teardrops of Ra

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Several works, including the 2nd century Artemis

of Ephesus statue features bees. During the

Renaissance in Europe, the honey bee was

transformed from a fertility symbol associated

with polytheism to become a Christian symbol of

eloquence. Famous examples of art featuring bees

include Venus With Cupid Stealing Honey by Lucas

Cranach the Elder (1472), The Miracle of the Bees

by Juan de Valdes Leal (1673), and the tomb of

Pope Urban VIII sculpted by Bernini between 1627

and 1647 (Wilson 2019:v).

The popularity of bees and honey with artists

has not diminished over time. In fact, the contrary

is true as artists become aware of the upsurge

in Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The artist

and activist Joseph Beuys worked with bees and

honey from the 1950s. Beuys’s Honey Pump at the

workplace installation which pumped two tons of

honey and margarine for 100 days, was exhibited

at Documenta 6 in 1977 (https://www.tate.org.uk/


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Fig 9. KKirsty Swanepoel, Vestiges of the Storm. Detail (2021).

Fig 10. Relief from the Solar Temple of Nyuserra, Fifth Dynasty.

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