Closing the Gap in Language Diversity

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Closing the Gap in Language


"I believe we all have a basic desire to understand each other. In business,

language plays a vital role in connecting and transferring knowledge."

-Iskandar, General Manager of Wordsmith Group

Companies are beginning to realise that content is critical to enhancing their

marketing efforts in this day and age of digital marketing. Businesses are

turning to companies that provide digital content marketing services in their

quest to create exceptional content. Wordsmith is one of these businesses,

but with a difference. They specialise in copywriting and revision, as well as

providing translation, interpreting, content writing, and editing services.

Small but powerful.

Wordsmith has a lengthy history in the field of language and content

creation. Despite the fact that they have only been around since 2011, they

claim to have 20 years of experience. The Wordsmith group has grown from a

small team of three, including the CEO, to ten people in that time.

Wordsmith is a content creation company that works in over 14 different

languages. That isn't the only interesting statistic regarding Wordsmith staff,

though. The majority of them are women, which Wordsmith admires and


Wordsmith's services are used by many businesses to focus on their target

market by addressing their pain points and answering any questions they

may have.

They generally work with a variety of clientele, including corporations,

non-governmental organisations, advertising agencies, and legal companies.

Not only is the text 'translated,' but it is also 'localised.'

One of the things that set Wordsmith apart from other language service

providers is that it not only 'translates' into the local language, but also adds

localised terms and contextualises them to ensure that the knowledge

transfer is achieved.

When communicating a message, finding the appropriate local lingo might

be difficult. As a result, it is critical for each Wordsmith employee to have

strong enthusiasm for the language.

Attention to detail is another crucial quality that Wordsmith looks for in a new


Women's Empowerment is a project that aims to give

women more opportunities.

Women make up the majority of Worksmith's workforce.

"One of the reasons our staff is largely made up of women is because our

founder has always wanted to provide many women an opportunity to

flourish and have flexibility in their career."

Yendi Amalia, the founder, has always wanted to create chances for women

and housewives to work while still being able to care for their families.

That's why Wordsmith gives their staff flexibility and allows them to work from

home long before the pandemic forces everyone to work from home.

That is to say, a strong sense of belonging is critical for employees to bring

their best selves to work and perform at their best.

Getting Through Difficult Times

Despite the fact that most businesses stopped down during the pandemic,

Wordsmith continued to operate without suffering any losses. This is due to the

fact that the services provided by Wordsmith Groups are crucial for any form

of organisation.

"Our main goal is for businesses to benefit from our services while also

improving understanding and communication between stakeholders. As a

result, we serve as a communication support tool, with the goal of delivering

output in accordance with each project."


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