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Participants were able to complete the tasks

given to them.


8/10/2021 IE University Mail - Individual Project Points

Asem Aboushaban <a.aboushaban@student.ie.edu>

Individual Project Points

Josipa Bašić <jbasic@faculty.ie.edu> 19 December 2020 at 21:43

To: Asem Aboushaban <a.aboushaban@student.ie.edu>

Dear Asem,

Here are your points for the Individual project.

You can see the breakdown and the points you earned in different categories. If you have any questions, please let me

know as soon as possible because I need to finalize the grades mid next week.

Your Points

Introduction 10% (10 points) 10

Product description


Methodology 50%

(based on proposal and what shown

in presentation)

(50 points) 48

Alignment of research design

Process and role of moderator

Setup and tools

Research script


In general, hypothesis is not needed when doing

usability testing, especially exploratory one.

aligned and clearly explained



clearly explained

Results 20% (20 points) 10


Clarity & organisation

Severity & prevalence

Great use of visuals and participant verbatim.

Task completion rate: this is a metric we normally assign

during the analysis. You do not need to ask participants

if they completed the task. Oftentimes, their perceived

completion might be different from the actual result

since they do not always know the happy path.

NPS is not really used as a part of usability testing since

it measures customer loyalty to a brand and we are

actually interested in the design and user flows - so

interaction with the product on a micro level.

Severity included. Prevalence not.

Recommendations 10% (10 points)

Clear and Actionable

Use of visuals

10 All recommendations are clear and actionable

Presentation 10% (10 points) 10

Overall formatting (clear, visually

pleasant, innovative)

Great presentation! looks professional, well organized

and visually pleasing

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=b631ef63cb&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1686540752662585499&simpl=msg-f%3A1686540752662585499 1/2

8/10/2021 IE University Mail - Individual Project Points




Josipa Bašić, PhD

Adjunct Professor

Total 88/100

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=b631ef63cb&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1686540752662585499&simpl=msg-f%3A1686540752662585499 2/2

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