teardrops of Ra

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The cropped images of honeycomb are of a frame

removed from a hive. Honeycomb, the source of

life for growing pupae, is the storage unit for honey,

a source of nutrition that ensures the continued

survival of the hive. A hypnotic example of sacred

geometry in nature, honeycomb and beeswax

have been used by humans for centuries. My

images celebrate the magnification of something

seen and familiar, but perhaps unobserved, its

beauty remaining unappreciated. These images

are featured in the multimedia installation and the

multimedia artwork, images of the intimate world

of bees reproduced on manmade materials.

20 21

Fig 17. Kirsty Swanepoel, Vestiges of the Storm. Detail (2021).

The multimedia installation consists of framed

images of honeycomb printed on clear vinyl

and placed on plexiglass and projected. The

free-standing pine frames are based on the

design of the Langstroth hive. 1 The images

1 Patented by Reverend Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth

in 1853, this design enables frames to be removed, honey

extracted and then returned to the hive with honeycomb

intact. Bees are able to re-use honeycomb, a time and

energy saving measure. The Langstroth frames remain the

most popular frames in use today (National Inventors

Hall of Fame).

have been printed on vinyl, creating a ghostly

effect reminiscent of the past, memory and

disappearance. When the artworks are illuminated,

a shadow-image is projected on the floor. The

frames are scattered throughout the gallery space,

creating an organic path that meanders.

The multimedia artwork consists of a landscape

of honeycomb images stitched together and

populated with flowers made from deconstructed

optical fibre cable and plastic flower garlands. I

have incorporated natural honeycomb, as well as

plastic sheets of honeycomb used by beekeepers

as a foundation to assist bees in the creation of

honeycomb. This artwork comments on the

relationship between science and nature, artifice

and reality. For all our technological advances,

humans cannot re-create the natural world.

Overleaf 22 & 23:

Fig 18. Kirsty Swanepoel, Vestiges of the Storm. Installation view (2021).

Fig 19. Kirsty Swanepoel, Vestiges of the Storm. Installation view (2021).

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