Waterlines 21 August v2

Quarterly publication of the Grand Traverse Yacht Club of Traverse City, Michigan

Quarterly publication of the Grand Traverse Yacht Club of Traverse City, Michigan


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Waterlines, August 2021

The Dick Bassett Trophy

GTYC’s Newest

Annual Race Trophy

The newest trophy in the Grand Traverse Yacht

Club’s collec9on may also be its oldest! The

trophy has been donated as an award to the

winner by way of best corrected 9me on handicap

of an annual Around the Island Race it which

compe9tors have the choice to go either way

around the course which passes the former island

home of namesake Dick BasseD. The small island

at the end of the isthmus adjoined to BasseD

Island helped inspire the “Hound Dog RegaDa”

name when the event had its origin in 1999

The triple-handled silver plate donated to serve as

the Dick BasseD Trophy is a vintage piece that was

manufactured in the late 1800s by the Derby Silver

Plate Company of Meridian, Connec9cut in the

same 9me period that BasseD made his home on

his island in Grand Traverse Bay.

The vase is "quadruple plate" silver, meaning that

the thickness of its electroplated silver finish is

four 9mes the standard of the commercial silver

industry at that 9me in the late 1800s. The Derby

Silver Plate Company began opera9ons in 1872

and began mass distribu9on of a wide range of

products in 1877. The company made household

and grooming items -- mirrors, combs, clocks,

brushes, tableware, flatware, tea sets, children’s

cups, loving cups (trophies), candles9cks, fruit

baskets, dishes, and basically anything that was

plated with or made of silver.

The Derby brand was sold under its own mark

featuring an anchor un9l 1898 when the company

merged with the Interna9onal Silver Company, a

conglomera9on of Connec9cut silver

manufacturers, with its original manufacturing

plant con9nuing opera9on un9l 1933.

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