320 December 2021 - Gryffe Advertizer

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ward 9

Cllr Derek Bibby

ENVIRONMENT: As I write it is the mid point of the COP 26 climate change

conference in Glasgow, held amid growing concern around increased flood

risks in towns and villages across Renfrewshire. The communities of Kilbarchan,

Lochwinnoch and Howwood have seen the manifest effects of climate change over the last few

years, and as recently as August this year we were hit with what was described by Renfrewshire

Council as a 1 in 400 year event.

Predictions are that such episodes in the future will become far more common than we have

known, and those predictions with recent flooding incidents must act as a wake up call, if one

were needed, for Renfrewshire Council, SEPA and the Scottish and UK Governments. As far

as the Council is concerned its climate change group will need to develop a short term and

long term strategy, and give guidance to other council policy boards in terms of their decision


Issues that require swift attention surround improvements to the drainage infrastructure, the

prioritisation of areas particularly prone to flooding ,and the wisdom (or lack of it) in approving

the release of land for development, which is at serious risk of flooding .

POST OFFICE: Following the withdrawal of the postal service in Lochwinnoch, I have been

working with Johnstone Post Office to identify a suitable location for an outreach service that will

operate on 2 half days per week. The service will take several weeks to set up, and I have asked

Renfrewshire Leisure for approval to locate the service in the McKillop which is seen as the most

appropriate location.

McKILLOP HALL: At the time of writing, the completion date for the refurbishment of the

McKillop is January, however previous end dates and time scales have slipped, and therefore I

have asked Renfrewshire Council to seek reassurance from the contractors that there will be no

further delay.

ROAD SAFETY: A report on a new road safety policy for Renfrewshire was submitted to the

Council’s Infrastructure and Environmental Board at the beginning of November. This covers

a whole range of issues, ranging from speeding and traffic calming measures, to a mandatory

20mph speed limit, parking and pedestrian safety. This is undoubtedly a significant report and

can be found on the Council’s website.

The issues outlined are well known to residents in Kilbarchan, Howwood and Lochwinnoch

and the respective Community Councils have been working hard on specific concerns in their

villages. I want the Council to recognise this, and it is important that there is concerted pressure

to ensure the 3 villages are given a fair deal to find solutions which meet local need in regard

to road safety, and that the necessary funding is secured from the Council and the Scottish


ENDING THE YEAR: It is hard to believe that we are nearing the years end.

I want to place on record my thanks to all the community groups and individuals in Kilbarchan,

Howwood and Lochwinnoch who have worked tirelessly throughout what has been another

difficult year. After the privations of 2020, I hope that the festive season this year will return to

something like normality. Whatever your plans I wish everyone in Kilbarchan Howwood and

Lochwinnoch a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

I can be contacted on any issue at cllr.derek.bibby@renfrewshire.gov.uk or by phone on 0300

300 1274 or 07534 156007.

Cllr Andy Doig


approach the Christmas

period the season of Advent

is traditionally a period of

reflection, and I would like to

reflect and thank all community

activists for all that they bring to villages like

Lochwinnoch, Howwood, and Kilbarchan. Be

it as community councillors, litter pickers, youth

group leaders or gala day organisers, I salute

you all for the richness of commitment that you

all contribute to our communities which make

them better places to live. I realise these gifts

are not given for praise, but rarely is praise given

so I want to say thank you.

ROAD SAFETY: I have a very important update

arising from my motion to try and persuade

the Scottish Government to introduce a

national 20mph limit on residential roads

which I promoted at the Full Council meeting

in September this year. The last meeting of the

Land, Environment, and Infrastructure Board

passed a new policy that now Community

Councils can nominate roads in their area for

potential 20mph status. This does not mean

that all proposed will be accepted but it is a

major step forward in giving our villages a

stronger voice to keep our streets safer.

LOOKING OUT: I would also like to wish all my

constituents across the ward, of all faiths and

none, a very happy and joyous Christmas. As

families gather around the tree let us all try and

keep an eye on those, such as the very elderly,

who may have little or no family. Please consider

the vulnerable and less fortunate this Christmas

and do all you can to help them. Family should

be the keynote of every Christmas so please

think of those you have and hold dear, and

those that are no longer with us, but that are

sorely missed.

I do not have advice surgeries in the month of

December, but constituents can get me at any

time either by calling me on 07534 148224, or

e-mailing me at cllr.andy.doig@renfrewshire.

gov.uk. My advice surgeries will resume in

January 2022.

local community, local business, local life ......... 20

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