Afghan war, pak Role and Solution

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One of the biggest mistake made by the Americans in the Afghan mission was

that they didn’t stop India from engaging in anti Pakistan activities in

Afghanistan who started proxy war against Pakistan by establishing anti

Pakistan network of Raw & ANDFS and Funding TTP & BLA to destabilise

Pakistan. On one side America was expecting Pakistan’s best support in war on

terror and on the other hand America didn’t stop India who was trying to

engage Pakistan in another war from Afghanistan, and this is what Indian

security advisor to p.m Narendra Modi, Mr. Ajit doval, who has admitted the

negative role of India in front of whole world on different social forums...

In result, Pakistan has lost so many lives in self suicide attacks and in terrorist

attacks almost 23372 civilians and 8832 army personnel died in these attacks.

16 Dec 2014 in Peshawar, Attack on children school was also the part of this

terrorism in which 186 children died. It was a tough time on Pakistan and at

that time Americans were putting pressure on Pakistan for maximum support

but not realizing that it couldn’t be done if India will not stop their proxy war

against Pakistan. American’s policy makers didn’t realize that, if they want best

support from Pakistan than 1 st they should stopped Indian interference in

Pakistan because if you will engage Pakistan in another war than obviously

they couldn’t deliver the way Americans were expected from Pakistan.

Now everyone is doubtful about Pakistan’s behaviour after Taliban takeover. I

am sure Pakistan was not supporting Taliban in any way because if world’s top

agencies didn’t find anything against Pakistan than it’s only a phenomena that

Pakistan was supporting Taliban and it’s only because Pakistan is feeling good

after Taliban takeover and this feeling is because Pakistan think that after

Taliban takeover India can’t use Afghanistan soil against Pakistan anymore and

Pakistan wants peace in the region and want to see Afghanistan an

independent country without any Indian interference. Pakistan was serious in

war on terror that’s the reason Pakistan has built fence along it’s Afghanistan

border to stop terrorism on both side of the border, Although Ashraf ghani

was opposing this act of Pakistan because this was not in favour of India who

was desperately engaged in terrorism in Pakistan I would like to add that

misunderstanding between U.S and Pakistan demands an unbiased enquiry

regarding Pakistan role in Afghan war for future strong and trustworthy

relations of both countries.

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Now Indian media and Indian government is spreading falsehoods against

Pakistan. Many cheap tactics are being used. Many Indian sponsored

campaigns are on social media . The popular one is with hash tag

#sanctionpaksitan, which is heading by the well known Canadian politician

Mr. Chris. Alexander who is engaged to black list Pakistan in FATF and now he

is trying best to sanction Pakistan in American senate.

To achieve his bad intentions he is using cheap tactic and spreading fake news

like Pakistan air force strike on panjshair and Taliban are the part of Pakistan

army. He is engaged with some of his American friends and Indian followers

who are using Muslim names and pretend like they are Afghan people but the

reality is most of them are Indians who want to misguide the whole

international community against Pakistan. I Knew this because when I argued

with them I came to know that these are not Muslims in any way because they

started abusing our religion and our prophet which a Muslim couldn’t do in any

way and when talk to them in Afghan language they didn’t understand and

mostly started to use Hindi language.

Many international media has exposed Indian media for spreading fake news

against Pakistan. Mr. Chris. Alexander write everyday against Pakistan and

heading sanctionpaksitan campaign aggressively and desperately without any

ethics and his Indian followers retweet his falsehoods again and again to

sanction Pakistan. Here I request all international community to take the

notice of his unethical and biased reporting.

India has sponsored many international politicians, Ngos, Human rights

activist, journalists, columnists and students in social media war only to

mislead the world. The purpose is one they didn’t want Taliban in Afghan

government as the previous of Ashraf ghani Government was their allies and

working and supporting them in anti Pakistan activities.

Now This is clear that no one, other than Taliban can rule in Afghanistan

because they fought for 20 years and sacrificed their lives, homes and families

and on the other hand previous Afghan government and their forces who

surrendered after American evacuation and their interest was only in American


So, Americans should understand the ground reality and here I am not

supporting Taliban but I want Americans to know that there is no other

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solution for this war. In 20 years of war, some 800,000 American troops served

in the country with more than 2,000 killed in the conflict and tens of thousands

wounded. It found that costs of the war (and future commitments) in

Afghanistan from 2001 to 2022 amount to $2.3tn and allies has spent other

than this like UK and Germany spent $30bn & $19bn respectively. So after

large number of army deployments and expenditures what Americans has

achieved. It’s sad but the answer is very disappointed. For peace America

should engage in talks with Taliban and America should helped them and try to

convince them about the things for which Americans are worried and should

also open American embassy in Afghanistan too for good and healthy

relationship. War can’t be the solution, A good, healthy and friendly

relationship will be better than anything else.

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