The LOCAL Gympie Issue 1 WIP 4

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2 Lifestyle, Community & Health

Have your say...write to us

Issue 1 2021

Published monthly.

Phone 0447 924 507.



100% independently and locally


10,000 COPIES

Next Issue Oct 6

Independent Owner

Matt Owen 0447 924 507

Thank you to our issue 1



Michelle Daly

Sean Morrow

Dan Vanderhouk

Fi Keable

Elisabeth Fekonia

While great care has been taken to

ensure the accuracy and contents of

the publication, the Gympie and Surrounds

accepts no responsibility for

inaccuracies. The views expressed in

this publication do not necessarily represent

the views held by Gympie and

Surrounds . All content is copyright

and may not be reproduced without

permission. The production of this

FREE newspaper is only made possible

by you continuing to support our local


In order to maintain acceptable editorial

standards we reserve the right

to edit content and, where necessary,

the spelling, punctuation, grammar

and readability of all articles submitted

for publication in The Gympie

and Surrounds News. We are a small

Community Newspaper and welcome

submissions from our readers and

community groups which will provide

us with relevant information about

our region and provide a platform on

which to voice their opinion. Responsibility

for the accuracy of the content of

submissions remains with the contributor.

Join us this month for a

chat with Gympie Golf

Course Professional/

Operations Manager, Sean


Listen to our podcast

show here

From the


Welcome to The

Local Gympie

and Surrounds


Wow. Where do I start? Firstly, spring

is my favourite time of year. Coming

out of the cool, foggy winter with

short days into the warmer, longer

days more suited to outdoor living.

It is a great time of year and several

of our stories are linked to this time

of year, with the aquatic centre, golf

course, koalas and short drives more

prevalent at this time of year.

It is a great feeling to get issue 1

distributed of The Local Gympie and

Surrounds News. It has been a longtime

goal to produce a free community

newspaper that provides news and

information to the community whilst

providing an advertising platform for

local small businesses and community


With my background is journalism, social

marketing, podcasting, videography

and digital marketing this will not

be a traditional print newspaper. We

will have links to videos and podcasts

throughout the publication so keep an

eye out for the QR codes to take you

from print media to digital media!

Examples of this digital media include

podcasts from this publication, Eco

Convos with Dan and Big Picture

Living with Victoria, Fi and Matt from

Real Body Movement and of course

our very own podcast for this publication.

It is an exciting concept that

you can sit down, read your free local

paper and listen to a podcast or watch

a video related to that article. It really

is multi-dimensional media!

COVID. Have your say. The narrative

of COVID after 18 months is now

focussed on vaccinations as a way to

minimise lockdowns. While in Gympie

we have been relatively fortunate we

want to hear how COVID has affected

you and what you think. Simply complete

our survey by following the QR

code on page 3. Our sister publication,

The Local Island and Surrounds (Bribie

Island) have had tighter regulations

being in the Moreton Bay region so

it will be interesting to compare the

results from the two publications.

One point I would like to highlight

about COVID is that it is interesting

to research other countries and to

see where they are at in terms of case

numbers and how they are going

about everyday life. I feel that the

approach from the State Governments

around daily press conferences

highlighting cases has been a negative

approach that instils fear into the

community, as opposed to transparency

with a positive approach. Hopefully

this will begin to evolve. Another

major concern around COVID is the

social issues that may occur due to the

personal choice around being vaccinated

or not vaccinated. Read more

about COVID on page 3.

Thank you immensely to the following

people and groups:

• Our Community Contributors

play such a vital role in this publication.

Thank you to Dan, Victoria,

Elisabeth, Sally, Sean, Fi and

Michelle. You will see their details

in the relevant articles.

• Belinda Ferguson and the team

from our sister publication, The

Local Island and Surrounds. Without

your support Belinda, this

publication would not have been

possible. Thank you.

• Our Podcast Show guest for this

issue, Sean Dwyer from Gympie

Golf Course.

• Our advertisers. A massive thank

you for jumping on board for our

very first issue. Support local, buy

local. There are many benefits to

buying local. Here are ten that I

can think of. Can you think of any

more? Can you think of reasons

why you don’t shop locally?

1. Fresher produce/get a product

more quickly

2. Know your supplier

3. Environmental benefits

4. Drive the local economy

5. Improved quality of life/local


6. Increased knowledge about what

you are buying

7. Local relationships

8. Successful local businesses will

generally support community


9. Prosper together

10. Diverse economy not reliant on a

specific industry

From the next issue, we will allocate

1 page of this publication to free advertising

for local community groups.

This will be on a first in first served

basis so if this is of interest email me

to book your space.

Also from the next issue, we invite

letters to the editor that will appear

on this page in future editions. If you

have anything to say about the local

community, our publication/content

or just want to get something off your

chest, simply send us an email.

Keep an eye out for a few prizes

and giveaways in this issue. This is

something we hope to add more of in

coming issues.

Finally, we have several developing

stories that will flow into the next

issue. These include The Gympie Hospital

Children’s Ward closure being

discussed in parliament, the Woolooga

Solar Farm and a variety of commercial

construction projects that are

happening around town.

Thank you for reading issue 1 of The

Local Gympie and Surrounds News.

Look out for issue 2 from October 6!

Matt Owen




We encourage our community

to share your thoughts and

views through our Letters to the

Editor columns. Email editor@


Lifestyle, Community & Health


Would you like to

reach 10,000 Gympie

Households through

The Local Gympie and

Surrounds News?

There are a variety of

advertising options

including a simple


where you send us your

business card and we

simply drop it into our

paper for you! For only $35!

We have other launch

options in place for the

remainder of the year


1/8th page for $100.

One of the objectives of our

publication is to provide

affordable and value driven

advertising options for

local business. Ask about

sponsoring our podcast

show and videos! *prices

plus GST

email us on


with your ad


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