How does an eCommerce Payment Gateway Function for the Firm

An eCommerce Payment Gateway allows your business to process online payments right on your website. With eMerchantPro’s expert services it becomes quite easy.

An eCommerce Payment Gateway allows your business to process online payments right on your website. With eMerchantPro’s expert services it becomes quite easy.


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How does an eCommerce Payment Gateway Function for

the Firm?

An eCommerce Company requires expansion of business around the globe. However, it won’t be

possible if the business has no path to accept online payments. Therefore, it needs a channel that

processes online payments with ease. The eCommerce Payment Gateway is a FinTech solution an

eCommerce merchant needs.

It processes the payments on the website or application and offers multiple solutions to the

merchants as well. Furthermore, a payment gateway recreates the payment experience for the

consumers, giving a boost to the business. Therefore, many service providers offer their services to

eCommerce businesses.

How does the Payment Gateway provide a solution?

A payment processing solution is not the only support that a payment gateway provides. A payment

gateway offers more than that. The features that a payment processing channel offers the merchant

and consumers make it more profound.

Card on File

One of the prime features of the payment gateway is the card on file feature. It allows the consumers

to save their transaction details and use it for future payments seamlessly. The primary part of the

features adds value to the payment experience and enhances the over brand image.

If a consumer has to enter the payment details again, it might hamper the complete experience for

the business. Therefore, the features for merchants ensure the best solutions.

Easy Checkout

The second most important feature of the payment gateway is to offer a seamless payment

experience. Payment Redirects create a massive hassle to the payment experience and break the

flow. Furthermore, reports suggest that consumers tend to abandon the payment if they face multiple


Therefore, our eCommerce Payment Gateway has an active easy checkout feature. It provides a

one-window payment processing without any redirects.


Security, in no doubt, is one of the crucial parts of a business and payments. Therefore, the payment

processing channel is PCI DSS Compliant, with multiple securities added to it.

A 3-D secure payment gateway offers the best authentication for processing payments. It works on

two-folds to provide the best payment protection.

Furthermore, there are many other passively working security features such as tokenisation, P2PE,

device identification, etc., to offer the best solution for your business.

Multiple Payment Methods

A single mode of payment limits a business to a limited consumer base. On the other hand, having

multiple payment methods allows a business, especially an eCommerce business, to reach a global

consumer base.

Therefore, eMerchantPro has many modes of payment integrated into the payment gateway. Debit

and Credit Card Processing, Bank Transfer, eWallets, eChecks, ACH, Cryptocurrency, etc., are

some payment methods.

Multiple-Currency Support

Reaching a global audience requires multiple-currency support. If there is no convenience to the

consumers, the business cannot withstand it. Hence, the eCommerce Payment Gateway accepts

all the major currencies worldwide. It ensures that your business can easily reach your target and

provide convenience to the consumers.

We can process all the major currencies such as USD, GBP, JPY, AUD, and much more. Consumers

can pay in their most preferred currency seamlessly.

Real-Time Transactions

An active and prominent feature of the payment gateway is real-time transactions and reporting. It

will be chaos if there is no timely reporting to the financial institutions. Therefore, the real-time

transactions ensure that the payment process is in real-time for every consumer.

The payment gateway actively works to keep the financial institutions updated.

What are the benefits of choosing the correct PSP?

A genuine payment service provider is the one that provides you best solution for the business

without any hassle. Therefore, there are multiple benefits to choosing the payment service provider

for your business.

Complete Merchant Assistance

Unlike other service providers, eMerchantPro offers complete merchant assistance to integrate the

eCommerce Payment Gateway to the website or application, understand your requirements for the

payment gateway, and resolve your queries and much more. Our professional and expert executive

connects with your business to provide you with a detailed solution for your business.

Easy Integration

eMerchantPro has multiple integration methods to help your business to get a payment gateway

active. The eCommerce Payment Gateway has API, HPP, SDK, and Plugin support for seamless

payment gateway integration to your website or application. These capable ways offer better

solutions to your business and make the integration process hassle-free for your business.

Fraud Prevention Systems

A dynamic system that offers fraud prevention on the payments is necessary. And with

eMerchantPro’s eCommerce Payment Gateway, the tools are working both actively and passively.

These are providing a suitable and secure payment environment and offering essentials to the


eMerchantPro uses Address Verification System, CVV Checker, Device Identification, Geolocation

Tracking, and Fraud Scoring. Other than this, multi-factor authentication works as a fraud prevention

tool too.

Chargeback Protection

Chargebacks are annoying for a business and hit the revenue and financial image hard for a

business. Hence, eMerchantPro provides complete chargeback protection to save your eCommerce

business against chargebacks up to a certain threshold.

Unlike other PSPs who offer management tools, we provide you solution that is more feasible.

24 x 7 Support

Lastly, the after-sales support with the eCommerce Payment Gateway holds no bars for problem

resolving. There can be a barrier in payment processing anytime. Thus, our expert team is always

ready to help you with it. Merchant Support is the priority of our business. Therefore, we keep

experts posted on your business.

The Technical Support is always ready with the answer to your query. Furthermore, we resolve any

problem that comes your way.

What does eMerchantPro offer your eCommerce Business?

eMerchantPro offers a complete solution for your business to process payments seamlessly. There

are multiple features for your business as well that ensures that the process streamlines.

Furthermore, additional services are also present depending upon the needs of the merchant.

eCommerce is a high-risk business and requires special attention for payment processing. Thus,

eMerchantPro has expertise in the high-risk industry, offering dedicated solutions to the eCommerce

businesses. Addressing the dynamic requirements of multiple modes of payment, currencies,

payment experience, etc., are made easy.

Lastly, merchant assistance and tech support allow your business to reach us anytime with your

problems and complaints. We will make sure that your business becomes active ASAP!

Shall we bring it to a close?

Well, that brings the content to a close! The eCommerce Payment Gateway works as the complete

solution for your business. Providing dedicated solutions to your business is what we do best.

eMerchantPro offers payment processing solutions that are not only reasonable but makes the

process streamlined.

Making the complete working of your revenue generation easy is what makes a business profound in

the eyes of the consumers. eCommerce is quite a consumer-centric corporation. Therefore, it

requires expertise from the service providers too. eMerchantPro has been in the market of high-risk

businesses such as eCommerce for a long time now.

Thus, our payment services work around the merchant’s requirements. eMerchantPro provides firm

solutions from setting up the payment gateway, adding the features, and providing after-sales

support. All of which is made to streamline the process of payment processing and offer solutions to

the merchant.

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