My questions

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My questions

What is Linguistics?

- Signaling system, the way to express every thought we have.

- It is a means to communicate

What is the relationship between linguistics and the object of study of sociolinguistics?

- Linguistics is becoming more and more formal and mathematical

- Sociolinguistics is based on investigating the relationships between language and society

with the aim of being

How does language or the use of the "word" become a source of social and political


- Why through it we can transmit information and authority to achieve great changes, or

contribute important ideas.

Why is it important to study sociolinguistics?

- To have a more advanced level of understanding and communication, to be able to

connect cultures and socialize in society.

¿Qué es el dialecto?

Dialects, therefore, are usually considered in relation to a set of several linguistic systems

of a common trunk or that are in the same geographical limit.

Questions from my partner

What is the dialect?

The dialect are each of the specific ways of speaking a language using different terms to

name thing within the spoken language.the dialects are the heart of th language.

Example costeno dialect, pastuso dialect, paisa dialect

What is Linguistics?

Science that studies the phenomena of language from its origins and its evolution through


what is the relation betwen Linguistics with the sociolinguistics' ?

Some linguists relate linguistics to sociolinguistics

Holmes (1992, p 16) says that "the sociolingustics aim is to move toward a theory which

provides a motivated account of the way language, is used in a community and of the

choices people make when they use lenguage. Others believe that sociolinguistics is the

study of language variation tell us about language and speak's "knowledge" of language, in

this case their unconscious knowledge of subtle linguistic differences.

How does lenguage or the use the "word'" become a source of social and political


The use of the word allows us in some way to control people's minds by inducing them to

certain behaivors within society.

Why is important to carry out sociolinguistics studies?

It's important to carry out sociolinguistics studies because the social structure influences the

way people talk and how language varieties and patterns of use correlate with social

attributes such as class, sex an age.

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