Torklaw Los Angeles

Welcome to Torklaw injury and accident attorneys Los Angeles branch. We are a leading personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles, California. Our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers understand the adversity you're facing and we're ready to help you fight for the compensation you need. TorkLaw is an award-winning law firm that exclusively represents victims of serious personal injury and wrongful death of a loved one through motor vehicle accidents, dangerous products, or unsafe conditions on a property. We offer a FREE, no-obligation consultation, and work on contingency - meaning you don't pay anything unless we win or settle your case. Our compassionate, comprehensive representation has allowed us to recover millions of dollars for our clients. If you're injured - our Los Angeles car accident lawyer can help. For more details visit our website TorkLaw Firm is a full-service personal injury law firm that handles all manor of injury cases, including: Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death, Bicycle Accidents, Product Liability, Premises Liability, Dangerous Drugs, Defective Medical Devices.

Welcome to Torklaw injury and accident attorneys Los Angeles branch. We are a leading personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles, California. Our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers understand the adversity you're facing and we're ready to help you fight for the compensation you need. TorkLaw is an award-winning law firm that exclusively represents victims of serious personal injury and wrongful death of a loved one through motor vehicle accidents, dangerous products, or unsafe conditions on a property. We offer a FREE, no-obligation consultation, and work on contingency - meaning you don't pay anything unless we win or settle your case. Our compassionate, comprehensive representation has allowed us to recover millions of dollars for our clients. If you're injured - our Los Angeles car accident lawyer can help. For more details visit our website
TorkLaw Firm is a full-service personal injury law firm that handles all manor of injury cases, including: Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death, Bicycle Accidents, Product Liability, Premises Liability, Dangerous Drugs, Defective Medical Devices.


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Welcome to Torklaw injury and accident attorneys Los Angeles branch. We are a leading personal

injury attorneys in Los Angeles, California. Our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers understand the

adversity you're facing and we're ready to help you fight for the compensation you need. TorkLaw is

an award-winning law firm that exclusively represents victims of serious personal injury and wrongful

death of a loved one through motor vehicle accidents, dangerous products, or unsafe conditions on

a property. We offer a FREE, no-obligation consultation, and work on contingency - meaning you

don't pay anything unless we win or settle your case. Our compassionate, comprehensive

representation has allowed us to recover millions of dollars for our clients. If you're injured - our Los

Angeles car accident lawyer can help. For more details visit our website.

After a car accident, depending on its outcome, you may likely need the assistance of an auto

accident lawyer near you. Instead of searching the internet for just any “car accident lawyer near

me,” you want a top-rated car accident attorney who is skilled and successful. At TorkLaw, our

auto accident lawyers have the experience and means to take your vehicle accident case from

inception through investigation, to settlement and/or a trial, if necessary.

I Was Injured in a Vehicle Accident – Do I Need an Accident Attorney?

If you were injured in a car accident, you probably have many questions:

How do I pay for my medical expenses?

Who will pay for my vehicle repairs?

How will I be reimbursed for continuing treatment and care if my injuries cause long-term


How do I manage these and other expenses if I have to take time off work?

How can I protect my family’s future financial security if I need to quit my job altogether?

The answers can have a significant impact on your life, and that of your family.

TorkLaw‘s accident injury lawyers have a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of car

accident law and the auto insurance industry, which comes from our extensive experience in

handling a variety of vehicle accident cases. We provide compassionate, comprehensive

customer service and skilled legal representation to our clients. Our results are a testament to

our tenacity, resourcefulness and knowledge.

We practice in several states, so chances are, there is a TorkLaw car accident lawyer near you.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

A confident car accident lawyer should cost you nothing out-of-pocket, and guarantee their

results by only charging you if they successfully resolve your case. At TorkLaw, our car accident

lawyers will not charge you a dime if they do not successfully resolve your case.

When they do resolve your case, you will be charged a percentage of the damages they

obtained for you, out of your settlement. These percentages can vary, but they will be clearly

laid out for you in the retainer agreement.

Reza Torkzadeh

Critical Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

The actions you take and the decisions you make after a car accident can be critical to the

outcome of your claim, and the amount of compensation you receive. Here are the crucial steps

to take in the aftermath of a major car accident.

File a police report.

Remain at the scene of the car accident and contact the police. When they arrive,

recount your version of the circumstances so that it goes into a police report. You should

also get the badge number and the name of the responding officer and his or her

department.The police report is typically available at the department a few days after the

incident. It is important to obtain a signed copy for your records. If you are injured and

unable to do this, your lawyer can help obtain the police report for you The report will

have important details including date, time and location of the car accident as well as a

narrative written by the officer containing his or her assessment of the incident. This may

prove to be a valuable piece of evidence for you.

Gather and preserve evidence.

Physical evidence at a car accident site may include debris from the vehicles that were

involved, torn or bloodied clothing, skid marks from the tires, etc. If you or someone else

is able, take photos and video footage at the crash scene showing the location and

position of the vehicles. Obtain information from other parties involved including driver’s

license, vehicle insurance details, license plate number, contact information, etc. If

possible, talk to other people at the scene who may have witnessed the crash. These

individuals may disperse soon after the accident, so it is vitally important to speak to

them right away and get their contact information should you need to speak to them

later. Eyewitness accounts are extremely valuable as they could help corroborate your

statements throughout the case.The vehicles themselves are also critical pieces of

physical evidence, which must be preserved for examination. Often in such cases, a

crash reconstruction expert will collate all the pieces of evidence to effectively present an

account of why the crash occurred or how it all happened. An experienced car accident

lawyer can help preserve vital evidence by writing a spoliation letter to the relevant

parties. This helps ensure that the evidence in a car accident case is not misplaced, lost

or destroyed in the aftermath.

Korosh Torkzadeh

Receive prompt medical attention.

If you have been injured, it is important to accept treatment at the scene and ask to be

transported to the nearest hospital or emergency room. Even if you believe you haven’t

suffered serious injuries, our car accident lawyers strongly recommend that you pay your

doctor a visit. Some injuries sustained in car accidents, such as whiplash, don’t manifest

immediately, and it may take days or weeks for you to feel the symptoms. When you get

prompt medical attention, you increase your chances of a quicker recovery — and you

also generate a record documenting your injuries and the treatment you received. This

can prevent a “gap in treatment” that might work against you.

File the necessary reports with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

For example, in California, if a car accident results in injury or more than $1000 property

damage, all drivers involved are required to submit an SR-1 form to the DMV within 10


Be careful about what you say.

It is in your best interest to call your insurance company and report the details of the

crash. However, you should refrain from speaking with the other party’s insurance

companies or adjusters, or their defense attorneys. Remember, anything you say can

and most likely will be used against you. Don’t post any details about the incident on

social media or online (i.e., written posts, photos or videos). These may also be used

against you. In fact, it would be best to suspend your social media and similar online

activity until your case is resolved.

Contact an experienced personal injury attorney.

Retaining the services of a knowledgeable accident injury lawyer is essential if you have

been injured. Many injured accident victims are forced to stay away from work until they

recover, which means they lose income for an extended period. This is why car

accidents are not just physically traumatic, but also emotionally and financially draining

for victims and their families. You need an experienced advocate on your side, who will

fight for your rights and help your claim move quickly through the process so you can get

the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Click here for a printable infographic on What to Do After An Accident that you can keep in your

vehicle as a reminder.

Understanding Legal Negligence in a Car Accident Case

In any accident injury case, negligence is a major factor when it comes to establishing fault and

liability. A vast majority of car accidents are caused by human error, carelessness or even

deliberate wrongdoing. Motorists have a responsibility to operate their vehicles safely and owe a

duty of care to everyone else, including their own passengers and all other road users. In order

to receive compensation, plaintiffs or the injured victims in car accidents, may have to prove that

the other party was negligent.

Here are just some of the most common car accident causes that may result in injuries and/or


Unsafe or Unprotected Left Turn: One of the most common collisions that we see, is

the unsafe left turn. In most cases, a driver attempts to turn left across traffic when there

is not enough time for them to clear the roadway to avoid impact.

Drunk or drugged driving: When a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs, his or her

judgment is compromised, which increases the risk of a car accident. When a driver

causes a car accident while under the influence, he or she can be held financially

responsible for the victim’s losses. However, the driver doesn’t have to be charged with

driving under the influence for you to claim negligence. If he or she had been drinking

and caused the accident, then that would amount to negligence.

Distracted driving: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

defines a distraction as any activity that causes drivers to take their eyes off the road,

their hands off the wheel, or their attention away from the act of driving. These

distractions include such activities as eating, drinking, grooming, using a cell phone,

fiddling with the radio or GPS, talking to a passenger, or holding or having an

unrestrained pet in the car, among others.

Drowsy driving: Not many drivers realize they are being negligent when they drive

when fatigued or sleepy. Fatigued driving has the potential to cause catastrophic or even

fatal crashes. Driving while drowsy affects your ability to operate the vehicle safely as

your attention, reaction times and ability to make good decisions may be seriously

compromised. Drowsy driving amounts to negligent driving, and fatigued drivers can be

held liable for the car accidents they cause.

Violating rules of the road: As drivers, we have a legal obligation to follow the rules of

the road including stopping for red lights and stop signs, yielding the right-of-way to other

vehicles and pedestrians, making safe turns and lane changes, observing the speed

limit, and so forth. When drivers intentionally or inadvertently break these rules and

cause an accident, they can be held financially responsible for the resulting injuries and


Defective autos: In many cases, a defective vehicle or part, such as a defective tire or

airbag, may cause, contribute to, or worsen the effect of a car accident. In such cases,

the automaker or the manufacturer of the defective part can be held accountable for the

injuries, damages and losses caused.

What is My Car Accident Case Worth?

The value or worth of your claim will depend on the nature and extent of your injuries and the

degree of defendant’s negligence. Every car accident case is unique and there is no clear-cut

formula to determine the worth of your case. However, here are some of the factors that

influence the amount of damages you may be able to collect.

Vehicle damage: Your insurance company will assess the damages to your vehicle.

This is something that will likely be included in your car accident claim. You will be able

to seek reimbursement for any repairs that were done on your vehicle or, if your car was

totaled, the cost of a replacement vehicle.

Medical expenses: You may seek compensation for all medical expenses resulting from

the accident, including ambulance transportation, emergency room costs, hospital visits,

surgery, cost of medication, medical equipment, and more. You can also seek

compensation for any type of ongoing rehabilitative therapy you may need to recover

completely such as physical therapy or chiropractic care.

Lost income: This includes any wages or income and benefits you may have lost as a

result of your injuries. You may also include lost earning capacity or loss of livelihood.

This is often the case where victims have suffered catastrophic injuries such as

amputations, paralysis or traumatic brain injuries and are unable to return to work or

earn a livelihood.

Pain and suffering: These are known as non-economic losses or damages that cannot

be easily quantified. This includes compensation for the physical pain and discomfort

you experience after the accident, as well as emotional suffering. Many car accident

victims suffer from psychological issues such as depression and post-traumatic stress

disorder or PTSD.

An experienced car accident lawyer can help you document all your losses and assist you with

determining the value or worth of your claim. It is also crucial that you don’t sign any legal forms

or enter into agreements without consulting your lawyer. Doing so might jeopardize your ability

to seek full compensation for all your losses. In serious injury cases, it might take several

months for a complete picture to emerge. If you rush into settling with the insurance company,

your case will be closed and you may not be able to seek any further compensation.

What an Experienced Car Accident Attorney Can Do for You

A knowledgeable and skilled car accident lawyer will be your legal advocate and a champion of

your physical recovery. They will work to show that you are a victim of someone else’s

negligence and deserving of financial compensation for ordeal that you have been subjected to.

At TorkLaw, our car accident attorneys will first and foremost see to it that you get the medical

treatment you need to make a speedy and full recovery. If a full recovery is not possible, they

will seek out additional compensation to est recovery seek out compensation for:

the especially in cases where victims have suffered serious injuries or have lost a loved one. We

realize that car accidents have an impact not just on the victims, but also on their family

members. Our attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of car accident law, and a

successful track record of representing car accident victims.

At TorkLaw, we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our clients and treating them with

dignity, respect and compassion. We have been able to help numerous clients receive fair and

full compensation for medical expenses, lost income and other losses sustained in car


Email or Call our TorkLaw Auto Accident Attorneys Toll Free

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, please contact TorkLaw to obtain

information and advice about your legal rights and options. We offer free, comprehensive and

confidential consultations.

This means you can get legal advice from an auto accident injury pro, and it won’t cost you a

dime – even if you decide against hiring our company. So contact us; you have nothing to lose,

and a great deal to gain.

Email us at info@torklaw.com, call toll-free @ 888.845.9696, or complete the form on this page

and we’ll call you.

More About Auto Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Drunk Driving Accident Victims

Passenger Rights

Uninsured Motorist Accidents

Accidents in Road Construction Zones

Auto Accident Causes

Distracted Driving Accidents

Drowsy Driving Accidents

Left Turn – Failure to Yield Accidents

Liability in Uncommon Accident Types

Single Vehicle Accidents

Local Car Accident Lawyers

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Detroit Car Accident Lawyer

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Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

Orange County Car Accident Lawyer

Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer

Riverside Car Accident Lawyer

Sacramento Car Accident Lawyer

San Bernardino Car Accident Lawyer

San Diego Car Accident Lawyer

San Francisco Car Accident Lawyer

Seattle Car Accident Lawyer

Washington DC Car Accident Lawyer

Name Of Law Firm: Torklaw

Street Address:

811 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1700, Los Angeles, CA 90017, USA

Phone: 310-935-1111

Website URL:




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