Rarely know fact of stainless steel

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Rarely know fact of

stainless steel


Stainless steel know as iron steel and inox is a combination of metals with 10.5

percentage of chromium content in it.

Stainless steel is prominent for its corrosion resistance.

It does not easily oxidize, rust or stains with water an any other steel does.

A common use of stainless steel is for cutlery such as knives, forks and spoons


Which is chemical

composition of

stainless steel

• Stainless steel is

accessible in a wide range

of alloy that includes

different element; however

the basic element are iron,

carbon and chromium

• Low-carbon steel with no

less than 12 percent

chromium form an even layer

of oxide on its surface and is


• Other element such as nickel and molybdenum are added to improve corrosion

resistance and chromium is the deciding factor.

• Titanium, for instance, adds significant quality to the finishes items without addin

excessive weight. Nickel and niobium are helpful agents to the chromium in

resisting corrosion particularly in low-oxygen conditions.

• Properties of stainless steel.

• The amount of oxidation resistance is high when exposed to air.

• Stainless steel is relatively poor conductor of electricity.

• Basically stainless steel is ductile in nature.

• The chromium present in stainless steel form a protective layer and thus

stainless steel withstands damage caused by oxidation which is why it is

corrosion resistant.

• When compared with gentle steel, stainless steels have highly


• Different kinds of stainless steel.



• Austenitic stainless steel contains 16% of chromium and

6 % of nickel

• By including component, for example : Titanium and Copper ,

the characteristics of the steel can be changed.

• These changes can make the steel applicable in high

temperature or increase the resisteance level.

• Most steel weaken at low temperatures however the Nickel

in austenitic stainless steel which makes it suited to low

temperature or cryogenic applications.

• Austenitic steels are non-magnetic.

• These types of stainless steel quickly work-solidify, they are the

most promptly of the stainless steels


stainless steels

contain just

chromium as a

chief alloying



The amount of

chromium show

ranges from 10.5

percent to 18


Ferritic stainless

steel can’t be

solidified as a part of

the tempered


They are know

for their

resistance and





can be

enhanced by



Ferritic stainless steels are typically used

Vehicle exhausts

Fuel lines

Cooking utensils

Architectural trim

Domestic appliances


• This type of steel contains high carbon and lower chromium content.

• These features distinguish martens tic stainless steels from ferritic


• Martens tic are magnetic in nature, and are moderately corrosive and poor

welding capability.

• They are typically used for knife blades and surgical instruments.

These are not corrosion resistant but are extremely machine-able in


• Industrial application of stainless steel. Stainless steel is used for buildings

and also for artistic purposes.

• During deco period stainless steel was is trend. Chrysler is the most famous



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