Is a Toothache Worth Panicking Over?

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In our document, we have discussed is a toothache worth panicking over? Click here to read more or for Dental in Five Dock.


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Is a Toothache Worth Panicking Over?

There are lots of reasons why people get toothaches. There are also a number of obvious

causes for toothaches such as injuring your face or having bitten into a hard object.

Sometimes, however; the causes of tooth pain are much more difficult to discern.

When you have a toothache, there's usually an underlying cause that will only grow more

severe the longer that it's left untreated. Notwithstanding this fact, you don't actually need to

panic. Soothing Care Dental has highly experienced dentists who are more than capable of

looking after you.

There are several possible types of toothaches and several reasons why these occur.

Among these are:

Decayed Teeth: Tooth decay happens when harmful mouth bacteria feed on sugars from

food and drink and then release acids. These acids erode the surfaces of tooth structures.

Over time, they can weaken the teeth, cause cavities to form, and leave the sensitive, inner

tooth layers vulnerable and exposed.

A Cracked Tooth: Whenever tooth damage is sustained, there is always the risk of

developing a toothache. Tooth injuries can occur if you get hit in the face, trip and fall, or bite

something that's really hard. Even just a small crack can make a tooth ache. Fortunately,

however; this pain can alert you to a potentially serious problem.

Tooth Abscess: Infections and inflammation of the dental pump should always be treated

right away. If these problems are left to fester, the responsible bacteria can create a pocket

or abscess in the tooth. Abscesses are excruciating and they're also capable of leading to

other infections. This is an urgent issue that should be addressed by a qualified dentist


Gum Disease: When plaque builds up under the gum-line and around the gums, it can lead

to root and bone damage, and damage to the surrounding tooth structures. Developing or

progressed gum disease can also lead to loosened teeth and painful toothaches.

Tooth Grinding: Tooth grinding is known as bruxism. Whether you grind your teeth

throughout the day or while you're sleeping, bruxism will progressively wear your natural

tooth structures down. Over time, the inner layers of your teeth will become exposed. This

creates a tremendous amount of pressure and often results in toothaches.

Impacted Teeth: When teeth are fully or partially stuck inside of the gums and cannot

emerge, this is known as tooth impaction. The wisdom teeth often become impacted when

there isn't sufficient space for these structures to erupt. This can lead to tooth shifting, tooth

crowding, and extreme discomfort.

You should always call a dentist Five Dock residents can count on when dealing with a

toothache. An experienced dentist can identify the cause of your pain and help you learn

more about the available options for treating it.

Call Soothing Care Dental at 02 8311 6699 to connect with the dentist Five Dock locals rely

on. We can answer your enquires or schedule a consultation.


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