Deploying an Identity Aware Network

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Extreme Networks Application Note

5.1.6. Failed Logon Attempts Indexed by MAC Address of Users/Identities

5.2. Integration with Custom Enterprise Applications

The data used to describe identities is represented using the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). XML has emerged as the

preferred technology for data representation for both Web-based and traditional software applications. This development

has accelerated the standardization of XML and the widespread support of XML libraries, utilities, and applications. XML

is increasingly the preferred foundation for integrating various enterprise applications with one another. XML extends

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) by providing a new language toolkit. The new toolkit allows programmers to

develop their own markup languages, while automatically providing the benefit of being compatible with existing deployed

XML code.

In this section, we will discuss the methods by which third-party or custom applications can:

A. Retrieve information about identities tracked by edge switches.

B. Receive unsolicited events about identities by edge switches.

It is important to note that EPICenter uses both of these methods when monitoring edge switches. When an edge switch

(device) is first setup for monitoring, EPICenter retrieves information about all the identities being tracked by the switch

using the XML interface. Subsequently, ExtremeXOS switches publish changes to the identity-management database (new

identities discovered, user logoff, capability discovery such as LLDP, Kerberos activity, etc.) to EPICenter using the XML

client process.

© 2010 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Identity Aware Network—Page 43

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