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3 Things to Do On Your Next

Trip to the Fair

The first relinsin you should go to

the renafest is because its fun

there's yummy popcorn there's

plenty of shows and ships eve

plenty of dress shops and

foodplayces mud show art shops

there's even a hydro dipping

shop what other place has a

hydro dipping shop besides the

rena fest here come on you need

to come to the mide evol not so

evol casol of the renafest and

you need to enjoy it whether you

like it or not and that that so

come cd it's fun and you need

like 2000$ to spend inside it's like

25$ for adults and i think like 15$

for a kid and i think like under 5

free for shaer

A Day Of Fun In The Sun

Send resin is because its open till 7 pm

so it is a whole day of fun in the sun

now lets take about some shows one

of my personal favorite shows is the

wheel of dom what it is is a large sesa

type but taller and make 360 dugrey

rowtashins in one direction and

there's there's a metal mesh large ring

on one end that the performer goes

into in the beginning and along metal

ball on the other end of the strike the

performance includes some small

jumps on top getting out of the

socerol when it's in moshin to get on

top of it walking on it mid air with

jumps and other stuff hay i don't want

to spoil it for you ok good now go get

a blanket and pillow and your kids

tablet and ay make bed in the bake

set were going somewhere fun for me

it's about an hour drive away but we

always love going but this year my

brother did not come so the uses

awol $20 i would git suddenly turned

to a $40 and i didn't mind one bit i

would recem give your kid $50 thou

my mom just budgets well so ya

renafes fun good unhealthy food so


The Talint Of The Renafest

Thare is quite some talint in the

renafest such as hiydrodiping a flower,

holding an egol even all the shows

have talint and some meders of the

adeyins dorng throws shows

sometimes thaer is an adeyins meder

in the crode that ahas pratest working

with the renafest shows as well so

there is plenty of talent at the renafest

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