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credit to https://jkettmann.com

credit to https://jkettmann.com


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Use Git like

professional teams

A course about the GitHub Flow

Find an interactive version of this course at ooloo.io

"I have no idea how to use

Git in a professional dev


You've been coding for a while now and feel somewhat comfortable with it. But

when it comes to using Git you still fumble around.

You know how to commit your code. Maybe you have worked with branches

here and there. But for the most part, you've been working on the "master"

branch on your own.

And to be honest, you've been fine.

At the same time, you know that you'll have to work with a team of

developers eventually. You'll have to collaborate with other professionals on

a common code-base. So there's the question:

How do real dev teams in real companies use Git?

You know there should be best practices and workflows. But the tutorials you

find are just too basic or abstract. How are you supposed to learn the Git

workflows of the pros?

What if you could experience a

professional Git workflow?

You read correctly. What if you could not only learn how to use Git in a team,

in theory, but experience it hands-on? And what if you had the help of

resources that go into depth and cover edge cases on top of that?

You could get your Git knowledge on par with your coding skills. And once you

need it in real life you could navigate through the Git workflow with a clear


You'd be independent of the help of the senior devs.

At least a bit. But how can you get real experience in a Git workflow used by

teams without the essential ingredient: a team?

An interactive Git course to learn

the GitHub flow

Learn how to use Git in a team with a workflow that is used in many companies

around the world: the GitHub flow.

Unlike other interactive Git tutorials you won't work inside the browser in a

fake environment but rather in a real developer environment:

on your machine inside your editor

using the command line

with a repository on GitHub

with professional branch protection rules.

Don't worry, you don't need to know all of this already. You'll get resources and

a roadmap so you can guide yourself through the process during the course.

And in real life.

Now, where exactly does the team

part come into play?

This is where it gets really interesting. You will have a bot teammate who

helps you along the way. She will collaborate with you by reviewing your

code, requesting changes, and implementing features.

You as well will have to review the code so you can see both sides of the table.

You'll work on multiple branches at the same time and run into merge conflicts.

Just like in a real team.

This way you will really experience what it feels like to work in a team of

developers using a professional Git workflow.

This course is completely free

You don't have to pay and you don't need to subscribe to anything. I'd

appreciate it if you could share this course with your friends though.

Also, if you're a React developer and enjoy this experience have a look at

my other course. It has a similar approach but teaches many more professional

skills by building a guided project based on designs and tasks. Just like a realworld


Note that this course doesn't cover the very basics of Git. You're

expected to know at least a bit about commits and branches. More advanced

topics like merging, squash merging, and rebasing are covered in the course

material though.

Ready to learn how professional teams use Git?

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Johannes Kettmann, the creator of this course.

I'm a self-taught fullstack JS developer and know the struggle of learning how to

work professionally with Git first-hand.

When I started to code I had no clue about version control. At first, everything

was simple. I wrote tiny programs that fit into a single file. Once my files grew

larger and larger and I started breaking existing code keeping track of previous

versions seemed smart.

The perfect solution at the time was to create folders with names like "2010-04-

23 15:23" to host the corresponding version of my code.

Didn't work out that well of course.

Finally, I realized there was an existing tool called Git that can help with

versioned code. I was excited.

I happily committed to the master branch and pushed to my custom Git server.

Better, but still not the smartest idea.

At some point, I landed my first professional job. And it was overwhelming. I had

to understand the code base and figure out how to work with other developers.

And last but not least, using Git in a team was totally different from what I was

used to.

I wasn't allowed to commit to the sacred master branch anymore. Instead:

Atomic commits, feature branches, releases, code reviews, merge, rebase...

It took me years to get fully used to that. And honestly, I'm still learning.

I hope that this course can help you to get up to speed much faster and in a

safe environment. Maybe you don't have to experience the same stress and

anxiety I had to go through back in the days.


To get into the right mindset think of this course the following way:

You are a developer in a company that wants to build a new project. A product

manager already created a handful of tasks that you need to implement.

You have a teammate called ooloo-bot who is there to support you. She will

help you with code reviews and also implement a task or two. But since she's a

senior developer she has a lot on her plate.

You know, meetings and so on.

Since you work for a serious company they require you to use a professional

Git workflow that can also be used by larger teams and ensures code quality

by utilizing code reviews.

Now it's your turn to kick off the project

Note: If you're stuck somewhere or find something difficult to

understand I most probably didn't explain myself very well. It would

help me if you could let me know by contacting me on Twitter.

Git workflows

In this course, you will learn and use the GitHub flow. You might be asking: Why

this workflow and not another one?

Good question.

Two very popular Git workflows out there are:

1. Git flow

2. GitHub flow

I won't go into the details of Git flow. The quick answer why we don't use it here


it's quite complicated with a lot of branching conventions

it's most useful for versioned software like desktop applications.

Since a lot of the software that's written today doesn't require strict versioning

(e.g. web applications) Git flow is often overkill. Even the original author

discourages developers to use it in most situations.

GitHub flow on the other hand is much more lightweight. Thus it's a great

starting point to get into using Git in a team environment.

The Flow

As mentioned the GitHub flow is relatively lightweight. This is what it looks like

in a nutshell:

1. Create a new branch to implement the feature (or bugfix...).

2. Implement the code and add commits to the branch.

3. Push the code to the remote repository on GitHub.

4. Open a Pull Request on GitHub.

5. The code gets reviewed and discussed.

6. Merge the branch to the main branch (aka master ).

This may look very simple at first. But it can get quite complicated when

used in a team. More on that on the next page.

For now, here's some lingo explanation:

When you build a feature on a branch it is called feature branch.

A Pull Request or PR is a place where your team can review and discuss the

code changes.

GitHub replaced the default master branch with main . Mental note: main

= master

You can see a more interactive description of the GitHub flow here. I

left out the Deploy step since it's different for every team and depends

on their setup.

These are only 6 steps and only a couple of them require you to use Git

yourself. The most basic Git commands you need are

git branch to create a branch

git checkout to switch branches

git commit to add changes

git push to update the remote repository

git pull to sync your local repository with the remote

You don't even need to merge yourself in the command line since you'll simply

press a button in the Pull Request.

By the way, no worries if you're not used to working on branches yet.

You'll get there. But I hope you heard of most of these commands. Otherwise,

make yourself familiar with a bit of research.

Note: Even though it's called GitHub flow you can use this flow on

GitLab or BitBucket as well. The important thing is that you use Pull

Requests to merge your code to the main branch (also called Merge

Requests on GitLab)

When it gets complicated

Until now the GitHub flow seems relatively straightforward. But there wouldn't

be a whole course about it when it wouldn't get a bit more complicated.

The problem starts when you use it in a team. That's because software

development in a team is not a sequential process. In a team, you don't work on

one feature until it's done and merged and only then continue with the next


Usually, several developers are working on different branches at the same time.

But even a single developer is often working on multiple branches.

For example, this is a typical situation: You implement a feature on one branch.

Once you're done you request a review. But it might take hours or even days

until the code is reviewed. In the meantime, you have to continue working on

something else and create another branch while the first one is still active.

This quickly gets complicated. Especially, if there are multiple open Pull

Requests at the same time which might even depend on each other.

To summarize: When you work on a project alone this workflow is still easy.

But when you're in a team a lot of the headache and confusion are related to

keeping everything in sync.

A Roadmap

When using Git professionally for the first time you might feel a bit lost in the


That's why I created this roadmap. To be honest, it might look a bit

intimidating at first. But no worries. We'll use it together throughout this

course. I'll explain it step by step so you can slowly get used to it.

Feel free to download the roadmap or open it in another browser tab. Keep it at

hand since we'll need it soon.

Design & Tasks

Remember? You're a developer working for a company that wants to create a


Admittedly the project isn't very exciting. It's a very basic website with only a

handful of elements.

But this course is about the Git workflow and not about the code. So no worries,

you don't need any HTML or CSS skills. I'll give you all the code ready to be

copy & pasted.

Here is the beautiful design. Could win awards, huh?!

Let's quickly break this down into tasks that we can then implement one

by one. Just as if we were in a professional team


We can see a header and a footer as well as two content sections in between.

Let's create one task per element. So that's four in total.

Additionally, we can add one task to create a container around the content

sections. This container will be responsible for centering its content.

To summarize, we have 5 tasks

1. Header

2. Footer

3. Content Container

4. Top Section

5. Bottom Section

Great! Now it's time to get our hands dirty

The Repository

As mentioned before you'll work with a real repository that is hosted on GitHub.

You'll change the files on your local machine and commit and push the code

changes to GitHub. You'll open real Pull Requests and your teammate ooloo-bot

will write comments and create code reviews.

You'll get access to your personal repository on GitHub. But since we want to

pretend that you work in a real team the repo will be created under the oolooio

account. You will have restricted access and there will be certain rules in

place. The main branch will be protected so you can't

push directly to the main branch (aka master)

merge a PR without approval from ooloo-bot

create merge commits.

You'll see what that means in detail later on.

These rules are very common in real teams. They enforce that all the code is

reviewed before it's merged to the main branch. They are thus essential for

keeping code quality and security high.

Create your repository

Before we start implementing the tasks create your repository. First, you have

to login with your GitHub account by clicking the button below.

No worries, I don't store any personal data besides your GitHub username which

is required to set up the repo. I won't contact you in any way.

Once you're logged in click the button again to create the repository. This

will take a moment. You'll be invited to the repo and see a link below the button

to accept the invitation.

Note: I might remove old repositories from time to time. If you'd like to

have yours transferred to your account once you're done with the

course please contact me on Twitter.

Once that's done clone the repository on your local machine. You can find the

repository URL when you click the green button on the main page as shown in

the screenshot. Or you simply fill in your username in the command below.

Now run the git clone command with that URL in a terminal on your local


git clone git@github.com:ooloo-io/github-flow-{YOUR_USERNAME}.git

The repo only contains a few files. During this course, we will just touch the

index.html and styles.css files in the src folder.

If you want to have a look at the website while we're adding the code you can

make use of the local development server that comes with the repo. You need

npm on your machine though.

This is not required. So feel free to skip the following steps.

npm install

npm start

Now you should be able to see a placeholder text when you visit localhost:5000.

Great, we're ready to start with the first task.


As you probably remember we have 5 tasks to implement in total:

1. Header

2. Footer

3. Content Container

4. Top Section

5. Bottom Section

The first task is to implement the header as you can see in this image.

Fair enough. Shouldn't be too complicated.

But what are we supposed to do in the context of the GitHub flow? That's where

the roadmap you saw earlier comes in. Let's start by taking a look at it and

getting some orientation.

Now it's your turn

Where are we on the roadmap? Try to answer the following questions:

1. Which path will we take on the roadmap to implement the header?

2. What is the next Git command we will use?

Got the answers?


We want to develop a new feature. That means we are on the left side below

Feature Implementation.

We start the new feature Header. Since it's the first feature there aren't any

open PRs it could depend on.

So the first thing we do is create a new branch from main .

Note: When working with Git you might be used to the name master

as the main branch. GitHub, like other companies, decided to rename

the master branch to main to remove references to slavery. So if

you're confused just make a note in your head

main = master

Create a new branch

As a branch name, it's always good to choose something descriptive. Most

teams have some convention that involves the name or ID of the task they work

on in some form. In this course, we will use the name of the task.

Go ahead, open the command line, and create a new branch called header

with the following command.

git checkout -b header

The checkout command in combination with the -b option creates a new

branch from the current branch ( main ) and checks it out.

Note: We use the command line in this course because it's most

flexible. Using the CLI can seem a bit scary at first but you'll get used

to it with a bit of practice. I personally often use a combination of the

VS Code Git integration plus the command line.

The next step on the roadmap is commit and push changes.

Commit and push changes

Before we can commit anything we need to write some code. Since this course

is not about learning or using a particular language I'll provide the code here.

You just have to copy & paste it.

Note: Please make sure that the files on your machine have the same

content as shown here. Some lessons will only work correctly if the

files are identical.

First, open the file src/index.html in your favorite editor and adjust the

content of the body tag as shown in the highlighted lines. You can also copy

the whole code.

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>GitHub Flow Course</title>

<meta name="description" content="GitHub Flow Course">

<meta name="author" content="Johannes Kettmann">

<link rel="stylesheet"



<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



+ <header class="header">

+ Header

+ </header>



We'll add some styles in a bit. Usually, it would make more sense to commit the

changes in the markup and the styles together. But for the sake of the practice

let's create a commit with this small code change already.

git add .

git commit -m "Add header markup"

Next, we add the styles. Open the file src/styles.css and add the

highlighted lines.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;



+.header {

+ height: 50px;

+ display: flex;

+ justify-content: center;

+ align-items: center;

+ border-bottom: 1px solid black;


Let's create another commit for the styles.

git add .

git commit -m "Add header styles"

Perfect. We're done with the implementation. Let's have another look at the

roadmap to see where we're at.

We're currently at the step commit and push changes. We committed already

so we only need to push to GitHub.

git push origin header

origin in the above command is the remote repository we want to push to.

Here, that's our repo on GitHub.

Hint: You can list all remote repositories including their URLs by

running git remote -v .

Open a Pull Request

We committed and pushed our code changes. So the next step on our roadmap

is to open a PR.

There are multiple options to create a Pull Request. Two of them are

using the link in the terminal output after pushing the code

via the GitHub website

After pushing your code you should see an output like in the screenshot below

inside the terminal. When you read the text carefully you can see that it

includes a link that you can click to create a PR.

Alternatively, you can open your repository on GitHub. You should see a banner

like the one in the following screenshot.

Either way, you'll be directed to a page with a form to create the Pull Request.

The title is already filled in. If the branch has multiple commits GitHub uses the

branch name as the default title (like here). If there's only a single commit it

uses the commit message. In that case, you might want to adjust the title.

Most teams have naming conventions for Pull Requests. Often it's the name of

the task, a task ID, or a combination of both. Here we use the task name.

Your responsibility as a teammate is to add a descriptive body to the PR so that

your co-workers can understand what your code is about. But honestly, I

couldn't think of anything more creative than "Implements the header task.

Adds markup and styles." at this time.

Finally, click the green Create pull request button on GitHub. Once you're

done come back here and continue on the next page.

Request a review

Let's take a last look at our roadmap to see what's next.

On the last page you opened your first Pull Request. That means our next and

final step is to request a review.

Great! Head back to your newly created PR on GitHub. You can find a section

called Reviewers inside the right-side menu. Click the gear icon ⚙.

This is what you should see.

You can see your dear friend and teammate ooloo-bot there as a suggestion.

Go ahead. Don't be shy and request a review. You should hear back from her in

a few seconds.

Note: At the bottom of the page you can also see that you can't merge

the Pull Request without getting a review first. That's because the

settings of the repository on GitHub require a code review.

Geat! We're done with this part of the roadmap. The final step leads us back to

the beginning so we're free to start the next feature.

But before we can start with the next feature you might have seen already that

there are some news.

PR is approved

A few seconds after you requested the review you should see this on the Pull

Request page.

Wow, that was quick. ooloo-bot already approved the PR without any


Lucky you.

How do we continue now? Have another look at the roadmap and try to answer

the following questions:

1. Which path will we take on the roadmap now that the PR is approved?

2. What is the next Git command we will use?

Got the answers?

Merging the PR

Once the Pull Request has been approved we're on the right side of the

roadmap below the Code Review box.

Since the PR is already approved we can answer the first question with No. So

we continue with merging the branch by clicking the green button in the PR.

When you click the button you'll be asked for a title and a description. Every

team has different conventions here. In our case you can leave the default

Header (#1).

Note: The advantage of having the number of the PR in the commit

message is that you always know which changes on the main branch

belong to which PR.

Go ahead and click the green Squash and merge button. Once you're done

come back and continue on the next page.

Update the local repository

We clicked the merge button in the Pull Request. So the next step on the

roadmap is pull main.

By merging the Pull Request on the GitHub website we added all the code

changes from the header branch to the main branch. But we don't have

these changes on our local machine yet.

To update our local repo with the latest changes we need to run the git pull

command on the main branch.

So open your terminal again, check out the main branch, and pull the changes.

git checkout main

git pull origin main

The output that you see from the pull command should look something like


Great. Now our local branch is up-to-date. We're ready to continue with the next


But before we dive into the code again let's have a quick theory lesson to

understand what just happened.

Merge vs. Squash Merge

If you're familiar with working on branches you probably know the git merge

command already. With this command, you can incorporate commits from one

branch into another.

For example, if we wanted to have the commits from the header branch in our

main branch we could run the following commands.

Note: Don't run the commands on your machine since the branch is

already merged.

git checkout main

git merge header

This is what the commit history in our case would look like before and after the


Before the merge, we only have the "Initial commit" on the main branch and

two additional commits "Add header markup" and "Add header styles" on

header . The two commits on the header branch are the ones you added.

After the merge, the two commits from the header branch have been copied

on to the main branch. Both branches now contain the exact same commits.

Note: we might have an additional merge commit in case of conflicts

between the branches.

By default, GitHub does a merge as described above. But not in our case.

You may have realized already that the button in the PR didn't just say Merge

but rather Squash and merge.

Squash Merge

Many professional teams use a different setup for their GitHub repositories.

They require a linear history which means that they don't allow merge commits

in the main branch.

One option to prevent merge commits to appear is to run the git merge

command with the squash option . This is what happened when you clicked

the green button.

Note: Don't run the commands on your machine since the branch is

already merged. This is to illustrate what GitHub does behind the


git checkout main

git merge --squash header

Now, what does it mean to run git merge --squash ?

It means that all the commits from the header branch are combined (or

squashed) into a single commit and then added to the main branch. This is

what it looks like visually.

Here you can see that the commits b and c from the header branch are

combined into one commit b' on the main branch. The commit message of

the combined commit is Header (#1) .

That's the title that was suggested by GitHub when you merged the PR. Here

the screenshot again as a reminder.

The advantage of squash merging

In a typical team environment with code reviews, you often see small commits

with messages like fix xyz or update according to code review . These

are not great commit messages. But realistically, that's what you encounter


The advantage of squash merging is that you don't have these

commits in your main branch. Instead you have only one commit per Pull

Request or feature. This makes it a lot easier to reason about the commit

history later on and attribute changes to tasks.

See for yourself

If you want to see the history on your local machine for yourself run the git

log command on both branches. I like to use the oneline option to have a

more concise output.

git log --oneline header

The commit history on my header branch looks like this

Now check out the main branch and run the git log command there again.

You should see something like this.

That's exactly what we saw in the squash merge diagram above.

Great, after this piece of theory let's get our hands dirty again and start the

next task: the footer.


As you probably remember we have 5 tasks to implement in total:

1. Header

2. Footer

3. Content Container

4. Top Section

5. Bottom Section

The header is done already which means the next task is implementing the


Looks basically the same as the header, right?

It's time to have a look at the roadmap again. Try to answer the following


Which path will we take on the roadmap to implement the footer?

Got the answer?


The answer is simpler than you might think. I didn't try to trick you. We'll follow

the same path as before in the header task.

Again we want to develop a new feature that doesn't depend on any open PRs.

So we start on the left side below Feature Implementation.

Since you already have some experience follow the path until the step

commit and push changes by yourself.

Reminder: The name of the branch should correspond to the name of

the task.

First commit

Once you're at the step commit and push changes open the file

src/index.html in your editor and adjust its content like follows.

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>GitHub Pull Request Flow Course</title>

<meta name="description" content="GitHub Pull Request Flow


<meta name="author" content="Johannes Kettmann">

<link rel="stylesheet"



<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



<header class="header">



+ <footer class="footer">

+ Footer

+ </footer>



As in the header task, let's already create a commit that only contains the

markup changes.

Note: If you can't commit the code and see an error message like the

below in the terminal the name of your branch is not accepted.

I added this check to ensure that the bot is working correctly. You can

see the list of accepted branch names in the output. If you need to

rename your branch you can use this command

git branch -m NEW_BRANCH_NAME

Second commit

Once you committed the changes open the file src/styles.css and adjust it

as follows.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 50px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;



+.footer {

+ height: 50px;

+ display: flex;

+ justify-content: center;

+ align-items: center;

+ border-top: 1px solid black;


Again commit the changes to your feature branch. Finally, push the changes to


Now follow the next steps on the roadmap.

Once you requested a review you should get feedback by ooloo-bot in a

couple of seconds. She'll tell you what to do next.

The Fix

At this point, you probably saw the new Pull Request by ooloo-bot that

includes a bug fix for the header.

Now you can see the process from the other side and be the code reviewer


Review the file changes

To review the changes click on the Files changed drawer. Here you can see all

the changes included in the PR.

You can click on one of the line numbers and add a comment to give feedback.

Try it out if you like but don't expect anyone to answer

Finally, if you're pleased with the code changes (which I hope you are) click the

green Review changes button.

Select the Approve option in the radio button group and optionally add a

comment. Finally, click the green Submit Review button at the bottom.

Merge the PR

Now the merge button should turn green. Go ahead and press on Squash and


Since the Pull Request contains only a single commit, the commit message is

used to prefill the form field.

Let's stick to our convention and use the PR title instead. Replace Decrease

header height (#3) by Fix: Header (#3).

Finally, confirm the merge.


Congrats, you reviewed your first Pull Request. By now you have seen the

GitHub Flow in it's simplest form from both perspectives: as the author and the

reviewer of a PR.

You already started to get a taste of some real teamwork. And soon the GitHub

Flow will become a bit more complicated.

Continue with footer

Now that the fix of the header is merged we can continue working on the footer


Check your PR. ooloo-bot should have reviewed your code by now.

This time we didn't get an immediate approval. ooloo-bot found something to

complain about. That means we have some more work to do on the footer task.

Before we start implementing the change requests let's have a quick look at the

roadmap again to see where we're at. And one more time, try to answer the

following questions:

Which path will we take on the roadmap to implement the footer?

Got the answer?

Change Requests

We received a code review so we're again on the right side of the roadmap. The

first question changes requested? can be answered with yes.

As for the second question: There's currently no active branch beside the

footer branch. That means no branch can depend on the code inside the

footer branch. So the answer to does a branch depend on the new

changes? is no.

Thus the flow looks like this.

The first step is to check out the PR branch (meaning footer ). At this point,

you should still be on that branch. Otherwise, check it out.

Note: if you're not sure which branch you're on you can run git

status or git branch and check the output.

The next step on the roadmap is commit and push changes.

Change 1: Show footer at the


Your teammate is right. When you run the development server with npm start

and visit the page you can see that the footer is directly below the header.

Doesn't look good, right?

Let's fix this. Open the file src/index.html . We'll add an element between the

header and footer that takes up the required space to place the footer at the


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>GitHub Pull Request Flow Course</title>

<meta name="description" content="GitHub Pull Request Flow


<meta name="author" content="Johannes Kettmann">

<link rel="stylesheet"



<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



<header class="header">



+ <main class="content"></main>

<footer class="footer">





Next, open the file src/styles.css and add the .content class.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 50px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 50px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;



+.content {

+ min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);


Now commit these changes before you continue.

Change 2: Fixing the footer height

We've seen it already in the fix for the header. The height of the footer has to be

1px less since it has a top border.

Open the file src/styles.css again and change the footer height to 49px .

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 50px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

+ height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);


Great. Now commit this change as well.

Finally, push the new commits to GitHub.

Re-request a review

The last step on the roadmap is request new review.

Inside the Pull Request on GitHub, you can see a refresh icon that you can

click to re-request a review.

You should get feedback by ooloo-bot after a few seconds.

Note: Feel free to resolve the conversations here by clicking the button

in the screenshot below. In a real team I'd leave that up to the

reviewer though.

Update the local repository

At this point, the footer PR should be merged. You may not have realized but we

already started another round on the roadmap.

We requested a new review and ooloo-bot already approved. That means

we're again on the right side of the roadmap. She didn't request any changes

and we already merged the branch.

So the next step on the roadmap is pull main.

The changes from the footer branch are inside the main branch on GitHub

but not in our local repository yet.

So go ahead, checkout the main branch and pull the latest changes. When

So go ahead, checkout the main branch and pull the latest changes. When

you have a look at the history you should see two new commits on main : one

for the header fix and one for the footer.

Once you're done, it's time for the next task: the content container.

Planning & Implementation

By now we implemented two tasks: the header and footer. Three more are left:

3. Content Container

4. Top Section

5. Bottom Section

The content container will be the element that is responsible for setting a

maximum width to the content and center it horizontally.

You're on your own

You've been through this process a couple of times now. For this task, I'll only

provide the code. You can use the roadmap to navigate through the process.

Once you request a code review ooloo-bot will tell you what to do next.

The code

The code change is very small. Since we already added a content container in

the markup we just have to work on the styles.

Add the two highlighted lines to the file src/styles.css .

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);

+ width: 720px;

+ margin: auto;


These lines set a fixed width to the container and center it horizontally.

Now use the roadmap and your Git magic. We'll see each other after the code


Note: If you need some help feel free to check out the next page. But

give it a try yourself first


In case you're unclear about what to do now here's the path on the roadmap

you need to take.

It's the same path as in the tasks before. You need to

Create a new feature branch. (The branch name should be the name of the

task, words separated by a dash)

Implement the changes

Commit and push the code.

Create a Pull Request.

Request a review.

Follow these steps before continuing on the next page. ooloo-bot will

Follow these steps before continuing on the next page. ooloo-bot will

give you feedback a few seconds after you requested the review.


You just opened a PR for the Content Container task, right? Now that we're

waiting for the review we can start with the next task.

There are only two tasks left.

4. Top Section

5. Bottom Section

As you saw in the comment that ooloo-bot left in the Pull Request she would

like to take over the Top Section task.

So the only thing left for us is to implement the bottom section.

You know the drill

It's time to answer some questions again.

1. Which path will we take on the roadmap to implement the bottom section?

2. What is the next Git command we will use?

Got the answers?


We're about to start the task Bottom Section which is a new feature. So we're

on the left side of the roadmap.

The only difference to the tasks before is, that the bottom section depends on

a task that is still in review: the content container. The reason is that the

bottom section is a child of the content container. So all changes in the content

container may affect the bottom section as well.

That's why we need to answer the question does it depend on an open PR?

with yes.

Seems like a small difference from the path we used before. But it will make

things much more complicated.

Create a new branch

The code of the content container task is not yet merged and thus not in the

main branch. But we need it to start with the bottom section.

The solution is to create a new feature branch from content-container . This

way we can start building the bottom section on top of the existing commits for

the content container.

Make sure the branch content-container is checked out and run the same

command as always:

git checkout -b bottom-section

Now let's write some code.

Note: If you want to verify that everything went fine you can have a

look at the commit history.

git log --oneline

You should see the commits from the main branch as well as the one

from the content-container branch.

You can find the code changes to both files below.

I leave you alone again. Follow the roadmap and ooloo-bot will tell

you how to continue.

The code changes

Let's start with the markup again. Open the file src/index.html and add the

bottom section to the content container.

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>GitHub Pull Request Flow Course</title>

<meta name="description" content="GitHub Pull Request Flow


<meta name="author" content="Johannes Kettmann">

<link rel="stylesheet"



<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



<header class="header">



+ <main class="content">

+ <section class="section">

+ Bottom section

+ </section>

+ </main>

<footer class="footer">





Next, open the file src/styles.css and add the highlighted lines.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);

width: 720px;

margin: auto;



+.section {

+ height: 450px;

+ width: 100%;

+ margin-top: 20px;

+ display: flex;

+ justify-content: center;

+ align-items: center;

+ border: 1px solid black;


Please create a single commit with the message "Add bottom section"

this time. It'll make it easier for you to follow along in a bit.

Now use the roadmap and your Git magic. Once you request a code review

ooloo-bot should give you feedback in a matter of seconds. She'll tell you

what to do next.

See you then

Note: If you need some help feel free to check out the next page. But

give it a try yourself first


In case you're unclear about what to do now here's some help. You need to run

the same commands as in the tasks before.

Implement the changes.

Commit and push the code.

Create a Pull Request.

Request a review.

Follow these steps before continuing on the next page. ooloo-bot will

give you feedback a few seconds after you requested the review.

Change Requests

At this point, you requested a review for the Bottom Section Pull Request that

you just opened. In the meantime, ooloo-bot already reviewed the Content

Container PR and left a change request.

The change doesn't seem to take a lot of effort. But what do we have to do

in terms of Git?

Another look at the roadmap

Have a look at the roadmap again and try to find the right path to implement

the change request for the Content Container.

Did you find the path?

Update Pull Request

You received a code review by your teammate ooloo-bot . That means we're

on the right side of the roadmap.

The answer to the first question changes requested? is yes so we take a turn

left. The first part of the path looks like this.

That means the next step is to checkout the PR branch contentcontainer


Implementing the changes

ooloo-bot explained that the content-container is not responsive. We should

set a max-width .

No problem. Simply add the highlighted line to the file src/styles.css .

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);

width: 720px;

+ max-width: 100%;

margin: auto;


Great! Now commit and push the change. Finally, request a new review and

wait for feedback by ooloo-bot .

Incorporate changes

On the previous page, we only had a look at the first part of our path on the

roadmap to update the Content Container PR.

As a reminder: these are the steps we already took.

But what is the answer to the second question: does a branch depend on the

new changes in the content-container branch?

The answer is yes because we created the bottom-section branch from the

content-container branch.

This is what our complete path looks like.

The next few steps that we need to take are

1. check out the bottom-section branch

2. push the branch

3. rebase the bottom-section on the content-container branch

Don't worry if you don't know what rebase means. We'll get into that on the

next page.

For now, check out the bottom-section branch and push it (shouldn't have

any effect but just to be sure).


It's time for another round of Git theory. This time we'll have a closer look at the

git rebase command.

When you rebase one branch b on another branch a Git changes the commit

history of branch b by

1. applying all commits from branch a

2. applying all commits from branch b .

Then all commits from branch a are included in branch b .

This may sound a bit abstract and might be hard to understand. So let's see

some more images of the Git history.

The current commit history


In our case, we currently have three active branches: main , contentcontainer

, and bottom-section . The current commit history looks like this.

Note: your commit messages might be different than the ones in the

image below.

The main branch contains a couple of commits with the last being the squashmerge

commit from the Footer PR ( a in the above image).

The content-container branch contains everything from main plus two

additional commits: b from before the code review and c that implements the

change requests.

The bottom-section branch was created from content-container when

there was only one commit ( b ). Then we implemented the feature in the

commit d .

Now the goal is to incorporate the commit c in our bottom-section branch.

Commit history after rebase


Once we rebase the bottom-section branch on the content-container

branch we should have a commit history like this.

After the rebase we have all the commits from the content-container branch

in our bottom-section branch as well.

Note: the commit on the bottom-section branch is called d' now

instead of d . That's because it's technically a newly created commit

with a new ID (or hash).

Confirm your current commit


First of all, let's have a look at the commit history on your local machine to

confirm the first image. Run the git log command for each branch. The

output on my machine looks like this.

That looks like the visualization of the commit history before the rebase above. I

hope yours does as well.

From theory to practice

After all this theory the practice is surprisingly simple. We just have to run the

following command while we're on the bottom-section branch.

Note: before you rebase always make sure that you pushed the code.

As I said, the rebase command changes the commit history. If

something goes wrong you might lose parts of your code.

git rebase content-container

When you run this command you should see the following output in the


Finally, let's double-check our commit history by running git log again. This

is what my output looks like.

You can see here that the bottom-section branch now includes all the

commits of the content-container branch.

So we achieved our goal.

Also, have a close look at the hash of the Add bottom section commit.

Compare it to the one you saw before the rebase. For me, the hash before the

rebase was be19827 but now it's c53f370 . That means that Git didn't just

copy this commit on top of the new commit history. It replaced the old commit

with a newly created one.


The rebase worked without any problems. So the next step on our roadmap is to

double-check that everything is working.

Making sure that everything still works as expected is important because we

still have an old copy of the branch on GitHub. In the next step, we will

overwrite the remote version. If something went wrong we can't undo the

changes anymore at that point.

The commits from the content-container branch as well as from the

bottom-section branch are only changing the src/styles.css file.

Open this file and check that the max-width is still set on the content

container and that the .section class is present as highlighted below.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);

width: 720px;

+ max-width: 100%;

margin: auto;


+.section {

+ height: 450px;

+ width: 100%;

+ margin-top: 20px;

+ display: flex;

+ justify-content: center;

+ align-items: center;

+ border: 1px solid black;


If everything is alright you can continue with the next step on the roadmap:

force push.

Force Push

After the rebase the bottom-section branch in our local repository contains

one commit with a new hash (for me c53f370 on the previous page). But the

branch in the remote repository on GitHub still has the old version of the

commit (hash be19827 for me).

Git doesn't know how to handle this situation. If you try to push the branch via

git push origin bottom-section

you should see an error in the terminal. You can try it for yourself.

The git push command has an option -f to force the push. This means we

force GitHub to overwrite the remote branch with our local version.

Note that it's only safe to force push this way if you're the only developer

working on the branch. Otherwise, you might overwrite changes that another

developer created. That might result in some angry reactions.

In general, it's a better idea to use the lesser known force-with-lease


Run the following command to update the remote repository.

git push --force-with-lease origin bottom-section

Note: If you still had the Pull Request on GitHub open in your browser it

might look a bit weird now with duplicated commits. Once you refresh

the duplicates should be gone.

Great! We're at the end of the review path of the roadmap.

News in the Content Container PR

Maybe you received a notification already? By now ooloo-bot has reviewed

the Content Container Pull Request again.

Go ahead and open it on GitHub before you continue.

Interactive Rebase

By now ooloo-bot should have approved your Content Container Pull

Request. If you haven't done yet please go ahead and merge the PR.

Once you merge the PR the situation gets a bit more complicated. The main

and the bottom-section branch both contain the code from the contentcontainer

branch you just merged. But because of the squash merge, they

have different commits.

To get a better understanding let's have a look at the commit history again.

The current commit history

Before the merge we had two commits on the content-container branch,

remember? Now that it is merged the two commits were squashed into a single

commit on the main branch.

The problem is now that we still have the two commits from contentcontainer

inside the bottom-section branch. They are the purple

commits in the below image. Only the orange commit actually belongs to the

bottom-section branch.

Let's confirm that by quickly looking at the commit history of the main and

bottom-section branches.

Note: you have to pull the latest changes from the main branch to

your local repo first.

Why is this a problem?

We have commits in the bottom-section that don't belong there. You may

ask: "So what? We'll squash the commits anyway. They won't appear in the

main branch."

The problem becomes clear when you view the File changes in the Pull

Request on GitHub.

See that GitHub highlighted the changes in the .content class as if they

belonged to the Bottom Section PR? But we never touched the .content

class in this PR. These changes originated from the content-container


The reviewer might be confused: "Didn't I already review this code


Now in a real team, you typically would have larger PRs with many more code

changes. Your teammates would have to review parts of the code twice which is

very time-consuming and annoying. They might even refuse to review the PR.

Better get rid of these two commits

Great idea. But how do we remove specific commits from our history?

This is where the git rebase command comes in again. It has a powerful

This is where the git rebase command comes in again. It has a powerful

option -i or --interactive which makes it a Swiss Army knife for editing

the commit history.

Let's see how we would like our commit history to look like first. Instead of the

current history

the cleaned-up version should look like this:

Here you don't see the purple commits that belonged to the content-

Here you don't see the purple commits that belonged to the contentcontainer

branch anymore. The corresponding code is now in the commit

Content Container (#4).

That looks like a clean commit history.

Interactive Rebase

Altering the commit history is always a bit exciting. It may feel like working

without a safety net since we change the history for good.

That's why it's again important to push the branch to have a backup in case

something goes wrong.

Next, make sure you're on the bottom-section branch.

git checkout bottom-section

And finally, we run the magic command.

git rebase -i main

Once you run this command an editor will open inside your terminal.

Note: If you're unlucky the editor might be VIM. Nothing against VIM, it

can be very powerful. But a lot of beginners don't even know how to

close it again. I remember the first time I came in contact with VIM I

thought I had to shut down my computer to exit!

If that's the case for you have a look here to end the nightmare and

see this page to see how you can select another editor.

When you run the interactive rebase you should now see something like this.

You see the list of commands below the commits!? Quite a lot of things you can

do. From editing commit messages over squash merging to executing bash

commands (!!).

We simply want to remove the top two commits though. That's pretty easy by

replacing the pick at the beginning of the lines with drop or d . It's even

easier to just remove the lines altogether (which is mentioned in the second last


I simply remove the lines with the top two commits that belonged to the

content-container branch.

Now save and exit the editor. You can just overwrite the existing file if you're


This is what you should see.

Great! Everything seems to have worked fine.


Let's quickly verify that the commit history looks as expected. Run the git

log command on the bottom-section branch. This is how my output looks


This looks as expected. Only one commit is left on the bottom-section


Finally, let's have a quick look at the file src/styles.css to see if the

.content and .section classes are still correct.

.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);

width: 720px;

max-width: 100%;

margin: auto;


.section {

height: 450px;

width: 100%;

margin-top: 20px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border: 1px solid black;


For me, everything is still in place. Hopefully for you too.

Force push

The last step on the roadmap is again to force push our changes to update the

remote repository.

Once you pushed you can check the file changes in the Bottom Section PR on

GitHub. Inside the styles, you should only see changes in the .section class

and not the .content class as before.


Great job! You learned about the awesome interactive rebase command and

used it in practice. Seems like we're done for now.

Another PR

But wait. Have you seen it already? ooloo-bot created a new PR.

Maybe you remember that she wanted to take over the Top Section task.

Well, she finished the feature and wants your review.

Have a look at the code changes. They look pretty similar to what we have in

the bottom-section branch. With slight differences though in the markup and

the .content class. These will lead to merge conflicts later on.

Before you continue with the next page quickly approve and merge the Top

Section PR on GitHub.

Merge Conflicts

Since you're here you merged the Top Section Pull Request that ooloo-bot

created. Those changes are now included in the main branch.

Unfortunately, we have a problem. When you have a look at the Bottom

Section PR you'll see that there are merge conflicts.

This means that the files that are listed as Conflicting files have been touched in

the main branch as well as in the bottom-section branch. They have been

changed in a way that Git doesn't know what to do. We'll understand the reason

later on.

Note: GitHub gives two options to resolve the merge conflict: the web

editor or the command line. The web editor might seem like the easier

choice but I would refrain from using it. Even for small conflicts, you

might introduce an error that is easily caught by a Linter or other


How do we continue now with our Git workflow? Let's have another look at the


We didn't have any change requests and already merged the PR. So the next

step is to pull main.

When you're done with that we'll continue with the next question: does a

branch depend on the new changes?

Merge conflicts in a PR are always a good indicator that this question should be

answered with yes. The Top Section PR touched the same files and lines as the

Bottom Section PR so it makes sense that there is some kind of dependency.

That means the next steps are

check out the bottom-section branch

push it

rebase on main.

Go ahead and take the first two steps.

But before you rebase try to answer the following question and continue to the

next page.

Do you need to run a normal or interactive rebase?

Final Rebase

The question was: Do you need to run a normal or interactive rebase?

When you're in doubt you can always use the interactive option. But it's

only required when you want to manually edit the commit history in some way.

So let's have a look at our commit history.

Quick look at the commit history

To get a clear picture of what we want to achieve let's have another look at a

visualization of the current commit history. You can confirm this on your local

machine using the git log command.

We would like to rearrange the commits slightly to get this image.

Do you think we need the interactive rebase or not?


As you can see above we don't need to remove any commits. We just want to

rearrange them so that the commits from main appear before the commit from

the bottom-section branch.

That's what rebase does by default. Thus we can use a simple rebase without

the interactive option.

Go ahead and rebase the bottom-section branch on top of the main


If everything went as planned... you see an error!

A merge conflict

This looks scary! At least that's what I thought the first times I encountered

merge conflicts.

But it doesn't have to be. Let's take a deep breath and read the output line by


The first line seems fine. But then it says

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/styles.css.

And there's a second line which is similar:

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/index.html.

Another important piece of information is this line:

error: could not apply 625e99d... Add bottom section.

What does this all mean?

Being able to read and understand error messages is one of the most important

skills of a software developer. So let's try to understand what this means.

The output says that there was a problem when applying the commit Add

bottom section . Remember that Git first takes all the commits from the main

branch and adds each commit of the bottom-section branch one after

another. Basically, Git didn't know how to do that.

The reasons are the files src/styles.css and src/index.html as

mentioned in the first two lines. But we don't know yet what exactly the

problem is.

We'll find out soon.

Resolving the Conflicts

Resolving merge conflicts can be hard. Especially when there are multiple or

large conflicts that involve changes from different developers. Sometimes you

might even need to resolve them as a team.

Luckily, in our case, it won't get so complicated. We'll start simple.

Resolving the conflict in index.html

Open the file src/index.html . This is what I see.

Note: I'm using VS Code and the GitLens extension. I guess that's

where some of the fancy stuff comes from.

Again looks a bit scary or confusing at least. So let me quickly explain.

The code between <<<<<<< HEAD and ======= belongs to the last successful

commit. Which is the Top Section (#6) commit from the main branch. You

can confirm this by running git log in the terminal.

The code between ======= and >>>>>>> belongs to the failed commit

(meaning the Add bottom section commit from the bottom-section


Maybe you remember: In both commits, there's one <section> element as a

child of the <main> HTML element. This is from the top section.

<main class="content">

<section class="section">

Top section



And this from the bottom section.

<main class="content">

<section class="section">

Bottom section



The code is almost the same. But the content of the <section> element is


So Git doesn't know which one it should take. Should it take the text Top

Section or rather Bottom Section . And Git is right to complain.

What we actually need is to have two section elements. One for the top and

one for the bottom section. So, replace the current content of src/index.html

with this

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>GitHub Pull Request Flow Course</title>

<meta name="description" content="GitHub Pull Request Flow


<meta name="author" content="Johannes Kettmann">

<link rel="stylesheet"



<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">



<header class="header">



<main class="content">

+ <section class="section">

+ Top section

+ </section>

+ <section class="section">

+ Bottom section

+ </section>


<footer class="footer">





Resolving the conflict in styles.css

When you open the file src/styles.css you should see something like this.

There are two conflicts. One in the .content class and one in the .section


In the top-section branch we saw that ooloo-bot added the padding:

20px to the .content class. The padding ensures that we have some empty

space around the content on mobile devices. So this has to stay.

In the bottom-section branch we added the margin-top: 20px to the

.section class. We used the margin to have vertical space between two

sections. Otherwise, the sections would stick together. This is not covered by

the padding so the margin has to stay as well.

This is the new content of the file src/style.css .

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 140px);

width: 760px;

max-width: 100%;

margin: auto;

+ padding: 20px;


.section {

height: 450px;

width: 100%;

+ margin-top: 20px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border: 1px solid black;


Continuing the rebase

To mark the conflicts as resolved we have to stage them. Run the following


git add .

To continue the rebase use the --continue option.

git rebase --continue

An editor should open and ask for a commit message.

You can simply save and exit. This way we use the original commit message

Add bottom section .

The rebase should now continue without problems.

Perfect. Seems like we're done.

But before we pop the champagne and call it a day let's do a last check.

Uncovering a Problem

We're almost done. But there are a few steps left. Here is our path on the

roadmap one last time.

We successfully rebased the bottom-section branch on main . So the next

step is double-check that everything is working.


First, let's have a look at the commit history. This is what mine looks like.

That looks as expected. The Top Section (#6) commit is the last on the

main branch and there's only one commit on the bottom-section branch.

Let's also make sure that the website looks fine. Run the following command if

you have npm installed on your machine. Otherwise, trust me with the

screenshot below.

npm start

Now visit localhost:5000 and you should see this.

This looks almost right. But there's a small problem:

The empty space below the header is too large. It should be the same as

above the footer.

The explanation is that ooloo-bot added a padding: 20px to the .content

class in the Top Section PR. We added a margin-top: 20px to the .section

class in the Bottom Section PR.

Either one of them was working fine. But the combination of both

introduces a bug and leads to twice the space above the first section.

That's why we should always double-check the functionality.

Final fix

Open the file src/styles.css and add the highlighted lines.

body {

font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 18px;


.header {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-bottom: 1px solid black;


.footer {

height: 49px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border-top: 1px solid black;


.content {

min-height: calc(100vh - 140px);

width: 760px;

max-width: 100%;

margin: auto;

padding: 20px;


.section {

height: 450px;

width: 100%;

margin-top: 20px;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;

border: 1px solid black;



+.section:first-child {

+ margin-top: 0;


Now everything looks great

You only need to commit the changes.

Update the PR

We're on the homestretch. Your boss is happy and your teammate ooloo-bot

is cheering you

Go ahead and force push the branch to the remote repository on GitHub.

Finally, open the Bottom Section PR and request a new review.

Note: you first have to unselect ooloo-bot as a reviewer and then

request a review again. It's important to close the dropdown after

unselecting the reviewer as shown in the video below.

ooloo-bot should approve the PR in a matter of seconds.

The last step is to click the merge button (and update your local main

branch if you like).

Final Words

Congrats! You succesfully finished this course about using Git in a professional

team. I hope you learned a thing or two.

If you found this course valuable please don't forget to share it with your

friends on Twitter or elsewhere. It would mean a lot to me.

Finally, let's quickly recap what we covered:

a Git workflow using Pull Requests and code reviews

merging and squash merging

using rebase to incorporate changes from other branches

using interactive rebase to edit the commit history

resolving merge conflicts

force pushing (with the force-with-lease option)

This is a great foundation to start using Git in a professional team.

Last but not least, don't forget to get your guide.

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!