Free Reiki Course - Level 2 (incl. free attunement & certificate)

For those who have already completed the level 1 Reiki training, the second level of Reiki adds something very special to your practice as you open up to bringing Reiki into many different areas of your life. Here, you will be learning about the Reiki symbols and some 'advanced' healing techniques that can take your practice to a whole new level. We hope you enjoy this free ebook and may you be blessed with much love, light and healing in your life!

For those who have already completed the level 1 Reiki training, the second level of Reiki adds something very special to your practice as you open up to bringing Reiki into many different areas of your life. Here, you will be learning about the Reiki symbols and some 'advanced' healing techniques that can take your practice to a whole new level. We hope you enjoy this free ebook and may you be blessed with much love, light and healing in your life!


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Usui Reiki

Level 2 - Advanced Healing Practices

1. A Practical Guide To Working With Symbols:

As we’ve mentioned during the theoretical foundations part of this course, working with the Reiki

symbols in both healing and meditation can provide you with a wonderful array of divine healing

opportunities. By working with the symbols, you will very easily be able to open up and receive

these Reiki energies through meditation and a range of other healing practices.

Essentially, the Reiki symbols will be helping you to call on a wide ranger of ‘higher healing

vibrations’ in your practice and in this way, the symbols can be thought of as being like very good

friends. When we treat the symbols with love & respect and connect with them on a regular basis,

they will be very happy with us. In return, they will offer us much love, light & healing.

As you will now also know, the energetic frequencies that are being accessed through these Reiki

symbols are of a significantly higher vibration than we ourselves are vibrating at. As you melt and

merge with these healing frequencies, you will therefore be able to move closer towards their

beautiful and peaceful vibration - thus you are able to heal, learn, grow and awaken to a more divine

perspective of yourself.

With this section then, let us now focus on the more practical aspects of how to work with the Reiki

symbols in your healing & meditation practices so that you can now start bringing these wonderful

& love filled frequencies into your consciousness.

And to start with, let us firstly point out that it is always your intention that is so important when

working with any kind of healing symbols. By simply intending to call on these energies and by

visualising the symbol whilst repeating the

sacred name, you will be able to receive

these beautiful frequencies.

is everything!

As we’ve mentioned previously, there are

so many different ways that you can

choose to work with the Reiki symbols in

your practice and for the purposes of our

course, we will be covering here the

more commonly taught techniques

for working with the Reiki


From these basic techniques, you

can then decide which of these

work best for you as you progress

on your Reiki journey.

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