5 Tips to Prepare Your Child for COVID-19 Testing

You can rather dissuade their fears and apprehensions by sharing age-appropriate information about the Drive Through Testing Santa Clara. We provide highly reliable and durable Aluminum Tent Solutions in Canada and Drive through Testing tents for the health sector.

You can rather dissuade their fears and apprehensions by sharing age-appropriate information about the Drive Through Testing Santa Clara. We provide highly reliable and durable Aluminum Tent Solutions in Canada and Drive through Testing tents for the health sector.


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5 Tips to Prepare Your Child

for COVID-19 Testing

Lantier Tent Structures

• While the monster of COVID-19 still lurks around, the

availability of vaccination has somewhat allowed controlling

this menace. With that, almost the world is getting back to

normal life. However, we need to take preventive and

cautious measures. Symptoms like flu, sore throats, or

temperature have a whole new meaning because of COVID,

which has led to the introduction of new health policies. As

per the new policy, children are required to get their COVID-

19 testing, to ensure that they are safe to return to schools.

Nasopharyngeal swabs (also called “nasal swabs”) or throat

swabs are being taken frequently for COVID-19 testing.

• Although, this new testing method is pain-free, yet it requires

children to be prepared for giving the sample. In this article,

we have discussed the top five tips to prepare your children

for Covid testing. Let’s take a look.

Share child-friendly Information

• Children tend to get upset at the mere thought of testing, vaccination,

laboratories, clinics, and other health facilities. The majority of parents

think it is better not to share all the details when it comes to any kind of

medical procedure. We recommend the complete opposite of this. To

prepare a child for comfortable sample giving, it is important to share

the complete information with them because in case of incomplete

information they will use their imagination to fill in the missing parts.

They might paint their perception with scarier images. You can rather

dissuade their fears and apprehensions by sharing age-appropriate

information about the Drive Through Testing Santa Clara.

• Designing a story out of it will not only get them excited but also help in

reducing fears regarding testing. Be open with them about the place

where they will go, people who will be there, the length of time it will

take, how the sample would be taken, and whether or not they’d feel

anything. Using neutral language and sticking to the facts is the key to

getting your kids ready for testing. Describe the how the swab would

feel like. You can also use pictures and videos created for preparing

children for COVID-19.

Devise a Coping Plan

• If your children are feeling nervous about testing, you can

devise strategies to help them deal with this nervousness

and help them calm down. Regardless of the age of children,

they can be benefitted from a coping plan. Older children

somewhat know what helps them in their state of

nervousness, so you might want to offer them various

choices so that they don’t get a feeling of being imposed with

a relaxing activity. Devising a coping plan is important so that

you know what to do if you come across any tricky aspects

regarding your child. A plan prepares you and them for the

situation ahead, before time.

Engaged in fun Activities

• You have invested a lot of your time in preparing your child to

go for Covid testing, but it is taking forever in the waiting

lounge for your turn. You don’t want your efforts to go down

the drain because of the long waiting time which has bored

and even frustrated your child to an extent that he doesn’t

want to spend one more minute in that medical facility.

During the waiting time keep your child engaged in

something fun or exciting. Talk to them about their favorite

movie, cartoon character, tv show, music, etc. You can make

it more fun by telling riddles or jokes.

• If multiple family members have gone for testing, get the

relaxed child tested first of all. He will set an example for the

others while being a delight himself during the testing phase.

If the children are fidgeting, an elder or either parent can go

first to show how easy and quick the test can be.

Use Comfort Positioning

• When giving the sample, make sure that the child is in a

comfortable position. A restrained position rattles and scares

children, making things worse for you. Parents must sit side

by side with the children to keep them calm during a drivethrough

testing site. You can make things more desirable by

wrapping your arm around the child or making a younger

child sit in your lap during testing.

• Parents know their children well; they can identify what

soothes their children during a challenging time. It could be a

hug, holding a hand, putting a hand on the forehead, and so


Deep Breaths and Counting

• If the anxiety persists, tell your child to close their eyes and

take deep breaths. You can also tell them to count to take

their minds off the stress even more, and engage it on

something else.

Lantier Tent Structures

• We provide highly reliable and durable Aluminum Tent

Solutions Canada and Drive through Testing tents for the

health sector. You can get ready-made solutions as well

customized tenting solutions as per your needs. To know

more about tenting solutions or get price quotations, get in

touch with us.


• Address: 900 Brookside Dr, Richmond, CA 94801

• Phone: (510) 236-0111

• Email: info@ictents.com

• Website: www.lantierstructures.com

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