Embodiment of LOVE Playbook-2

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Embodiment of Radiant Love:

A Journey from Chaos to Love

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

A Free Master Class Experience to shift stress, overwhelm, anxiety to

cultivate more Love & Connection for yourself & our world during these chaotic times.

Our Collective Intention:

We offer practices, personal stories, reflections, and new perspectives in how you receive

nurturance, and how to choose PLAY more.

Enjoy the journey while falling madly in love with your perfectly imperfect self and our


1.What is Chaos to you?

2. What does Self Care mean for you & how can you make more time & space for YOU with


3. What is wrong with our Selfish world and how we can change it by starting with you to

ripple the waves of love from the inside out to all of us.

4. What is Self Love, & why we need it more than ever right now for all of us.

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

Imagine after this Master Class that you will feel…

Grounded and centered.

Able to say "yes" to what really brings you joy & pleasure.

You can live the life you want without doubt, fear, and anxiety

holding you back.

Lighter and more energized.

You can smile and laugh more authentically.

You can begin to trust your intuition again.

How else do you want to feel?

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

What does Chaos look like?

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

What does the opposite look like?

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

What does Self Care mean for you?

What is PLAY at the nOMad Collective?

Embodiment of Love

The nOMad Collective presents

Pause what you are doing

Listen to messages from body, emotions, thoughts

Activate the vibration you want to feel

Yes- say a full body "YES!" and allow it to enter

How do we do it?

Simply set aside time (start with 7 minutes) for Unstructured Playtime for yourself.

Set a timer or put it on the schedule, whatever works best for you

Enter into the space

1. Pause. Whatever task you were doing before, completely stop to make the

transition. Phones, computers, notifications OFF!

2. Listen. Take a few breaths to listen to what is here for you now. Listen to what

your body needs in the moment.

3. Activate. If you feel you need a shift of energy, set the intention of how you

want to feel at the end of the 7 minutes.

4. YES! Whatever message came to you, go do it/be it for the rest of your 7

minutes!!! Dance it out, scream it out, sleep it out, meditate, whatever you

want/need. IT IS YOUR TIME!! CLAIM IT!

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

Describe your Nurturing Figure...

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

Your Commitment to Embodiment...

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

Loving-Kindness Meditation

May I be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm

May I be happy and content

May I be healthy and whole

May I experience ease of well being

Bring someone you love to your mind, bring them down to your heart, imagine he/she is sitting in

front of you and say…

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm

May you be happy and content

May you be healthy and whole

May you experience ease of well being

Bring someone that is neutral to you (like a local barista you see everyday) to your mind, bring

them down to your heart, imagine he/she is sitting in front of you and say…

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm

May you be happy and content

May you be healthy and whole

May you experience ease of well being

Bring someone that you have a difficult relationship with to your mind, bring them down to your

heart, imagine he/she is sitting in front of you and say…

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm

May you be happy and content

May you be healthy and whole

May you experience ease of well being

Bring all beings in this vast universe to your heart and say…

May all beings be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm

May all beings be happy and content

May all beings be healthy and whole

May all beings experience ease of well being

The nOMad Collective presents

Embodiment of Love

Stay Connected...

If you want more of this type of connection with other, more expanded &

somatic practices to help you feel more grounded, centered, embodied,

and empowered...

If you are ready to learn more, go deep into your own emotional recovery

story and transform into a Radiant Storyteller while you receive support

& guidance, apply for our Embodiment Program that will be led by

Phoebe with shared practices & her journey from her upcoming book.


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