Grove City Messenger - August 22nd, 2021
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PAGE 2 - GROVE CITY MESSENGER - <strong>August</strong> 22, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Blood drives in <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
The American Red Cross will host several blood drives<br />
in <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong>. The events will be held:<br />
•Aug. 24 from 12 to 6 p.m. at First Baptist <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
•Aug. 24 from 12 to 6 p.m. at <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong> Elks Lodge No.<br />
37<br />
•Aug. 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
Library<br />
•Aug. 27 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Jackson<br />
Township Administration Office<br />
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community events<br />
•Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran<br />
•Aug. 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Mount Carmel <strong>Grove</strong><br />
<strong>City</strong><br />
To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-448-3543 or<br />
visit<br />
S.A.L.T. at Evans Center<br />
The <strong>Grove</strong> <strong>City</strong> Division of Police host Seniors and Law<br />
Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T.) meetings at 1 p.m. the<br />
second Tuesday of each month at the Evans Center, 4330<br />
Dudley Ave. Adults of all ages are welcome to<br />
attend. If you would like additional information on<br />
SWCS<br />
Continued from page 1<br />
health boards to mitigate the potential spread of<br />
COVID-19 in their schools.<br />
“We are continuing many of our practices and protocols<br />
from last school year, which include but are not<br />
limited to physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory<br />
etiquette and cleaning and maintaining<br />
healthy facilities including ventilation improvements,”<br />
wrote Sandra Nekoloff, the district’s executive director<br />
of communications, in an email.<br />
She added that the district will also continue to follow<br />
the Ohio Department of Health’s quarantine and<br />
contact tracing guidelines; recommend but not require<br />
(COVID-19) vaccines; make appropriate accommodations<br />
for students with disabilities; and follow federal<br />
orders on transportation protocols.<br />
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention<br />
(CDC) is requiring that all students who take public<br />
transportation to school wear a facial covering while<br />
they are on the bus.<br />
The public reaction to the district’s announcement<br />
that it would be a ‘mask-friendly’ district for the start<br />
of the <strong>2021</strong>-22 school year on Aug. 25 was mixed. For<br />
every person who celebrated the decision, there was<br />
one who expressed disappointment.<br />
Chandra Fredrick was one of those who were disappointed<br />
by the district’s decision not to require masks<br />
for its students and staff. On Aug. 9, she came before<br />
the board of education at its regular meeting to ask the<br />
district to reconsider its choice.<br />
Fredrick said one of her children, a 10-year-old who<br />
is going into his fifth grade year, is immunocompromised<br />
and she fears for his safety should she send him<br />
to school with the current guidelines in place.<br />
She said prior to the revised mask policy announcement,<br />
she and her husband had enough confidence in<br />
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Vaccine clinic at Westland High<br />
OhioHealth will host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic<br />
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Tuesday through Aug. 31. The<br />
clinic will be held at Westland High School, 146 Galloway<br />
Road in Galloway. To schedule an appointment, call 614-<br />
566-8187. Walk-in are also accepted. For more information,<br />
visit<br />
the district’s decision-making process regarding<br />
COVID-19 protocols last year that they re-enrolled<br />
their three children after nearly a year of home-schooling.<br />
“Because our district did such a great job with<br />
COVID precautions last year, we felt comfortable<br />
enrolling our kids in school for the fall,” said Fredrick.<br />
“But now, you’re throwing away the most important<br />
method of protection for our unvaccinated kids by not<br />
requiring masks in school.<br />
“We know that masks work. We know the science.<br />
You’re an education board, you teach science. We know<br />
that masks work. We know masks are the reason that<br />
transmission in our schools was so low last year. You<br />
can say that you care about all of our kids but your current<br />
policy demonstrates the opposite.”<br />
Fredrick said her child wants to go to school, wants<br />
to catch up with his friends and wants to get involved<br />
in activities. She said she wants to send him to school<br />
but is filled with anxiety by the thought of doing so if<br />
the district maintains its current policy. She said children<br />
who are immunocompromised or disabled should<br />
not have to find alternative methods of learning simply<br />
because “some parents don’t want their kids to wear a<br />
mask.”<br />
Shortly before this article went to press, Governor<br />
Mike DeWine urged school districts throughout the<br />
state to reconsider their mask policies if they have not<br />
mandated its use. “At the very least,” he wrote on this<br />
official Twitter account, “consider requiring masks for<br />
the next few weeks when we know the spread level will<br />
be very high.”<br />
As of press time, district officials maintain they will<br />
begin the school year with its current requirements<br />
and protocols in place. They said their policies could<br />
change if mandates were to change.<br />
In March, the state legislature passed<br />
Senate Bill 22 which allows lawmakers to<br />
rescind health orders like the mask mandate<br />
via concurrent resolution, which circumvents<br />
the governor. It also blocks local<br />
health departments from banning mass<br />
gatherings or closing schools unless a dangerous<br />
communicable disease becomes<br />
unusually prevalent.<br />
In July, Franklin County Public Health<br />
and Columbus Public Health recommended<br />
universal masking policies for all students<br />
and staff members in the upcoming <strong>2021</strong>-22<br />
school year — even if they are fully vaccinated.<br />
Children under the age of 12 are not yet<br />
eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.