film review

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“Raya and the Last Dragon” (2021) is by far one of the most inspiring

movies that Disney has ever made. This movie as high qualifications all

around the internet with 7,4 out of 10 in IMBD and 85% of positive

responses in Google. I believe that this movie is something that can

improve the way of living in this world both for children’s and parents. But

why does this movie can be such an inspiration for young children as well

as for parents? What are the pros and the cons of the movie, and it is

something that you will want your children to watch?

Raya and the Last Dragon” is a movie that was produced at Walt Disney

Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

in 5 of March of 2021. This movie was directed by Don Hall and Carlos

López Estrada. It had the budget of $122.7 million and the duration of 1

hour and 54 minutes.

This inspiring story is about the fantasy world of Kumandra where humans

and dragons have lived together in harmony for a long time. Although an

evil wave of monsters that can

make everything into stone has

threatened this place and the

dragons had to sacrificed

themselves to save

humanity.500 yeas later, the

same monsters have returned to

this place and Raya (the main

character) as to fight by herself

to find the last dragon (Sisu)

that can possibly bring

Kumandra back together. During her long journey she realises that to win

this war it will be necessary to take trust and teamwork.

This seems another fantasy Disney movie, right? That at the end there will

be a happy ending and people must fight and sacrifice for everyone to be

happily ever after. This is true because all of this will happen in the movie

however the only different is how they get there in the final moment. This

movie can sound very cliché at the beginning although it will make the

viewer re-think about their life and the way that our world is nowadays.

Choosing a movie to watch with children must be sometimes hard because

we cannot know how the movie could possibly affect a child’s mind. Although

in my point of view this is a perfect movie to watch with children’s and later

talk about it with them.

First of all, and one of the most exited things about this movie is the

diversity in it. Firstly, because it is a multi-racial movie that at the end it will

bring harmony between all of them. As well as the fact that the set of this

animating movie had taken their inspiration from the Southeast Asian

cultures (that nowadays is something that we do not see much in the world

of Media). To pay a good tribute to this region the Walt Disney has hired

professionals that know about the story, language, martial arts and etc of

this specific region. So as a start it is a good movie to open minds about

others place around the planet hearth.

During this two hour of movie, we

can relate easily with all the strong

characters. First because we have

the two main characters, Raya and

Sisu that are the complete opposite

of each other. Raya wants to fight,

and to do anything to bring

Kumandra back and she do not trust

anyone for anything, on the other

side we have Sisu (the last dragon) that trusts everyone along the way

because she believes that the best way to win a war is by trusting and to

make teamwork. They both will have to find a way to cooperate together

without ruining the whole plan.

I believe that the most important part is the end of the movie. Sisu was

always trying to show Raya the importance of teamwork and the

importance of trusting everyone around her however Raya have never

listened to her because in the past she had trust people and only got

disappointments out of it. For that reason, Raya prefers to fight and to

conquer everything by herself and not trust anyone. Although during the

movie we realise that she makes some mistakes by not trusting people

and at the very end of the movie she must remember everything that Sisu

told her, and she choose to trust her worst enemy instead of doing it

herself. With this part we learn that the harmony, the teamwork and the

trust can win a war more easily than fighting and turn back to everyone.

This is a very good lesson not only for children but also for adults.

Nowadays the world seems to care more about fighting than trying to find

harmony and peace between

everyone and that is making

everyone apart. “Raya and the Last

Dragon” makes us think about the

way we solve things nowadays and

make us believe that it is possible

to be united again as one.

This is definitely something that our

children should learn to make a

better world in their future.

It is also important to talk about the bad parts about this movie that most

people believe that it is something bad although I think the opposite.

During the 2 hours of movie there is a large number of scenes that

involves fighting which can be something bad for children’s because

parents van think that this can influence children’s to fight more and to be

more violent. I believe in the opposite because during the movie and

specially in the ending it is clear that the only way to solve the problem

was trough talking, trusting and teamwork. And this is why this movie is

important to teach children that violence and war does not solve anything

it simply tears people apart.

To conclude my review, I believe that this is an important movie for the

development of a child because it covers topics that now, more than ever

need to be talked about. It is essential that the future of our children’s is

peaceful, and this movie gives us some clue on how to do this.

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