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ALERT!! There are wild children on the loose and they

will not stop for nothing to annoy you. They are

slowly gaining on you and are invading your personal

life. They're not just gonna disappear but these 6

tips could get them to finally back off. This is your

only chance so I would take it.


Cakes! Cookies! Candy! Some of the

things we love most in the world. I

mean everybody loves having a

mouth watering sweet sometimes,

but some people take their obsession

with dessert way too far. There's only

one culprate and that's little kids.

Kids and Candy

Ya, i’m talking about those crazy

maniacs who run around causing

chaos in every way. This gets even

worse when it comes to candy. Little

kids lose their literal minds. This

drives us crazy, but have we ever

considered that we could actually use

this against them.

An End To The Madness

You probably want to know how.

Well, it’s actually quite simple, all

you have to do is this. When your

siblings are bothering you, pretend

they're throwing pillows at you and

elbowing you in the gut. You're

probably in pain and greatly

annoyed. You probably think this is

never going to end, but all you

actually have to do is

say this “ You will lose dessert if you

don't stop”. Right when you say this

they will freeze up and stare at you

intently. Right when you say this they

will freeze up and stare at you


The Follow Through

Make sure to look serious even if

they get on their knees and are

begging with tears pouring down

their eyes for you to not take away

dessert. Tell them then that if they

leave you alone, clean up their mess

that they could earn it back. If this

goes as planned, they should leave

you alone but if it doesn't just

threaten you will take it away for

another day or they can’t earn what

they already lost back.

This will leave you in a great position

to go forward with what you want to

do without having any annoying kids

in your way.


We make promises all the time right and there

are either 2 choices you can make involving

these promises. Go through with them or

don’t. You have to make this same choice for

this tip too.

Play Time All the Time

Your siblings always want you to play with

them and let them be the center of attention,

but sometimes you can’t and they just don’t get

that. They might throw a fit or even bother you

so much that you lose your mind. You can

solve this problem though, by doing one

simple thing. Making a promise.

The Lifesaver

When your sibling wants to do something with

you but you just can’t right now promise them

you will do it later or at another specific or

nonspecific time. This is where it gets tricky.

You can either go through with that promise

or don’t. If you go through with it then your

sibling is happy and so are you. We all know

that sometimes we just don’t want to go

through with it because we're tired or such.

The trick to not going through with your

promise is constantly holding it off for

different things such as sports until they

eventually forget about it. Be careful though

because some kids remember everything and

will make sure you go through with your


“In the end promises

are just words”

Forgive & forget,

because life goes on


Little kids love toys, definitely the new or

super cool ones. Some toys are probably

their prized possessions. This is an area of

weakness that you can take advantage of.


Siblings fight all the time and being

another kid does not give you much

authority to stop the madness. When it

comes to telling them if they don’t stop

that you will take away their toy though,

your status automatically changes. Most

kids would stop then and beg you not to

take away their toy but some kids will keep

going and pretend like they didn’t even

hear you. That's when you strike.


Go through with what you said and take

away a toy. Make sure you keep in mind a

toy that they actually care about. Once you

take it away they might start trying to grab

it from you or through a fit. This becomes

annoying so to stop this tell them that they

can earn it back later if they calm down.

Make sure you actually give it back at the

end so in the future they trust your word.

Odds are this tactic will work.

“Toys are


words and

play is their



Life can be stressful sometimes like when you

just got a lot of homework assigned and it’s due

tomorrow! You and your parents probably

understand that getting your homework done is

very important but your younger siblings

probably don’t.


They're going to be constantly bothering you and

complaining that you never play with them. This

probably makes you feel bad but they're really

just trying to trick you, so this is the way to get

them out of your hair once and for all. Just make

what you're doing sound extremely important.

Just say something like I have

been outside all day and just want

to relax or something like I have

to start homework in a few

minutes and this is my only time

to relax. Some siblings will

complain but fall for it. Just make

sure you somewhat go through

with the time period of relaxation

and such or they will figure out

you tricked them.


By saying things like if you don’t finish it you will

get a bad grade and by talking in a nervous voice.

You can do this with things that are not really

important like watching TV too.


siblings, am I



When we think of people crying, the first

thought we have probably goes to little kids

who cry all the time. Older kids cry too

though but when little kids cry everybody

starts to feel bad for them and most of the

time they end up giving in to what they want.

This almost never happens when older kids

cry. Little do you know you can use this same

tactic in a different way though.


For instance, let's say your siblings were

jumping all over you. They weren’t hurting

you, it was just very annoying. Well in this

scenario you could start acting like they're

hurting you by dramatically acting in pain

and crying. They should fall for it and get

right off you or your parents will intervene

since you're hurt and make your job much

easier. Make sure to keep up the act for a

while until they apologize and finally leave

you alone. You can do this for many other

scenarios in slightly different ways too. I’m

telling you, it works.

“It’s okay

to cry as

long as


faking it”

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