwar Pal completed the courses on - ‘Engineering Mechanics’ and ‘3D Prinng’ from


Mr. P. Sangamesh completed the courses on - ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’ offered by University

of Georgia and ‘Intelligent machining’ from Coursera.


BVRIT - Interface

Mr. G. Alok Kumar completed courses tled ‘Foundaon on AI course’, ‘Introducon to AI’ and ‘Introducon

to RPA’ from NASSCOM Simpli Learn and Skillup. He completed 5 courses - ‘Digital Manufacturing and

Design’, ‘Engineering Mechanics’, ‘3D Prinng’, ‘Intelligent machining’, ’AI for Everyone’, ‘Successful

Negoaon: Essenal strategy and skills’ from Coursera.

Mr. Akshay Kulkarni completed online cerficaon courses on – ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’

offered by University of Georgia ‘Digital manufacturing and design’ and ‘Intelligent machining’ through


Mr. Ravikant B Mulage completed online cerficaon courses on – ‘Mechanics of Materials II’, ‘Introducon

to Engineering Mechanics’, ‘Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading’

through Coursera.

Mr. R. Muthalagu completed online cerficaon courses on – ‘Introducon to Engineering Mechanics’

offered by University of Georgia, ‘Introducon to Digital Manufacturing’ offered by University of Michigan

from Coursera and ‘Micro so Digital Literacy’ course.

Mr. K. Obulla Reddy completed online cerficaon courses on – ‘Thermodynamics’, ‘Engineering

Mechanics’, ‘How write and publish a paper’, ‘Scholarly Communicaon’ and ‘Exploring Emerging

Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success’ through Coursera.

Department of Pharmaceucal Engineering

Events organised

Dr. P. Vishnu

Head of the Department

The department organised naonal conference PRANATI 2k20 on ‘Arficial intelligence- cung edge technology

in pharmaceucal industries’ on 25 th of Jan, 2020. The conference received students and research scholars from

almost 30 colleges, as well as IITs, NITs and reputed state universies in and around Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

with nearly 300 registraons and more than 100 presentaons.


Student Achievements

M. Dhanush, T. Revathi Lakshmi Prasanna and Ch. Naga Praneeth parcipated

and presented a paper on ‘Degradaon of pharmaceucals in water using

natural adsorbents’ under the guidance of Mrs. Archana Rao P, in RACE,

Internaonal conference organised by OUCT, Hyderabad on 8th and 9th of

January 2020.

Ms. U. Shwetha Chowdary and Ms. T. Revathi Lakshmi Prasanna, under the

guidance of Ms. Pavani C parcipated and presented a paper on ‘Biological

Synthesis of silver nano parcles using Vicia Faba extract and accessing its an

bacterial acvity’ in Naonal conference on ‘Innovaon and opportunies in

the profession of pharmacy’, sponsored by CSIR and SERB and organised by Anurag group of instuons, on 28th

and 29th February 2020.

Ms. Tahseen and Ms. Tahseen Ferdouse under the guidance of Mr. M. Sai Siddharth parcipated and presented

a paper on ‘Zika virus cures tumors’ in Naonal conference on ‘Innovaon and Opportunies in the Profession of

Pharmacy’ organised by MNR college of Pharmacy on 28th and 29th of February 2020.

Mr. Naga Praneeth and Mr. Rohan aended a one day work shop on ‘Aspen Plus’ during Chem + 2020 organised by

Indian Instute of Technology Madras on 1st of March 2020.

Ms. U. Shwetha Chowdary, Ms. T. Revathi Lakshmi Prasanna and Mr. M. Dhanush aended a 5-day workshop on

‘Arficial intelligence in Health Care’ guided by Ms. G. Jyothi, organized by VIPER, IPA branch Narsapur from 24th to

28th of February 2020. T. Reavthi Lakshmi Prasanna and M. Dhanush were selected for 2nd round to be held at IIT


Ms. P. Ashwitha’s idea was selected for final round in women innovator 2020, which is scheduled to be held in front

of PMO in New Delhi.

Mr. Naga Praneeth and Mr. Rohan aended a one day workshop on ‘Aspen Plus’ during Chem + 2020 organised by

Indian Instute of Technology Madras on 1st of March.

Conferences and Workshops aended

Dr. Nanda Kumar aended a workshop on ‘Problem and project based learning’ organised by BVRIT, Narsapur on 6 th

and 7 th of January 2020.


BVRIT - Interface

Ms. B. Swathi aended a workshop on ‘Know Your Student’ organised by University health centre (JNTUH) on 9 th

and 10 th of January.

Mr. Mahender aended a workshop - SLIDE at Vedic Aziz Nagar from 11 th to 13 th of Feb, 2020.

Mrs. P Archana Rao, Mr. M Sai Siddhardh and Mrs. C Pavani parcipated and presented a paper on ‘Acvity based

learning for pharmaceucal engineering student’ at VEDIC colloquium held on Feb 17 th and 18 th .

Ms. G. Jyothi along with students Revathi and Shwetha parcipated and presented a paper on ‘Tissue Engineering

and Regenerave Medicine’ at Internaonal Conference on “Innovaon in Pharma Industry, Educaon and Research’’

IPIER 2020 on 27 th and 28 th of February 2020 organized by Anurag Group of Instuon.

Mrs. N. Sadhana parcipated and presented a paper on ‘Preparaon and evaluaon of Valsartan cubosomes’ in

internaonal conference on “Innovaon in Pharma Industry, Educaon and Research’’ IPIER 2020 on 27 th and 28 th of

February 2020 organised by Anurag Group of Instuon.

Ms. G. Jyothi presented a paper on ‘Prevalence of Anemia and associated factors in adolescent girls’ in a two day

naonal level technical symposium on ‘’Pharma Samprathi-2K20’’ on 28 th and 29 th of February 2020 organised by

Nalla Narsimha Reddy group of instuons.

Dr. P. Vishnu, Dr. N. Nanda Kumar, Ms. G. Jyothi and Mrs. N. Sadhana aended a one day workshop on ‘Design Of

Experiment’ organised by BVRIT Narsapur

Mrs. N. Sadhana aended a workshop on ‘Wring Effecve Research proposal’ by Prof Claire at Vedic Aziz Nagar

on Feb 19 th .

Faculty publicaons

Mrs. Archana Rao P, Mayuka, Yashwanth, Lokeshwar published a paper on ‘Kinecs and equilibrium for adsorpon

of Atenolol from water using Moringa Oleifera and Nirmali seeds’, in the Internaonal Journal of Recent Technology

and Engineering, Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020, ISSN: 2277-3878, DOI: 10:35940/ijrte.A1748.059120

Ms. Sadhana N and Mr. Vishnu Pulavarthy, ‘ published a research paper tled ‘Preparaon and evaluaon of

Simvastan nanosponges’, in the Internaonal Journal of Pharmaceucal Research, vol 12, issue 3, ISSN 0975-2366,

DOI: hps://doi.org/10.31838/ijpr/2020.12.03.047

Online Cerficaons, Conferences and FDPs

Faculty and students of the department aended online conferences, FDPs and also completed a few cerficaon

courses from Coursera, EDX, Udemy during the lockdown period. The details are as follow:

Dr. Vishnu parcipated in an online faculty development program on ‘STC on online tools and soware for remote

teaching-learning’ conducted by JNTU, Hyderabad.

Mrs. Archana Rao P. aended the faculty development program on ‘Research paper draing, funding and patent

methodologies organised by Dr. NGP instute of Technology’, Coimbatore. She also parcipated in the online

conference on ‘Technological support to fight against Covid’, organised by APS university, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh.

Dr. Nanda Kumar parcipated in the faculty development programs on ‘Recent Innovaons in Chemical Engineering

(RICE)’ organised by Bheemanna Khandre Instute of Technology (BKIT), Bhalki, Karnataka.

Ms. Pavani C aended the faculty development program on ‘The two sides of Nanotechnology in Biomedical Field’,

organised by SVCP, Bhimavaram.


Mr. Sai Siddhardh aended the faculty development programs on ‘Advanced materials research’, Bharat Instute of

Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad and ‘Nanotechnology in healthcare’ organised by SVCP, Bhimavaram.

Mr. Balchender B aended the following faculty development programs: ‘Advanced materials research’, organised

by Bharat Instute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, ‘Covid 19 global crisis’, organised by Andhra Loayola

instute of engineering and Technology, Vijayawada and ‘Enhancement in Higher Educaon Instuons - Future

Vision’ organised by St Ann’s college for women, Hyderabad.

Ms. Jyothi G. aended faculty development programs on ’The two sides of Nanotechnology in Biomedical Field’

organised by, SVCP, Bhimavaram and ‘Online tools and soware for remote teaching-learning’ organised by JNTU,


Ms. Sadhana N aended a faculty development program on ’Nanotechnology in Healthcare’, organised by SVCP,


Ms. Swathi B and Mr. Mahender aended a faculty development program on ’Recent Innovaons in Chemical

Engineering (RICE)’ organised by Bheemanna Khandre Instute of Technology(BKIT), Bhalki, Karnataka.

Department of Management Studies

Dr. Yugandhar Vangave

I/C Head of the Department

Student Acvies and Achievements

Six students of 1st year parcipated in the E-Summit organised at IIT Hyderabad on 18th and 19th of Jan, 2020.

Students of 1st year (44 members) parcipated in the ‘Intellectual Learning for Management Students’ (ILMS)

organised by Mr. J. Augusne and Ms. Jebaselvi at VEDIC Aziz Nagar from 4th to 6th of Feb, 2020.

Ms. Sameera of 1st year parcipated in ‘Team Chrysalis 2K20’ organised at Vignan Jyothi Instute of Management

on 7th of Feb, 2020.

Students of 1st year (26 members) parcipated in the program ‘How ready are you to be a consummate HR

Professional’ organised by Vignan Jyothi Instute of Management and ISTD on 27th of Feb, 2020.

The first year students of MBA aended the ‘Womennovator’ event organised by IIC BVRIT from 24th to 26th of

Feb, 2020.

Guest Lecture organised

The department organised a guest lecture exclusively for the 2018 Finance batch on ‘Financial Derivaves’ by Dr.

Kasturi Rangan on 8th of Feb, 2020.

Research related assignments

Students of first year (20 members) completed data /entry into the portal of UBA as part of the UBA Project under

the guidance of Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao & Ms. K. Sridevi on 10 th of Jan, 2020.


BVRIT - Interface

Students of first year organised ‘Gramasabha’ on 29 th and 30 th of January 2020 under the guidance of Dr. K. Srinivasa


Industrial Visits

Students of first year visited Hitech Print Systems on 24 th of January 2020. Dr. V. Yugandhar and Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao

organised the visit and accompanied the students.

FDPs, Conferences, Workshops, Seminars etc. aended by the Faculty

Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao parcipated in the workshop on ‘Project based Learning’ organised by Prof. Sivakumar at BVRIT

Narsapur on 6 th and 7 th of January, 2020.

Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao & Mr. B. Lakshmipathi aended the E- Summit at IIT Hyderabad on 18 th and 19 th of January, 2020.

Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao presented a research paper tled ‘Impact of AI on HR Pracces: A Study’ in the Naonal

Conference organised by NIT during 30 th to 1st of February 2020.

Dr. V. Yugandhar and Dr. P. Nagaraju aended the Colloquium on Effecve Research Wring organised by VEDIC at

Aziz Nagar on 17 th and 18 th of February 2020.

Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao was the adjudicator for an event as part of ‘Management Meet’ organised by Bhavans Degree

College on 29 th of February 2020.

Dr. B. Naga Parameshwari parcipated in the ‘Safety of Women & Children’ program organised by the Women Safety

Wing, Govt. of T.S. on 11 th of March 2020.

Department of Basic Sciences and Humanies

Student Achievements

Dr. E. Laxmi Narsaiah

Head of the Department

During the lockdown, students from B. Tech I year ulized the opportunity of learning on Coursera plaorm.

Around 450 students enrolled and successfully completed cerficaon courses offered by renowned internaonal


Guest Lectures/programs organised by the department

Mr. Anudeep, Director Saavaq Soluons visited the department to discuss on MoU related to Business English

Cerficaon – Cambridge Assessment on the 23 rd of Jan. 2020. He interacted with the students of II year and III

year on the importance of Business Communicaon. The program was coordinated by Dr. B. Mrunalini Sasanka,

Associate Professor, BS&H.


The department conducted a Naonal E-Quiz on ‘Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy’ from 24th to 30th of June 2020. The

quiz was coordinated by Dr. G. Venkata Ramana, Associate Professor, BS&H.

Student related programs

The Centre for English Language and Life Skills-BVRIT started German language classes for aspiring students.

Mr. Anand, from Elite Instuons, Hyderabad is facilitang the training. The program is being coordinated by

Dr. B. Mrunalini Sasanka.

Faculty Achievements

Dr. P. Srikanth Rao is now in the panel of External Research Supervisors for Department of Mathemacs, Maulana

Azad Naonal Urdu University and is co supervising one Ph.D. scholar.

Mr. Ramanamoorthy Kandula received ‘Cerficate of Appreciaon as NPTEL Believer (One Star out of seven stars

given by NPTEL Team)’.

Ms. A. Jyothi Lakshmi was selected for CSIR-Summer Research Training Programme 2020(onine).

Online Course Cerficaons by Faculty

All the members of faculty from the department enrolled and successfully completed a minimum of 4 courses

relevant to their discipline from Coursera and acquired cerficaon. Some faculty enrolled for more than 10 courses.

FDP/Workshops/Conferences/ Guest Lectures organised

Mr. Anudeep, Director, Saavaq Soluons, Hyderabad visited the college on 23 rd of Jan. 2020 and addressed the

third year students on ‘Developing English Skills for the Future.’

FDP/Workshops/Conferences aended

Dr. B. Mrunalini Sasanka and Dr. D. Mahendar aended III - Level II program at VEDIC from 28/01/2020 - 30/01/2020.

A. Jyothi Lakshmi, Assistant Professor aended Internaonal Conference on ‘Material Science for Societal

Advancement’ organised by Osmania University from 20 th to 22 nd of January, 2020.

Dr. T. Thirupathi Reddy, Dr. P. Naveen, Dr. Satyakeerthi Raju, Mr. M. Raju, Mrs. Kundana and Ms. Jyothi Laxmi aended

a workshop on ‘Wring Effecve Research Proposals’ organised by VEDIC on 19-02-2020.

K. Srilatha, aended a three day workshop on ‘Physics of Fluids: Methods and Applicaons’ organised by Department

of Mathemacs, School of Science, GITAM Hyderabad from 20th-22nd February, 2020.

Mr. G. Prabhakar presented a poster in a three day naonal seminar on ‘Science And Technology for Sustainable

Development with Women Empowerment’ organised by the Satavahana University Telangana state during 25 th -27 th

of February 2020.

Research Publicaons/Papers presented

Dr. E. Laxmi Narsaiah and Mr. Venkata Ramana Jeedi presented a paper on ‘Effect of Ag + ion on PMMA and PVdF

blended polymer electrolyte’ in Internaonal Conference on Material Science for Societal Advancement organised

by Osmania University from 20 th to 22 nd of January, 2020.

Dr. P. Madhusudhan’s paper ‘Determinaon of Assay and Validaon of stability indicang RP-HPLC method for

Ganciclovir in nciclovir drug substance’was published in the Internaonal Journal of Scienfic & Technology Research,

Volume 9, issue 02, February 2020, ISSN-2277-8616.


BVRIT - Interface

Dr. T Thirupathi Reddy published the following research papers:

‘Effect of Non-Uniform Heat Source/Sink, Viscous and Joule dissipaon on 3D Eyring - Powell Nanofluid flow over a

Stretching Sheet’, Journal of Computaonal Design and Engineering (Oxford University Press), SCI, Scopus Indexed

with IF :3.408, 7(4) 412-426, (2020).

‘Generalized Differenal Quadrature Analysis of three-dimensional MHD Radiang Dissipave Casson fluid conveying

ny parcles’, Heat Transfer–Asian Res., (Wiley), Scopus Indexed with Impact Factor-1.6, 49(5), 2595-2626, (2020).

‘Thermal radiaon and surface roughness effects on the thermo-magneto-hydrodynamic stability of alumina–

copper oxide hybrid nanofluids ulizing the generalized Buongiorno’s nanofluid model’, Journal of Thermal Analysis

Calorimetry (Springer), hps://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09488-z, SCI, SCIE, WOS and Scopus Indexed with

Impact Factor-2.731, (2020).

‘Scaling group analysis of Bio Convecve Micropolar fluid flow and heat transfer in a porous medium’, Journal

of Thermal Analysis Calorimetry (Springer), SCI, Scopus Indexed with Impact Factor-2731, (2020). hps://doi.


‘ADM soluon for Cu/CuO-Water viscoplasc nanofluid transient slip flow from a porous stretching sheet with

entropy generaon, convecve wall temperature and radiave effects’, Journal of Applied and Computaonal

Mechanics, SCIE, Scopus Indexed with Impact Factor-1.31, (2020). doi:10.22055/jacm.2020.33137.2167

Dr. P. Madhusudhan published a research paper ‘Determinaon of RuIII spectrophotometrically using freshly

prepared reagent 3,4-dihydroxy-5methoxy Benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone under scrunizaon/processing’ in a

Scopus Journal.

Mr. G. Prabhakar published a paper ‘Modelling of experimental Cr(VI) adsorpon on Acid and Alkali pretreated Rice

Husk-Graphene Oxide’ ,Materials today (Elsevier).

Mr. M. Raju published an arcle “ Crical Thinking (CT): Improving speaking skills in English language labs and Class

rooms “ Web of Sciences (WoS) indexed WAFFEN-UND KOSTUMKUNDE journal, ISSN: 0042-9945, Volume XI, Issue

IV, P.41-46, April/2020

Mr. P. Pramod Kumar published a paper on ‘Heat Transfer Reacon on a Viscous Dissipave Free Convecve Radiang

Stream over a Permeable Laminate within Presence of Induced Magnec Field’ in the Internaonal Journal of

Innovave Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-3, January 2020.

Mr. P. Pramod Kumar published a paper ‘Finite element study of Soret number effects on MHD flow of Jeffrey

fluid through a vercal permeable moving plate’ in Paral Differenal Equaons in Applied Mathemacs 1 (2020)

100005. (ELSEVIER).

Mr. Y. Prabhaker Reddy published a paper on ‘Effect of non-Newtonian fluid flow through a permeable non-uniform

tube having mulple stenoses’ in AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 2246, page 020051. AIP Publishing LILC,


Mr. Y. Prabhaker Reddy published a paper on ‘Flow of non-Newtonian fluid through a permeable artery having nonuniform

cross secon with mulple stenosis. Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 17(1):31-38,


K. Murali Krishna published a paper ‘Up- and down conversion emission studies in Er3+/Yb3+: Ca3 ( PO4 )2 phosphor

for Thermometry’ in the Journal of Sensors & Actuators.



“I can’t change the direcon of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my desnaons” – Jimmy Dean

This quick change (COVID 19) has been very significant as it has brought into light many of our hidden traits and

changed our perspecve in almost everything that we perceive. Though the first few days were loaded with many

anxiees, concerns and preparaon for an enrely new normal, we could alter our sails and reach the specific

desnaons. To admit, of course, we were given a chance to strengthen our weaknesses, to spend quality me with

family, to explore new opportunies, to organize, to clear backlogs, to strengthen relaons and many more in this

pandemic. COVID 19 is not the end, we may have to face many new challenges, and let the deep rooted posivity

in every one of us see opportunity in every adversity. This issue of Interface focuses on acvies of student clubs,

MOU, research acvies in the instuon along with the department acvies. We acknowledge the efforts and

hard work of the members in making this issue possible.

Be vigilant and be safe.


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