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1 Horia Hulubei National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering,

30 Reactorului, P.O. Box MG – 6, RO – 077125 Bucharest – Măgurele, Romania

E-mail: irina.stiru@nipne.ro

2 University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Physics Department,

313 Splaiul Independentei, RO – 060042, Bucharest, Romania

E-mail: gheorghe.cata-danil@physics.pub.ro

Received January 13, 2020

Abstract. This paper reports the results for a radiation protection assessment done at the 9 MV

Tandem Accelerator of Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering for

commissioning of a fast neutron source based on the 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be inverse reaction. The assessment is

based on the results obtained via numerical simulation with the use of FLUKA Monte Carlo

simulation code. We have calculated the secondary radiation fields generated in different areas of the

Tandem building during the acceleration process and the residual activity induced after a certain

operation time.

Key words: fast neutron source, FLUKA, radiation protection.


A fast neutron beam with well-defined parameters is highly required by

many basic and applied physics studies [1]. Recently, such a beam has been

obtained at the Institute for Nuclear Physics (IPN) in Orsay using the p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be

inverse reaction [2]. In Bucharest, at Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics

and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) a 9 MV Tandem Accelerator is running since

1976 and Li beams are frequently used over the last decade.

Therefore, the technical requirements to build a fast neutron source at

Bucharest, in the first steps similar to the one built at IPN Orsay, are fulfilled.

Besides the technical feasibility, an evaluation in terms of radiation

protection has to be made so the main objective of this study is to investigate the

radiological protection situation and to evaluate the existing shielding for the

Romanian Journal of Physics 65, XYZ (2020)


commissioning of a fast directional neutron source based on the p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be

inverse reaction at the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator of IFIN-HH. For the purpose of

this study we used the Monte Carlo numerical simulation code FLUKA [3, 4].

Due to the natural monoenergetic collimation of the neutron source,

provided by the reaction itself, an entire class of experiments could be possible,

such as high-resolution spectroscopy of neutron-induced reaction, nuclear cross

section measurements, nuclear medicine or other fast neutron dosimetric


In this paper we report the results obtained via numerical simulation in

terms of dose rates and residual activity induced by the fast neutron source

obtained via the p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be inverse reaction. The accelerator structure, beam lines

configuration and experimental areas specific to the 9 MV Tandem building have

been considered and implemented in the numerical simulation.

By taking into account relevant beam parameters such as the emittance,

type, energy and intensity of the accelerated particle, the isotopic composition of

the irradiated targets and structural materials we have calculated the secondary

radiation fields generated in different areas of the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator

building during the acceleration process and the residual activity induced after a

certain accelerator operation time.

Finally, discussions regarding the radiological impact during

commissioning of a fast neutron source are made.


In 2013, at the IPN at Orsay was developed a unique, directional neutron

source called LICORNE (Lithium Inverse Cinematiques Orsay NEutron source)

which is based on fast neutron production by using the inverse kinematics

p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be reaction. Conventional quasi-mono-energetic neutron sources produce

neutrons via direct kinematics reaction on light nuclei, such as 7 Li(p,n) 7 Be, but the

problem that arises is that the resulting neutron flux does not have a well-defined

directionality and less than 1 percent of it can be used for further experiments. The

main advantage of the inverse kinematics is the natural forward collimation of the

reaction ejectiles which results in increased neutron fluxes. The resulting fluxes

depend on numerous factors but the most important ones are the 7 Li beam

emittance, energy and intensity and the thickness of the polypropylene (C 3 H 6 ) n

target. Assuming 7 Li beam currents of 100 pnA, fluxes up to maximum

10 7 neutrons/s/sr are to be expected [2].

3 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ


The 9 MV Tandem Accelerator is a complex installation that has as its

main component the Van de Graaff acceleration system that allows a maximum

voltage of 9 MV on the terminal. It can accelerate a wide range of ions with beam

intensities between 100 pA and 2 µA [5] and the emittance of the Source of

Negative Ions by Cesium Sputtering (SNICS II) is reported to be from 5 to less

than 3 πmm mR (MeV)1/2 for 80% of the beam, depending upon the beam

mass [6].

The radiological risk at the accelerator can occur during its operating time

due to prompt radiation (primary beam, secondary beam that can be composed of

X or gamma radiation and neutrons or charged particles, scattered radiation,

bremsstrahlung radiation) and due to residual radioactivity, as a result of activation

of the components of the accelerator. The walls of the rooms where the accelerator

tank and the beam transport systems are located, have been designed in such a way

in order to fully attenuate the prompt radiation [7].

The source of the ionizing secondary radiations can be a result of the

interactions of primary accelerated particles with the beam line components, as

further described.

The accelerating structure at the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator, as seen in

Figure 1, can be divided into 4 major parts in terms of secondary sources of

ionizing radiation:

i. The low energy transport line consisting of three main components, the

ion sources, the inflection magnet and the Faraday cup, is treated as a low source of

secondary ionizing radiation, mostly bremsstrahlung X-rays and characteristic X-

rays. The Faraday cup has the biggest contribution in terms of generated doses for

this area.

ii. The accelerator tank, is considered as a medium source of secondary

ionizing radiation, high energy bremsstrahlung X-rays, due to the fact that the

walls of the tank attenuate significantly part of the generated ionizing radiation.

iii. The high energy transport line consisting of another Faraday cup, the

object slits, the analyzing magnet and the image slits, is treated as a high source of

secondary ionizing radiation, mostly composed of gamma rays and neutrons, due

to the fact that on this part of the accelerating structure we deal with the highest

energy of the accelerated species.

iv. The experimental area is composed of two halls with seven separate

beam lines which lead to different reaction chambers. The ion beam coming from

the image slits will be commuted by a switching magnet to one of the seven


extensions. This last part of the accelerating structure is treated also as a high

intensity source of ionizing radiations but is highly dependent on the type, on the

intensity and on the energy of the accelerated particle. For the purpose of this study

we considered as experimental line the beam line number seven located in the

Experimental Hall II (see Figure 1).

Based on the nature of the activity of the personnel involved in

experiments and operation of the Tandem accelerator, there is a strict delimitation

of the working areas in the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator building, as seen in

Figure 1:

i. Controlled area which is defined as an area subject to special rules for

protection against ionizing radiation or of preventing the radioactive contamination

and to which access is controlled and restricted over time [8].

ii. Supervised area which is defined as an area subject to the adequate

surveillance in the purpose of protection against ionizing radiation.

In order to have a comprehensive evaluation of the risks involved during

experiments, area monitoring is mandatory for both controlled and supervised

areas, by means of ambient dose equivalent measurements, but also for individuals,

by means of personal dose equivalent, in order to fulfil the acceptance criteria for

the dose limits imposed by norms [8].

The active area system monitoring consisting of 12 gamma type BDKG-04

(G1 – G12) and 4 neutron type BDKN-04 (N1 – N4) detectors, which are

connected to a computer dose display system, provides the ambient dose

equivalent. All detectors are attached either on walls either or on a special built

support and are positioned in key position, where are expected the highest doses

due to primary or secondary sources of ionizing radiation, as seen in Figure 1.

The BDKG-04s are wide range X-ray and gamma radiation scintillation

smart probes which are used for measuring the ambient dose equivalent and dose

equivalent rate for continuous X-ray and gamma radiation in energy range

15 keV – 3 MeV up to 10 Sv/h [9].

The BDKN-04s are

3 He proportional counters incorporated in a

polyethylene moderator which are used for measuring the ambient dose equivalent

and dose equivalent rate for neutrons in the energy range 0.025 eV – 14 MeV up to

10 mSv [10].

Both gamma and neutron detectors present a high immunity to external

magnetic and electric fields. This feature is an important one and is necessary due

to the fact that some of the detectors are placed in close vicinity of the analysing

magnet of the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator where the highest dose rates are


5 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ

According to the radiation protection regulation [8] the effective dose rate

should not exceed 1 mSv/y for all areas and accelerator installations, which are

within the premises and freely accessible for workers and visitors. Taking into

account that in a working year there are 2000 working hours, the dose rate should

not exceed 0.5 µSv/h for a public area and 3 µSv/h for a supervised area.

Fig. 1 – Fixed dose monitoring system at the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator of IFIN – HH.


As mentioned before the goal of the present study is twofold: one consists

of scoring the neutron, gamma and total dose rates resulting from performing the

p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be inverse reaction at the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator and second consists

of estimating the residual activity of the accelerator components due to the beam

and products of the same reaction.

The targets characteristics, energy and beam intensity considered for this

study are similar to the ones used at Orsay [2].

Two different types of targets were studied for the purpose of the present

study. The first one consists of a simple layer of polypropylene of 4.4 µm thickness

with a 50 µm gold backing. The second one consists of a 2.25 µm layer of TiH 2

placed between two layers of gold of 200 nm and 50 µm thickness.


We performed the simulations for 7 Li beams with energies of 13.7 MeV

and 16 MeV and considered as irradiation profile 2 weeks of active beam time with

an intensity of 100 pnA.

For the numerical simulations we have employed the FLUKA code which

is a Monte Carlo code, used for calculation of particle transport and interaction

with matter, with a broad spectrum of applications such as shielding, activation,

dosimetry, radiotherapy, etc [3, 4].

We also used the FLuka Advanced InteRface (FLAIR) that is a handy

graphical user interface to run FLUKA [11].

The code’s input consists of different cards, each card belonging to

particular categories. For simpler cases, the primary particle properties can be

easily defined with only two default input cards: BEAM and BEAMPOS used for

specifying the type of particle, its energy, starting position and direction.

For the purpose of this simulation we also included the following cards:

PHYSICS – used for enabling the COALESCENCE mechanisms and the new

FLUKA EVAPORATION model [3,4], EMFFLUO, used for activating

photoelectric interaction [3, 4] and EMFRAY with Compton (bind+prof) used for

activating Rayleigh scattering and Compton binding and profile function

corrections in selected regions [3, 4].

For the calculation of the dose rates we used the USRBIN card [3, 4]. The

doses are calculated by folding fluence with EWT74 conversion coefficients. This

option uses effective dose sets from ICRP74 and Pelliccioni data calculated with

ICRP radiation weighting factors w r for worst possible geometry of the

irradiation [3, 4].

In the simulation input was also included the RADDECAY card which

requests simulation of radioactive decays [3, 4] and IRRPROFI card which helped

us define in terms of time and intensity the irradiation profile used for radioactive

decay calculations [3, 4] and the residual nuclei produced were scored with

RESNUCLEI card [3, 4].

The layout of Tandem building was implemented in the numerical

simulation, as can be seen in Figure 2. For the purpose of this study the following

components were introduced in the numerical simulation: the accelerator tank, the

high energy object slits, the analyzing magnet, the high energy image slits, the

beam transport line (from tank exit to the reaction chamber) and the targets. These

components were included because they are the ones interacting with the 7 Li beam

and they could contribute to the secondary field of generated ionizing radiation.

7 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ

Fig. 2 – The geometry considered in the numerical simulation as seen in Flair Geoviewer Mode. It

includes the accelerator and building components relevant for the radiation protection analysis.



For the first case we used a 7 Li beam with an intensity of 100 pnA at

13.7 MeV. The dose rate results for the 1 st considered target, the polypropylene

with gold backing, can be seen in Figure 3 for gamma particles, in Figure 5 for

neutrons and in Figure 7 for all scored particles. The results for the 2 nd target, the

TiH 2 sandwiched between two layers of gold, can be seen in Figure 4 for gamma

particles, in Figure 6 for neutrons and in Figure 8 for all scored particles.

For the second case we used again a 7 Li beam with an intensity of 100 pnA

but this time at an energy of 16 MeV.

The dose rate results for the 1 st considered target, the polypropylene with

gold backing, can be seen in Figure 9 for gamma particles, in Figure 11 for

neutrons and in Figure 13 for all scored particles.


The results for the 2 nd target, the TiH 2 sandwiched between two layers of

gold, can be seen in Figure 10 for gamma particles, in Figure 12 for neutrons and

in Figure 14 for all scored particles.

The simulation results for both analyzed cases have proven the efficiency

of the existing shielding walls for the public area, which include the offices areas

and the hallway, where the dose rates should not exceed 0.5 µSv/h. As it can be

seen in Figure 7, for the 1 st considered target and in Figure 8, for the 2 nd target

considered, for both targets using a 7 Li beam at 13.7 MeV the simulated dose rate

is around 0.1 µSv/h. For the 7 Li beam at 16 MeV, the simulated dose rate is around

0.01 µSv/h as it can be seen in Figure 13, for the 1 st considered target and in

Figure 14, for the 2 nd target considered.

Some differences in dose rates may be observed in Figures 3 – 14 for the

two types of targets analyzed depending on the type of particle scored but given the

fact that we are mainly interested in the dose rates for the public area, where no

differences can be seen, it can be concluded that the existing shield is efficient for

both analyzed cases.

As expected, the highest doses, around 10 2 – 10 3 µSv/h are in those parts of

the accelerating structure where the beam interacts with the components: the image

slits, the analyzing magnet and the object slits.

1. 7 Li beam @ 13.7 MeV with an intensity of 100 pnA

1 st target – Polypropylene (PP) with gold backing 2 nd target - TiH 2 sandwiched between 2 layers of gold

Fig. 3 – Gamma dose for PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 4 – Gamma dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).

9 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ

Fig. 5 – Neutron dose from PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 6 – Neutron dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).

Fig. 7 – ALL-PART dose for PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 8 – ALL-PART dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).

2. 7 Li beam @ 16 MeV with and intensity of 100 pnA

1 st target - Polypropylene with gold backing 2 nd target - TiH 2 sandwiched between 2 layers of gold

Fig. 9 – Gamma dose for PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 10 – Gamma dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).

Article no. XYZ



Fig. 11 – Neutron dose for PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 12 – Neutron dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).

Fig. 13 – ALL-PART dose for PP target (µSv/h).

Fig. 14 – ALL-PART dose for TiH 2 target (µSv/h).


The operational licensing procedure requires also an evaluation of the

residual radioactivity after certain periods of beam time.

As mentioned before, we created two numerical simulations for both

analyzed cases: one with 7 Li beam with an intensity of 100 pnA at 13.7 MeV and

one 7 Li beam with an intensity of 100 pnA at 16 MeV. For both energies, we

considered as irradiation time 2 weeks of active beam time.

The activation of the materials located in the accelerator hall does not

depend on the type of target used for the neutron production but only on the energy

of the initial accelerated particle given the fact that the intensity of the 7 Li beam is

100 pnA for all analyzed cases, thus in the presented results only a discussion from

the energy point of view is made.

11 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ

The results for the residual activity for the accelerating structure, made of

stainless steel, simulated for cooling time periods of immediately after beam stop,

1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and after 1 year of accelerator operation in the

conditions already described before, are compared with the limits given by safety

norms [8] as seen in Table 1, for 7 Li beam at 13.7 MeV and in Table 2, for 7 Li

beam at 16 MeV. From Table 1 we can observe that radionuclides with half-lives

longer than 100 days are produced ( 65 Zn, 57 Co, 54 Mn and 3 H) due to the interaction

of the 7 Li beam at 13.7 MeV with the accelerating structure. From Table 2 we can

observe that the same radionuclides with half – lives longer that 100 days are

produced ( 65 Zn, 57 Co, 54 Mn, 3 H plus 60 Co) but with higher contributions due to the

fact that the energy is slightly increased for the second case analyzed.

The object and image slits are made of tantalum and for both energies

considered, the reaction is below the Coulomb barrier so those components cannot

be activated during the accelerating process.

The air activation in Experimental Hall II depends on the type of target

used so for this part we used again the two targets described before. A 30 cm

radius spherical detector made of air was placed inside the Experimental Hall II in

the numerical simulation in order to check whether the air in the room is activated

or not. After analyzing the results no air activation is produced in the scored

detector thus neither in the room for either of the two types of targets used.

Although some of the radionuclides have the activity higher than the

exclusion level, safety norms state that if the total activity of the sample is lower

than the sum of the exclusion levels of the radionuclides form that sample, the

material can be considered industrial waste. For some radionuclides the literature

does not include any exclusion levels but the contribution of those is taken into

account when calculating the total activity of the analyzed sample.

Article no. XYZ






Table 1

Residual activity for 7 Li @ 13.7 MeV – 2 weeks irradiation



1 hour




1 day




1 week




1 month




1 year




(T1/2) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (%)

244.26 d 8.88E+01 8.88E+01 8.85E+01 8.70E+01 8.15E+01 3.15E+01 11.35

38.47 m 1.46E+03 4.97E+02 7.90E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.14

9.47 m 1.33E+04 2.49E+02 1.13E+01 2.16E-04 8.28E-23 0.00E+00 7.65

1.65 h 3.47E+03 2.28E+03 1.45E-01 7.76E-28 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 9.96

3.33 h 3.22E+05 2.62E+05 2.19E+03 2.16E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.24

271.79 d 1.01E+04 1.01E+04 1.01E+04 9.96E+03 9.38E+03 4.00E+03 0.70

2.57 h 2.96E+03 2.26E+03 4.67E+00 7.21E-17 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 10.24

7.27 d 2.53E+03 2.53E+03 2.51E+03 2.38E+03 1.93E+03 9.59E+01 6.04

2.73 y 1.20E+02 1.20E+02 1.21E+02 1.21E+02 1.19E+02 9.41E+01 5.62

17.53 h 1.53E+03 1.47E+03 5.93E+02 2.00E+00 4.46E-10 0.00E+00 14.12

312.2 d 3.25E+03 3.25E+03 3.24E+03 3.20E+03 3.04E+03 1.45E+03 1.77

5.591 d

1.99E+03 1.98E+03 1.76E+03 8.35E+02 4.58E+01 4.43E-17 9.32

// 21.1 m

35.04 d 6.26E+02 6.25E+02 6.13E+02 5.45E+02 3.43E+02 4.58E-01 11.00

87.32 d 1.71E+02 1.71E+02 1.70E+02 1.62E+02 1.35E+02 9.52E+00 12.12

1.52 s

4.93E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7.70

// 32 m

25.34 d 4.45E+03 4.44E+03 4.33E+03 3.67E+03 1.94E+03 2.05E-01 5.26

2.511 s 2.62E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 11.64

14.262 d 3.44E+03 3.44E+03 3.28E+03 2.45E+03 7.85E+02 5.31E-03 4.72

2.498 m 7.56E+04 4.44E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.20

2.2414 m 5.78E+02 5.06E-06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 15.57

109.77 m 4.25E+03 2.91E+03 4.78E-01 9.67E-25 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 10.54

64.49 s 1.33E+03 2.08E-14 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 15.45

12.33 y 1.22E+01 1.22E+01 1.22E+01 1.22E+01 1.22E+01 1.16E+01 7.13

TOTAL 1.86E+04 1.24E+04 2.41E+03 2.12E+03 1.66E+03 2.49E+02

13 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ




Table 2

Residual activity for 7 Li @ 16 MeV – 2 weeks irradiation



1 hour




1 day




1 week




1 month




1 year




(T1/2) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (%)

67.65 m 3.47E+03 1.88E+03 1.35E-03 4.70E-42 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 13.41

3.26 d 1.73E+04 1.72E+04 1.40E+04 3.92E+03 2.70E+01 3.53E-30 4.93

9.49 h 3.02E+03 2.81E+03 5.24E+02 1.42E-02 2.11E-20 0.00E+00 9.58

244.26 d 4.37E+03 4.37E+03 4.36E+03 4.28E+03 4.01E+03 1.55E+03 1.60

15.2 m 4.04E+04 2.62E+03 1.22E-24 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.60

1.65 h 2.39E+04 1.57E+04 1.00E+00 5.35E-27 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.14

3.33 h 1.47E+06 1.20E+06 1.00E+04 9.87E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.62

5.27 y

1.14E+02 1.14E+02 1.14E+02 1.14E+02 1.13E+02 1.00E+02 4.00

// 10.4 m

23.7 m 4.80E+04 8.31E+03 2.46E-14 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.97

44.5 d 3.23E+02 3.23E+02 3.18E+02 2.90E+02 2.01E+02 1.10E+00 13.51

81.5 s 1.15E+04 5.81E-10 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.93

70.86 d

1.96E+05 1.96E+05 1.94E+05 1.83E+05 1.46E+05 5.51E+03 0.35

// 9.04 h

85.4 s 1.28E+04 2.61E-09 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.86

271.79 d 3.33E+04 3.33E+04 3.32E+04 3.27E+04 3.08E+04 1.31E+04 0.71

2.57 h 1.17E+04 8.95E+03 1.85E+01 2.85E-16 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.00

7.27 d 2.09E+04 2.09E+04 2.07E+04 1.97E+04 1.59E+04 7.92E+02 1.43

2.73 y 4.43E+02 4.43E+02 4.44E+02 4.44E+02 4.37E+02 3.46E+02 2.66

17.53 h 4.23E+03 4.06E+03 1.64E+03 5.51E+00 1.23E-09 0.00E+00 8.83

312.2 d 1.17E+04 1.17E+04 1.16E+04 1.15E+04 1.09E+04 5.18E+03 0.57

5.591 d

8.89E+03 8.84E+03 7.85E+03 3.73E+03 2.05E+02 1.98E-16 5.95

// 21.1 m

27.7 d 6.29E+02 6.29E+02 6.14E+02 5.28E+02 2.94E+02 6.80E-02 9.93

35.04 d 9.39E+02 9.38E+02 9.21E+02 8.18E+02 5.14E+02 6.87E-01 10.69

87.32 d 3.71E+02 3.71E+02 3.68E+02 3.51E+02 2.92E+02 2.06E+01 11.66

Article no. XYZ



Table 2 (continued)

Residual activity for 7 Li @ 16 MeV – 2 weeks irradiation



1 hour




1 day




1 week




1 month


(Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc) (Bq/cmc)

0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

8.66E+03 8.43E+03 7.16E+03 3.77E+03

0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

9.70E+03 9.25E+03 6.91E+03 2.22E+03

1.00E+03 2.29E+00 6.69E-17 0.00E+00

7.48E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

3.88E+03 6.37E-01 1.29E-24 0.00E+00

3.45E-14 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

4.03E+01 4.03E+01 4.03E+01 4.01E+01

4.50E+04 8.78E+03 7.45E+03 5.82E+03

15 Radiation protection assessment at IFIN – HH Article no. XYZ


A future development of a fast neutron source at the 9 MV Tandem

Accelerator at IFIN – HH in Bucharest was assessed from a radiological point of

view. The reaction type, target and beam properties considered for this radiation

protection study are similar to the ones used at the Orsay LICORNE facility.

FLUKA Monte Carlo simulation code with the Flair interface has been

used in order to estimate the radiation doses in different areas of the Tandem

building and residual activity of the accelerator components as a result of

commissioning a fast neutron source based on the p( 7 Li,n) 7 Be inverse reaction.

All relevant components of the 9 MV Accelerator and of the Tandem

building were implemented in the numerical simulation input.

The analysis of the simulation results indicate that the shielding walls of

the Tandem building are efficient and that the resulting dose rates are below the

limits stated in legislation, therefore radiation protection requirements are satisfied

for constructing such a facility.

The results for the residual activity for the accelerating structure, made of

stainless steel, simulated for cooling time periods of immediately after beam stop,

1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and after 1 year of accelerator operation in the

conditions already described before, are compared with the limits given by safety

norms which state that if the total activity of the sample is lower than the sum of

the exclusion levels of the radionuclides form that sample, the material can be

considered industrial waste. For some radionuclides the literature does not include

any exclusion levels but the contribution of those is taken into account when

calculating the total activity of the analyzed sample.

A further more detailed radioprotection evaluation will be done once a

more precise characterization of the neutron source, as applied to the conditions of

the 9 MV Tandem Accelerator of IFIN – HH, will be established.

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Dr. Nicolae Marius Mărginean

for all the support.


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177 – 179 (2019).

2. M. Lebois, J.N. Wilson, P. Halipré, B. Leniau, I. Matea, A. Oberstedt, S. Oberstedt, D. Verney,

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8. CNCAN, Norme fundamentale de securitate radiologică, available online:


9. Dosimetric gamma radiation detection unit datasheet, available online:


10. Neutron radiation detection units, available online:


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