Free Reiki Course - Level 2 (incl. free attunement & certificate)

For those who have already completed the level 1 Reiki training, the second level of Reiki adds something very special to your practice as you open up to bringing Reiki into many different areas of your life. Here, you will be learning about the Reiki symbols and some 'advanced' healing techniques that can take your practice to a whole new level. We hope you enjoy this free ebook and may you be blessed with much love, light and healing in your life!

For those who have already completed the level 1 Reiki training, the second level of Reiki adds something very special to your practice as you open up to bringing Reiki into many different areas of your life. Here, you will be learning about the Reiki symbols and some 'advanced' healing techniques that can take your practice to a whole new level. We hope you enjoy this free ebook and may you be blessed with much love, light and healing in your life!


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Usui Reiki

Level 2 - Advanced Healing Practices

Please note here that you can use this technique in a number of different ways through both

meditation and healing work for others. We have chosen to give you some idea about how to do a

full body healing meditation practice here but equally so, you may choose to work with this

technique to treat a problem area or another area of your body.

For example, when treating a liver ailment, you may wish to imagine that there are tiny symbols

flowing all around the liver. The symbols are helping to raise the vibration throughout this area and

healing this organ of all of its impurities.

Alternatively, you may wish to try and free up the energies in an area of a persons body where there

is an ailment. For example - someones arm perhaps, by imagining that there are lots of little symbols

flowing up and down the recipients arm. As you do this, you will be intending that the energy

channels are being freed up so this person can

be free of the particular ailment which is

causing a disturbance.

From this, you can see here that this technique

can work equally well for you in either a

healing session or in a meditative format.

Again, please feel free to use your imagination

and create a range of different circumstances

to help you heal what you are presented with.

It will always be your intention that is so

important with these techniques so please be

sure to have lots of fun creating new and

exciting intentions, visualisations &

affirmations for the benefit of yourself and


Additional Technique 3 - The ‘No Tapping’ Technique:

As we’ve already mentioned, there are many different ways that you can work with the symbols in

your healing practices. By now, you understand that it is always your intention that is the driving

force behind any and all healing that you do and that you can choose to create whatever imaginary

situations you wish to for a better healing result.

As an additional option then, let us now look at another symbol technique which is perhaps not as

commonly taught as some of the others and we refer to this symbol technique as the ‘No Tapping’


This technique is again very simple and easy to work with and essentially, what you are doing here is

working with a slightly different form of visualisation with the symbol to allow yourself to open up

and receive its divine healing frequencies (without any need for tapping) .

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