How to Eliminate the Three Common Enemies of Your Favorite Area Rug

Oriental rugs are prone to dust and grime over the time. It’s time to get it cleaned with professional oriental rug cleaning in Charlotte provided by Mr. Clean Carpet Cleaning. For immediate booking of our oriental rug cleaning Charlotte, get in touch with us at (704)790-9025. OR Please visit the website page https://www.mrcleancarpetclean.com/oriental-&-specialty.php

Oriental rugs are prone to dust and grime over the time. It’s time to get it cleaned with professional oriental rug cleaning in Charlotte provided by Mr. Clean Carpet Cleaning. For immediate booking of our oriental rug cleaning Charlotte, get in touch with us at (704)790-9025. OR Please visit the website page https://www.mrcleancarpetclean.com/oriental-&-specialty.php


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How to

Eliminate the



Enemies of



Area Rug

Area rugs are essential components that make or break the entire look of the home

space. The homeowner must take the initiative to take special care to upkeep such d

ecorating elements and keep them as clean as new. Taking the assistance of a reliabl

e area rug cleaning in Charlotte, NC, can be superior assistance to keep the area rug

and the home look elegant and graceful. Clean area rugs give a new look to your ho

me. Any neglect in the cleaning process or regular cleaning will lead to dust collectio

n and make your space unhygienic & abnormal. Most homeowners don’t know the c

ommon enemies of their area rugs and how to keep them spik and span. Let’s have

a quick brief on some of the common elements that cause damage to your costly inv



Most people never think of shoes as t

he biggest enemy of rugs and carpets

. But, have you ever imagined when y

ou enter your home with shoes that c

arry so much dust and harmful bacter

ia? No wonder your carpet is looking

clean and healthy still; it will receive al

l those bacteria and dust particles tha

t come with your shoes. The best way

to prevent the costly area rugs or car

pets from being ruined by dirt and co

ntamination is to prohibiting the outd

oor footwear from entering into your

home or the floors covered with such

rugs. Make a rule not to wear outdoo

r footwear inside your home! Using th

e mats or rugs at the gate of high-tra

ffic areas is a wise way to reduce the

dirt or bacteria from the area rugs or



The most prominent enemy of the

carpet is a spill and pet accident.

But you may not be removed fro

m such hard-to-remove spots. You

cannot avoid the incidents, but yo

u can get rid of such issue by taki

ng care of such spills as soon as t

he spill happen. Shoe polish, coffe

e, wine, and lipstick are a few kind

s of stains that can be very tough

to eliminate. It is essential to call a

professional area rug cleaning in C

harlotte, NC, with the skill, experie

nce, and advanced stain or spill fi

ghting agents to remove it perma

nently. They can remove the toug

h to handle spill or stain without

doing any harm to the carpet fibe



Pets can bring comfort and joy

to your house! It would be bes

t if you accepted the fact that

they are one of the crucial ene

mies of your lavished area rug.

Pet accidents can bring biologi

cal contaminants into the hom

e. Even clean and well-groome

d pets may carry traces of urin

e, dander’s, and many other th

ings. Regular vacuuming and p

rofessional rug cleaning assista

nce, along with the setting gro

und rules, can be supportive t

o keep the area rugs clean.

Call the area rug cleaning professiona

ls at Mr. Clean.

It is essential to do a deep clean on yo

ur carpets once a year. It will help you

save your area rug from the above thre

ats. A specialized area rug cleaning in

Charlotte, NC, like Mr Clean Carpet Cle

aning, will help you provide exceptional

service beyond expectation. They assur

e you there will be no such footmarks,

spillages, and pets stains penetrate dee

per and deeper into your rugs & carpe

ts. They preserve your area rug’s appea

rance and cleanliness and help you hav

e a pleasant relationship with carpet an

d pets. For more information, please co

ntact them at (704)790-9025 today!

227 W 4th St. Charlotte

N.C 28202




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